FinnsRedemption (5 page)

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Authors: Sierra Summers

BOOK: FinnsRedemption
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Chapter Five


Alli stared out the front window of her store, waiting with
a sense of trepidation. Finn—why did he have to come back and throw everything
off-kilter? If her necklace was so important, why didn’t one of his brothers
come and ask for it?

She would hate to part with it, it was a gift from her
grandmother, but Alli wasn’t cold-hearted enough to deny a family something
that could help save a loved one’s life, even if it meant parting with one of
her favorite possessions.

She didn’t believe him when he said they were mated. Tonight
she would hand the necklace over to Finn and tell him to leave her alone for
good. The idea should have made her feel a little better. Instead it made the
unfulfilled longing she had kept buried for so long resurface. Hell, she needed
a drink.

Was she really this pathetic? Alli knew she was no match for
Finn in any way. Her control was barely leashed when she was around him. Those
damn flowers. He wasn’t the flower-giving kind of man and that had thrown her
when she’d seen them. Why was he trying so hard?

Shaking her head, she tried to dampen the growing excitement
of seeing him tonight. When was she going to learn? Probably never, because
when all was said and done, down in the deepest part of her being, she wanted
Finn Donovan more than anything, and she wasn’t sure she even wanted to hold
out against him.

This time, though, he wouldn’t be taking advantage of her.
She would take control of the situation. Alli wouldn’t think in terms of
forever with Finn.

A hot affair, that’s what she wanted from him. She shook her
Who am I kidding?
She craved Finn. Her head told her that once she
had him in bed she’d be able to purge the need she felt for him. The ache in
her chest told her differently. Could she really let go after several nights of
really great sex?

Wishful thinking on her part. Walking away without
heartbreak wasn’t possible but she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him know

Exactly at six, the bell over her door rang as it had the
night before. Looking up, Alli saw the most beautiful man in the world coming
toward her.

He seemed even taller than before. His once-short hair now
fell past his shoulders. Tonight it was pulled back and held against the nape
of his neck. Finn’s features were like a finely sculpted piece of marble, so
masculine and strong. Firm lips that made Alli shiver at the memory of them on
her mouth.

As a teenager, they hadn’t been that experienced, but that
wasn’t the case now. Finn knew how to touch a woman with his mouth, make her
cry out in pleasure, make her moan for more. Alli squeezed her thighs together
as her panties got wetter by the second. It wasn’t fair. The sight of this man
could reduce her to such base needs.

He was dressed in faded blue jeans that clung to muscular
thighs and a black sweater that emphasized his wide chest. Alli clenched her
hands into fists, the urge to touch him was so intense. He smiled and she
couldn’t help the blush reaching her face as he flashed those perfect white
teeth for her.

She wanted to scream at him for having this effect on her
though Alli figured he had this effect on most of the women he came into
contact with. She grew pissed at the idea of him with other women, the
lightning-hot jealousy she experienced making her cringe. She had to face
facts, Finn was one hot male and she knew he hadn’t been celibate for fifteen
years. A man like him screamed sex from every pore.

What was she doing here with him? She could never compete
with the type of woman he was probably used to. She’d only had two previous
lovers in the last few years. While they were good men, she didn’t feel the spark
she’d hoped to. She imagined he’d had plenty of lovers since he’d been gone.
The twinge of jealousy threatened to strangle her.

She envisioned the perfect woman for Finn—tall, blonde and
model thin, the total opposite of herself. Alli had always been the chubby kid
and when she’d gotten older, she became a curvy woman. Some men really enjoyed
that about her but men like Finn liked their woman skinny. Alli wasn’t a fool.
Finn wanted one thing and that was the necklace.

She made herself stop. She’d long ago accepted who she was.
She was a good woman, passionate, kind and caring. While she may not be a
model, she certainly wasn’t ugly. Her hair shone with hundreds of highlights.
Her eyes were wide and clear. She really liked herself and wasn’t about to question
her attributes now that Finn was home.

Alli heard the lock slide into place. It should have
unnerved her the way he could do


things like that with a wave of his hand, but it didn’t.

