Authors: Kaydee Scott
At 11:00 her feet were killing her. She was thankful it was time to go home. All the tables were starting to empty out. It was getting late and most of the men were ready to leave or had chosen their girl(s). The hallway to her room was occupied by a man and the red head that she did not yet know by name. She was on her knees giving him a blow job. Nova knew it wouldn’t be polite to ask to scoot past them so she could get to her room to change but aside of it, there was no way to get to her room on the top floor unless she went through the common area which she wasn’t supposed to do.
She could use the back staircase without notice if she were careful even though it did go through the common area and past the member rooms. As she quietly made her way down the hall, she heard some of the sounds coming from the private rooms. To her surprise the grunts and groans she could hear made her insides tingle. She was human after all and sex was something that our bodies were made to do. It was simple biology she reminded herself as she quietly made her way down the hall.
The door to room seven was halfway open. She would have never looked inside but when she heard his voice her head immediately turned to look inside his room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. His pants pulled down to his knees and a blond between his legs. It took her breath to see him like that, his bare chest and muscles exposed. She paid little attention to the blond head bobbing up and down on his shaft. All she could see was the perfectly sculpted God sitting on the edge of the bed.
The sight of him had her wanting. Heat raced through her veins and settled right between her legs. The sight of him, head dropped back, muscles tensing in his stomach was the most erotic and sexually charged thing she had ever seen.
She should walk away, she knew that, but her feet seemed to protest until he raised his head and his eyes met hers. The aching burn washed away with her embarrassment of being caught but to her surprise, it didn’t seem to bother him at all that she had been watching. He cast a devilish smile that almost looked like he was inviting her in. She dropped her head and headed for the stair case.
What the hell was wrong with her?
Saturday night and there were many new faces. The current occupant list for members was thirty-two. In the first five nights she had only seen twelve of the established members.
Every girl worked at least three nights a week. Caroline made sure that the girls were always intermingled on the nights they worked. Caroline chose what days they worked and who they worked with. Nova would have Penny as an advisor the entire time she was on staff but getting close to any of the other girls was prohibited. Caroline didn’t welcome bonding among the staff and felt the less each of them knew of each other the more likely rule #1 would never be broken. She knew she shouldn’t ask questions, but she did anyway.
Penny did not know how many girls were on staff. She did admit that she had been working there for almost a year. When a new girl was hired the only person that knew was the person chosen to be her advisor, no announcements were made but the staff obviously noticed when there was a new face. It was also never announced when a girl left. The environment was strict and rules were enforced. Penny did say that the rules weren’t worth breaking for the girls. The money was too good and no one would have entered this place of employment if money hadn’t been the motive. Nova had too much to lose. If she didn’t play by the rules she wouldn’t be able to pay the club back.
Penny reminded me again of the agreement I had signed. “Mia, you don’t want any trouble here. If you’re not certain about this you need to dismiss yourself now. This will be a lifelong commitment even years after you are gone. Most of the members are of high society and possess a great amount of power. They wouldn’t flinch in destroying any girl who failed to follow the rules. Outside this place you and I will never know nor acknowledge one another. If I marry your brother we will never speak of this place or what goes on here.”
Her words were frightening.
“Mia, if you ever get into trouble this is where you should come before you approach anyone else. Not even a lawyer or a doctor should be approached. You come here first, ALWAYS! They can make problems go away. Never forget that.”
10:30. It was my time to make rounds for drinks. I was getting better at drink orders. My confidence was building in my newly acquired skills. I was highly intelligent but it befuddled me that I could suffer anxiety over drink orders but I needed this job. I had no room for error.
There were only two requests in the poker room. The library had pretty much been empty all night but as I made my sweep through anyway, I was shocked when I saw him. Seven, or at least that’s all I knew him as was sitting alone.
“Would you like a drink, Sir?”
He sat with his elbows resting on the arms of the chair. Both of his hands rested under his chin with his fingers intertwined. When he darted his eyes in her direction she felt that same burn from the night before. He didn’t speak, instead he watched her. His eyes seemed to be analyzing her as his gaze swept from her head to her feet. Was he studying her for flaws perhaps? Nonetheless it made her even more nervous to be around him. She almost wished he was staring at her ass again, that she could have dealt with a little better.
“Would you like something to drink, Sir?”
“Scotch, your choice, but I want it on the rocks.”
I was a little dumbfounded by the harshness in his voice. Perhaps in the light of a new day he saw something different in me, something less appealing. “Yes sir.”
I returned with another Black Label Johnny Walker.
He took a sip. “Why did you choose this?”
Was this a trick question? “I knew you liked it?”
Surprisingly, his face glimmered with delight. She had no idea what to make of his expression but it certainly beat the alternative which was his previously harsh tone and analyzing gaze.
He watched her, just briefly, knowing the longer he sat in silence the more nervous she would become. Her big green eyes shuddered when she feared she hadn’t pleased him. He had seen the same look from her in the poker room the night before. Watching her now, he had the answer to the question that had encompassed his thoughts most of the day. She was a natural submissive. He was certain she had no idea of it but the way she aimed to please him and the way she directed her eyes to the floor when she thought he wasn’t pleased had his pulse pounding. He wanted her in more ways than she could possibly imagine.
He had craved true submission for years but not once had he ever came across a woman who, with just her eyes, offered to fulfill every desire that he had. Her happiness depended on whether or not he was pleased and he loved it. All the whores he had fucked saw it as a game. They did it for the money or for the attention. This girl, however, was…different.
