Finding Sunshine (12 page)

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Authors: Rene Webb

BOOK: Finding Sunshine
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“This doesn’t count as our first time together,” he whispers into my ear, nipping it gently.


Raising myself up on my elbows and turning my head to look back at him, I smile, asking, “Why? Do you have a three-date rule? Because this could technically be our third date.”

“No,” he chuckles, tapping my bottom gently before he grabs a confident hold of my hips.

Moaning, I push back into him and feel the tip of his erection against my dripping sex.

“Please, Aaron,” I beg, gasping as he slowly pushes into me, stretching me open with his thick, hard length.

Golly, I’ve never felt this full.

“Fuck, Sunshine. You’re so tight. I’m not going to last very long,” he growls, leaning over and nipping my shoulder. His hard body presses me further into the counter. The throbbing sensation in my breasts returns as Aaron slowly begins to rock us back and forth.

I push my hips back, seeking even more contact with him. Holding one of my hips in his hand, he pushes me down on the counter with the other, just hard enough to make me feel thoroughly claimed. Aaron then begins to move more rapidly, pounding into me like a man possessed.


“Aaron,” I gasp. My body is so overloaded with sensation—the stinging of my backside, the fullness of my sex, and my throbbing breasts—I don’t know what to feel

“Are you close, Sunshine?” Aaron’s breathing has changed to a desperate pant.

“Yes!” I gasp. Closing my eyes, I let every sensation coursing through my body envelope me. The feel of Aaron’s thick hardness possessing me, the burn of my breasts, the feel of his large, hard body overpowering mine, my man’s unique, warm masculine scent, and the feel of his hot breath on the back of my neck.

.” I moan loudly as a flash of heat rushes through my body. My sex begins to spasm in a seemingly never-ending orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure courses through me, while Aaron continues his near frantic rhythm.

Oh my Goddess!

“Fuck!” Aaron makes several quick, jerking motions as he lets go, coming. “That’s it, Sunshine. Squeeze my cock.” With one final thrust, he plants himself deep inside. Moving his hands off my hips, he leans over me, placing his forearms on the counter next to mine. Taking hold of my hands, he laces our fingers together. His hair tickles me as he tucks his face into my neck. We stay motionless this way for a long while, both breathing hard.

Golly! There’s nothing better than the feeling of my man surrounding me.

Turning my head, I stare into his bright blue, contented eyes, and lazily smile. Stretching slightly, I kiss him leisurely, humming with pleasure.

“That was fuckin’ amazing, but it didn’t last long enough to count,” Aaron whispers against my lips.

“Next time.” I lick his lips and tease him into another gentle kiss.

Aaron lets go of my hands and rights himself. We both groan in protest as he slowly pulls himself from my sated body.

“Stay just like that, and don’t move,” he commands, gently moving my ponytail aside and leaving several kisses on the back of my neck. Aaron then moves away. I turn my head and watch as he walks over towards the sink, discarding the condom in the trashcan underneath.

After straightening himself out and zipping his pants back up, he moves to stand behind me.

“How are you doing?” Crouching down, he leaves a gentle kiss on the places he spanked before pulling back up my underwear and leggings.

“Never better.” I giggle, still coming out of my post-orgasmic fog and back into reality.

Golly, he knew what he was doing!

Standing behind me, Aaron runs his hands along my sides. As I straighten up, he whispers softly in my ear, “I can’t stop touching you, Sunshine.”

“I’m not complaining,” I laugh, turning to wrap my arms around his waist.

Standing on my tiptoes, I touch his warm lips with my own, kissing him slowly. Running my hands along his back, I begin tugging at the long-sleeved t-shirt he’s wearing, pulling it so I can sneak my hands underneath, desperately wanting to feel his warm skin.

Next time we’re together, I plan on us both being naked. I missed out on seeing my gorgeous man’s body, on touching and tasting his skin. Not that I’m complaining!

Aaron groans into my mouth as he slides his hands down my lower back. Cupping my bottom gently, he pulls me closer. I explore his skin with my touch, my nails scratching him lightly as I go.

