Fire & Desire (Hero Series) (17 page)

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Authors: Monique Lamont,Yvette Hines

BOOK: Fire & Desire (Hero Series)
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“I appreciate that. I would have appreciated it more at seven in
the morning, but I can respect your decision.”

“I can understand if you want to call Mr. Patterson and have him
cancel the contract.”

Selina leaned back in the chair and stared into the fire with a
serious expression on his face while his one index finger idly stroked his

Trevor’s mind began to race in the quiet room.
Maybe I didn’t
say enough. Did I convince him I wasn’t trying to do Tiffany any harm? Hell,
who am I kidding? She won’t speak to me. Harm has without a doubt been done. He
could still decide to kill me. It would take me out of my misery.
something to do to keep his mind steady, Trevor lifted his cup and took small
sips, glad his tongue had gone numb to the taste.

“If given the choice between keeping the contract
this marriage with my daughter, which one would you choose?”

The question caught him off guard. Which limb do you want
mutilated maybe. Never at any moment since coming there did he think he might
receive a glimmer of hope of getting Tiffany back. Or at least a chance to talk
to her again. Trevor set the cup beside the chair and looked directly at the
other man. “Sir, if I had to chose between Tiffany and the contract, it would
be her.”

Nodding, Selina stood with mug in hand. “I’ll take that mug.” He
pointed to Trevor’s coffee sitting by the chair leg.

Trevor handed over the vile brew. He took a resigning breath and
stood to leave. “Well, sir, I thank—”

“Sit,” Selina commanded from the side bar where he placed the two

Trevor sat.

“Wallace,” Selina barked.

The quickness of the door opening didn’t surprise Trevor. It just
confirmed that Wallace had been standing as sentinel outside. Ready.

Trevor swallowed. He couldn’t lie to himself. He was nervous to
meet his fate. At any moment, he expected Wallace to grab him and drag him out
of the house or into some secret padded chamber a previous governor had
installed for moments such as these.

“Get my daughter,” he told the human mountain standing in the open

Without a word, the door sealed again.

Hell, no.
Trevor stood and walked over to Tiffany’s father. “Sir, the last
thing I need is Tiffany thinking that I came here with more plans and ideas to
manipulate her life.”

“Trevor, I know that’s not the case. I understand why you came
here.” Selina reached out and placed a hand on Trevor’s shoulder. “And I can
respect a man who stands up, admits he’s wrong and chooses to take whatever
punishment that comes.”


“Hello?” Tiffany’s voice was gruff and her eyes were gritty and
heavy, as if the sandman had thrown his entire bag inside of them.

“I apologize for waking you, sweetheart, but I need to see you.”

Her heart began to race. Tiffany attempted to catch a hint of what
might be going on, but her father spoke calmly and inconspicuously. “Is
everything okay, Dad?”

“Don’t worry. It’s not an emergency, but it is important.”

“Alright, I’ll be there first thing in the morning. Good nigh—”

“No, Tiffany, I need to see you now.”

She glanced over at her clock.
Four thirty-three. It’s only
been an hour since I went to sleep.
Tiffany exhaled. “Now?” Of its own volition,
her mind flashed to the night her mother was taken to the hospital. She had
spent the night at Josephine’s house, and her father had called her.

He used the same calm, adamant voice. Tiffany pulled her body to a
seated position and snapped on her nightstand lamp. “Are you sure you’re okay,

She could hear him release a breath through the phone.

“Yes, my girl. I’m fine,” he said, perceptive and understanding.
“Wallace should be there in about an hour.”

“If you sent Wallace on an hour and a half drive to get me, it
must be

Tiffany stood up and stretched. “Call your loyal friend and tell
him to turn around. I can be out of the house in fifteen minutes, saving us all
some time.”

“Tiffany, I don’t want you driving alone at this time of night.”

“My cell is fully charged. I will be okay.”

“If you’re sure, sweetheart?” he said, his reluctance clear.

“I love you, Dad.” Tiffany didn’t know what was happening at the
Governor’s Mansion tonight, but she didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
Still holding her cell phone, she headed for the shower.

“I love you, too. See you soon.”



“Dad?” Tiffany pushed open the door and rushed into the mansion.
Anxious, she scanned the room for her father.

“I’m here, sweetheart.” Her father walked out of his office and
closed the door behind him.

“What’s going on?” She moved toward him.

He met her halfway, kissed her on her cheek. “Let’s go into the
living room.”

She viewed the emotionless expression on his face as he turned and
headed in the direction of the other room.

This can’t be good.
Tiffany followed silently behind him.

When they reached the room, her father directed her to sit on the
couch, and then he took the seat beside her.

“You’re scaring me, Dad. The last time you were this solemn, mother
was sick.”

Her father reached out and squeezed her hand. “It’s not my
intention. No one’s ill. It’s nothing so grave.”

“Then tell me what it is.” Tiffany looked into his eyes, pleading
for understanding.

“Tell me about Trevor Wayne.”

“What?” Her heart plummeted to the pit of her stomach. He couldn’t
have said what she thought. She must’ve misheard him.

