Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5))) (64 page)

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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“We need to talk.”

She had no patience or inclination to do any such thing. “No thank you. I’m a little busy. If you haven’t noticed I’m trying to solve an assignment and micromanage my last few brain cells. You know how dumb pregnant woman can be.”

“Stop it!” he demanded. The tone in his voice drew her attention. “I never called you unintelligent. I never disparaged your abilities to do your damn job, Elizabeth.”

Now she stood and faced him. “No? It seemed like you were to me. You know, treating me like territory you own because you inseminated me.”

The words angered him even more. “Is that all it was to you, Elizabeth
, me knocking you up and nothing more?” Now, he was at borderline irate. Callen had come in to talk rationally and apologize, but she stirred him right back up.

“You know that’s not how I feel. What I
am feeling is angry that every time I get pregnant, one of you two forget that I’m still me. I can multitask and grow a child while I’m an FBI director. So, get out Callen. I have nothing more to say right now. You’re distracting me from doing my job.”

“Get out?” he stated, incredulously. “So now you’re telling me what to do.”

She stared at him. “I’m your damn boss, and this is my God dammed office! So yeah Ace, I’m ordering you to get the hell out.”

It was the last straw. He moved towards her menacingly and stood inches from her body
, crowding her space. “Then why don’t you make me get out, Elizabeth? I’m not finished with you, and I’ll go when I’m damn well ready to leave.”

Elizabeth placed her hand on his chest, making sure she had her personal space intact.
“Get out, Callen. NOW!”

He moved so fast, grabbing her and pulling her against his body. When his mouth crashed down on hers, it pulled a startled gasp from her lips. Obviously she wasn’t ready for the violence brewing just below the surface.

Elizabeth was shocked and started to struggle against his hands, but the more she fought the tighter the grip became. Panic and fear were the first wave that overcame her, and then the calming scent of Callen’s cologne permeated the unease. This was one of the men she loved, and he wouldn’t hurt her. Never intentionally and that helped her ease into the roughness of his grasp.

The kiss was unbreakable, as his hand was buried in her hair, holding her mouth to his until he was finished. From the feel of the tension in his body, it wasn’t going to be anytime soon.

To Callen he was outside his body looking in at what was happening. All he wanted was to take and pillage his woman. There was some oppressive need overwhelming him, pushing him forward to claim the mother of his child. If she wouldn’t listen to logic, maybe she’d listen to want, need, and love.

Slowly his hands released her body, giving her the opportunity to pull away and break the kiss. When she didn’t attempt to move from him, his hands moved to her shirt. What he wanted in that moment wasn’t soft and gentle. The need was lighting him on fire
, and the only thing his body was listening to was his libido. In a heartbeat he made the choice to pursue further what his body was demanding. Pulling roughly the shirt ripped open, and buttons popped and went flying.

Elizabeth gasped as she stared up into his brown eyes. “Callen,
” she said shocked.

“Shut up, Elizabeth,” he said, pulling the shirt from her body.

She wasn’t quite sure what to think. Generally, Callen was the calm one. Maybe he was a little rougher in bed, but he never spoke to her that way.

Backing her up until he
r ass was against her desk, he moved in again, taking her mouth with more ferocity. It was too late to call off the need that was tearing at his body. Yes, he was well aware they were at work and in her office.

It just didn’t matter.

s wildly explored and mouths crashed as Elizabeth met him in the frenzied kiss. When she didn’t fight him and didn’t stop him it only made him crazier.

Elizabeth was aware of
the heat building in her body. Callen was doing delicious things to her mouth and flesh and everything was forgotten around her but him. She jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. When he moaned, they both went wild.

With his free hand he cleared her desk and sat her on the edge. “I want you, Elizabeth,” he practically growled, barely breaking the kiss.

“Yes,” she moaned, as his hands did truly wicked things against her skin. “Please,” she whispered, leaning back against her desk and watching him with far from serene eyes.

Callen unbuckled her belt and roughly yanked her jeans off her legs. At her gasp
, he stared at her unblinkingly. There was something wild and primitive about her lying on her desk, waiting for him to take her. The maiden on the altar waiting to be pillaged by the returning warrior, flashed into his mind, and then he lost it at the visual.

In three simple moves
, he had his buckle open, button undone and zipper down. What was coming was a storm and it wasn’t going to be gentle. Callen was out of control. “I need you,” he muttered, yanking her across the desk until their bodies touched. Her soft skin was against his achingly hard erection.

“Callen,” she whispered
, her body bowing, as he roughly pushed into her body. When he began wildly thrusting and holding her hips in place she thought she’d go mad.

Lyzee, I can’t stop,” he hissed, as he watched himself take her roughly. Somewhere in his head there was a warning that she was his pregnant woman, and to be gentle, but it was silenced by the savage need.

“Oh God,” she
whimpered, as he hit the right spot over and over again. Elizabeth came so fast that she didn’t have time to think. It overwhelmed her and pulled her under.

Callen enjoyed the way her body pulled at his
, and how she was lost in wickedness of their mating. Pausing his assault on her body, he gave her a moment to refocus. Callen wanted her to feel and be aware of what he was doing to her the entire time. Stopping wasn’t easy; the need in him was demanding he finish.

Elizabeth blinked up at him. “Callen,” she whispered, and saw the violence. “I love you,” she said softly.

Something in him snapped. He pulled out of her body, flipping her over and pressing himself intimately behind her. “I need you right now, Elizabeth. I can’t be gentle. I need to fuck my woman,” he said it, and at her startled gasp at his use of words he struck.

