
Read Fire Online

Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Fire
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Evernight Publishing ®




2015 Berengaria Brown



ISBN: 978-1-77233-552-1


Cover Artist: Jay Aheer


Editor: Katelyn Uplinger







WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction.
All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely






This series of books is
dedicated to the original Anny. A wise woman society would do well to pay
attention to.




Born to Rule, 2


Berengaria Brown


Copyright © 2015







Old Anny told all the community the story of their history, but it was
most important that Terah, Flame, Raine, and Skye understood it. She’d named
them when they were born, and she was the only one who understood the meaning
in the names she’d given these girls. The future of Earth depended on them, but
they didn’t know it yet.

She drew the four little girls to her and said, “When my grandmother’s
grandmother was a little girl just like you, there was a place called North
Korea. The leader there hated South Korea and America. He knew if he attacked
America he wouldn’t be able to defeat them, but South Korea wasn’t as big and
strong so he had his soldiers fire nuclear rockets and weapons filled with
diseases at South Korea. Other countries who disagreed with their neighbors
took the opportunity to start fights as well. The Islamic State in particular
sent suicide fighters to many countries to cause unrest while their soldiers
expanded their borders.”

She looked at the children seated at her feet. Flame with her bright
red hair, Skye with her white-blonde hair neatly braided, Raine with her
enormous blue eyes, and Terah their leader. All were listening to her intently.

Old Anny continued her story. “Within a few years many countries were
fighting, some in major wars, others just annoying their neighbors, trying to
get back at them over long-held grievances. But the bacteria and diseases began
to spread rapidly in the unrest. Nations were too busy fighting to deliver good
healthcare fast enough to stop pandemics from developing so many people died.
Entire villages became empty. Warriors came from a distant planet and stole
some of our women away to be their slaves. Some went willingly as conditions
were so bad in their countries. Our people were smart enough to hide and remain
safe. Once in every generation the aliens return for more slaves. They will
come in your generation, too, but we will be prepared and hide where we can’t
be found because we have always survived.”

Old Anny shifted on her blanket, reality returning to her mind. The
girls were no longer small children. She had taught them everything she knew
and trained them as best she could. Several moons had passed since the time had
come to send them away and they had left. She’d drawn them a map of how to get
to the ocean, to where they would find their future. They’d left the community
and journeyed to the edge of the land. It was up to them now. She could do no
more except think of them and wish them well with all her heart. Before the
aliens came again she would be walking in the world of her people’s ancestors,
not here on Earth.


Chapter One


One minute Flame had been standing on a hillside staring down at an
abandoned village beside the ocean. She’d been so excited that after days and
days and days, hands and feet far more than she could count, of walking,
walking, always walking, they were finally within sight of their destination.

Her friends, Skye and Raine, were worrying over where to find drinking
water, while Flame just stared out at the village.

And then Terah had yelled for them all to run, but it was too late.

A group of enormous aliens had appeared from nowhere. One of them had
scooped her up into his arms, which were bigger than her thighs, and run with
her down the hill at a dizzying speed. She was so terrified he’d fall and kill
her that she hadn’t even had the breath to scream.

She’d been taken inside a building like she’d never seen before with
shimmering walls, and thrust into a small room. Moments later Raine had been
pushed through the door, and then Skye. But although they’d watched and waited
Terah hadn’t appeared.

And she was thirsty. Dreadfully thirsty. “I don’t suppose there’s any
water left in the cooking pot?” she asked Raine, who carried the pot.

Raine shook her head. “The alien caught me unawares and it was tipped
over when I tried to run away.”

Skye parted Raine’s back. “They caught us all unawares. Except maybe Terah.
Perhaps she got away.”

“But how will she survive all alone? It might have been better to be
captured,” Flame said. Although she wasn’t sure. Just because they hadn’t been
beaten or hurt yet, didn’t mean they’d be treated well. “Or perhaps she can
help us escape,” she suggested.

