Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) (35 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)
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Elijah quickly turned when Karam sauntered to the edge. “Welcome, my fellow citizens!” he proclaimed. “Today is a glorious day, a day when you receive a gift from the gods, a man who knows what it really means to be sultan!” He slowly bowed to the masses.

Elijah walked back to the edge with Karim and Caleb trailing behind. “Be ready to fire, Aiken,” he whispered.

“I will, Elijah. May God protect you,” he said somberly.

Elijah quickly scaled down the wall, intent on the secret passage. Sticking to the outside of the mesmerized crowd, he broke free from Karam’s voice and the people as the rear palace wall came into view.

“Elijah. There are only two of us, plus a boy. What do you expect?” asked Karim, following closely.

Elijah crouched behind some bushes, listening to four guards argue about Karam killing the princess. He quickly whispered, “We don’t have time, Karim! We don’t have time!” and immediately, he charged the guards.

“Elijah!” shouted Karim, mouth gaping.

The bandits turned and stared at Elijah running full force. Without hesitation, he thrust his sword through the closest, dropping him instantly. Yelling, Elijah swung wildly at the next, completely opening him up to the other two. Elijah sliced through the leg of one, and watched him fall to the ground, screaming. Karim wasted no time, powerfully deflecting the jabs of one as Elijah took on the other. Side by side, the two friends swung wildly to the sounds of clashing metal. One guard stumbled and fell just as Elijah thrust his sword into his neck. Elijah glanced toward Karim, still fighting the last standing bandit. He ran over and kicked the bandit’s leg from behind, dropping him just as Karim slit his neck.

Karim rested his hands on the butt of his sword as his chest heaved over and over. “Where did you learn how to fight like that!?” he asked Elijah.

“Long story. Let’s go!” shouted Elijah, his mind racing with thoughts of cutting the princess free from that horrible pole.
I have to save her!
he thought.
I have to save her no matter the cost!

Caleb stepped out from behind the bushes. All color had drained from his face. “Elijah!”

“Hurry up, Caleb! Show me to Karam!” shouted Elijah.

Caleb ran, and slammed his hand against the secret stone trigger. “This way!” he cried and led them through the empty kitchen. Elijah stopped at the entrance into the great hall. He thought he caught a whiff of Natalia’s perfume.

Karim said softly, “Did you ever think we would be here?”

“No,” answered Elijah, glancing around.

Caleb whispered loudly, “Over here!” as he raised his hand toward the far end of the great hall.

“Elijah!” He quickly turned toward the familiar voice. Isabelle’s voice again whispered loudly, “Elijah!” Suddenly, he saw them against the far wall, Nizar, Rasha, Bayan, and Firas, with their hands tied behind their backs.

He looked to Karim and then back, only to see his friends being led outside by a dozen bandits!

The twelve abruptly turned toward Elijah, swords drawn. One of them shouted out, “Who are you?”

Elijah slowly unsheathed his sword. “I am Elijah! Come and get me!” he said grinning.

The scraggly man threw his head back in laughter. “The boss is going to like this! Kill them all!” he shouted charging forward.

Elijah had only one thing in mind – saving Natalia. He had no intentions of allowing these bandits to get in his way.

Karim yelled across the room, “Curses, Elijah!” and took off after him. But Elijah didn’t hear him. He was instantly engaged, wildly swinging at the guards. None of them hesitated, surrounding him with sharp metal. Elijah backed up, side stepped, dodged and blocked every sword that came his way. Two of the bandits broke off with Karim in their sights, giving Elijah enough room to jump out of the way of his attackers. He lost no time, thrusting forward in full offense. He swung first but his attack was quickly blocked. Another bandit swung as Elijah ducked and charged, dropping him to the ground. He quickly slit the bandit’s throat and dodged the oncoming blades.

Caleb sprinted to the far end and started untying the group. Elijah stepped back and swung again, dislodging two swords. He kept backing up, swinging, holding them off. He glanced at Karim struggling against two others. Another blade sliced toward Elijah’s leg, but it didn’t connect. He ducked, avoiding another wild swing, but tripped and stumbled under a falling blade. It missed Elijah by mere inches thanks to Nizar. He stood above the dead man, grinning boldly. Firas grabbed a fallen sword and came in from behind. Elijah maneuvered to his feet, again thrusting his way forward. Side by side, he and Nizar quickly downed two more. Elijah slammed against another sword, and watched it clatter to the ground. He swung his upward, and sliced the unsuspecting man across his chest. Elijah moved away from the scream toward Firas and his three attackers. Firas started to run just as Elijah came up behind one and sliced through his back. Wasting no time, he spun around and into the air, crashing his blade down on another. The victim collapsed in a bloody heap. The third tripped when the man collapsed and straddled him. Firas had his chance and thrust the falling bandit through the chest. Elijah took another look toward Karim, watching him grab a bandit’s arm, kick him in the side, and run his sword through his gut. He pulled his blade out and slashed again through the air. Elijah grinned when he took in Nizar fighting a lone bandit. Their swords clashed, but the bandit slammed his blade down against Nizar’s and forced him to his knees. Nizar staggered, but the bandit was too quick, piercing his body instantly. Nizar’s chest heaved violently, but the red flow down his chin blocked his air. Elijah screamed, “No!” and ran over, quickly stabbing the bandit in the back. The man dropped dead. Firas and Karim double teamed the last two bandits, overpowering them in moments.

