Finn (13 page)

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Authors: Madison Stevens

BOOK: Finn
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She jumped away from him and spun around. “What are you doing?”

Finn stepped forward, pushing her back against the cold wall of the shower.

“I’m taking a shower with my woman.” He looked at her, then dipped his head to nibble on her neck. He licked a trail up to her ear. “Here in a moment I’m going to fuck my woman. The first time I come isn’t going to be in her hand like some goddamn teenage. I want to be deep inside.”

He surged his hips forward, and she felt his slick cock slide between her legs.

“When you put your hands on me,” he moved his mouth to the other side, “it feels so good. Too fucking good.”

She moaned when he nipped her collar bone. Both his hands came up to roll her nipples, and she slid her hips forward to meet his. She ground against him, creating friction. She could feel her juices dribble onto him and jumped when he slid against her again.

“Finn,” she sighed against his neck. She sucked at the pulse there.

“Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he said gruffly to her.

Finn grabbed her around the back and hoisted her up, so she could wrap her leg around him.

“I can’t hold on to you for long with my right arm.” She pulled back to look at him.

He grinned. “Good thing I plan on pinning you between me and the wall.”

She shuddered at his words.

He put her back against the wall, and she looked down at where their bodies met. The tip of him pointed up, as she had him pinned against his body. She looked up to him and smiled when she moved up and down against him. Her folds, wide open, slipped easily against him with her own slick heat.

“Fuck,” he groaned and pressed harder against her to still her movements. “Please tell me you’re on birth control.”

“Yes,” she said, surprised with how husky and sexy it came out.

“Thank God,” he said.

Finn pulled back and placed his thick head at her opening. She hadn’t really thought about how big he was until he started to push in. It wasn’t painful, but she was stretched to the max. He pushed until he was fully in her.

They both panted at the feeling. He stayed still, and she assumed that it was for her benefit. Alyssa wrapped her legs around him tighter and pulled him so far in, she ground painfully against him.

“You’ve got to stop,” Finn growled against her ear. His breathing was ragged.

“Or what?” she whispered playfully in his ear, gyrating her hips on top of him.

“Or this,” he said. Finn pulled back and slammed into her with full force.

She groaned.

“Again,” she whispered. Her body shook with her pending release.

Finn pulled out and slammed into her again. She bit her nails into his back. He worked himself in and out of her at a brutal pace. She could feel her hips shake as she climbed closer to her orgasm.

“Faster,” she said. “I’m so close.”

Finn jerked faster inside of her, pushing her flat against the wall.

Alyssa groaned as she clamped down on him. She felt her walls milk his release out as he jerked inside. He leaned into her, and she kissed his neck.

Finn pulled out, and she was sad for his loss. Her walls convulsed at the stimulation.

He ran a hand down her body and washed away their combined love. She sighed at the feel of his hands on her and smiled in the warm spray of the shower.

“You better stop with that, or I’m going to have to go again,” he said in her ear.

Alyssa’s eyes opened when he pulled back.

“You couldn’t…” she said. “We just…”

Finn took her hand and guided it to his growing cock.

“I’m always like this with you,” he said. “Half-hard and nearly crazy.”

She smiled. “That’s good to know.”

Finn grinned at her and shut off the water. “Later,” he said.

He grabbed the towel and patted it along her body and then his own. They stopped when they heard voices.

Alyssa peeked out, and she noticed two woman around the corner. Her reservation time must have been well past.

She giggled as she handed Finn his clothes on the other side of the curtain. She quickly dressed and looked around the corner. No getting around it, they were going to have to walk right past them.

Finn peeked out.

“Here,” she said. She handed him a towel. “Put this over your head. I’ll lead you out.”

Finn shot her a funny look but complied. They walked by the two women.

“Well,” said one. “That’s new.”

The other giggled. “Do all the showers come with one?”

Alyssa laughed. “I wish.”

When Finn reached out and pinched her ass, she swatted him away.

“Or maybe not,” she said.

The women cackled as she continued to lead him out. When they walked past the door, she pulled the towel off.

