Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (19 page)

Read Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble Online

Authors: H. P. Mallory

Tags: #Romance, #Occult & Supernatural, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
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“Doggie style? Oh, God!” I laughed. “I doubt it. He doesn’t seem to be that different…”

“I’m sure he is,” she interrupted before changing the subject. “Jules, I have nothing to wear tomorrow night. Will you use your magic and invent something for me?”

I was sure Christa had ADD. She was Ms. Tangent and couldn’t focus on any one thing for more than about five minutes. It was one of the things I loved about her.

“Sure. Let’s worry about it tomorrow.” Then I stopped myself and shook my head. “I don’t even know if he has a friend to set you up with.”

“Well, hopefully he does,” she said, glancing at the clock on my mantle as she stood up. “I guess I should get to bed now.”

I nodded and dropped my gaze to my lap, thinking I should be getting to bed too. I just felt as if there was so mour wimming in my head. Thoughts of Rand, Trent and everything he’d told me about Bella.

“Okay, out with it.”

I looked up and found Christa gazing back at me. “Out with what?”

She propped her hands on her hips and gave me her best serious expression—narrowed eyes and a frown. “Jolie Wilkins, I’ve been your best friend now for what, over fifteen years? I think I know when you have something on your mind.”

I smiled and shook my head, knowing I wasn’t getting out of this one anytime soon. “Trent told me Bella was his reason for moving here.”

Christa fell back against my bed and returned to twisting her hair around her finger, something she did when deep in thought. “What does that mean?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think Bella would force creatures to side with her. It just worries me because I thought we’d be okay here, but now I wonder. Trent made it sound like she’d come after me.”

Christa brought her knees to her chin and encircled her legs with her arms, rocking back and forth. “Rand would never let her near you.”

“I know. It just worries me.”

There wasn’t anything Christa could say that would take the worry away. I was well aware of Bella’s abilities, and if what Trent said was true, it was just a matter of time before the situation came to a blistering head.


I was exhausted. As I trudged down the hallway, in search of Rand, I couldn’t help the yawn that claimed my mouth. Today’s lesson with Gor had been a really tough one. He’d taught me how to cast protection spells which basically required pulling some of my own magic and lending it to the person I wanted to protect. Using Christa as my study, I built up enough protection around her to last a year. I, on the other hand, felt as if I needed a nap. I almost regretted the fact that we had a double date this evening.

I found Rand in his massive library, studying Quicken on his laptop.

“I have news for you,” I said as I closed the door behind me.

Rand didn’t even look up from his computer. “What?”

Anger bubbled up within me like lava. The jerk still hadn’t forgiven me for going out with Trent. I imagined Pelham had informed him of my second date tonight. Ugh, the two of them were like old meddlesome women with nothing better to do then stick their noses in my business.

“I can only assume you know of the migrating werewolf packs to your territory?” I began, crossing my arms over my chest. The tone of my voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Of course,” he said nastily and made a big show of typing like he was Mavis freaking Beacon.

I took a step coser. Damn interrupting him. “Why didn’t you mention it?”

His eyes never left the computer screen, but I didn’t miss the redness that claimed the tops of his ears. He was as pissed off as I was. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

My hands fisted at my sides. “T…to hell with not worrying me. If we’re to be partners…”

He finally looked up, his eyes flashing and his jaw clenched. “We’re not partners. I’m your employer.”

His words were like a smart slap to the face and echoed through my head. “So, that’s h…how it’ll be between us then?”

He returned to perusing his finances, but there was no slack in his jaw and his eyes were as narrowed as they’d been a second ago. “Yes.”

His lips were so tight, they formed a white line across his face.

“Then maybe I should join Bella,” I said, immediately regretting how immature I sounded.

Rand didn’t go for it. “Maybe you should.”

The fiery dance of anger welled within me, my breathing shallow and irregular as I watched Rand pretend to be entirely divested in his accounting books. I closed the distance between us and grabbed hold of his shoulder, intending to force him to take notice of me.

“Rand, this is serious.”

He slapped his laptop closed, jerked away from my hold and stood up, towering over me like an enraged titan. I told myself I wasn’t afraid of him, but took a precautionary step back anyway.

