Fiona Love (6 page)

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Authors: Sherrod Story

BOOK: Fiona Love
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She expected to have to hold on but he tricked her. He
worked her slowly, made her tease and cajole, begging for his touch in breathy whispers.

“Make it tight around me, Feef.” He’d heard Cleo say the nickname his first morning over and now like
d to use it when he was inside her. He groaned when she complied. “That feels so good.”

Yes, it does

he licked the side of his neck. He thrust slowly, groaning like she was killing him. He couldn’t help surging forward a few times, but then he slowed it way down like he was stretching.

Fiona was half gone, back arched, hips rol
ling. Her hands moved over his flesh, grabbing and squeezing him closer to her soft damp heat. Her body knew what was waiting for it, and selfishly enjoyed every snug stroke and wet glide on the way there.

It was crazy how she reacted to Daney. He had only to get near her and her insides shifted. Her body literally prepared itself to be fucked. Her heart rate accelerated, body grew moist, all over, not just where it counted. Every pore opened up and called
out to him. When they got close enough to touch her eyelids got heavy. She couldn’t keep her legs or lips together. Her mouth watered to taste his, to suck and bite anywhere he’d allow.

“Daney,” she said
, but it sounded like, how could you do this to me when I love you so?

In reality Fiona was thinking, come on, baby, just a few more hard strokes, fuck it, these slow little undulations would wo
rk, and it’ll be over for –


“Fiona, damn it,” he said, her orgasmic sighs pushing him to convulse and shudder suddenly in her arms as he came. “Shit! You always take over.”

“Sorry,” she rasped. “Can’t help it.” She sighed gustily and turned automatical
ly to snuggle. “You weren’t so good I wouldn’t be so greedy.” Her skin tingled happily when he curled long, protective arms around her. “Every time I see you,” she lifted her face for his kiss, “I get so hot, I can’t wait. My skin starts to itch like it’s been peppered or something. Below my waist,” she whispered, a properly raised young girl confiding in her high school gym teacher. “Below my underwear.”

“You’re a naughty little girl, Fiona Love,” he s
aid, a ghost of laughter in his deep voice. “How could you say such a thing? Where did you learn these filthy ideas? I think I need to spank your bottom. In fact, I think it’s mandatory to get some of that devil out of you. Well?”

She stared at him and blinked innocently. “Sir, I guess you can do a
nything you want to my bottom.”

ey grinned and sat up on the edge of the bed. Fiona pressed her naked body against his back and reached around to hug his middle, but he pulled her hands away.

“Get up and walk across the room. I wanna see you move for me. Then walk back
and lay yourself over my lap.”

obeyed. This was a new game. She’d kind of felt like sucking his dick, but she’d play along.

“Bring me that bottle of water on the desk over there by the phone. And a
piece of candy from the dish.”

Fiona strolled naked to fetch the items, resisting the urge to spread her knees in his face or turn and twitch her ass in front of his nose.
She’d never realized how much she liked to play the submissive. She placed the candy in his hands.

He unwrapped it and put the mint on her tongue. “I’m going to check after your punishment, and it better be there or it will go w
orse for you. Do you hear me?”

Fiona nodded.

“Have some water.”

She drank deeply, knowing he was watching her chest move while she swallowed. She paused then drank some more b
efore she handed him the water.

“Put it back on the desk t
hen lie face down over my lap.”

Fiona felt twice as naked the second time she walked from the table. Her breasts shivered with her excitement, and by the time she knelt to crawl over Dane’s bare
lap she was breathing audibly.

“You’re looking forward to this aren’t you? You’re a bad little girl, Fiona,” and he slapped he
r really hard three times.

Fiona was shocked at the speed and heat of the blows. The sound of his hand hitti
ng her ass was thick and solid. It stung madly, but somehow it wasn’t painful. She hadn’t really expected him to go through with it. Ouch! Another pop. Now that she was into it, it did hurt, but it was a weird pain, more good than bad.

e’d declined to participate in this sort of play with other men, some light hair-pulling as far as she went on that route, but now she was so wet she had to clamp her legs together. This move proved to be a mistake as the pressure made her clit throb harder. Then he pinched the heat, one of her cheeks, and the throbbing spread.

Daney began to paddle her again, rhythm
ically, slower and slower, and harder and harder. He built the heat up until she was writhing in his lap, wanting to pull away but somehow squirming into the blows and the pleasure/pain that spread in waves after the sound. She cried out, close to coming, and suddenly Daney lifted her and cradled her close. They clung, their hearts beating wildly together, the warmth from her bottom pulsating with the rhythm. He was the first to move, and then it was only to kiss her deeply, until her bottom began to wriggle restlessly.

“Wait,” he
said when she would have squirmed down onto his dick.

He yanked open the bedside table, and she felt him being responsible beneath her. She wanted to inhale him in that moment. In the thick of things, when her brain had
nearly short-circuited from lust, he cared enough about her body to protect them. Even if he was only protecting himself, she found it incredibly arousing. He’d barely begun to move when she grew tense as a wire and came violently in his lap. She went limp on his chest, and he laid her down and uncurled her limbs.

He laughed softly as he tucked her under the sheet. “I’m letting you nap for a second, then you’re
mine. You ate that candy too.”

Fiona jus
t grinned and closed her eyes.




The next morning, her voice woke him.

“Make me an
d Daney breakfast, honey Love.”

“No. Get off your ass and cook for your own man. Besides, I already cooked f
or me and Barney at his place.”

“Come on. Please? It don’t have to be nothin’ fancy. I’m just hungry. You know you been starving me. Breakfast is my meal.” The only time she was allowed to eat whatever she wanted. “Please? I’m your cousin; I can’t believe you’d treat me like this. It’s disgr
aceable. If your mother knew –”

“All right! Jesus. You’re makin’ up words now? I’ll fix your fucki
n’ breakfast.”

