FireDrake (25 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Romance - Adult, #Adult, #Adult & contemporary romance, #Fiction - Romance, #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance - Fantasy, #Romance: Gothic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Dragons, #Knights and knighthood, #Computers - Languages, #Programming, #Fantasy Romance

BOOK: FireDrake
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She was tired, but it was a good kind of tired. They’d found the prince and made new friends. A good meal had gone a long way toward settling her questions about these strange folk and now all she wanted was to be with her new husbands—though the idea still took some getting used to.

Being married was strange enough, but to two men? It boggled her mind and her senses. Especially when they both made love to her at once.

The dragons would not be flying tonight, so the human side of the family was on its own. If they chose to make love, it would be without the influence of the dragons to drive them mindless. Krysta rather liked the idea of taking her time making love to them, and the men taking their time making love to her in turn.

“These velvets are from the other side of the world, if what I’ve heard is true,” Drake said, fingering the furry fabric. “But they’re hung Jinn style. I wonder if the Jinn copied the fair folk or if it was the other way around?”

“Does it matter?” Krysta stood, barefoot now, and tugged Drake into her arms. She pulled him downward for a lingering kiss.

Drake didn’t answer, too busy seducing her mouth with his talented tongue. She felt Mace come up behind her, bracketing her between the men’s heated warmth. She loved the feel of them, even fully clothed as they were, but she knew it would feel even better naked. She pulled back and smiled over her shoulder at Mace.

“We have too many clothes on.”

Mace grinned. “Easily remedied, milady.”

Drake tipped her chin around with one finger and set about kissing her again, while Mace divested her of her clothing and his own. When he pressed against her again, they were both bare. She pulled back from Drake’s drugging kisses. 175

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“Your turn, Master Bard,” she teased.

Mace tugged her onto the bed with him as she watched Drake undress. He really had the most amazing body. Tan and golden, he was more muscular than any bard had a right to be, but Krysta knew he was a fighter as well as a lover. He hid great talents under the bardic flair of his clothing.

He held her gaze as he bared himself, stroking his long, thick cock while she licked her lips. She wanted to taste him.

Mace’s fingers were busy, stroking her clit and dipping within her channel to test her readiness. She’d never been so hot so quickly before meeting these amazing men, but now, it seemed, all they had to do was look at her and she was ready to take them any way they wanted.

Drake walked up to the side of the bed, his cock tantalizingly close to her lips. Mace seemed to understand what she wanted, for he lifted her by the hips, placing her on her hands and knees, her head in perfect position for Drake as Mace pushed into her pussy from behind. She whimpered as he filled her, eyes closing in bliss as he slid home.

But they opened even quicker when Drake pushed between her lips, sliding just as easily into her mouth. She looked up at him, her mouth filled almost to overflowing with his thickness as he grinned down at her.

“You feel good, wife. Damn, I think I’m going to really like being married.” He stroked through her hair, holding her head at the angle he wanted while she let him guide her. Mace pushed into her from behind at a gentle pace, moving her up and down on Drake’s cock as well. The slow rhythm stirred her senses by slow degrees, unlike the mighty conflagration of the dragons, but every bit as seductive.

They pulsed together for a few minutes, each enjoying the sensations the three of them created with each other. Krysta sucked at Drake, lifting one hand to cup his balls as his breathing hitched in a most satisfactory way. Mace moved a little more swiftly behind her, stroking her core with his warm hardness. He was a big man and he knew just how to wield that rigid cock. Krysta moaned as he hit that secret spot inside her again and again.

She was close to exploding.



And just when she thought she’d gain the bliss just out of reach, Drake stepped back and Mace slid out. She could’ve screamed in frustration, but the men weren’t done with her.

“You know,” Drake said, kneeling on the bed as Mace moved her around like a rag doll, “I’ve never had her pussy. I think it’s time we remedied that oversight.”

“Don’t complain, partner. I let you have her ass first,” Mace griped as he spread her legs and settled at her side.

“And for that I thank you, brother. You’ll find she’s tight and eager.”

“I won’t be if you two don’t stop talking about me like I’m not here,” Krysta groused, playing along with their banter. The way they talked about her body was making her hotter—something she wouldn’t have expected before meeting these two men. They changed every preconceived notion she’d ever had about what she liked and what would repulse her.

Mace reached out and pinched her nipple hard enough to make her squeak. “Pipe down, recruit. You’ll do as we say. Do you understand me?” His fingers threatened retribution for the wrong answer, but his eyes sparkled with play she hadn’t expected.

Mace had surprised her yet again.

“Yes.” She moaned when Drake settled at her other side, his long fingers diving into her pussy.

“Yes, what?” Mace grasped her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The grip tightened as he waited for her answer, and started to roll.

“Yes, sir!” She gasped as the pressure became unbearable, pushing her desire higher in a way she never would have expected.

“I think she likes her discipline, Mace,” Drake observed, stroking her core with two limber fingers.

“I think you’re right, brother.” Mace plucked at her nipple, bending down to suck and nip gently at the other one. When he straightened, she was writhing on the bed.