Elizabeth wasn’t sure if it was the cold of the desk pressed against her heated flesh, Callen’s words, or the way he was taking her that made her lose all thoughts in her mind. Everything fell away
, as he slammed repeatedly into her body, pulling the breath from her lungs. When he leaned over her and whispered all the delicious words in her ear, she felt herself close to shattering once again.

“Callen,” she moaned, as he hit the
exact spot again and again.

“Oh, Christ
angel,” he muttered, standing upright and dropping his head back to enjoy everything Elizabeth had to offer. Her little gasps and moans enflamed him as he slid deep within her body. “So close, Lyzee,” he warned.

“Callen,” she pleaded, pushing back against his thrusts to just feel him deeper. “Now, please!”
Elizabeth began the fall into bliss.

Everything around him exploded into color and light as he slammed into her one
last time and his orgasm tore through him. He erupted into her hotly. All life around him stopped, as he laid his body over her shaking one, in an effort to regain his balance and breath.

When the storm stopped, sanity returned and forced the anger to recede.

“Oh Jesus, angel, are you okay?” he asked, pulling from her body and standing her up. Panic now took over. He just took his pregnant woman like some sex craved, rutting animal.

Elizabeth was still dizzy, but the giggling started immediately.
God, she hoped the office door was locked, because she was naked except for a bra.

Callen dropped to his knees, laying his head against her stomach and stroking it delicately. “I didn’t hurt you or the baby did I?” he queried, now a nervous wreck.

“No my love, you didn’t,” she smiled, running her hand down his hair. “We can take quite a bit of hot and heavy sex.”

“I was just so mad,” he said
apologetically. “I was either going to beat some sense into you or…” He let it go because she already knew the second option.

snickered. “Get up, my love,” she said, laughing. “I’m really good, but I really hope you had the sense to lock the office door.”

He laughed, standing in front of her. “It is,
angel.” Callen kissed her gently and tenderly. “I love you, Lyzee.”

She wrapped her arms around his body and hugged him. “I love you too, Cal.”

When they broke apart he collected her panties and jeans. “I think this shirt’s pretty much had it. I’d apologize, but I’m really not feeling sorry.”

Laughter filled her heart as everything was back to normal between them. The calm, jovial Callen was back again
. “I have extra clothes in my closet,” she said, walking towards it and opening the door. “I’d like to say that I keep them here just in case some wild, sexy, Indian warrior has his wicked way with me, but it’s because I sleep here often,” she said, pulling her shirt on.

Callen went to her back and pulled her against his chest. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier.”

“You’re lucky that you didn’t just apologize for the sex. It was the highlight of my day.” Elizabeth turned and put her palms on his face, staring into his eyes. “Callen, I’m not mad at you. I love you too much to have something like this divide us.”

He began buttoning her shirt for her. “You forgive me?”
he asked, softly.

“After that
spectacular display of rowdy office sex? Hell yeah I do!” Elizabeth kissed him gently. When she pulled away she looked into his eyes. “Not only are you a really amazing partner, but you’re going to make a fantastic father.”

He gave her the famous Blackhawk grin.

Elizabeth wanted to give him some reassurance. “When I say partner, what I mean is husband. I don’t see any difference between you and Ethan. To me you’re both the same.”

Callen’s heart thudded in his chest. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Elizabeth looked around her office. “We better get this cleaned up,” she said, chewing on her bottom lip. “It looks like two people went at it in here,” she laughed.

“Oh yeah they did, and it was spectacular,” Whitefox said, patting her on the ass when she bent over to grab her boots.

“Spectacular doesn’t cover it
, darlin.” Elizabeth’s phone beeped, and she glanced at the screen. “The lab doth beckon with evidence. Looks like we’re back on duty for the day, so let’s rustle up Ethan.”

“Works for me. I feel much calmer now,” he grinned, slapping her on the ass.

Elizabeth laughed. “Of course you do.”



Once they were fully put back together again and
the desk was reconstructed, she took his hand in hers. They twined fingers and walked into Ethan’s office together.

handsome. Did you want to mosey on down to autopsy with me? Chris just sent me a text that he’s finished with Lulu.”

Blackhawk stared at them both. Callen looked incredibly smug, they were holding hands and Elizabeth was in a different shirt. Then he got it. “You had sex at work!” he whispered accusingly.

Elizabeth began snickering.

Ethan stood up and walked towards his wife. Gone was the scent of her perfume and present was the scent of his brother’s cologne. “You did!
You smell like him.”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” he said smugly. “It’s not very gentleman like.
She’s a lady and I’m protecting her honor.”

Blackhawk laughed and kissed Elizabeth, glad that they had their fight and got over it.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” he winked at Elizabeth. She’d once seduced him in the office. It made him a nervous wreck just thinking about it. His wife lived on the edge, and he liked to keep his job to provide for his family. Sex in the office was amazing, but he’d crossed it off his bucket list.

“Anyway, autopsy?” she inquired.

“Yeah while you were off being mauled by my brother, I was doing your paper work,” he said grinning.

Elizabeth shrugged. “
If you tell me all the paperwork is done, I’ll let you have at me tonight,” she said, her voice really low and silky. “Repeatedly,” she promised.

Both men’s bodies went taut.

“I love pregnancy hormones,” stated Ethan. “There’s nothing like being used by your wife continually while she’s all hot and bothered.”

She shrugged. “I can’t help that when I’m pregnant I need lots of sex. You’d think with two men I’d
get enough. Maybe I need two or five more,” she said laughing.

“Never going to happen,” added Whi
tefox, smugly. “You need sex, come find me.”

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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