“Trent told me I might not be safe,” I said in a mouse voice.

Rand started a bit at the mention of Trent, but I couldn’t help it—I had to tell him what I knew.

“I’ll protect you,” he said between gritted teeth. You could have fried an egg on the tops of his ears.

“Do you think Bella will come for me?”

He was silent for a moment, seemingly weighing a potential response. “Yes.”

My knees felt as if they might give at any second. I leaned my arm against the wall and thought about what this meant. Bella was planning an attack and both Trent and Rand were well aware of it. I’d been living in a fairy tale since I’d arrived at Rand’s. I had been stupid, so very stupid. Of course Bella was going to come after me, she needed me. I was an arrow in her quiver. Suddenly my attention turned to the lessons I’d been taking lately and like a horrid troll pulling aside the canvas of a beautiful landscape only to reveal a brick wall, realization dawned on me.

“And is that why I’m taking all these lessons—to learn to protect myself?”

“I wanted you to be prepared.”

“And our taking the case of the werewolves, was that to try and recruit them toize side?”

He laughed, but there was no mirth in his voice. “You’re quite the ingénue, Jolie. The werewolves are a very strong force to reckon with. I thought it helpful to have them on our side. I fear we’ll need to create our own battalion against Bella…”

With the epiphany, fury bit at me. I wasn’t so much angry that he’d done all these things in preparation—it was for everyone’s own good. I was perturbed that I’d been left out and more so, that I’d been too dumb not to realize his plans earlier.

“So, you thought if you could show what I’m capable of, we’d win recruits.” He nodded and a new tide of ire crested within me. “You’ve had this all figured out all to use me in your s…stupid war.”

“No, that’s not it at all.” He shook his head as if to further emphasize his point. “Stop being foolish, Jolie.”

“Foolish? It sounds like that’s been your plan all along,” I spat out as I breathed in through my nose, out through my mouth, and managed to silently count to ten all the while. There was no use in being angry now—not when I needed to find out the entirety of the situation. I could be angry later.

“When do you think she’ll make a move?”

Rand frowned. “I have no way of knowing. It’s just a guess that Bella will even make a move.”

“So, we just wait it out then?”

“Yes. This is why I was wary about you leaving my protection with that bloody wolf,” he started. “I wanted to tell you…”

“Trent has sworn to protect me.”

Rand’s aura began to tinge with purple again as he cupped the back of his head. “The wolf is nowhere near as strong as I am nor as strong as Bella.”

“You can’t expect me to live my life boxed up in here,” I interrupted and couldn’t help the edge to my voice.

He stepped closer to me. “When you came here, you knew you’d be living with me…”

“Yes, but had I known you’d dictate when I come and go, I’d never have agreed.”

“It’s for your own protection, Jolie.”

“If that’s so, then why aren’t you upset when I go with Christa to town or when I take walks around here? What you’re angry about is me being alone with Trent.”

His brows met in the middle of his forehead. “I can’t deny that. I believe the wolf should pursue his own. He can’t understand you, Jolie. You’re a witch and you belong with your own people.”

I laughed, and the sound was cold. “You’ll never admit your jealousy, will you? If Trent were female, I bet you’d have no qualms with my spending time with him.”

“You call it jealousy; I’m not convinced that’s what it is. Do I hate the idea of his hands all over wary yes,” he said, his lips tight, his eyes as piercing as a blade.

“That’s jealousy Rand. I wish you’d just admit it,” I snapped and turned to walk away.

He grabbed hold of my hand and reeled me back around until I faced him. “Don’t walk away from me.”

“I have a date and…”

The look in his eyes stopped me—anger mixed with a pinch of jealousy. It must’ve been a few seconds that we stood staring at one another. The lust in his eyes was palpable, and I gave my best “don’t you dare even think about kissing me” look. Apparently, my expression wasn’t convincing enough because his mouth was on mine instantly. His lips were strong and his tongue forced its way inside my mouth, mating with my tongue. I did nothing to encourage him, but neither did I fight him, so he continued to explore me, his hands plying my breasts above my blouse.

I had to suppress the urges that flowed through me—that told me to wrap my arms around him and meet his plundering tongue. I closed my eyes against the temptation.