“Tell me something before you go,” he commanded just as she prepared herself to leave. It was probably cruel the way he kept pushing her but truth be told, he didn’t want her to leave just yet.
“What would you like to know, Sir?” she asked.
He smiled again picking up on a little bit of a southern accent. She wasn’t from Boston, he knew that now. He could tell how hard she had been working to blend in. Why, he wondered. “How did your sweet little accent end up in Boston?”
He didn’t think she could look more startled than if he had pulled a knife out from behind his back. She was running from something. As quickly as the look of surprise crossed her face, even more quickly she masked it with a blank expression.
“I came here to please you sir,” she said.
Clever girl, he thought. If she wanted to play games, he could too and he had a feeling which game he could play that would further tilt her comfort. “And did I please you last night?”
From the flush of her cheeks he obtained the reaction he was hoping for.
“Yes sir,” she said.
She was certainly timid but only a strong woman would answer with honesty and she had certainly answered him honestly. He knew she was off limits, at least for another few days but he couldn’t resist stepping close to her. Slowly he ran his fingers through her long dark hair. He wanted her, but tonight he would have to settle for pushing her a little harder. “I had hoped you would have joined us.”
She took a breath and batted her eyes at him. “I’m sorry that I didn’t please you, Sir.”
“Good answer but aren’t you supposed to please me?”
He had her completely ruffled.
“You didn’t ask for me, Sir.”
He laughed. “Yes, I suppose you are right but if I had asked, would you have joined us?”
Truth or lie? Truth or lie? He watched as she debated on how to answer him.
“No. Sir.”
Keeping with his stone cold expression he couldn’t help but feel wounded by her response. Had she not wanted him like he thought she had. “Why?”
He watched her as she thought through her response. She had answered him honestly before but now he could tell she wasn’t sure what to do.
“I am not approved yet,” she answered.
He laughed again. He had her so confused she didn’t know what to do or how to answer him now. “So, you are still working up the ladder to being fuckable, is that what you are saying?”
He felt a pang of unease from the look of hurt on her face when he tried to humiliate her. Perhaps he was taking this too far too fast.
“Yes sir, I suppose I am.”
For some reason, that just pissed him off. The idea of her being available to anyone made his blood boil. A reaction he had never had before. “Wait here,” he told her as he left her standing and went straight to Caroline’s office.
~ ~
Trying to slow her breathing she wasn’t sure what had just happened. Was he mad at her? His hot and cold turned on and off so easily she couldn’t follow him or the intent of his line of questioning.
Certainly he wasn’t going to report her for not being willing to participate in a three-some. Didn’t he know how bad she needed this job? Maybe staying away from him was the best thing she could do.
Scared out of her mind, she jumped when she felt a hand at the small of her back. Turning immediately she was almost relieved to see it was the man from the bar who had given her the card and Caroline coming to fire her.
“Hello there. I apologize if I frightened you.”
His eyes wondered up and down her body. “I must say, you look even better than I thought you would. How does it feel to look so beautiful?”
She felt the bile rising in her throat when it occurred to her that he was actually standing right in front of her. How had it not occurred to her that he was a member? “It is nice.”
“I couldn’t resist you any longer; you will be open without restraints on Thursday. Is that correct?”
She wanted to roll up in a ball. She had blown him off initially at the bar and now he was going to get to have her and she had no say in it.
Caroline approached as her world started spinning out of control.
“That’s all for now Mia. Please deliver another drink to your last customer, he would like another.”
Hartsen smiled. “Mia huh? I like it.”
He would,
she thought.
After taking a few minutes to collect herself, she picked up another drink at the bar. Expecting to find Seven in the poker room she was surprised when he wasn’t there. She knew he wasn’t in the library which meant there was only one other place he could be.
She rallied with nervousness walking down to his room. She had spent so much time learning the technicalities of the business that she never considered how hard it was going to be for her to give herself up to anyone who chose her. She had standards for Christ’s sake but tonight was a quick reminder that she had given them up when she signed the contract.
She knocked on the door and let herself in. The blond was standing up while Seven zipped up his pants. Nova didn’t look at her in the face. Instead she stepped to the side so that she could leave the room.
“Had you come a little sooner you could have at least watched.”
Screw him and his mockery, she thought. “I’m sorry that I was late, sir.”
He smiled adjusting himself in his pants. “I have discussed an arrangement with Caroline. It seems you are only for show until Thursday.”
“Yes sir.”
“On Thursday, bring me what you want me to drink. I expect you to be in this room at 7 sharp. Don’t disappoint me. You have no idea the punishment I can give when I’m not pleased.”
Despite the threat, the fire she had become accustomed to in his presence raced through her. She didn’t understand how it was even possible. She had spent years being punished. Never had it been arousing to her until now. Nodding her head, she handed him his drink and left the room.
Her tenth night of training was an hour overview with Caroline on what she had learned. Nova was dismissed her after receiving her schedule for the next week. She went back to Cambridge scared to death but also relieved because she had been at the club for ten straight nights. She was tired both physically and mentally. Tomorrow night she was available to anyone and everyone. She had been instructed to turn no request down unless it violated rule #4. Caroline knew she had never been with other women but if it was requested she was expected to perform. She drank herself into a drunken stupor and fell asleep just after midnight.