Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) (8 page)

Read Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Contempory D/s Erotic Romance

BOOK: Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1)
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Upon entering the house, Preston turned to her. “I’m going to put your waiting bench in the den where it will be of benefit to you.” He winked at her, and laughed. “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nap or watch a movie in the family room. I’d think after your busy night, your spanking today, and everything else you’ve had to deal with you must be exhausted. I’ll cook dinner after you wake up, or we can order pizza.”

“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go to bed. I’m tired and didn’t sleep last night. When Lloyd brings my clothes you can wake me up.”

As Avery climbed the stairs, Preston could see her pink bottom peeking out from under his dress shirt. He wanted to touch that hot, silky skin again; she had the most adorable, spankable ass.

“Unless there’s something you need to say to him, I’ll let you sleep, sweetheart. Your health is more important at this time.”

She stopped on the stairs, looking back at him. “Thank you, Preston. I’ll see you for dinner. Oh, and by the way—” Avery rolled her eyes, pointing at the bench “—that isn’t my waiting bench.”

Preston laughed, watching her go up the stairs, wondering how it was possible he was already attracted to the little spitfire. Now, if he could only figure out a way to rein in some of that fire… she might be the most fascinating woman he’d ever met.








Chapter 6


“Avery, come on, it’s time to get up. I have to leave for work and
have to clean.” Preston shook her again, trying to rouse her. “Avery! C’mon girl, up!”

“Mmmmm. Go away!” Avery rolled over, throwing the covers over her head.

“Avery! You have to the count of three to get out of bed and start your day.” Preston pulled the fluffy down comforter off of her, grabbing the sheet next. Avery was only wearing a little white tank top, and her white bikini panties had partially fallen off of her while she was asleep. He held her in place with his left hand and swatted her bottom and thighs hard, five times. A red stain quickly appeared on her bare bottom and the outlines of his fingers were seen on her thighs. She screeched and leapt out of bed with both of her hands on her bottom. In that moment she was still naughty, but Preston thought she was absolutely adorable. Tears brimmed from her fiery sapphire eyes.

“What the fuck!” She was so angry she was gritting her teeth. “That wasn’t nice and it really,

Preston couldn’t help but let a small smile curl his lips. “I tried waking you twice, princess, warning you that you had three seconds to get out of bed. I bet when I say the same thing tomorrow, your little ass will be happy to get out of bed at six thirty, won’t it?’

She stood, rubbing her bottom. “I guess. I don’t like morning and I
don’t like people making me mad.”

“Me too, sweetheart. I’m not enjoying this either. Well… not much, anyway.” He put his hand out, beckoning her to come to him. “Let’s start our morning over again. C’mere.”

She pushed her lip out into an adorable pout and came shuffling over to him, putting her nose into his chest. “I’m sorry. I just don’t like morning very much. And my bottom really hurts now.”

“I’m sorry, too. Not about your little spanking, but that you forced my hand… so to speak.” He winced, then pulled her chin up, smiling at her. “Bad joke. How did you sleep? Do you like the bed?”

“I slept great — that’s why I didn’t want to wake up. I can’t remember the last time I slept this well.”

“It’s the fresh air.” He stroked a thumb across her chin. “Let’s go get some coffee.”

* * *


Avery resisted the urge to rub her bottom and walked down the stairs behind him. It seemed like she was always following him — he just assumed she would be following. He never even looked over his shoulder.

Sunshine poured through the window over the sink, bathing the kitchen in warm, bright light. The while tile of the counter tops had been scrubbed until they sparkled. The space smelled of lemon cleaner and coffee. Blessed coffee. Preston set two red mugs out on the counter, pouring warm coffee into them, the steam rising and filling the kitchen with its fragrance. There was a warmth and a hominess about the house that Avery found unusual for a single guy. Funny that he would have crockery on the counter, curtains on the windows. It was unusual to see a guy who cared this much about how something was presented. Maybe it was because he was older than she was; she was used to guys who were a lot younger. If she’d known that this is what mature men did, she would’ve checked into dating an older man a lot sooner.