“Even if we escape where will we go? This was where Old Anny sent us
and the aliens found it first. Maybe there isn’t anywhere safe,” Skye said.

Flame stood up and looked around the room they were in. It wasn’t very
big, but they could lie down on the floor if they wanted to. It was wider than
they were tall. The walls had lines on them as if they were the edges of doors,
but there was no way to open them and no windows to look out of.

Flame opened her pack and pulled her blanket around her, sitting on it
to make the floor a little softer. She wrapped her few possessions tightly in
her spare shirt, making sure her fire starting rocks were in the center of the
bundle and couldn’t possibly get lost. They were her most precious possessions
and none of the other woman had a set so they were essential to the safety of
the entire group.

Raine copied her, curling up in her blanket to sleep, but Skye sat
perfectly still, legs crossed and stared at the door.

It was a long time later when the door vanished into the wall and a
huge alien appeared in the gap. He placed a container on the floor and said,
“Wash your faces and hands. Soon we’ll eat.”

Skye picked up the container and took it back to where they were
sitting and lying against the far wall. The room was so small it was only a few

“Do you think the water is safe to drink? I’m really thirsty,” Flame

Raine was their expert on water. She dipped a finger in it and said,
“It’s warm.”

Flame didn’t mind whether it was cold or warm or anywhere in between.
“But is it drinkable?”

Raine licked her finger and screwed up her nose. “Yuck, no.”

Flame refused to let her disappointment show. The alien had mentioned
food so maybe they’d get some water soon as well.

Silently they cleaned their faces and hands as they’d been told to do, and
then they waited some more.

This time two aliens came to get them. One led the way and the other
followed close behind them. Flame smelled the food before they reached the room
where it was being cooked. Rich scents of spices and meat and other things she
couldn’t identify assailed her nose. Huge aliens filled the room, but Terah sat
at the other end of the table. She smiled at them although she didn’t say
anything. She sat beside one of the aliens, so perhaps he’d chosen her as his
slave already. At least she was alive and safe. Well, as safe as any of them

Was that what would happen now? Was she going to be assessed and chosen
as a slave?

Flame shook her red bangs out of her eyes. She had no choice. She’d
been captured and if she was to be a slave she couldn’t change the facts. All
she could do was hope her captor wasn’t horrible to her.

Terah had smiled and had no bruises on her face, so that was a hopeful

Then the aliens served the food. A huge bowl of meat and vegetables all
for herself. She didn’t have to share with anyone at all. And she was even
given a spoon to eat it with. She had to struggle to remember how to hold a
spoon. It’d been many years since she’d seen one. Her people moved from place
to place scavenging food as they went. It was rare that they stayed in one of
the old houses that might have things in it like bowls and spoons.

Finally she was given a cupful of hot black liquid that tasted as good as
the food had, and quenched her thirst completely.

The alien beside Terah stood up and said, “My name is Andreas and I’m
in charge of this mission from Mu Arae 7 to Earth. I captured Terah. She is my

So Terah belonged to him. She had been captured by him as Flame had
guessed. Then the man pointed to her and Flame almost shook with fear before
she realized she was supposed to say her name. “Flame,” she said in as firm a
voice as she could manage.

One by one everyone said their name until a black-haired man’s turn. He
said, “I’m Chad the chef here. When I’m permitted to touch Flame I will prove
to you all she is my bride. I knew it as soon as I scented her body.”

Flame shut her eyes. He’d chosen her as his slave and there was nothing
she could do but obey him.

The man in charge said, “You may take her to your room.” The
black-haired man came over to her and held out his hand. Silently Flame stood
up and took it. His hand was huge. He was enormous. Much taller than her and
his body was a lot wider than hers.