When he reached her, instead of saying hello he picked up
her hand, turning her palm over and kissing it dead center. The tip of his
tongue slid lightly against her flesh.

“Ready to go?” he asked, his voice husky and his eyes

Alli pulled from his grasp. “This isn’t necessary. If you
need the necklace to help Heather, it’s yours.” She reached up to release the

“Like I told you last night, it doesn’t work that way. I
appreciate the offer but the situation with Heather and the necklace is more
complicated. Just handing it over won’t help.” His smile was almost sweet when
he spoke.

“No, it can’t be. You take it and help your sister. Please
just take it and go.”


Finn swore to himself. Alli was beginning to panic, he saw
it in her eyes. She wouldn’t look at him and her body started to tremble. He
folded his arms around her, trying to calm her down.

“Relax,” he whispered into her ear. Running his hands up and
down her spine, Finn willed her to relax for him. “Take it easy, everything is
going to be all right.”

She was warm against his skin. She smelled delicious as he
held her.

Putting one hand up, he dimmed the lights in the store.
While he couldn’t use his magic to gain her trust, he could use it to calm her
down. He didn’t want Alli frightened of him. Her body finally went pliant in
his arms. Finn pulled back a little to look at her.

Placing one calloused palm along her cheek, he brushed his
thumb back and forth across her full bottom lip.

Goddess, she was beautiful. He didn’t deserve her. A better
man would walk away. Not Finn. He was glued to the floor, unable to leave.

He had to kiss her. His body demanded it, the feeling so
unfamiliar to him. He’d only felt like this one time before and it had scared
the shit out of him. His teenage mind hadn’t been able to process such intense
feelings. He had been forced to leave the States because of what happened with

He hadn’t realized until now what impact the events so long
ago had on him. They’d made him into the man he was today. He wasn’t leaving
this time, Alli was his.

She may not know it yet but he’d always belonged to her.
From the second she’d agreed to go out with him, he was a goner. As a kid he
couldn’t place his feelings, didn’t have a name for it. All he knew was that
when she smiled his chest pounded and when she kissed him her soft lips cast a
spell over him. She had always been his.

It would be easy to say destiny was forcing them together.
He was man enough to know that destiny had nothing to do with his feelings. It
had taken everything in him not to grill his family about her every time he’d
called. He’d been so tempted to come back and see her but his shame and his
pride wouldn’t allow it. Fifteen years of denying what he wanted—no, what he
needed—and it was time to show her.

His lips brushed across hers. Again and again, he gently
touched his mouth to her. When she offered no resistance, Finn’s kiss became
hungrier, slipping the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips. She tasted
like sun and rain and all the good things in this world. He drew her closer,
nestling his raging hard-on against her soft belly. Sliding his arms around her
shoulders, he brought her even closer.

Her mouth was a feast for his senses, unlike any he’d ever
known. She tasted sweet and spicy. He kept returning to drink from the nectar
of her mouth. Driving his tongue greedily in a little deeper each time, he
thrust into her.

Almost shyly, she returned his kisses. Her small tongue
delving into his mouth, dancing along his. Finn almost lost it. He sucked on
her tongue, causing her to moan, the sound vibrating down his spine.

“Alli,” he groaned as he moved down to taste the skin on her
neck. Finn worked his way along the column of her throat, nibbling, tasting and
sucking. This was what heaven tasted like.

His fingertips caressed her shoulders before pulling the
collar of her shirt aside, and his mouth feasted on the exposed flesh there. He
bent down, running his tongue into the valley of her breasts. They felt so
full, her nipples tightening, her body showing Finn exactly how good his touch

Tangling her hands through his hair, she guided his mouth
along the upper slope of one breast. Finn released it from its lacy confines,
clamping his mouth over her nipple. Alli moaned loudly, pulling his head harder
against her. He suckled the taut bud deep into his mouth, nipping the tip
between his teeth.

The pleasure-pain shot straight to Alli’s pussy, drenching
her. With her nipple between his teeth, her legs almost gave out but Finn
pinned her to the storage room door.