She watched him putting creamer into a small pitcher and noted he even had a sugar bowl with a delicate sugar spoon. A man who put that much thought into details might be just as attentive to a relationship, it seemed to her. Odd that he didn’t have a wife or girlfriend. She wondered if he being an attorney might’ve taken up too much of his life, leaving him little time to meet people.

“I’ve left a list of tasks for today. You’ll be cleaning out one of the rooms upstairs, which shouldn’t take too long. Then I want you to dust and vacuum the downstairs rooms. I know that the formal living room is a mess, and as I said before, we’ll tackle that together.” He paused, putting her list on the kitchen table. “You’ll then make something for dinner. The freezer is stocked and you should be able to find something to cook between that and the pantry.”

“Uh, big guy, I don’t cook. At all. Ever.”

“That’s changing today.” He dipped his chin pointedly looking at her. “I’m sure you can defrost something and put it on the grill or bake it in the oven. I expect these chores to be done when I get home. We’re focusing on increasing your responsibility. It’s a character trait that is essential in adults, and you, my girl, appear to be lacking in this area.”

Avery scowled, but chose to keep her mouth shut. He could leave lists and tell her what she was going to do and not going to do, but she was used to having her own way. As soon as he left, she would do enough to keep him quiet and then lie in the sun.

Maybe she’d see if she could find that key to the secret building in the backyard.

“Don’t decide to defy me on this, Avery. Obedience is in your best interest.”

Avery smiled sweetly. “Of course, Preston. Your house will be clean and spotless, Master. No dust, and your dinner on the table punctually at five-thirty. Anything else, Sir? I’m here as your servant, Sir.”

“Attitude, Avery.
. It’s not too early to paddle your bottom if that’s what you’re pushing for this early. My hand is always at the ready and I believe your clean wooden spoon is right behind you, too.” He nodded toward the utensil crock.

“God, do you have a sense of humor at all?” Avery rolled her eyes.

“Not when it comes to responsibility. It’s important. I can’t stress this enough. I’m trusting your word. I’ll see you at five-thirty tonight. Behave!”

Avery quickly got dressed in a pair of Capri yoga pants and a University of Tennessee t-shirt. Throwing her hair into a high pony tail on the crown of her head, she made her way downstairs to start her chores. She knew she had to get a head start on them before she’d be able to lie in the sun. Looking around, she found a stereo system and plugged her iPod in, cranking the music up. Dancing around as she worked, she actually began having some fun while she cleaned.

It wasn’t so bad — Preston basically had the downstairs pretty clean. She was once again surprised at how well he’d decorated and cleaned the house. With a wet cloth, she cleaned all the knick knacks on the shelves and tables, polishing the furniture with the lemon spray cleaner she found in the kitchen. She vacuumed all the furniture, and by the time she finished, the rooms downstairs were clean and the house smelled heavenly.

She went up to tackle the room upstairs. When she opened the door to the bed room, it smelled musty and…
. Like an attic or some old book at the flea market. The dust kicked up, twisting and twirling upon the air currents, looking almost like smoke wafting through the sun-soaked room. She sighed — this wasn’t going to be fun. The first thing she did was take the linens off the bed to wash them, then she dusted as well as she could. If all the rooms in the house looked like this, they would have their work cut out of them. Well,
have her work cut out for her. According to Preston, it was going to be her job to clean these rooms.

She decided she didn’t feel like dealing with the knick knacks or furniture. If she changed the bed, dusted, and vacuumed, that would be enough. She might even clean the windows, if time permitted. But it was bright and warm outside, and she wanted to lie in the sun before it became too late in the day. Avery quickly finished up, finding new linens in the closet down the hall, and making the bed.

