Read Fire In Her Eyes Online

Authors: Amanda Heath

Fire In Her Eyes (6 page)

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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Paige was right when she said that he hangs out at the same places. It’s not like he’s stalking me, though. There are only so many places to go in Duke. He looks up like he could feel me staring at him. His pale eyes are hooded and burning holes through me. A smirk lifts the corners of his mouth until he catches what I’m wearing. His mouth forms a perfect O when his eyes rove over my barley-there shirt. It’s strapless and hugs every one of my curves. It’s black just like my skirt, which is tight around my hips and flares out at the bottom.

When his eyes get to my legs the look that passes over his face makes me shiver. They leave a trail of fire wherever they pass.

I look away from him when there is a tap on m
y shoulder. “Hey girl, you want to

I smile at the six foot brunette and nod my head yes. He grabs my hand and pulls me out onto the dance floor. “What’s your name?” I ask him as he puts his hands low on my hips.

I place my hands around his neck and sway to the music. “Liam. What’s yours?”

“Harley. Why do you look so familiar?”
I ask him. He has these intense
green eyes and I recognize him from somewhere. It’s on the tip of my tongue.

“Like the motorcycle? I look familiar because I’m the lead singer of Hush Hush.” He pulls his full lips into a smirk.
I’m to shocked to even tell him, that I am in fact not named after the motorcycle.

Oh, fucking shit. “Does Carter know you are here? Oh my god, she is going to kill me for dancing with you!” I slap his chest, but he only pulls me in closer.

“Well, I only planned on making her a little jealous, but this should work even better. I can’t believe that I didn’t place who you were.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Red hair and
dark blue eyes; she talks about
you all the time.”

I squint my eyes at him. He can’t be serious! “She is going to kill me, then you! What are you even doing here?”

“I came to win her back. I messed up big time and I really want to make it better.” He looks at something over my shoulder and I start to turn around when he says, “No don’t look. It’s not Carter. It’s some guy. I’m thinking looks real jealous right now. See? We can help each other out.” He grins.

“That’s just Spencer. I don’t care if he’s jealous. He can go rot in hell for all I care.” I roll my eyes and try to push away.

“Not so fast. Just help me, please? I’m really sorry for what I did to your friend, but I’m trying to fix it.” He looks deep into my eyes, trying to make me understand.

“Fine, but keep your hands in the proper places. And if I get hit for this, I get free tickets to your next concert.” He nods his head immediately.

Before I know it, Spencer is standing next to me looking like he is going to beat the shit out of Liam. “Do you mind if I cut in?” He asks, with a menacing tone.


Liam looks at me and I roll my eyes. “Go away, Spencer. No one wants to dance with you,” I say, even though I do want to dance with him. He’s got one of those tight cotton t-shirts on and low hung blue jeans. I keep getting flash backs from the other day when he kissed me in the driveway. I got a thrill when he pulled me into him. We fit perfectly together, hardness to softness.

“Well, you can say that all you want, Harley, but I know you want to dance with me.” He smirks and takes my hands off of Liam’s neck.

“I’m sorry, Liam, Spencer has no manners,” I say pointedly at Spencer.

“It’s fine. I can find someone else to dance with.” H
e winks at me before moving on.
Great. I’m stuck with the dickhead now.




When Dean called and asked if I wanted to meet at The Hangover, I jumped at the chance. I needed to let off some steam. I should have known that she would show up. Her and her posse always used to come here on the weekends when we were in high school.

Harley looks so sexy in that barley-there outfit. All my heads seem to think so. She’s not very tall, only about 5’3, but damn does she have some legs, and those sexy little heels make them even longer.

When the dark haired guy takes her off to the dance floor I feel myself tense up. Now I know I have it bad. I’v
e never been jealous in my life before though.

“Dude, what’s up?” Dylan asks, sitting down behind me.

“Nothing,” I mumble back, not taking my eyes off of Harley.

“Is that Liam Bradley?” Dean asks no one in particular.

I look to where she is dancing with the dark haired guy. Shit that is Liam Bradley: the lead singer of Hush Hush. My jealously rises a notch. This is un-fucking-believable.

“Looks like your girl just got stolen by a rock star!” Dylan slaps hands with Dean behind my back.

“Nobody’s been stolen. They’re just dancing, not getting married,” I grumble.

“They look like they know each other. I heard somewhere that his girlfriend was from somewhere in Arkansas. It could be Harley.” Dean throws me a shit eating grin.

I stare at them swaying to the music, and they really do look like they kn
ow each other. Liam looks up at
me and winks. Yeah, I have had enough of that.

In my next move, I’m out of my seat
and on my way toward them. “Do
you mind if I cut in?” I ask her.

She rolls her eyes at Liam and says, “Go away, Spencer. No one wants to dance with you.”

“You can say that all you want, Harley, but I know you want to dance with me.” She’s looking me over like a stack of ribs she wants to devour. I’m all up for that.

I take her hands off of Liam’s neck, bringing her closer to me. “I’m sorry, Liam, Spencer has no manners.”

“It’s okay. I can find someone else to dance with.” He winks at her and I feel my blood boil.

I grab her hips and bring her flush to my body. Now, doesn’t that feel great? “Are you dating Liam Bradley?” I whisper into her ear. She shivers and I really like the reaction.

“What a stupid question. If I was, I wouldn’t have hooked up with you. I’m not a slut, Spencer,” she says, nudging closer to me.

“I don’t think you’re a slut. Never have. I can’t believe that you just admitted to hooking up with me, out loud.” I move my hands to her lower back. I want to spread my hands over her perfect ass, but I refrain.