Leaving his lips, I trail kisses along his roughly stubbled jaw and neck, tasting the chill that still clings to his exposed skin. A rough hand moves up to cup the back of my head and directs my mouth back into a desperate kiss, tongues battling and teeth clashing passionately.

After several breathless moments, Aaron places both of his hands on my hips and pushes himself away. Leaning down, he rests his forehead on my own, tickling my face with his ragged breathing. My breathing is labored, and once again, hot desperation is coursing through me.

I’ve never felt this kind of burning need for someone before. Especially after having such a spectacular orgasm.

“How many scoops?”

“What?” I ask confused, staring into his heated gaze.

“How many scoops of ice cream do you want in your sundae?” he asks, moving to extricate himself from my hold. My hands are pulled out from underneath his shirt and away from the wonderfully hard warm muscles of his back.

, t-two please,” I stammer, coming back to my senses.

“Okay,” he says, stepping away from me and running his hands through his hair, then tucking it behind his ears. “I’ll scoop the ice cream for us.”

“Do you want chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, or peanut butter?”

“Peanut butter,” he says, grinning.

“Okay. I’ll heat it up, along with the chocolate syrup.” I say, taking the containers and popping them into the microwave.

While waiting, I begin going through the other toppings that Aaron had brought over. “I’ve never had marshmallows before,” I say, opening the bag and picking up the tiny, squishy blob. It feels oddly chalky on the outside.

“How’s that even possible?”

“They’re made with gelatin.”

“You’re not allergic, are you?” he asks concerned, pausing in his struggle to scoop the ice cream as he reaches over to pluck it out of my fingers.

“No,” I say grabbing it back. “My dad is Hindu.” Seeing the confused look on Aaron’s face, I add, “Cows are sacred, so we don’t eat them.”

“Whawt daws that hafta do with these?” he asks, his mouth full of mini-marshmallows.

“Gelatin is usually made of cow hooves or cow hides. Really, anything with collagen in it.”

Scrunching up his nose adorably, he moves quickly over towards the sink. “That’s fuckin’ disgusting,” he says, spitting out the marshmallows.

“You probably don’t want to know where half the things you eat come from.” I laugh as his washes his mouth out from the tap. I opt not to tell him that some ice cream brands also add gelatin to their products.
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

“True. There goes my love of peeps. Easter is never going to be the same again,” he laments, causing me to giggle at his melodramatics.

“So, what else should I be avoiding if I don't want a fuckin’ cow’s hoof in my mouth?” he asks, moving back to finish scooping our ice cream.

“Definitely Jell-O,” I say, taking the warmed chocolate syrup and peanut butter out from the microwave.

“What? No!” he says, pained.

“Afraid so,” I laugh at his dramatics.

“I wonder if Sarah knows. She loves eating fruit filled Jell-O for dessert,” he says, moving his bowl of ice cream in front of me. Then, taking the chocolate syrup, he begins pouring it over my ice cream. “Say when.”

“When,” I say, when he’s covered my ice cream with plenty of liquid chocolaty goodness.

“Where is Russell tonight?” I grab the jar of peanut butter and, taking a spoon, drizzle it over his chocolate ice cream. Handing him the can of whipped cream, I indicate that I want some.

“He’s at home with Sarah,” he says, handing me back the can of whipped cream and grabbing the bottle of jimmies. I watch as he scrutinizes the ingredient label, no doubt looking for gelatin.

“Don’t worry. They’re just sugar and food coloring,” I say, grinning at him. “You know, Russell’s welcome to come over here.”

“I didn’t want him stealing all of your attention,” he says with a smile, though I can’t help but wonder if he’s being somewhat serious. Russell is totally adorable and warrants said attention. And truthfully, I’m not sure I’d have wanted to do what Aaron and I just did with an audience.

Grabbing the can of whipped cream off the counter, I tilt it upside down, spraying the creamy reward right into my mouth.

“What are you doing?” he asks, grinning.

After swallowing, I shake the can at him and ask, “Want some?”

“Sure,” he says, putting down the bottle of jimmies and reaching out to take the can from me.

“I’ll do it.” I offer, grinning. Standing on tiptoes and balancing myself with one hand on his shoulder, I reach up to spray the topping in his mouth. “Open up.”

