Finding Jordie: Things aren't always what they seem. (The Love Lies Bleeding Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Finding Jordie: Things aren't always what they seem. (The Love Lies Bleeding Series Book 1)
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It was about six P.M. when we emerged from the bedroom. Frank was going through some paperwork at the desk. He took his glasses off and put them down on top of a pile of papers.

“About time you two came up for some air.”

“Ha-ha.” Nathan grinned.

Frank looked at me. “Jordie, what are your plans later tonight?”

“I need to stop in at the bar and I need some food. I’m starving. After that nothing.”

“Why? What’s up?” Nathan asked.

“I have some questions,” Frank said kind of wearily as if he was dancing around his real objective. Nathan eyed him suspiciously for a brief moment and then his face changed as if he understood.

“What?” I shifted my gaze back and forth between the two of them.

“Not now, Jordan. I have some more reading to do.” He gestured to the desk. “You two go eat and do whatever it is you need to do.” He walked back over to the desk.

“Come eat with us, please? I haven’t seen you eat anything since the sandwich I gave you.”

“I assure you, Jordie, I’m well fed and rested. May I remind you approximately three hours have passed since you saw me last?” He twisted his lip up in a matter-of-fact grin.

“Hollerrr.” I chuckled.

“That is so endearing that you and Ms. Fallon do that.” He let out a small laugh and shook his head.

Ms. Fallon? How did he know Rachel’s last name? I didn’t think I’d ever told Nathan. In fact, I knew I hadn’t because Rachel loathed her last name, said it was just a reminder of a deadbeat fuck-wad who never gave a shit about her. But maybe she’d told Tyler and Tyler told Nathan or something.

“Charles is posted at the door. He’ll take you two wherever you need to go. I’ll meet you both back at the apartment about nine. Here are the keys to the new locks, and also the remotes to arm and disarm the security system. Promise me you’ll utilize this at all times.” Frank’s tone was one of parent to child as he handed me four sets of keys, each with its own remote.

“Aye-aye, Cappy.” I saluted. I noticed each remote had a name on it. Jordan, Emma, Rachel, and spare. “What’s with the assigned remotes?”

“That’s so there is a record of who entered and when,” Frank said.

“Guess your name is ‘spare’ for the time being.” I handed Nathan the spare set. “Okay, I need to call Emma.” I looked around for my phone. I’d thought I’d left it on the counter but it wasn’t there.

“Oh, Jordie, here ya go.” Frank handed me a phone, and it took me a second to realize it wasn’t the same one I had just upgraded.

“I had a new phone sent here. I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of calling for you. You had so much on your plate already. Everything’s been transferred over already. It’s charged and ready to go.” He cowered back a bit as if he expected me to explode or have another hissy fit.

“Thank you, Frank.”

His face relaxed. “That bad boy is top of the line, missy. Nobody can crack that thing. Completely secure.” He was visibly excited about its specs.

“Okay, I’m going to call Emma and have a smoke. I’ll be out on the balcony.” I turned to give Nathan a quick kiss.

“I’ll go finish packing up the bags and be out in a few minutes,” Nathan said as he walked out. I told Kelly that I was considering taking Emma to L.A. for a week and asked for her opinion. She suggested I get her schoolwork and let her stay with them in Jersey so I could get a break from everything. When I hesitated she pointed out that security was not an issue and then pretty much demanded I leave Emma with her.

“Besides, the kids would love it.”

“I’ll let ya know. I love you, doubt it, bye!” I said before she could and hung up. Once I was off the phone I realized Nathan hadn’t come out like he’d said he was going to so I went in to see what he was doing.

He was leaning against the wall with his phone to his ear. “That’ll do it, thank you. Just address it to Ms. Rachel Fallon.” He was quiet for a moment. “Tonight by eight P.M. if possible. I know, I’m sorry. It’s important though. Thanks again. See you in a few days, Lila. Take care. Bye.”