Finn gave her a strange smile and led the way to his car. He opened the door let her in. When he got in, they sat for a moment.

“That was interesting,” he said.

She frowned. “I’d call it more than that.”

Finn shook his head and laughed. “No, the sex was amazing.” He turned to look at her in the seat. “I don’t just follow people. That’s how a man like me gets killed.”

“But I wouldn’t hurt you.” She frowned.

Finn smiled brightly at her. “I know, and that’s the point. I know who you are to me. You are the person I protect.”

Alyssa’s frown deepened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You are special,” he said. “I protect you.”

“Take me home,” she said and stared out the window.

“I don’t understand,” he groaned. “I thought that would make you happy.”

She turned to look at him. “I’m supposed to be happy that the only reason you can find to be with me is because I need protecting?” She turned away. “Just take me home.”

Finn fell silent as he drove her home. She got out of the car and didn’t bother to say goodbye. He had ruined the one good thing they had been able to build together.

She sighed and rode the elevator to her place.

A new note waited for her. She ripped it off and stormed into her place. She felt a little better when she had slammed the door.

Alyssa dropped her things onto the table. She sank into the chair and cried.

Chapter Fifteen



Alyssa bolted upright at the sound of her front door opening.

“We can’t be here,” she heard Finn say. “It puts her in danger.”

“Too fucking bad,” she heard Liam grunt.

She jumped out of bed, slipped on a robe and hurried into the living room.

Liam had placed Finn on the chair in her kitchen. Red droplets littered the floor around him.

“Oh, my God.” She rushed to his side and kneeled. “What happened?”

“It’s just a scratch,” he said. “Just got a little clipped.”

“Scratch my ass,” Liam said, setting everything from her bathroom cabinet on the table. “That’s more than a scratch on your side. You’ll need to be stitched up.”

She felt the room spin as she looked at Finn.

“Were you shot?” She stared at him in shock.

Finn looked over to Liam. “I told you we shouldn’t have come. Let’s go.”

“Now listen here.” She stood to get his attention. “You aren’t going anywhere. To everyone else you might be the big mob boss, but that’s not going to float here. Not sit down and let me look at it.”

Finn went quiet and pulled off his shirt. The wound didn’t look that bad to her. It was on the side and looked more like he had been sliced than anything, though blood flowed freely from the injury.

“Do you have a needle and thread?” Liam asked.

She ran into her closet and pulled out her old sewing kit and some thread.

When she returned to the kitchen, Liam was at the sink washing his hands vigorously.

One of the gas burners had been turned on.

Liam motioned toward it. “Put the needle on the flame until it glows.”

Alyssa nodded and did so.

After the metal started glowing, she placed it under the running water. Liam took the needle and threaded it with some black thread.

“Now I need you to sterilize the wound,” he said and nodded at some rubbing alcohol.

“Are you sure we can’t go to the hospital?” she asked.

Finn shook his head vigorously. “That’s how guys like me get taken down,” he said. “Noel was different. If they wanted him dead, they would have just killed him to begin with.” He motioned with his head toward the alcohol. “Just pour it on.”

She grabbed a pill bottle off the top of her refrigeration and pulled out two of the pain pills she had been using. She filled a cup with water and then handed the pills and cup to Finn.

“Take them,” she said.

Finn stared anxiously at the pills.

“Just trust me for once,” she huffed and thrust the pills in his face.

Finn reached out, popped them into his mouth and swallowed with the water.

She picked up the alcohol from the table and looked him in the eye.

“Ready?” she asked.

Finn nodded.

She took a deep breath and poured the liquid on the large gash. Finn grunted in pain. She winced.

“That’s good,” Liam said. He faced Finn and gave a small smile. “Looks like it’s my turn to play doctor.”

Finn chuckled.

“That’s not very nice,” she said to Liam.

He looked at her and smiled. “Lift up my shirt on the back.”

She looked at Finn. He glared at Liam. She turned back to Liam and lifted his shirt to reveal a thin long scar across the bottom.