Tears filled Elijah’s eyes as he knelt beside his friend. “Nizar!” he cried.

His chest heaved yet again, as the pool of red widened.

Elijah cried again, “No! Nizar!” while Isabelle, Firas, Karim, Rasha and Bayan made their way across the blood-stained marble floor.

Nizar grabbed Elijah’s arm. “El…i…jah…,” he muttered.

Elijah rested Nizar’s head in his hand. “Thank you, friend,” he said, but Nizar didn’t respond. His chest surged one last time and was silent.

Isabelle broke into tears. “No!” she cried.

“Nizar!” cried Rasha.

Firas put his hands to his head. “No!” he shouted.

Karim took one last look through his moistened eyes and turned away.

Elijah glanced at the others and gently laid Nizar’s head to the ground. He slowly rose and made his way to Isabelle, putting his arms around her. “I am sorry,” he whispered as she continued to sob.

Karim turned back to his friends. “We will give him the mourning he deserves, Elijah. We need to get to Karam.”

Elijah joined Karim. “We have to end this. His death will not be in vain!” he shouted.

Rasha, sobbing, threw her arms around Elijah. He held her tightly and then released her. “Let’s go,” he commanded.

Karim nodded and turned toward the great doors.

“Caleb. How do we get to Karam?” Elijah asked.

Caleb raised his arm. “Go to that door at the far end. It will lead upstairs. Take your first door to the right, and then you will be on the walls on the back side of the palace. You will find your way to the front easily from there.”

“Lead them out of here, Caleb!” commanded Elijah. “Come on, Karim!” he said and the two took off.

Chapter 47

iken fixed his
gaze on the flying acrobats. Their colorful streamers captured everyone’s attention as they crisscrossed above the crowds. He watched as Kun masterfully launched from a swinging platform into the arms of an awaiting partner. The people below gasped when the two flipped and grabbed onto the dangling swings. The crowd erupted in applause as they craned their necks upward. Suddenly, the mid-day sky exploded in a brilliant display of fireworks. Reds, blues, greens, and yellows flared overhead, dropping their smoldering trails on the grounds below. It wasn’t long before the excitement died out and the people stared at the movement on the wall. Kun and his team quickly vanished just as Karam stepped up to the edge and shouted out.

“You will all bow to me! I am the rightful sultan! And today I will destroy any last reminisce of the old kingdom! Today is our day for our new found glory! Let the executions begin!” The only noises were from the sword-bearing bandits’ uncontrolled cheers. “Let’s start with your precious city guards! Bring them out!” shouted Karam. The bandits continued their clatter.

Karam chuckled as he turned toward the towering poles. Natalia and the sultan both stared at the ground.

No guards appeared, though, as Karam glanced back at his men.

Aiken kept his focus on Kun, watching him hand out bags to his acrobats.

“Where are the guards?” shouted Karam, staring at his men closest to him.

Zeke shouted back. “I…I don’t know. They should have…” He was suddenly interrupted by yelling from below.

“Where are the guards?” he shouted again. Karam ran back to the wall’s edge just in time to witness guards charging on horseback into the crowds. The people quickly dispersed as the guards, led by Ghais, plunged their weapons into several awaiting bandits.

“We’re under attack!” shouted Zeke.

Karam raised one of his swords and yelled, “Kill them all!”

The bandits on the wall immediately fired their arrows onto the guards below. Several arrows found their marks, dropping the men to the ground. Aiken held his bow, ready, but couldn’t fire. The princess and the sultan were right above his barrel of black powder. He re-aimed, and released, striking one bandit through the chest. The man’s scream was cut short as he fell, backward, to the street. Aiken fired again, taking another out. Karam glanced across and pointed. “Take him out!” he screamed.

Aiken’s chest heaved as he crouched behind a low wall. The arrows zinged by, bouncing off the roof and adjoining wall.

Sam crouched behind the rugged man, eyes wide. “This isn’t good!” she exclaimed.

“Stay down!” yelled Aiken as he peered over the wall. He could see the guards fighting the dwindling number of bandits, with Ghais leading the charge.