Avery was a little surprised at how much her bottom hurt. Between her paddling the night before and her spanking this morning for not getting up, it hurt a
. She felt the dull ache every time she bent over, her panties rubbing against inflamed skin. She walked over to the stand-up, oval mirror in the corner, pulling her panties down to look at her bottom. She had a couple purple oval marks on her bottom. Pressing on them, she hissed at the pain. She had a few areas that were pink and a couple marks on her hips that looked like the outline of his fingers. She took her hand and pressed them into the outlines, noting with a shiver how much bigger they were than her small fingers.

That man sure spanks hard!

Avery remembered how he had pulled her panties down to spank her bare bottom with the spoon. The humiliation of it all, the pain. But she also remembered how her clit had throbbed when she was pulled over his lap. He had commented that she was quiet and she was pretty sure he thought it was because she was afraid. However, the real reason she was so quiet was because she was trying to not rub herself on his thigh. The urge to grind her pussy on him was almost more than she could control.

Just thinking about it had her pussy dripping. Her clit was pounding and the need to rub it overcame her. She took her jeans and panties off and laid on her back on the bed, her knees up and splayed. She dipped her finger into her pussy, bringing the juices up to her clit, lightly circling it with feather touches. Her hips thrust upward when she spasmed, her arousal climbing, pressing her hand into her pubic bone then pushing downward to press against her clit. Her other hand found her nipples under her bra, pinching and pulling them, her eyes rolling back at the stimulation. Soon, her thighs were quivering and Avery bit her bottom lip to suppress a shout, a groan escaping her throat. As her arousal rose, she pressed her thighs together, letting her labia rub on her now distended clit. Inserting two fingers into her channel, she pressed her thumb into her clit. Pushing her hips up, Avery used her other hand to press on the sore areas on her bottom, awakening the memory of her spanking and the stinging swats from Preston’s hard hand. When she pressed on the bruises from the spoon, the pain combined with the pressure on her clit, threw her into her orgasm with a muffled shout. Finally, she dropped her hips and quietly lay on the bed, coming back to reality, stroking her clit and nipples until she was completely relaxed and sated.

After a few minutes she rose from the bed, making her way down the hall to her room, looking through the suitcase Lloyd had brought. There was enough clothing packed to last her for a while. Thankfully, Lloyd had packed her bathing suit, too. She pulled off her top and bra slipping into the royal blue bikini. Now, she just had to hope that Preston had a lounge chair so she wasn’t forced to lie on the wooden deck. She slid open the sliding glass doors from the family room and stepped onto the beautiful deck. The wood had been freshly stained and there were wooden planters with red and white geraniums.

And, yes, there were wonderfully cushioned lounge chairs.

* * *


Preston was done with court and had turned on his computer at work to see what Avery was up to at the house. She had not a clue that he had cameras in the house, but it was time to see if she was behaving and being responsible. He had installed cameras, unbeknownst to Miss Avery. She was a virtual stranger, who had stolen Rolex watches, it only made sense to protect his interests and his property.

What in the name of Hell is she doing?

Preston leaned forward at his desk to look closer, expanding the window to full screen on his monitor. Miss Avery Rose was standing with her pants and panties pulled down, looking at her bottom in the mirror. That beautiful, round bottom was still pink and there were some definite spoon-shaped bruises on her flesh. Preston felt a twinge of guilt. He hated when he left marks. It was his intention to get his point across, but to never injure. His logical mind knew that it was difficult to prevent bruises unintentionally, but still, he did his best to avoid them. She began rubbing, her tentative fingers pressing on the bruises.

Why did that turn him on?

His cock stirred watching her with her pants at half mast and… what was that?


She was actually smiling at the marks on her bottom. Did women delight in that? Well, Avery definitely did.

Then she placed her hand atop one of the starker red splotches across her hip, her fingers moving, lining themselves up with what he realized was the outline his own fingers had left on her skin, no doubt from the quick but hard spanking he’d given her that morning. She hissed as she pressed on the bruises.

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