“What are you sending to Rachel, and how do you guys know her last name? I never told you.” I squinted at him suspiciously.

“Oh, hi, I... I didn’t know you were in here.” He walked over and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Avoiding my questions?” I laughed as I went to grab the bags.

He immediately took them from me.

“I can carry bags, Nathan.” I rolled my eyes and took them back from him.

“I know you can, but you don’t have to is the point I am trying to make. And to answer your question, after the break in Frank did background checks on everyone, with their permission of course.” He took the bags out of my hands again.

Pick your battles.
“Oh, okay, one down. Next question, what are you sending to Rachel?”

“Just a thank you present for all she has done for you the past few days, and hopefully will do for you while we’re away in L.A.” He grinned, twitching his lips back and forth like he was the master of some evil plan.

“I told you I’d talk to her. Bribery won’t work with Rachel.”

“We shall see.” He dropped the bags to lay a kiss on me that made my brain turn to mush as my belly twisted in bliss.

“All right, as much as I’d love to do many things in this bed with you, mister...”

“And on that counter and that table...”

I slapped his arm lightly. “Yes, all of the above, but I need food. Seriously, I’m starving.” I leaned back so that our hips were still pinned together.

“Let’s go then. Quit seducing me, woman.” He snorted and picked the bags back up.

* * *

We pulled up to my place around eight forty-five. The line for the bar was down the block, a little bit longer than the norm but nothing out of control, pretty average for a Saturday night. No paps. That was a huge relief. Nathan got out first and extended his hand to help me out.

“Thank you, handsome.”

“Anything for you, gorgeous.” He tipped a pretend hat.

Oh my. If I heard anyone else talk like that I’d gag.
But it wasn’t anyone else, it was me, and that man made my tummy perform back flips.

“Charles, can you leave the car here so we can grab the bags before we go upstairs? We need to stop at the bar first,” Nathan said.

“If you’d like, sir, I can bring them up for you,” Charles said.

“No thanks. You’re security, not my bellhop. I appreciate it though.”

“Honestly, sir. I don’t mind. This way I can give the place a brief once over as well before you and Ms. Jordie go up.”

“Well, all right, when you put it that way. Thanks.” Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys.

“I’ll park, bring the bags up, and wait for you outside the bar entrance.” Charles got back in the car.

“Sounds good.” Nathan closed the door. He stopped to take a few pictures and sign some stuff before we went into the bar.

“That’s becoming routine,” I joked with Nathan as we approached Mike. I gave Mike a hug, and he and Nathan shook hands. He reported how the evening had been going so far and they made some idle chitchat. Mike acted sort of off around Nathan, but I just chalked it up to having someone new in my life and Mike being the “overbearing protective big brother I never wanted” type.

Behind the bar, Rachel and Amber were really hustling. Rachel’s mouth was moving a mile a minute—
no surprise there
—but she was smiling. Usually by this point she’d be in full-blown bitch attack mode. Very odd. Amber looked pretty content as she worked.
Damn, look at that shirt. Rach wasn’t kidding when she said she knew how to work the titties.
I laughed to myself. In the far corner Carlos kept careful watch on top of a speaker, and Isobel had made her way through the crowd back to the bar, holding a full tray of empty glasses and bottles. The place was packed.

“Rachel!” I tried to yell over the music and crowd. That wasn’t going to work. “Rachel!” I screamed again louder inching up closer to the bar. She lit up like a fucking Christmas tree when she saw me.
Well, damn. She’s happy to see me.

“Oh my fucking god!” She stopped what she was doing and hopped over the bar, shoving any and all bodies that were in between her and me out of the way. I went to give her a hug but she pushed right past me and launched herself around Nathan.

“Uhhhhh. What the fuck?” I laughed in wonder.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she screamed as she detached herself from Nathan and turned to hug me.

“Jordie, I love this fucker!” She hopped back over the bar.

“What did I miss?” I was still completely clueless as to why she was acting like that.