“Kill them!” screamed Karam again. A flurry of movement came around the side of the palace as many bandits came running, shouting at the top of their voices! The acrobats were waiting and immediately attacked. They pulled out their small swords from the bags Kun had passed out, killing as many as they could. The commotion echoed on the street when the acrobats and guards joined forces. The bandits were outnumbered, at least two to one. Blood ran in the streets. Aiken, with bow drawn, watched from above. One guard thrust his sword into a bandit, and then an acrobat stabbed wildly at another. Suddenly, two of Karam’s men cornered a guard from behind. He didn’t have a chance. Aiken watched Kun slam his foot into a bandit on the ground, grab another bandit’s arm, and break it in two. He raised his blade, and thrust it through another. Ghais was on foot, swinging wildly, and slammed his sword into a bandit’s head. And then, Karam screamed again. “Send them all out!” Even more of his men poured into the street.

Aiken looked toward the palace, thinking about Elijah.
Was he okay
? he wondered. He felt worried about him, and hoped that he could make it through. He kept looking toward the door Karam used, hoping to see Elijah emerge, but only bandits kept coming out. It became clear that there were many more bandits than guards and acrobats as they filled the streets. Hundreds appeared. The slaughter was unending when he realized that most of the acrobats were dead. Kun continued to advance, jumping and ducking wildly. Ghais took several blows as three men advanced, forcing him to his knees. They stabbed repeatedly until the leader collapsed at their feet. An arrow shot through the air, striking through a bandit’s neck. He dropped in a lifeless heap. Aiken squinted and recognized Edward holding a taunt bow. Loud shouts drew Aiken’s attention toward an alley just as Darrel and his crusaders charged out, yelling wildly. Darrel swiftly sliced his razor sharp sword into a bandit. In moments, the crusaders’ superb fighting styles rendered the bandits practically useless.

Zeke shouted, “It’s the Crusaders!”

Karam stared, motionless.

Aiken watched as the crusaders dropped everyone in their path, slicing their way forward. They continued the push, forcing the bandits back into the safety of the palace. The crusaders cheered as their opponents disappeared. Still watching from above, Aiken saw Darrel slam his blade into a retreating bandit’s back as the cheering increased. Kun ran over to Darrel and helped him finish off the fallen man.

“You will all die!” screamed Karam from above.

Aiken glanced down from the roof as the fighting suddenly died down. His men stood, staring up toward the wall.

Karam screamed again. “Unleash the chimera!” The creaking hinges slowly turned under the weight of the heavy wood, exposing Voran and the chimera. Everyone tried to fall back and out of the way as the chimera roared and hissed at the same time. The beady eyes of its goat head rose into the air, wavering back and forth.

“What is that?” shouted Kun.

Aiken heard Darrel yell. “What! Impossible!” just as the two-headed beast charged at the small army. It leaped and pounced on its first target, a stunned crusader. It swiped with its big claws at his head, throwing him against the wall. It leaped at another, digging its fangs into his neck and tossing him, flailing, away. Aiken quickly took a shot, but missed. The creature moved with lightening speed. Kun grabbed a spear when the ferocious beast closed in on him. Voran’s huge sword rose in the air, then struck a guard through the chest. The man’s entire body flew up, and then down with a resounding thud.

Darrel took aim at the chimera, but its claw shot out, dragging Darrel with it. He screamed in pain, holding his blood-soaked leg. Edward took aim and released, his arrow piercing the creatures back. The chimera turned and ripped through an acrobat’s shoulder with ease. Voran sliced another crusader across his chest. Nothing was stopping Voran and his beast. Aiken fired again, this time at Voran. His arrow met its target, piercing the man’s chest. Voran pulled out the arrow, and tossed it to the side! Kun moved in on the chimera, thrusting his spear into its ribcage. The beast turned and leaped, but Kun dove out of the way. The beast staggered for a moment and tried to reposition itself, but Kun again took aim. His spear sailed through the air, slamming into its broad shoulders. It screamed out in pain and raged toward Kun. Two crusaders started slicing at the creature’s legs, causing it to stumble and fall. But, it quickly reared up, and struck out. The man’s chest spewed blood as his armor fell from his downed body. Another arrow hit the chimera in its goat neck, causing it to hiss and roar wildly! Darrel charged toward the beast’s tail, but missed. He swung yet again, unsuccessfully. His third attempt hit home as the flailing tail flopped on the ground. The chimera roared and thrust out its hind legs. Darrel launched into the air, instantly sprawled on the rough stones. Voran, only feet away, turned, scowling. Aiken pulled back his bow, making a direct hit into the man’s shoulder, but Voran didn’t miss a step as he inched closer and closer to Darrel. Edward drew and landed his arrow into the man’s leg. Without flinching, Voran raised his sword. Aiken pulled back, one last time, sending his arrow into Voran’s stomach. But the man’s sword had already started to drop, forcefully, above Darrel’s back. It severed his armor and pierced his back. Crawling and screaming, Darrel writhed in pain. Voran’s mighty arms rose again. Edward took aim and fired, his arrow driving deep into the man’s chest. But Voran still didn’t slow down. His blade found its mark, severing Darrel’s back in two. Aiken yelled and released another volley, this time, hitting the man’s arm.

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