Hearing that she was being taken to the man’s room made Flame think
just one thing. He would fuck her. And if she wasn’t good enough maybe he’d
beat her, or even kill her. How could she be good enough for him? She was a
virgin and didn’t know how to pleasure a man. She lived in a community, so she
wasn’t completely clueless, but she’d never touched a man’s cock and had no
idea what would make him come.

Fear rolled through her body. Flame walked behind him up a narrow
twisted staircase, breathing shallowly with the tension of what was about to
happen to her. Sweat trickled down her spine and she had to grit her teeth so
they wouldn’t click together with nervousness. He took a black thing from some
hidden part of his clothing and a wall slid open. Inside was a small room with
a bed, a table, and chair. It was clear that her guess had been accurate. She’d
have to please him, even though she didn’t know how.


Chapter Two


Chad had been one of the group of Mu Araen warriors to climb the hill
and capture the four women. As soon as he’d crested the hill his spine had
tingled with the certain knowledge that he’d located his bride.

The only person guaranteed to find his bride at the beginning of their
mission to Earth was Andreas, the leader. They’d been directed to this
particular place because they’d known she would be here. Or if not right here,
within a day’s hard march of here. The other men knew they’d locate their
brides eventually, but it might be months or even years in their future.

So when Chad had sensed his bride was nearby he’d been overjoyed.
However, he had a job to do, which was capture the women. There were four women
on that hill, and Duncan, Erle, Andreas, and himself, so he had no time to work
out which of the fleeing Earthlings was his bride. He ran and captured one and
took her to the ship as fast as he could. But the blonde one he captured wasn’t
his woman.

He was the chef on the ship and had a meal to prepare. However, when he
served the hearty meat and vegetable stew into bowls for them all to eat, he
moved around the table handing each person their meal. Andreas had ordered the
men categorically not to touch any woman unless they were certain she was their
bride. Chad obeyed his leader but he stood close to each one as he served her
meal and his nose told him which one was his. The one with red hair. Even
standing behind her his cock stretched inside his uniform and ached to be
inside her instead, in reaction to her enticing scent.

And now he had permission to claim her. His precious bride. But first
he had to use her language to explain to her what was happening. So far no man
had dared talk to the women because of Andreas’s instructions. His bride knew
nothing about him and he wanted her to understand him and cooperate with him.
She must obey him. He was the warrior. But intelligent obedience would be
better than her simply blindly following his orders.

He pointed to the chair and said, “Sit.”

She stared at it for a moment before turning it around so she faced him
when she was sitting on the seat.

“Did you not have chairs and tables in the houses in your village?”
Chad had heard of some communities who sat on the floor on thick rugs, but that
was before the wars that had devastated Earth.

“My people are scavengers. We move constantly to search for food so we have
only what we carry with us. But I have sat on chairs before, several times.”

“You will have a permanent home here. We’ll build our community right
here in this village.”

She smiled at that and said softly, “It’ll be nice not to be constantly
traveling.” Then a frown came over her face. “But, sir, how will we gather
enough food if we don’t move around?”

“Once the four brides are found and all the power is released we’ll be
able to grow enough crops to feed us all.”

It was clear from the look on her face that she didn’t understand all
his words or grasp the concept behind what he said.

Mentally Chad groaned. His cock was as hard as a rock. All it wanted to
do was begin claiming her. Until she’d been completely claimed the power couldn’t
even start. Maybe he should fuck her first and talk later. But no, that wasn’t
fair. She deserved some explanation.

“We come from Mu Arae 7. It’s a planet many light years from Earth. We
came on this spaceship you’re on. Our mission is to find our brides and reclaim
the Earth. Once we find our brides the power will be released and we can grow
crops and plants and redeem this devastated planet.”

She nodded, but once again he didn’t think she’d completely understood
him. Well, too bad. His cock wouldn’t wait much longer.

“Andreas is our pilot. You heard me tell him that you’re my bride, and
you heard him tell me that I could take you. Do you understand that you belong
to me now?”

“Yes, sir.”