I would not give in.

I wouldn’t give Rand the benefit of my interest. Not when he had done this to me before and where had that gotten us?


He pulled away and his eyes had a glossiness to them. “Stay with me tonight, Jolie, and I’ll make love to you until morning,” he whispered and my stomach dropped, the idea was so appealing.

“W…what of our work arrangement…” I began, my stutter this time having nothing to do with anger, but more with the nervousness slithering within my gut like multiple snakes.

“Fuck the work arrangement. I’ve wanted you since I met you, and it’s eating me alive.”

His words echoed in my head, and I felt as if he’d consume me right then and there. How I wanted him and had always wanted him, but had Trent not decided to take me out and spurred Rand’s jealousy, he’d never have made such a move. That and I was still pissed off that he’d lied to me about his motivation to use me in this burgeoning Underworld war. It seemed every time I turned around, I was a pawn in someone’s game.

I was so freaking sick of it.

I pushed his hands away. “It’s t…too little too late, Rand. I have a date I need to get ready for.”

I didn’t wait for a response, but stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind me.

I thought it might be time I moved out.


I’d never been on a double date and after experiencing one, I’d recommend it to anyone. It seemed to remove any pressure or nervousness you might feel during the course of a regular date where you have to think of witty conversation and watch your table manners. Well, you have to mind those things during a double date, as well, but it seems much easier when you have a close friend to tell you if you have any food stuck between your teeth.

Luckily, Christa’s date was as fetching as Trent and in no way represented one of the group of followers whom we’d previously met. When we learned he’d been among their number, we were both surprised to say the least. Christa a bit more pronounced in her surprise than I.

“You were there that day? Wow, I’d never have recognized you—you all looked so…”

“That’s interesting,” I interrupted, trying to subdue a potentially embarrassing situation. Trent and John noticed and laughed at my effort.

“When Trent was killed, we were all so overwhelmed we sort of stopped functioning—hence our less than civilized appearance,” John explained and to his credit, he didn’t seem embarrassed or annoyed in the least.

“A pack entirely relies on their leader,” Trent continued, resting his arm on the back of my chair. “When a leader succumbs to death, it would be a sign of non-allegiance for the pack to continue as if nothing were out of the ordinary.”

“Well, you sure clean up well,” Christa said, her admiring gaze darting between the two of them.

I had to second that. Trent seemed more handsome than I remembered, and I wondered if such were the case or if he was just growing on me. As I studied him across the dinner table, I could see the wolf in him. It was there in his eyes, a fierce sort of animal quality that was arresting but dangerous. There was also something wolf-like behind his slow smile, his olive complexion and five o’clock shadow.

John was not half bad, either. John was lighter than Trent in his skin and the color of his hair. I wondered if his wolf coat were more on the yellowish side than Trent’s almost mahogany coloring. John had a nice enough face though—broad with high cheekbones and rich dark green eyes. Christa certainly seemed pleased with him and ran her hand down his arm, as if checking the hide of a horse before agreeing to purchase him.

“We have to say the same about you. You both look lovely,” Trent said with a grin in my direction. A wolfishly devilish grin.

The beauty of the moment was shattered when the thought suddenly occurred to me that maybe Trent preferred Christa to me. It was like Juno had dropped a package of jealousy right into my lap and like an idiot, I’d opened it. I’ve never been a jealous person, maybe because I’ve never had reason to be jealous. If you have no love life, then what’s there to be or get jealous over?

My leg started shaking as it does whenever I get nervous, and I slammed my hand down on top of my knee, forcing it to stop. How I hated the thought! And I wasn’t certain if I more hated the thought or the humility that accompanied it. I decided I shouldn’t be concerned with comparing myself to my best friend. It would only be natural that a man should find her sexually attractive. He’d have to be blind not to…

“Christa, what is it you do?” Trent asked her with a simple smile, and my stomach fell.

“I do all the accounting for Rand, our employer. And I’m a photographer.”

“A photographer,” Trent said, his smile wide. “Wow, that’s impressive. I’d love to see your photos some time.”