Aaron smiles, and resting his hands on my hips, does as directed. Feeding him a small amount, I watch as he swallows it with a smile.

“Give me that,” he says, grabbing the can from me and hooking me around my waist with his free arm.

“Hold still,” he says, as he sprays a dollop on the tip of my nose. I can’t help but laugh and squirm as the cool whipped cream tickles my skin.

“What are you doing?”

“Hold still,” Aaron replies. Leaning down, he sucks the melting cream off my nose. The way he gently flicks the tip of my nose with his tongue causes my clit to throb in jealousy and

“I was right. Tastes much better on you,” he says hoarsely, licking his lips as his eyes darken before me. I melt further into his chest, and wrapping my arms around his neck, I tug his head down until I’m able to taste his lips on my tongue.


Chapter Nine

~ Aaron ~

“Aaron, please stop! Oh my Goddess!” Nina laughs uncontrollably, as I pin her to the couch, tickling her sides relentlessly. The sound isn’t the gentle giggle that I can’t get enough of, but loud and full of joy.

“Admit it, first.”

“Fine! You’re the king of sundae makers,” she says loudly, gasping for breath.

“See? I knew you’d agree.” I reluctantly straighten up, sit on the couch next to her, and reach over to grab her quickly melting sundae from the end table.

“You almost made me pee my pants,” she says with an adorably exaggerated pout. Sitting up, she reaches for the other sundae, which I’d placed on the floor nearby before attacking her.

“I’m glad you didn’t. That’s one kink I’m not into,” I laugh. With my free hand, I spoon some of her ice cream and feed it to her.

I watch her swallow and lick her lips invitingly, before she replies, “Me either. I don’t do watersports.”

“You know what that is?” I ask, clearly surprised that she knows the terminology, let alone that urinating on someone could even be a kink.
A fucking gross, unhygienic one!

“I read,” she states superiorly, before accepting another bite of her sundae. She adds with a smile, “I don’t do scat either. That’s a hard limit.”

“Fuck, me too!” I laugh. Leaning over towards her, I let her feed me another delicious bite of the sundae she made me. After swallowing, I kiss her quickly. Grinning, I say, “So, tell me about these books you’ve read.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Nina teases, reaching over to spoon another melting bite of creamy deliciousness into her mouth. The visual renders me unable to form a coherent response.

After making our sundaes, we had moved to cuddle on the couch, where we began feeding each other bites of our sundaes and tasting the sweet coldness from each other’s lips. I’m not sure which I’m enjoying more—my chocolate ice cream smothered with warm peanut butter and whipped cream, or Nina’s vanilla and chocolate-flavored kisses.
Both are equally delicious.

I can’t seem to get enough of this woman.
Her taste
Her smell
The feel of her warm, soft body beneath my hands.
If our all too brief encounter in the kitchen earlier is any indication, there is no holding back where Nina is concerned. I hadn’t planned or wanted the first time I was inside of her to be a quick fuck against her kitchen counter.
It really doesn’t count
. But after feeling her insides melt and come alive at being spanked, I was about to come in my pants. Never in my wildest, kinkiest dreams did I ever imagine that she’d respond with such passion. I should’ve known, especially after having phone sex, that my Sunshine isn’t just the sweet, innocent woman she appears to be.

She’s fucking perfect!

“Did you know the art museum is doing a photography exhibit?” I ask, before leaning over and opening my mouth to accept the last bite of my ice cream.

“Yes! They’re showing portraits of old Hollywood stars, taken by this amazing photographer, Yousuf Karsh,” she replies animatedly. Reaching over, she takes my bowl and sets both of ours down onto the floor, before moving in to cuddle up next to me.

“Would you want to go next weekend?” I wrap my arm around her, shifting our bodies even closer together.


“Yeah. We can have a sleepover afterwards,” I say, leaning down to give her a slow, teasing kiss.

“Are you sure you know what you're getting into?” she asks, giving me a bright smile. Turning, so she can wrap her arm around my middle, Nina rests her head on my shoulder.

“The museum, or the sleepover?” I ask with a smirk. Then, leaning in, tasting her lips again, I add, “Because I know there won’t be much sleeping.”

