Finn, Amber - Her Prized Student (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Finn, Amber - Her Prized Student (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Not yet, baby. I’m going to make you come first.”

Avery groaned, “Oh, God, I can’t take this. Please, I want your penis inside me.”

Blake smiled. “I love making you wait.”

Avery pumped her hips and finally reached the climax she sought. She shouted in release. She held on to Blake as she breathed heavily. It turned her on knowing that there was more to come. She kissed Blake deeply to show her gratitude for the orgasm he just gave her and to let him know she was ready for more.

“Is someone ready to continue?”

Avery reached down and rubbed Blake’s now hard again penis.

“Oh, baby, I like the way you think.”

They sat facing one another, legs wrapped around each other. Blake plunged his penis deep inside Avery’s vagina, and they both starting grinding.

“Harder,” Avery begged. “Deeper, Blake. I want as much of you as possible.”

“Avery, you kill me, you know that?”

Avery didn’t answer. She was lost in her own world of euphoria. Her head felt light, and her vagina was pulsating as Blake thrust in and out. Avery reached her climax, and as her orgasm filled her vagina with her sweet wetness, Blake ejaculated and moaned in his release. They held each other, stroking one another’s faces, kissing intimately.

“That was amazing, Blake.”

“I agree, darling. No one can disagree with our compatibility in bed.”

Avery sighed. “I’d like to think we have more than compatibility in bed, Blake.”

“Yeah, sure. Of course.”

“That sounded really sincere,” Avery said, disappointed that Blake wasn’t more enthusiastic. Avery felt as though she was the only one of them who felt more than just sexual feelings towards the other. “Look, Blake, if you are just in this for the sex, then let me know, please, so I know what the expectations are. But I have to be honest, I thought we were building something here.”

“What’s the problem, Avery? We are, and I don’t think of our relationship as only about sex. But I don’t know what you expect from me. You can’t expect something to develop overnight.”

“I know that, Blake, but it wasn’t long ago we were talking about getting to know each other outside the bedroom, and you were all for it. Now you are back to talking about how good we are in bed. Why the switch? Maybe there is something there for Leslie Preston?”

“I can’t believe you would bring her into this conversation. How could you think I’d be attracted to her or let her influence what we are building?”

“How could I not? You’ve pulled back, and it just so happens to coincide with her coming on to you? I’m not stupid, Blake, nor am I blind.”

Blake stared at Avery. “Are you actually accusing me of being attracted to this girl? Even after I have told you I’m not?”

“Why else would you schedule a private tutoring session with her when you would have suggested any other student visit the writing center?”

Blake ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know, Avery. Maybe because I let her flatter my teaching ego. Is that a crime?”

“That’s an easy answer, Blake.”

Blake got out of bed and got dressed. “Look, we aren’t going to get anywhere with this. I’m not attracted to Leslie Preston. Believe me, don’t believe me—that’s up to you. I’d like to continue with this relationship, with you that is, but I guess that’s up to you now.”

“Of course it is. You’ve just given yourself an exit. Put it all on me, and you can wipe your hands free of this, can’t you?”

“Avery, did you not just hear me? I want you. You decide if you want me.”

With that, Blake stormed out of Avery’s bedroom and out of her house. She listened to him start his car and peel out of her driveway. She flung herself back onto the pillows.

As tears fell from her eyes, she said, “I know you want me, Blake, but you’ve never said if you love me.” She rolled over, knowing that she had fallen in love with a man that had not returned her love and now he may never.

* * * *

Leslie Preston knocked on Blake’s door then smoothed her short skirt while she waited for him to answer. Her low-cut, V-necked top was a size too small and clung to her breasts, her taut nipples revealing she wore no bra. Blake answered the door and caught his breath as he couldn’t help but look her over. She was undoubtedly a very attractive young woman. Maybe he did agree to this tutoring session because he was attracted to her. Could Avery be right? Blake let Leslie in and showed her to the couch and suggested she put her books on the coffee table. He asked her if she’d like a drink, Leslie reminded him she wasn’t twenty-one yet and asked for a Diet Coke. He sat down beside her and asked to see the essay she was currently working on. She leaned over to pull it out of her folder, revealing her full, creamy white breasts, and Blake found it difficult to breathe. He picked up his beer and downed the rest of it.

“Need another?” he asked.

Leslie laughed. “I’m barely through my first one.”

“Suit yourself. I’m going to grab myself another.”

He jumped up from the couch and almost ran to the kitchen for another beer. When he returned, Leslie had her essay on her lap, ready to go. Blake inwardly groaned at the location of her essay.

He cleared his throat. “Maybe you should put your essay on the table. It will give us something to write on.”

“Okay,” Leslie said.

She set the essay on the table and leaned against the table with her pen in hand. Blake rolled his eyes as this wasn’t much better. Her skirt pulled up, revealing more thigh, and he could once again see down her shirt.

Blake took another swig of beer, shook his head to try to clear his head of the lewd thoughts and leaned over to see Leslie’s paper. “So, what issues are you having here?”