Well at least she spoke firmly that time. Clearly she knew she was his.
That was enough. The claiming could begin. “We’ll begin by having a shower.
Undress, please.”

Chad was glad to remove his uniform. His cock was aching to be inside
her. Her scent was so enticing it was driving him crazy and he knew it would
continue to do so until he claimed her properly. There was a Mu Araen saying
about how to claim a bride. “Morning, noon, and night, fuck her mouth, her
cunt, and her ass.” He had to fill her body with his semen to release the power
that would come between them so they could begin rebuilding her planet.

She was wearing only a shirt, trousers, panties, and sandals so it
didn’t take her long to undress, and then her body was displayed naked for his
hungry gaze to feast on every inch of her. She was too thin. Every bone was
visible beneath her skin.

“You need to eat more food. I don’t wish to see your bones. I want to
feel you soft against my body.”

“Yes, sir.” her voice was barely a whisper.

“Where is your pack? You need to shave.” Her bright red cunt hair was
cute, but the hair under her arms was not. There was even a faint smattering of
hair on her legs. Since she needed to shave her legs and underarms, she could
shave her cunt completely at the same time.

“My pack is in the room where we were put when we were brought here. I
don’t understand what is
though, sir.”

Chad mentally checked that he’d used the correct English word. Yes,
was right. The sooner she gained
her power and could speak Mu Araen than this uncivilized language the better.

“Shave. Cut off your hair.”

She reached up a hand to her head. “Cut off my hair? She looked worried
but swallowed and said, “Raine has a knife. She can cut it off for me if you
wish, sir.”

Chad felt a pang of guilt. Damn her useless English language. Now he’d
insulted her when he meant only to make her even more beautiful than she
already was. Right now his dick was desperate to claim her and instead of
starting the fucking he had to soothe her worries that he planned to fatten her
up and then scalp her. Likely she thought he was some kind of cannibal who
wanted her hair to weave into a necklace or something.

He opened his bathroom door, pulled out the drawer under the sink, and
held up his razor. He turned around to demonstrate it to her but she hadn’t
followed him.

“Come here,” he called impatiently. He was never going to get her into
bed at this rate.

She stood at the doorway and looked at him.

“This is a razor. You need to shave your legs, your underarms, and your
cunt. Then take a shower and come back to me.”

He handed her the razor and pushed past her out of the bathroom, waving
his arm to indicate that she should go inside.


Her voice was wavering and soft and when he turned around he realized
her body was shaking.

“I’m very sorry, sir, and I will obey you, I promise, but I don’t know
how to use the razor or what is the shower. I’m sorry.”

Chad understood that in trying to make it better for her, he’d actually
frightened her even more. She had her mouth closed tightly now, but she was
shivering very obviously and it wasn’t cold in his room. The spaceship
maintained an even temperature at all times.

He took the razor from her hand and laid it on the sink, and then he
pulled her into his arms, her body so slight and frail against his.

“I should apologize. I won’t hurt you. You’re my bride and I’ll look
after you.”


Flame was glad he didn’t plan to punish her but she was also getting
more and more worried. She was quite prepared to cut her hair off if it would
make him happy, but how could she cut off the hair under her arms or the faint
fuzz of down on her legs? Even with a sharp knife it would take many hours and
she’d have to be extremely careful not to hurt herself.

And then she was supposed to eat extra food and get fatter. She was
more than happy to eat more, but where would she find the food? Just feeding
all these aliens would take an enormous amount of food. How would she scavenge
enough for him let alone trying to find more for herself? If she was allowed to
be with her friends they might be able to make some nets but it would take time
to learn where the fish liked to hide so they could put the nets in the right
place. And she still didn’t know where the nearest river was. They absolutely
had to get drinking water and the only river she knew about was more than a
day’s walk away.