“Trevor Wayne, Tiffany.”

She had not. Tiffany dropped her face into her hands, took a deep
breath, then glanced at her father. She now understood the look. It wasn’t
grave but pained. He was hurt. And she had done it to him.

“How did you find out? Let me guess; I was that obvious when I
came by your office and saw you two together, wasn’t I?” She could have faked
ignorance but decided it wasn’t worth it.

Besides, she respected her father too much to attempt the farce.

He shook his head. “It’s not as important how I discovered the
truth as how you feel about him.”

It was time to let the cat out of the bag. Tiffany sighed and
leaned back against the cushions. “At first, I was confused. I felt things for
Trevor I’ve never felt before. Emotions I didn’t want to feel.” It wasn’t
strange for Tiffany to sit and talk to her father about personal things. Over
the years, he had been her father, mother and confidant.

“Daddy, I’m sorry.” Tiffany slipped off her shoes, brought her
knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

“Why, honey? Sometimes you have no control over your heart.”

“Maybe not, Dad.” She placed her chin onto her knees.

“It may help if you start from the beginning.”

“The beginning, huh? I got drunk, woke up to find myself in a
strange man’s bed and married to him.”

“Spontaneity?” His face held a wistful look. “You’re more like
your mother than even I realized. Not what I expected of you.”

Tiffany lifted her head and looked at her father, trying to
glimpse traces of disappointment, but found none. “It wasn’t what I expected of
myself. Even worse, I fell for him.


He leaned back beside her. “Are you ashamed of those feelings?”

She turned fully toward her father and placed her elbow on the
back of the couch. “Tell me something first, Dad. Did he use our relationship
to get in your good graces?”

“No, sweetie he didn’t,” he said with a very curt tone.

“Are you shocked?”

“I am.” He frowned. “It’s not often you find someone doing the
honest and right thing instead of pressing every advantage to get what he

Her hands sifted through her hair. “Well, it really doesn’t matter
because it’s over between us.”


“It would have never worked. I don’t know if I can trust what he
tells me. What’s a marriage without trust?”

“None at all.”

“Exactly.” Tiffany pushed up from the couch.

Her father remained sitting on the couch. “Why didn’t you get a

She turned and faced him. “I didn’t want to embarrass you.”

Tiffany’s father moved forward with his elbows on his knees. “You
know, Tiffany. I have always known you to be a headstrong individual.
Determined. When you want to do something, you find a way to do it and allow
nothing to stand in your way. You’ve been like that since you were small.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “Well, maybe I’ve changed,
Dad. Lost my determination.”

He stood and walked toward her. “You’re right. You have changed.”
He grasped her shoulders. “Not in the way you think. A few months ago, I was
very worried about you. I began to fear maybe my career had sucked the life
from you.”

“Dad, I enjoy working with you.”

He squeezed her arms. “Tiffany, I have no doubt about that. But
you need your own life.”


“Let me finish, sweetheart. When you and Josephine opened up the
business, I was excited. I thought, here is the perfect chance for Tiffany to
find herself outside of my job.

Honestly.” He dropped his hands and looked at her. “I felt a
little trepidation about not having you by my side.”

Tiffany missed his warmth. The security.

“But you never stepped away. I even reduced your schedule of
events with me. Opting to go alone rather than have you accompany me. Finally,
over the last few months, I began to notice you spending more time at your
company, coming into your own. I believe Trevor was responsible for it.”

Tiffany wanted to deny it. She wanted to blame Trevor for her hurt
and confusion. Not reward him for pushing her to follow her own dreams and
desire. But that’s why she loved him.

He had made her find herself. He made her press through all the
clutter of people and things smothering her life. Everything she thought made
her who she was and made her discover the real Tiffany Selina. Tiffany’s eyes
began to burn. She knew tears were imminent.

“Daddy, what am I supposed to do.” The first tear fell. “He’s lied
to me so many times, about so many things. Half-truths and schemes.”

“Tiffany, it’s not my place to answer for him. Trevor is the only
one who can do that.”

More tears tumbled out unchecked.

He pulled her into an embrace. “Do you love him, Tiffany.”

“Yes, Daddy. But I don’t know what to do.” Her words sounded
hoarse and desperate to her own ears.

Still holding her, her father stroked the back of her head.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry we lost her. I’m sorry that all you’ve had is your
old dad. You haven’t been able to witness what fully comes with a relationship
between a husband and wife.”

Tiffany pulled back, giving her father a watery gaze. “I do
remember, Dad. I remember how much you loved her and cared for her.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I did, sweetheart. But we also hid things in
our attempt to protect the other. Mostly, I did. Especially in this job. Then
your mother would find out the truth, and we’d argue and make up. But we
stayed…until the end.” Cupping the sides of her face, he said, “There hasn’t
been a day that has gone by that I don’t wish she were here for one more argument.
One more chance to make up. One more time to hold her.”

Understanding dawned on Tiffany as she recognized the glassy
wetness in her father’s eyes. “Is that why you never married again?”