I really don’t feel like getting slapped tonight.

“Well, there’s no use pretending that it didn’t happen. I don’t lie to myself or anyone else for that matter. I don’t see the point. It only causes hurt and trouble,” she says
rubbing her fingers up and down
the back of my neck. Damn that feels good.

“Have you always been this sensible?” I ask with an eyebrow arched.

“I guess so. My mother told me that she was coming home the day she died. That was the biggest lie I have ever heard. You don’t tell your child you are coming home and then go off yourself.” Her eyes are far off like she’s reliving the day. “Anyway, since then, I make an effort to never lie about anything.” She shakes her head before laying it in the crook of my neck.

I kiss the top of her silky hair and rub her back in slow circles. I guess you have to realize that there is a reason for every action and a reaction for each of those actions. I can’t help but think that maybe Harley is only a bitch because she hides a deep pain that even I can’t even to understand.

“Have you always been such a good listener?” Her voice is a little muffled from her face being in my neck.

“Yes. My mom likes to talk a lot. I’ve learned from the best. She used to say there is no better quality in a man than a good listener.” I shrug, pu
shing my hands up under her top to rest at the skin on her waist.

“Yeah, I guess we were just always so busy being at each other’s throats to realize we are both decent people.” She gives me a stunning smile and I feel kind of weak in the knees.

“I don’t know. You’re still pretty much a jerk. You’re all ‘You’re mine and no one else’s’ or ‘You can’t dance with other guys because you’re mine’,” she mimics me expertly, “I understand you’re an alpha male, but still at least let me say I’m yours before you just assume.” I’m a little shocked at having just been put in my place, but in all honesty, I don’t mind. I’ve had a few beers and my hormones are in overdrive. Her lips are moving and all I can think about is sticking my tongue between them…or something else.


Chapter 8




I kind of like this sweet side of Spencer. I didn’t even think he had it in him. We have been at each other’s throats for as long as I can remember.

When we made it back to my table we realized that our two tables had converged, making a huge party of 8. There was plenty of alcohol passed around and I was definitely feeling it.

“Hey, Lucy, isn’t that Mason over there staring at you?” I ask her. I just noticed him. He’s one of those silent loner types. I have never seen him hang around anybody, let alone pay attention to any girl.

She hiccups before answering, “Yup, that’s Mason. He’s been around since, you know, the other day. I kind of like it. I keep asking him what he is doing, but you know he
doesn’t answer. I’m starting to
think he is dumb. I wouldn’t care anyway because he is totally hot.”

“I could see that working, you know. Lucy never shuts up, so she can do all the talking,” Carter laughs, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder and hitting a scowling Liam in the face.

I can’t help but laugh with her because it’s so true. Plus, the look on Lucy’s drunken face that says she doesn’t think it is true. “She’s right, Lucy. You do talk a lo
t. We love you for it, though,
so don’t get upset about it,” I tell her, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

All of a sudden Paige throws her drink in Dean’s face. The whole table is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She looks shocked, like she can’t believe she did that. Then she busts out laughing, making the rest of the girls at the table laugh.

“You know, I don’t really think this is funny ladies,” Dean says, wiping the liquid off of his face. “I was wrong, Paige. You’re not a goodie-two-shoes, you’re a fucking bitch,” he
states, calmly looking down his
nose at her.

Oh, he has done it now. The three of us stand up. “You did not just call her a bitch! I have known you since, I don’t know, the day you were born! You deserved the drink in the face! No need to throw names around. I’ve got a few though if you want to play,” Carter sneers from beside me. Liam stands up and walks up behind her. Good lord he makes her look like a dwarf! This makes me chuckle and I get a curious look from around the table.

“Sorry. Carter just looks like an oompa loompa next to Liam.” This earns several snickers around the table, and just like that the tension is broken.

I feel a pair of warm hands guide themselves around my waist. “You ready to go, baby girl?” Spencer whispers into my ear. I get a thrill from his warm breath.

I turn in his arms and smile up at him, forgetting everyone else in the room. “Yeah,” I say, biting down on my bottom lip. He watches the movement like a hawk and groans.

“Let’s get out of here then.” He grabs my hand and pulls me along to leave.




I may have had a little too much to drink. I guess that is why I feel inclined to lay my head in his lap. “Are you sleepy?” he asks me in a soft voice.

I nod my head and close my eyes, but don’t go to sleep. I listen to the sound of his breathing and think how in the hell did I get here? I feel almost normal for the first time in my life. I jerk
when he takes
a hand off the wheel and runs it through my hair, massaging my scalp.

Apparently that was all I needed because, the next thing I know, Spencer is gently shaking me awake. I sit up slowly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and realize we are parked in the driveway of our house.

I don’t say anything as I get out of the truck and head into the house. I hear him get out as well and I can feel him come up behind me. Though I haven’t ever spent this much time around him, it all feels natural to me.

Honestly, I have always been afraid to let him in. Even when we were younger and he came to play dolls with me, I knew then that he was special. My mom had recently died and
I knew that if I let him in, it
would be a forever kind of thing. So, I spent my entire life pushing him away. Now I’m just tired of it all, tired of pretending to everyone else that I don’t want him; because I do.




I want her so bad. It’s literally driving me mad. That’s how I find myself stalking her down the hallway. My dick just keeps getting harder as she sways those lush hips from side to side. Right before
she passes my door I grab her around the hips and push her up against it.

I don’t wait for her to tell me no, I just go in for the kill. Our lips meet in a bruising kiss. I pull her bottom lip between my teeth and she lets out a slow, sultry moan. I pull back to open the door and I push her inside before shutting and locking the door.

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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