Her master had the right to beat her or even kill her if she displeased
him. Already he was cross because she didn’t understand what he wanted her to
do. Instead of the long walk to the ocean taking her to safety, Flame thought
it was much more likely that she’d come here to die. Her master would get tired
of her very soon now and kill her. Unless maybe he’d give her to one of the
other aliens? No, that wouldn’t happen. None of them would want a useless

Flame couldn’t look him in the face anymore. She bent her head down and
clamped her jaw shut so she wouldn’t cry.

“Let me show you what to do. In the future you can shave yourself, but
today I’ll do it for you.” He sat on a chair in this room, his legs wide apart.

“Put your foot on the toilet between my legs.”

must be another word for chair. She stood on
one leg, her right foot between his thighs.

“See the numbers here on the razor? For your legs all you will need is
because there’s very little hair.
But for your cunt you might need
or even

He pointed to the writing on the dial and again panic flooded Flame.
How was she supposed to be able to read the words? She had no idea which was
one or two or three and what they meant. She screwed up her eyes and focused
intently trying to see which one he set the razor to as he held her ankle.

The machine tickled against her skin but she was much too worried to
giggle. That was probably a good thing as she needed to watch and learn. She
was going to have to this after today and so she had to get it right.

He moved the little machine over her leg and it made a soft brrring noise
and puffed air on her skin as it took away the tiny hairs there.

He did both her legs then made her kneel on the floor in front of him
and hold her arm up so he could take the hair off her underarm.

This was going to be much harder for her as it was quite difficult to
see what he was doing and it’d be even more difficult to do by herself. Unless
one of her friends could do it and she could do their underarm. That would

“Lie on the floor and open your legs wide apart. Put your feet flat on
the floor.” This time his voice sounded a little husky although she didn’t know
why. She hoped he wasn’t annoyed at the time this was taking, although the
razor was so very fast compared to the extra effort it would involve to cut off
her body hair with a knife.

Quickly she did as he said, noticing pieces of her red hair on the floor.
She wondered how she was to clean it up. There were no leaves here to brush it
up with, and no fire to throw the rubbish on either, although there had to be a
fire in the room where the food had been cooked. Maybe she would have to carry
the bits of hair back there.

Her master sat on the floor in front of her, and pulled her legs up and
over his thighs until her pussy was very close to his cock. Now she could stare
at his enormous erection. Of course, he was a very big man, but even so, his
cock was gigantic. He held the razor over her pussy and began to shave her,
moving it slowly and carefully over her skin, gradually getting closer and
closer to her clit and her pussy lips.

“By the fates you look delicious. I can’t wait to fuck you, Flame.”

Flame worried about telling him she was a virgin. Should she tell him
now or wait for him to find out for himself? He seemed a little nervous right
now and she really didn’t want him to be angry with her again. He was doing his
best to be a good master. It was she who was the failure as she didn’t know
what she should do.

His fingers on her pussy were gentle, and the razor’s touch was
arousing now, instead of tickling her. Flame’s nipples hardened and she licked
her lips as she stared at her master’s chest, which was all muscle. Actually he
was all muscle everywhere. His upper arms bulged with muscles as did his
thighs. He looked enormously strong, yet his huge hands on her skin were
delicate and kind.

Flame understood that she was fortunate to have been given to a man
who, even though he didn’t find her attractive, was prepared to be kind and
gentle with her. That realization was almost as arousing as his delicate
touches on her ultrasensitive skin. Everywhere he’d shaved her, the skin
tingled at his touch. Maybe this shaving was better than she’d expected if it
made touching so much more erotic.

He moved the razor over the edges of her pussy lips, and then back to
her rosette, holding her ass cheeks apart. She was leaning up on her elbows
watching, but she couldn’t see all of herself. What she could see was the
alien’s huge cock standing upright. In a moment he’d put it inside her and she’d
just have to hope he wasn’t disappointed at her lack of sexual skills. But she’d
learn how to please him as fast as she could. He was her master and she wanted
to serve him well.

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