“The museum.” Nina giggles against my lips, making them tingle with her warm breath. Pulling back, she clarifies, “I like to stop and look at the photos for a couple of minutes each, to take in the lighting and composition. It might be boring for you.”

“As long as you don’t mind me staring at you, I’m good.”

“You mean my butt?”

“Yes, your
. Say it,” I encourage, smiling. I fucking love what a good girl Nina comes off as. Knowing how wild I can make her makes it all so much hotter.

“What? No!” she says, giggling into my shoulder.

“I’ve got a good girl, don’t I? We’ll have to work on your dirty talk—maybe during our next phone call,” I say, wrapping my arm more tightly around her shoulder.

Nina pulls away from my body and turns to smile at me. I watch as she quickly strips off the overly large sweater she is wearing and reveals a sexy, lacy pink bra.
Fuck. I must have missed the matching panties, when I pulled them down earlier. I was too focused on the fact my woman wanted me to spank her gorgeous ass.
I smile at the thought, as she tosses her top carelessly on the ground.

“As satisfying as that phone call was, I much prefer face to face meetings,” she says. I lean back as a grinning Nina moves to sit astride me on the couch.

“Now that’s something we haven’t done, either.” I observe, taking hold of her hips and bringing her in closer. Her arms wind their way around my neck as she leans in to lick and nip at my lips playfully. I feel her gentle fingers weaving their way into my hair, her nails scraping at the back of my neck pleasurably.

“I haven’t had this much fun in a long time,” I say against her lips, as I wrap my arms around her.

“Neither have I.”

I feel her shiver slightly against me, and pulling back, I notice that the delicate skin on her shoulders has broken out in goose bumps.

Running my hands up her back and then moving to gently rub along her shoulders and arms, I ask, “Are you cold, Sunshine?”

“Yes.” She whispers into my neck, as she cuddles closer. Kissing my neck with delicate, sucking nips, she says, “You fed me that ice cream, so now you’ve got to warm me up.”

“So it’s my fault?” I ask with a smile, rubbing my hands along her perfectly formed body. Loving the feel of every curve and inch of bare skin.

“Yes.” She pulls away slightly and rests her warm hands on either side of my neck, and with a tiny smile suggests, “I guess I could just put my sweater back on.”

With a hand buried in her hair, I pull her against my smiling lips. We taste and tease each other for several moments, and my woman begins to rock back and forth in my lap, frustrating us both with unrealized pleasure.

“What if I take my shirt off?” I ask, ending the kiss.

“That’s a much better idea.” Nina smiles. Reaching down, she helps me to strip it off, and tosses it over her shoulder. I shudder with pleasure, as I feel her warm hands against my chest. I groan, and my hips automatically buck up into her when she runs her palms across my nipples, teasing them. All the while, she’s kissing me and sucking on the spot on my neck that makes me go wild.

“Fuck, Sunshine.” I grab her hips and grind our crotches together. My cock is stiff and pulsing with need as I roughly rub our bodies together. I hear my woman moan with satisfaction as she grinds down into me. “I really wanted to take it slow this time.”

The sound of the door shutting loudly startles us. We both turn to see who the intruder is and jump off the couch like teenagers being caught by their parents.

“Shit—fuck, sorry,” Nina’s roommate says, walking into the room. I reach down and grab my t-shirt and hand it to Nina, silently telling her to put it on.

“What are you doing here, Jordan?” Nina asks, clearly annoyed. She struggles to quickly put on the t-shirt. I watch as it falls to her knees, covering her completely. Seeing her dressed in my shirt is both the most adorable and sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I get a strange burning feeling in my gut.

“We got out of work late. So we bagged on dinner, and I figured I’d join you guys,” Jordan replies, flopping down into the nearby chair.

What the fuck?

“Aaron, right?” she asks me, letting her eyes linger a bit too long on my bare chest.
What in the literal fuck? My woman is standing right here!
Plus, there’s no way I’d ever be interested in her. With her moody horse face, stringy blonde hair, and figure of a teenage boy. Nina must have noticed the way she was looking at me, too, because she moves to stand between the two of us, and crosses her arms on her chest.

