Fire Engine Dead (32 page)

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Authors: Sheila Connolly

BOOK: Fire Engine Dead
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Lewis swept the group with his gaze. “Then I think we owe you a collective vote of thanks. Had it not been for you, the losses could have been catastrophic.”

“Yes,” I said, “but—” Marty’s hand on my arm stopped me; Lewis wasn’t finished.

“Martha tells me that she has already obtained estimates to repair the damage and replace the items that were destroyed,” he went on. “I think that we may safely assign that first priority. Was there anything else that we need to discuss?”

What? That was all? No mention of Scott’s death? No censure for getting myself involved in yet another mess? “There is one more matter. Subsequent to the thefts we discovered here last fall, the FBI has entrusted us with cataloging
the items they recovered in their successful prosecution of the case. We’ve just hired a new registrar as well as an intern who I’ve assigned to the FBI cataloging project. The FBI’s payment for our services will more than cover their time. And finally, there is some chance that we may be able to keep some or all of those items that remain unclaimed at the end of the process.”

“Definitely a silver lining to that unfortunate episode.” Lewis checked his watch. “Do we need to vote on anything? If we need a formality, I make a motion that we allocate sufficient funds to make necessary repairs and replacements, and that we accept the FBI’s request that we assist them in their efforts to return the items they have recovered to their rightful owners. Do I hear a second?”

There were several. Ayes? They were unanimous. “Then we are adjourned. Thank you, Nell, for your good work.”

Five minutes later Marty and I were left alone in the building. “What just happened here?” I asked, still feeling a bit stunned.

Marty grinned at me. “The board just gave you a huge vote of confidence. Seriously, we came out of this better than we could have hoped, officially. Who knows—maybe this collections assessment thing will turn into a steady gig with the FBI. We could use the money. You want to go out and celebrate?”

I smiled. I did—but I also wanted some time alone. Or maybe just alone with James. “Maybe later. I’ve got a lot to think about. I’ll be in tomorrow morning.”

“You’d better be—we need you here.”

“Thanks, Marty. For everything.”

“Including Jimmy?” She grinned.

I didn’t want to give her credit for that, but I could be generous. “Everything. Persuading the board to take a chance on me. Backing me up through all the catastrophes. Trusting me. And maybe just a little for James.”

“You’ve earned it all, Nell, and you deserve it. Besides, it’s never dull around here with you in charge.”

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