“Let’s just say bribery does work with Rachel.” He shrugged and gave me a sly grin. I leaned over the bar to tell Rachel I’d see her tomorrow.

“Holler!” She nodded to me with a huge and so non-Rachel smile.

When I asked Isobel how she was doing, the kid was all smiles and said, “Perfect!”

I pointed to the door and took Nathan’s hand.

“They’re fine without me,” I said to him when we got outside. I guess he picked up on the hint of sadness in my voice.

“Does that bother you?” He gave me a surprised look.

“A little, I guess.” I was slightly embarrassed once I heard it out loud. I had no reason to be upset. If anything I should have been ecstatic. I had a great business with employees I could trust to take care of it while I was away. “It’s just a shitty feeling not being needed, I guess.” I sulked as we walked past the line. With Charles in front of us for crowd control Nathan was able to get away with just a few smiles and hellos. We continued to my place.

“Jordie, it’s a
thing. Besides, you are

He stopped when we reached the sidewalk and threw me over his shoulder. He held me by my ass, which was stuck in the air, as my hair swung, brushing against the back of his legs.

“Put me down!” I squealed playfully as I smacked his behind. When we reached my steps he put me right side up on a step above him so we were eye level with each other.

“More than needed, you are mandatory.” He grinned and gave me a quick smooch.

Yum. In bed now,
was all I could think. I singled out my door key and shoved it in the lock hastily.

“The—” Nathan and Charles started to say but it was too late. The alarm began to blare before they could finish. “Alarm,” Nathan shouted as he laughed.

“Oh, this fucking thing, see...” I clamped my hands over my ears and stomped my foot. Nathan took the key from the lock and hit a button on the remote.

“You’ll get used to it,” he assured me with a grin.

Once inside I looked over to where my machine used to be and was instantly reminded of the creepy man. I picked up the phone and check the caller ID. He hadn’t called back since. Not on the home, cell, or bar number since last night. Maybe he got the hint. I shuddered as I hit the kitchen for some wine. No sooner did my ass hit the couch than the buzzer went off.

Nathan was already back down from bringing the bags upstairs. “I got it,” he said when I went to stand up. He pointed for me to sit back down.

Hey, who the hell am I to argue with him?

“Frank?” He pressed the speaker button.

“Yes, Nate.” Frank’s voice sounded hollow through the little speaker.

Nathan buzzed him in and opened the door.

“Hey, kids.” Frank greeted us when he walked in.

“Hey, Frank.” I smiled, and I don’t know why but once I saw him all that angst and uneasiness washed away. I guessed I just felt better knowing how serious Frank was about his job and protecting us—or shit, maybe it was just the wine.

“Must be official business. You have your man purse,” I said in a teasing voice.

“It’s a large satchel and, yes, this is official business.” One corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile.

“It’s an effin’ man purse, dude.” I laughed.

“What’s up?” Nathan jumped in with a serious tone.

Well, who pissed in your Corn Flakes? Damn, all right, maybe it is the wine after all.

“Jordie, I have some questions for you. I don’t know how sensitive you are about the subject, but I need you to keep in mind I’m only asking so we can have every advantage in finding out who’s harassing you. So I really need to ask you this stuff. Okay?” He was speaking to me like I was five years old again.

“It really annoys me when you guys treat me like I’m some frail being that can’t wipe her own ass.” I hauled myself to my feet to get a refill on my wine. “Okay, shoot. What am I not supposed to be able to handle?” I smiled sarcastically.

He was hesitant. “I have to ask you questions about your deceased husband, Jordie.”

“Really, Frank?” I threw my head back and let out a loud laugh. “This is what you’re tip-toeing around? What do you want to know? Better yet, hold on.” I set my glass down on the table and went to the hall closet. I pulled out a medium-sized brown cardboard box with
scrawled across the lid. I walked back to the guys and placed it on the floor in front of Frank’s feet. I took a seat, picking up my wine glass.

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