“When we were younger, your boyfriend thought it would be a great idea to have a knife fight,” he said and set to work stitching Finn up.

“It was a great idea,” Finn said through gritted teeth. She dropped Liam’s shirt and put her hand in Finn’s.

“Yeah, now you’re the one getting stitched up.” Liam chuckled.

“Pussy,” Finn said. “This is like a bee sting.”

Alyssa knew by his grip that it was more than a bee sting.

“We’ll see what you say tomorrow,” Liam said.

Alyssa watched as Liam pulled the thread through a few more times.

“There,” he said.

She looked at his work. It wasn’t bad at all.

“Not my first time,” he said at her perplexed look.

She grabbed the gauze and tape from the table. “I’ll cover the wound.”

Liam nodded. “I’m going to log into the cameras at the club just to make sure there’s nothing suspicious there and give Conor a call. He’s sitting with Noel at the hospital.”

Alyssa nodded and pointed to her laptop. When she turned back to Finn, she could see the painkillers were starting to take effect.

She placed the gauze on his side and ripped off pieces of tape.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I wanted to keep you safe.”

She glanced up at him and went back to work.

“I just want to keep you safe,” she said softly.

She finished up her work and traced a line around the bandage.

When Liam walked in, she lowered her hand.

“System’s up and nothing’s outside,” he said. “I’m going to stay here in the living room and keep an eye on things. Maybe you should take him to bed.”

Alyssa nodded and moved to the non-injured side. She slipped a hand under his arm and pulled him to standing. It was good her shoulder was feeling much better because it took more effort than she anticipated, likely the effects from the pills.

They made their way to her room. Once inside she set him on the bed and helped ease off his boots.

She went for his pants, but his hand on hers stilled her. “I can do it,” he said.

Finn eased down the zipper and made it about half-way down his legs before wobbling. Alyssa shot in and forced him back on the bed.

“You got it loose.” She winked. “I’ll get it the rest of the way.”

Finn grinned at her.

“You know you’re amazing right?” he said.

She laughed and pulled his pants off.

“I bet you say that to all the girls that pull your pants off.”

When the pants were on the floor, she moved back up to look at him.

“I mean it, Alyssa. You’re amazing,” he said, his face serious.

She smiled at him and turned off the light. The street light from outside was enough.

“You’re amazing too, Finn,” she said and snuggled into the bed.

“I’m not. You deserve someone better than me,” he said quietly. “Someone who won’t be so rough with you and treat you like you deserve to be treated.”

She turned to look at him in the dark Although she knew it was just the meds talking, it was nice to hear what he kept so bottled up.

Alyssa rolled over and placed her head on his good side. Finn wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tight against him.

“I liked today,” she said quietly. “The pool that is.” She felt her face flush. “I don’t mind being rough.”

Finn was quiet for a bit, and she started to wonder if he had fallen asleep. He brushed a hand against her back.

“I do trust you,” he said quietly. “And I can’t help that I have to protect you.”

She stiffened in his arms. “You don’t have to protect me.” She tried to pull away.

“I do,” he said. His voice was full of the pain he felt. “I have to protect you from my love.”

She stilled. His words shot through her.

She rolled back to him, her mouth just inches from his.

“Your love is the last thing I want to be protected from,” she said softly. Her hand came up to cup his cheek. “It’s a beautiful thing.”

Alyssa leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. She sighed when they pulled apart and placed her head back on his chest.

“Go to sleep, Finn,” she whispered.

He nodded.

She listened to the steady beat of his heard and his quiet breathing. Soon, sleep took her as well.


* * *


Finn woke up slightly groggy from the pain pills. His side surprisingly didn’t hurt as much as he expected. Despite all the shooting, it had been only a minor confrontation with some enforcers. Even at the risk of things blowing up, Finn had to make an immediate point that he wouldn’t just let the Russians do what they wanted to his men. Nobody had been killed, but he knew it was only a matter of time. Well, he thought no one had been killed, but a few of the Russians might have bled out. If not, it’d come later. They had to pay for what they did to Noel.

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