“And Daney’s too.”

“All right! Fuckin’ brat.”

“Love you, honey.”

The door closed behind Cleo with a bang, and he judged it a good time to ‘wake.’

“Did someone say somethi
ng about breakfast?” He asked.

“Yep, Cleo’s makin’ us a lil’ som

“Why don’t we go
out?” He rose to meet her as she leaned over to kiss his pillow-smushed face.

“You want to?”

“Yeah. Let’s go out. Save her the trouble. We’ll come right back here and burn it off, okay?”

Fiona laughed. “Sounds good to me. But I gotta pick up a few things f
or Momma’s angel while we out.”

“Okay. You are going to let me meet her one day aren’t you?” he asked grinning at her as he stretched his long perfectly
toned body toward the ceiling.

Fiona smiled back and swallowed the nerves that leapt to flutter in her belly. He thought she had Flora at her mother’s because of him. She hadn’t told him the baby didn’t live with he
r. She padded into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to cook, honey. Dan
ey and I are going out to eat.”

“She wasn’t cookin’ shit no way,” Netty said, putting the skillet back
underneath the cabinet. “She roped me into it. Bring me something back.”

“Okay. We goin’ to the pan
cake house out by Lincoln Hwy.”

“Again? Wear a hat, otherwise people are go
nna recognize you,” Sugar said.

Fiona didn’t reveal that she’d already been recognized. She’d spent a good 20 minutes signing napkin-autographs before she left last time.

“Hey, I got my south suburban disguise down to an art. It’s Daney who gives up the jig. He’s too good looking. Even in a white tee, jeans and a baseball cap he attracts a lot of attention. Upside, people are usually so busy lookin’ at him they forget to look at me.”

She held back telling them about the walk they’d probably take at the forest preserve. The way he’d hold her hand as
she smoked an elicit pinner in the shadow of a deer. They saw a baby last time. It looked right at them then shook its head, tiny white ears flopping back and forth, mother a silent presence in the background. Cleo definitely wouldn’t want to hear about that.

“You fr
ickin’ love apple crepes, huh?”

corned beef hash is good too.”

“Wear that long fuzzy black skirt I just put in there with the black Cubs hat and the black shiny flats,” Netty told her. “I’ll go la
y it out real quick.”

Daney came out naked from the shower while she was laying clothes on
the bed.

“Hi,” Netty said, and tu
rned to burrow into the closet.

“Hi,” he said, staring at her in surprise. He waited for her to excuse herself, but when she continued flipping through shirts, he shrugged, hastily donned his briefs and jeans, an
d began to towel dry his hair.

She walked by him several times as she set out shoes, underwear, earrings, bracelets and rings. She began to transfer the contents of Fiona's purse to a bigger one. “No,” she muttered, turning back to the closet. “I think we
need, yes, here we go. Gucci!”

“Want us to bring you something bac
k?” he asked when she finished.

She winked on her wa
y out the door. “You know it.”

After crepes
Daney and Fiona did walk in the woods, but he didn’t let her smoke. Then they went to the movies and necked so furiously in the back of an empty theater Fiona’s heart pounded hard in her ears. She asked Daney if he could hear it.

“No, but I can feel it,” he said, pl
aying gently with her breasts.

His questing hands tickled their way between her legs and played there too. He stared into her eyes and stroked her clit until she was slippery. He watched until her eye lids grew heavy and her lips parted, then he lifted her over the seat divider and into his lap. He sighed when she wriggled her soft bottom onto his erection, and kissed her like he had fur and a tail and her
lips were catnip. After he’d stolen her breath, he rubbed her to a hastily muffled orgasm. And she jerked and licked him into a gasping, panting mess.

They sat afterward, foreheads together, still breathing hard when he asked, “Why
d’ya think it feels so good?”

She knew what he wanted. There was no other reason to comment on the depth of feeling they shared. He wanted her to say she loved him.

Fiona just shrugged. “Lucky?”

After the movi
e they went for ice cream. She teased him into a faux wounded silence on their way out of the theater, and when she discovered a nearly empty ice cream parlor nearby began to show out.

“I need some ice cream for my baby,” she to
ld the girl behind the counter.

“What flavor?”

“What flavor you want, baby?” she asked Daney, smiling sexily as she blew him a kiss and winked. “Hmmm? Tell momma whatchu want.”

You, he wanted to growl. “Cookies and cream,” he pouted. He liked this game. She cajoled him like a sleepy toddler, and he relished the freedom to behave like a spoiled, helpless brat. He forced her to do everything, right down to putting him
on his back and mounting him.

“We want cookies and cream,” she told the counter girl. “Black and white’s our favorite color, ain’
t it baby?” She hugged him, soft breasts against his chest quickening his breath.

“Yeah,” he said into her Seringa-scented neck. H
is eyes drifted closed as he kissed her. A sigh eased free as he slowly lapped at her mouth like a man in a trance. “You really get me going,” he rasped, when he finally broke away.

Guess what I’ma do to you later?” she asked, rubbing against his half-swelled dick.

just shook his head and groaned, turning gratefully to take the ice cream the girl held out.




“You know the fuckin’ tabloids are havin’ a field day with this shit, right?” Andrea asked Cleo over a martini. “This morning I got more calls about that latest photo of them at the pancake house than when she won that Grammy back in ’08. Why the hell would they go back there again? It’s in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere!” She yelled, not realizing she’d answered her own question. “Couldn’t they at least be photographed somewhere downtown? Or up north? A fuckin’ ice cream parlor? They have to go nine and a half weeks in a fuckin’ ice cream parlor.”

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