Something in my gut turned sour, and I felt the immediate need to retreat. “I…I need to go to the ladies room.” I stood as if a dog had just bitten me in the ass. Before anyone could respond, I rushed toward the back hall, showing myself into the restroom. I was elated to find it empty and leaned my hands on the sink, staring at myself in the mirror.

What the hell was wrong with me? I was acting like a total imbecile.

Taking a step back, I smoothed the invisible wrinkles in my brown miniskirt while I tried to get a firm grip on whatever sanity I had remaining. I faced my reflection again. My hair hung in loose waves about my face and even though I could recognize how pretty my reflection was, I didn’t feel it. I’ve never cared much about my looks, but at that moment, I would’ve sold my soul to be the most beautiful woman alive.

If this was what dating did, I wanted no part of it. True, I hadn’t had much of a social life prior to becoming a witch, but now that it seemed other beings fancied me, I wondered if I were changing and not for the better.

I needed a breath of fresh air to settle myself. Opening the door to the ladies’ room, I slipped around the corner into the hallway. I spied Trent and Christa leaning close, their faces alight with laughter. Resisting the urge to gag, I turned in the opposite direction and hurried down the hallway, praying for a door leading outside.

My prayers were answered in the form of a black door covered in scuffmarks that simply said “exit.” Pushing the door open, I collapsed onto a bench overlooking the back of the restaurant. No sooner did my butt meet the wooden bench then a swarm of anxious thoughts battered my already flustered mind…So, what if Trent preferred Christa to me, what did I care? It’d be better to find out sooner rather than later. Did I want to be with someone who was interested in my best friend anyway?

Like a distraught landlord, I begged for the uncooperative tenants in my head to move out.

“I’ve wanted to get you alone all evening,” Trent’s thick voice interrupted my ridiculous inner monologue, and I gasped in surprise. I turned around to face him and stood, wondering how long he’d been standing behind me.

His arms went around my waist, and his lips touched my cheek. Thoughts of Christa disappeared, replaced with more intimate and unwholesome thoughts.

“You’re not enjoying yourself?” I asked, my voice trembling. Hopefully Trent thought it due to the cold evening air and not the argument I was just having with myself.

His lips continued their descent down my neck, and his breath burned my flesh. “I’m enjoying myself now.”

I thought I’d melt in his presence. Wol tend to run hotter than humans and his body felt as if it were on fire. When he kissed me, his lips burned against mine, and I relaxed into the heat of his body. His hands splayed through my hair as his tongue lapped at my own. When he pulled away from me, there was fever in his eyes.

“God how I want you,” the beast within him groaned.

“We still have a date to get back to,” I said, not able to meet his eyes and the desire that danced within them like devils before a fire.

He chuckled and kissed me again. “What do you think about getting a place of your own?”

“I was already contemplating it.”

“Good. I can’t imagine Rand would welcome me with open arms.”

I laughed. “You’re a good judge of character.”

“You find yourself a nice little place to live and I’ll pay your rent,” he said and bounced his index finger on the end of my nose. If his statement wasn’t enough to make me sick, the show of his finger on my nose definitely was. What did he think I was—a kept woman? I forced my reaction down, imagining it wasn’t the way he intended it. At least, I hoped it wasn’t the way he meant it.

“No thanks, but I appreciate the gesture.”

He laughed. “You’re quite the independent woman.”

Well, whatever I was—witch, newly jealous harpy…yes, I guess I was still every ounce the independent woman.


Christa giggled as I opened the front door of Pelham Manor.

“John was such a good kisser, and he was so hot…I mean literally.”

I laughed and closed the door behind us, thinking I’d definitely had a good time on our date. Granted I’d had a bit of a mental breakdown, but I could honestly say I’d enjoyed myself…most of the time.

“He was cute, didn’t you think so?” Christa asked as she started up the stairs to her bedroom.

“Yeah, really cute,” I answered and headed up the stairs behind her, stifling a yawn. It was dark in the house, and I had no idea what time it was, but I was definitely tired and looking forward to my soft bed.

“Jolie, can I speak with you for a minute?” Grabbing hold of the banister, I turned to see Rand standing in the hallway. I glanced up at Christa who just gave me a small smile and disappeared into her room. Facing Rand again, I gave him a quick nod and started down the stairs.