“Touch me.” It was a command, and she obeyed.

She pushed her hands inside his sweater. The flesh of his
chest was hard and muscled. A light sprinkling of hair covered his torso,
winding down his stomach and disappearing into his jeans. Alli reveled in the
feel of the adult Finn. He was molten lava, so hard, so damn sexy.

She moaned, letting herself explore his flat nipples,
running her palms over them, loving how the small nubs rose to her touch. She
trailed her nails along them and smiled as Finn hissed and bit her nipple

His mouth left a path of fire everywhere it touched. She
cried loudly when he captured her other nipple, giving it the same torturous
pleasure as the first. Her arousal wet her panties and thighs, leaving a
knowing ache in its wake.

Finn slid one hand up her silky thigh, bringing her skirt
with it. Deft fingers drifted along the side of her lacy panties. Satin met
Finn’s skin, wet satin. His cock hammered against the confines of his jeans,
demanding to be let out. He wanted to lay her down and plunge inside her moist
heat. Finn needed her hot pussy clamped around him as he stroked them to

Instead he slid one finger through the side of her panties,
encountering damp curls. Moving farther to her swollen hood, he lifted it and
pushed his finger around her clit.

“Oh yes,” she cried as he made tiny circles around her clit.
Holding her tighter with one arm, he found her wet channel and dipped inside.

She was so fucking hot and slick with juice, he pushed a
second finger in. Her eyes opened wide with pleasure. His palm rested against
her labia and he moved it in circles. Stimulating her clit with his palm, he
pushed his fingers in and out of her.

He found the ultra-sensitive tissue just behind her pelvic
bone, rubbing it quickly, manipulating the spongy area until Alli’s hips shot
forward to meet his thrusts.

“Can you feel me?” Finn asked before biting her earlobe.
“Answer me, can you feel me? Does this feel good, baby?”

She clung to his shoulders and nodded. “Yes, yes. God help
me but it does feel good.”

“Baby, you feel like silk against my hand. You’re so wet for
me.” He thrust harder into her, his palm now grinding against her clit. Finn
was a man possessed, his desire to give her pleasure out of control.

“Wait, Alli, wait until my cock is buried inside you.
Sliding and thrusting in and out.” With his free hand, he grabbed the back of
her hair, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Imagine me lying on top of you,
driving into you. Making you come over and over. Making you spill that sweet
cream for me. Fuck, baby, I want you.”

Finn placed his mouth over her lips as her cunt clenched
tightly around him. He swallowed her cry, still thrusting into her until her
sweet juice started flowing over his fingers. The room started to shake, books
threatened to fall from the shelves as Finn’s sexual energy emanated from his
pores, with no release in sight. His surroundings were soaking up the lightning
desire coursing through him and the space around them was ready to explode.

While Alli’s body shuddered the last of her climax, she held
on to Finn for dear life. She didn’t think she was able to move or speak as he
slowly removed his hand. He righted her skirt, kissing her forehead.

Embarrassment swept through her at the realization of what
just happened. She lowered her head and stepped away from him.

“The bathroom is through there.” She pointed behind her. “If
you would like to clean up.”

When he didn’t answer, she looked up to see him licking each
of his long fingers, sucking them into his mouth as if savoring her taste. She
started to back up when Finn caught her gaze—his lids lowered and there was
something almost primitive in the dark-brown orbs. His hand shot out, hauling
her to him, his fingers biting into her arm.

“Don’t ever feel ashamed when I make you come. Alli, you’re
beautiful and I won’t allow you to hide yourself from me. Especially after you
come. Baby, you taste too sweet, you feel so right. Don’t hide from me ever, do
you understand?”

Alli nodded as she tried to swallow her tears. Finn lowered
his head and captured her mouth in a sweet, slow kiss. He held her, running his
lips across hers, and she held on tight as she enjoyed the quiet moment.

It was incredible, the way she responded to him. Finn had no
doubt she was meant to be with him. He couldn’t wait much longer to be inside her
tight pussy, giving each other pleasure beyond anything they’d ever known.

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