“Well, first of all, I am struggling with my introduction.”

“Okay. A typical problem area. Your opening statement is weak. Let’s work on strengthening that. But your real issue is your organization. When your introduction is weak, you don’t have a good idea of what you want to do with the body of the essay, and as a result, you wander through your thoughts with no direction.”

“Brilliant, Blake! I hadn’t thought of that.”

Leslie smiled and laid her hand on Blake’s thigh. She picked up her paper and leaned over to Blake, pointing to a spot on the page.

“What do you think of my thesis statement?” Leslie was now shoulder-to-shoulder, her thigh rubbing Blake’s. She turned and looked at Blake, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Blake?”

Blake’s voice was low and barely above a whisper. “Leslie, why are you really here?”

Leslie set the paper down on the coffee table and her free hand on Blake’s thigh. She began to slide it up towards Blake’s crotch under his shorts. Blake closed his eyes. Leslie took that as her green light and began kissing Blake hungrily as her hand found Blake’s penis, which had grown hard and erect. Blake removed her hand and grabbed her by the waist, pushing her back on the couch as he moved on top of her. He removed her shirt, revealing her breasts, full and taut. He clamped down on one with his mouth, sucking and pulling on the nipple, biting and pulling. Leslie gasped at the pleasure and pain of it. Blake sat up and stared down at Leslie half-naked on his couch. She reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling it down to her breast as she reached for his penis once again and began stroking up and down. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure.

“Stop,” Blake managed to get out.

Leslie was certain she heard Blake wrong and continued to try to seduce Blake.

“I said stop, dammit! Can’t you hear?” Blake practically jumped off the couch and leaped to the other side of the room. Leslie sat up, blinking dramatically, trying to assess the situation. Blake turned to her. “Get dressed. It’s time for you to go.”

“I don’t understand. Did I misunderstand something? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, I did,” Blake said with deep remorse. He went to the door and held it open. Leslie Preston had never been rejected by a man in her life. She knew exactly why it was happening tonight, and she was going to make Dr. Avery Jackson pay. As Leslie gathered her essay, she noticed a sheet of paper on the coffee table. There was a handwritten note on it, and the handwriting wasn’t Blake’s. As Leslie took a closer look, a plan began to form in her mind. She stood gracefully and walked slowly to the door Blake still held open for her. She stopped in front of Blake and laid her hands on Blake’s chest. She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.

“Such a shame, Blake. You have no idea what you are giving up and what you’ve already lost.”

She walked out the door with Blake staring after her in bewilderment.

* * * *

Avery was working at her desk in her office when someone knocked at her door unexpectedly. It was rare for a student to drop by outside of office hours, so it pleased her when one took advantage of the extra hours she put in.

“Come in,” Avery called pleasantly. Her body turned taut with tension when Leslie Preston walked in.

“Hello, Dr. Jackson,” she said smoothly.

What can I help you with, Leslie?” Avery got right to the point. Avery still didn’t trust Leslie and her suspicions were aroused.

Leslie was equally direct. “I believe there is a problem with my grade.”

“Haven’t we already discussed this?”

“No, no I don’t think we have. I mean my semester grade. You see, I believe it doesn’t represent my true ability, and I think you should raise it. I am an

Avery was irritated and fed up with the time Leslie was taking from Avery’s work. “Leslie, you are a young girl who expects things to be handed to her without actually working for them. I will not change your grade—period. I will see you in class tomorrow.”

Avery motioned to the door to indicate the discussion was over, however, it was at that time Leslie sat down and smiled chillingly at Avery.

Avery raised her eyebrows in question at Leslie.

“I don’t think I’ve made my point clear enough, Dr. Jackson. You see, you have a problem.”

“I do? I wasn’t aware that I did.”

“Oh, yes. Your problem is me. You are engaging in a secret affair with Blake Emory. I’m sure you are both aware that this is against university rules, punishable by dismissal. It would be such a shame to lose you as a faculty member as you have become such a popular professor.”

Avery’s face went white as a sheet. “You have no idea what you are talking about. Blake and I are colleagues. He has been assigned to my class as my graduate assistant, and as such, we work long hours together. However, those hours are work-related only.”

“Really? Then how do you explain this little note?”

She pulled out a sheet of paper with Avery’s handwriting on it.

Blake—last night was amazing. Can’t wait for tonight—just give me time to change the sheets.

There was a smiley face followed by her name, clearly written.

“Now, I’m pretty sure that is in reference to a previous night of sex. And the reason I can be so sure is because I also saw you two going at it in the classroom after class last week. You forgot to pull the shade and lock the door. Imagine my shock and dismay?” Leslie feigned dismay and disappointment as she looked across the desk at Avery.

“I see. Well, there isn’t really any point in denying it now, is there? How is it you got your hands on this note, anyway?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I was at Blake’s last night. I went to get some help on my essay, and your note ended up in the middle of my essay pages. It must have happened while we were having sex on the couch because things got pretty hot and wild.”

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