When I reached the ground floor, Rand turned on his heel and headed down the long hallway into the kitchen. Left with no option, I followed him.

The lights in the kitchen came on as Rand stepped over the threshold. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of white wine.

“I have another job I want you to consider,” he started. He held up the bottle of wine in offer, and I gently shook my head.

“Okay, what is it?” I took a seat on one of the barstools, throwing my purse atop the black granite counter top.

He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms against his chest, looking like a model straight out of G.Q.

“Another pack, a larger one than Trent’s, wants us to bring back some of their members who were killed by Bella.”

“Okay.” I could probably handle some more werewolves, if the last pack was anything to go on.

“It might be a bit more difficult because it will be more than one wolf you’re bringing back.” He took a sip of his wine, and it left a slight moustache on his upper lip. He licked his lips, and I had to drop my gaze, lest I appear too interested.

“I think I can handle it.”

He nodded, something else obviously on his mind. “Did you have a good time tonight?”

I sighed, knowing an argument was about to rear its ugly face. I knew his feelings toward Trent and I imagined he wouldn’t be at all happy to have the wolf frequenting Pelham Manor. Maybe he was kicking me out.

“Yes, thanks for asking.”

He hesitated, his jaw clenched, and he put the glass of wine down. He came closer to me and my breath froze in my throat as I awaited the words. He leaned his elbows against the counter of the bar, and I straightened my posture, not wanting to be so close to him.

“I wanted to apologize for getting involved with your personal matters. I should never have done so.”

I was surprised to say the least, imagining I was about to be read my rights. “Oh, thanks,” I said dumbly.

He eyed me up and down until I felt as if I were withering in his insistent gaze. “You look lovely.”

Okay, what the hell was wrong with Rand? I was better prepared for the arrogant, angry, and stubborn warlock I was used to.

“Thanks…are you feeling alright?”

He chuckled. “Yes, I’m fine.”

I didn’t know what else to say. It definitely seemed like something was up with him…he had that look of someone who had lots to say, but didn’t quite know where to start. I wished he’d get on with it, so I could go to sleep. Glancing at the clock above the stove, I noted it was already two a.m. Way past my bedtime.

“You’ve changed quite a bit since being here,” he said softly.

“Is that your first drink of the night?”

He laughed that same innocent,
don’t know what you’re talking about
laugh. “Yes, it’s my first of the night.”

I shook my head, but smiled and decided to play his game. “Okay, how have I changed?”

He smirked and leaned farther across the counter, crossing his ankles behind him. “Look at you. Wearing a tiny skirt and a tight pink sweater. Showing off your breasts and legs.”

My mouth dropped open. “I’m not showing off my boobs and legs!”

He chuckled again. “Come now, Jolie, look how much leg your showing and I bet I could guess your bust size just by looking.”

I feigned offense and dropped off the bar stool, grabbing my purse. “Well, I don’t think it’s such a bad thing for a woman to be confident…” I started.

He quirked his brows and a smile pulled at his lips. He sipped his wine again. “I’m not saying it’s bad. You’re beautiful—so are your legs…and your breasts.”

I swallowed against the desire that threatened to make me a stumbling idiot and tried to hold his gaze. “Well, thanks, I guess.”

He saluted me with the glass of wine and that was when I realized I needed to see my thoughts about moving out to fruition. I couldn’t live with Rand anymore. I just couldn’t handle it. “I…I wanted to tell you I think I’m going to move out.”

He pushed away from the counter and put the glass down so violently, it sloshed onto the counter. “Move out?”

I took a deep breath. “Yes, I think it’d be for the better. I don’t want to overstep your generosity and kindness in having me here, but I feel as if I can’t come and go as I please.”

He clasped the back of his head with interwoven fingers and walked four paces forward only to turn around and walk four paces back. Clearly, Rand had a difficult time saying what was on his mind.

“I don’t want you to move, Jolie; it will be too hard to ensure you’re safe.”

I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips as I watched him pace the kitchen. He looked like an ad for a new fridge or something:
is your current refrigerator getting you down?
I shook thoughts of Rand and his commercial right out of my head.

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