“I couldn’t. Companionship is fine, but there will never be
another Elaine.” He brushed his thumbs underneath her eyes and wiped the tears.
“I can’t tell you if Trevor is your soul mate.

The one who will complete you, but I urge you to find out. Be
honest with yourself. You don’t want to miss it. No matter how long it may
last, I figure, if he found his way into your heart, then he can’t be all bad.
Do you love him?”

“Yes.” Tiffany paused. “I love him.”

“Then tell him.”

“You’re right, Dad.” Tiffany took a cleansing breath. “It’s time I
faced this situation head on.” Tiffany stepped back with her newfound resolve.
“This afternoon I’ll call him and—”

“Why wait? He’s in my office.”



Trevor heard the anxiety in Tiffany’s voice and the deep, rumbling
baritone of the governor’s as he greeted her at the door. Their voices had
faded over an hour ago when Trevor heard the soft squeak of the door as it opened.

Sitting in the chair the governor had occupied earlier by the
fire, Trevor had a clear view of Tiffany as she stood silent in the doorway,
clad in dark blue fitted jeans, a bulky sweatshirt and her hair pulled away
from her face in a loose ponytail. Fresh faced and void of make-up. An expert,
she kept her features schooled, showing none of her internal emotions. At that
moment, he recognized how much she was like her father.

Slowly, Trevor stood.

“Good morning, Tiffany.” He stood rooted to the spot in front of
the chair.

“It would have been better if I’d gotten more than an hour of
sleep.” She closed the door and moved into the room, standing behind the other

“I’m sorry.” Trevor inhaled. Sweet and intoxicating, he could
smell her scent across the room. Fresh and clean. She smelled like heaven to

The movement of Tiffany gripping the back of the soft leather
chair drew his eyes. Hands that in the past had touched and embraced him.
they again?

“Why did you come here, Trevor?” she quietly asked.

“I needed to come clean.”

“I need to be able to trust you.”

Trevor slid his hands in his back pockets, bowed his head and took
a deep breath. “I don’t want to mess this up again with you, Tiffany.” He
raised his head to look at her.


The sincere look in his light brown eyes pierced Tiffany in her
heart. He reminded her of a puppy in a shop looking for a home. Everything
within her yearned to be that place. Yet she remained scared and hurt.

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know what you expect me
to say, Trevor.”

Removing his hands, he took a step toward her. “Nothing, baby.”
Trevor ran a hand down his baldhead, gripping the back of his neck. “I respect
how you feel.”

Her heart rate picked up with his nearness. “What makes you think
you know what I’m feeling?”

“I’m no fool. I know I hurt you. Hell, I knew it would hurt, but I
foolishly thought if I spoke to you I could make you understand.”

“Trevor, I could never understand why you used me to get back at
someone you hate.”

She didn’t want anything between them, especially not
Christopher’s name.

He began to speak, but she raised her hand to stop him. She didn’t
want to argue. “But I’ve known you for a while now. You’re not heartless,
Trevor. Otherwise, you could have taken several opportunities to tell someone
else about our marriage. The press even. You didn’t.”

Tiffany ran her hands across the smooth furniture, wanting to
reach out and touch him. She fought against it, knowing they needed to clear
the air first.

Trevor shook his head and stepped forward until his shins were
against the seat of the chair. “I should’ve left you alone. Been smart enough
to leave the entire idea of revenge alone.

Then I would’ve never conceived of doing the act in Vegas.”

Tiffany reached across the chair and touched his cheek. “I don’t
condone your methods, but if you hadn’t been so drastic in your revenge scheme,
we would never have met.”

Trevor’s eyes opened wide with shock. “Yes, we would have,” he
said with confidence as he rubbed his face against the palm of her hand.


“Because without the knowledge of our relationship, my company won
the Heritage contract. We worked hard, and we deserved to win the contract. So
on this Saturday when they have the celebration party, we would have met.”

Tiffany’s hand dropped away and her heart plummeted. “Sure.”
Tiffany’s eyes made a quick arch toward the ceiling. “Without your revenge
there would have been no interest in me.”

“Are you kidding me?” One of Trevor’s knees sank into the seat
cushion, he leaned in, bringing himself against the chair. “I tried to fool
myself into believing the only reason I wanted you was because of payback. But
it wasn’t. It was just you. When I stood in that kitchen touching and holding
you, the only thing I thought of and wanted was you.”

Tiffany closed her eyes, experiencing the warmth of his hands on
her face. He smelled male, a sexy blend of musk and spice. Tiffany’s heart rate
accelerated, and her breathing became labored. Her lips became sensitive from
the light brush of his thumb across them.

She opened her eyes. His position in the chair placed them on an
eye level, but Trevor’s eyes appeared mesmerized by her lips. Tiffany was
excited to see the evidence of his attraction.

His eyes lifted and connected with hers. “What about you, Tiffany?
What were you thinking about as I held you? Touched you?”

“You.” She was breathless, unable to supply her racing heart with
the oxygen it needed.

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