“Yeah.” I answer stepping forward to wrap one arm around my woman’s stomach and the other across her shoulders, pulling Nina tightly against my body. Leaning down, I bury my face in her neck, kissing her in a way I know drives her wild.

“Aaron. Stop!” she giggles, moaning softly and wiggling out of my arms. Taking hold of my hand, she addresses Jordan, saying, “Sorry, we’ve already had dinner. We’re moving on to

I chuckle at Nina’s words as she leads me down the hallway and into a bedroom that looks like something out of a catalogue. The first thing I notice is the large, oak four-poster canopy bed, which takes up much of the room. It’s covered with way too many brightly-colored pillows. I can barely make out the white comforter covering the bed.

Nina lets go of my hand as we enter. Tearing my eyes away from the inviting bed, I turn to see her shutting the door behind us.

“Where were we?” She walks towards me slowly. Deliberately. I shiver as she places her delicate hands on my naked chest, pushing me several steps backwards until my knees hit the edge of the bed.

“Right here.” I say, smiling down at her as I slide my hands down her ass and grip the back of her thighs. Swiftly, I sit, lifting her up and spreading her legs to straddle my lap. She says my name with a girly shriek, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck to steady herself.

I quickly move one hand to cup the back of her head and take her lips with mine in a possessive kiss. She moans her pleasure, as I force my tongue into her warm mouth. Her nails scrape my shoulder blades, sending a primal heat through me, making me groan and my cock stiffen almost painfully.

Fuck! The things she does to me with a simple kiss.

Pulling away, I rest my forehead against hers. We’re both panting now, gasping for breath. She licks her lips invitingly, and I can’t help but pull her into another kiss. For this one, I take my time to taste and to tease her already swollen lips gently. All the while, I run my hands along her back, underneath my shirt that she’s wearing so incredibly.

Reluctantly, I whisper, “
I think it’s time for me to go, Sunshine

“What?” Nina snaps, pulling her head back quickly to glare at me.

“But our date isn’t over. And I thought you’d stay the night,” she continues, thrusting out her bottom lip in an adorable angry pout.

Fuck, I’m in trouble.

Smiling, I can’t help but lean forward and I take that bottom lip between my teeth, pulling gently. Letting go, I kiss her chastely, not wanting to get either of us revved up again.

“You’re roommate is home—”

“So? You could still stay here, and then we can continue what we started,” she interrupts, running her hands along my neck and leaning in to trail hot, wet kisses along my jaw.

Fuck me.

I can’t think straight with her touching and kissing me. Grabbing hold of her wrists, I push her slightly away from my body. She ceases torturing me immediately. Our eyes lock, and I can see her expression flashing quickly from anger to rejection to sadness. So quickly in fact that I know neither of us can tell what she’s really feeling.

“The next time my cock is inside of you—making you scream—I don’t want you worrying about being too loud. Or what someone else is thinking. I want your focus to be solely on me, on how good it feels when I’m fuckin’ you.”

“Aaron,” she groans, falling forward and giving me her weight. She buries her face in my neck and whispers, “
When will I see you next

“I don’t know.” I wrap my arms more securely around her as I fall backwards onto the soft bed, taking her with me. I let her body sink into mine. We’re comfortably silent like this for several minutes.

Nina then rises up on her forearms and looks down at me. Her hair is falling down around her face, hiding her from view. I reach out and brush it back over her shoulder, taking my time to run my hand along her slender neck.

“Please stay,” she says, looking at me with those green, pouting eyes.

Doesn’t she realize I don’t want to leave? That I’d rather stay and spend the night, inside of her?

“Don’t pout,” I growl, scowling up at her. I then smack her ass harder than I had before, warning, “Or I really will give you a good spanking.”

My woman gasps and then moans softly when my hand lands on her ass. Her response tells me that threatening to spank her would only be an incentive for more pouting, sulking behavior.

“I really want you to stay,” she whines in a petulant voice, rolling off of me to flop on the bed and stare up at the ceiling.

“Don’t whine. That’s not how you’re going to get your way with me.” I sit up and turn to scowl at her, before adding, “And sulking won’t help, either.”

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