“We’ll have to explore that some more later, but for now, I think you need to discover the delights of our wife’s pussy. Fuck her, Drake. She needs it.” 177

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“I heartily agree.” Drake grinned down at her as he positioned himself between her wide-spread knees and teased her clit with the domed head of his cock. “Do you want it, Krysta?”

“Yes!” she cried out when he pushed home in one hard thrust.

“How do you want it, wife?” He stilled above her, watching her face. “Slow?” He stroked into her a few times with agonizing slowness that only increased her desire. “Or fast?” He hammered home with rapid strokes that made her cry out with each assault.

“I think that was a yes for fast,” Mace observed, watching them from the side. Drake sat up between her thighs and started a pounding pace within her as Mace bent to nibble at her breasts. The combination sent her into a fast and furious climax, but the men weren’t done with her yet.

Drake pounded home as Mace sat back again. Drake came over her, gripping her shoulders while he kissed her, drawing back only to get more leverage, fucking her like she’d never been fucked before. This was a raw, earthy and sweaty kind of loving she’d never experienced. She felt his need for her in every movement of his body, every panting breath he took. It invigorated her, sending her up the crest of desire once again on a fast, perilous climb.

Drake tensed and she felt him come inside her, bathing her womb with his incredible heat as she joined him in a quick, powerful climax. He lay over her for several minutes, seeming to bask in the moment. She felt the same.

“Now you’re mine.”
He spoke, for the first time, in the intimacy of their minds.

Linked by the dragons, they could all communicate in ways most people would never know.
“I love you, Krysta.”

“I love you too, Drake.”
He kissed her sweetly before levering off her and collapsing at her side.

The flicker of his gaze over her shoulder was the only warning she had before Mace pounced. He flipped her onto her back and she marveled at the strength of these men, being able to toss her around as if she weighed nothing at all. She’d never felt petite, but these two brutes were doing a good job of it.



Mace smacked her ass, making her yelp. She hadn’t expected that either.

“What are you doing?”

He slapped her other cheek. “What do you call me, recruit?”

She met his gaze, emboldened by the warmth she read there. Serious Mace was actually being playful.

“Sir?” she tried, licking her lips as his eyes followed the slow movement of her tongue.

“Better, recruit, but you’re not out of the woods yet. I think you’ll need to show me how sorry you are for disrespecting me. Sucking my cock ought to do it.”

She lifted onto her elbows and smiled up at him. “With pleasure…sir.” Reaching out with one hand, she balanced on the other, playing with his thick hardness until he was absolutely rigid. Only then did she lower her mouth to taste the glistening tip of his cock.

She wasn’t entirely unprepared when he drove into her mouth, expecting his forceful nature to override her teasing touches. Mace set a pace and she followed, eager to please this special man.

All too soon, he moved back, kissing the crown of her head as he positioned her on her stomach. A pillow was handed over her back—from Drake, no doubt—and Mace lifted her up with one hand around her middle, sticking the thick pillow under her hips.

She thought she knew what Mace had in mind and was looking forward to feeling how he’d love her in this way. So far, every position they’d tried had been utter bliss. Mace was a skilled lover.

“Where’s that jar?” he muttered and Krysta felt motion at her other side as Drake reached out with one hand. A moment later, she felt slick cream against her backside as Mace prepared her, interspersing forays of his fingers with slaps on her backside. The stark difference between pleasure and a hint of pain startled her and aroused her all at the same time.

She was whimpering by the time Mace left off and knelt between her thighs.

“Do you want it now, Krysta?” He bent over to growl in her ear. “Are you going to share your luscious ass with me?” 179

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“Yes, Mace! Yes!”

She cried out when he slid home within her, the cream letting him easily inside.

Though she’d never been overly fond of this kind of loving before, with Drake and now Mace, it had an appeal all its own.

Mace began a slow rhythm inside her, but then stopped, confounding her until he rolled them carefully to the side. Mace’s cock was buried in her ass, tighter now in this new position, as she faced a randy and ready Jinn bard.

Drake winked at her when she dragged her gaze from his hard cock up to his face.

She knew what was coming next, though she wouldn’t have thought he’d be ready again so soon. Yet another thing to thank the dragons for, she guessed. Or maybe Drake of the Five Lands really was as good as his over-inflated reputation.

She’d soon find out for certain.

Drake lifted her leg over his hip and slid closer, rubbing his cock against her dripping core.

“Ready to take us both, my love? This time the dragons aren’t pushing you to accept us. This time it’s your choice, love. Do you want us?”

“Do you have to ask?” She was panting between words, more ready than she’d ever been. “Stars, Drake, just do it! Please! You’re killing me!”

“As my lady commands.” He winked again as he pushed into her. The position was tight as they both found a home within her body.

“You were right, Drake,” Mace said from behind her. “This feels incredible.”

“Much as I delight in hearing it…” she paused for breath, “…you two really need to start moving now.” She squirmed between them, on the knife’s edge of a pleasure so tantalizing she wanted nothing more than to come. But she needed them to move to bring it about.

“Haste makes waste, sweetheart,” Drake teased her. “You’ll get what you want, but we want to enjoy the feel of you for a bit before we speed on to that inevitable, pleasurable conclusion.”



“Speak for yourself, Drake. I’m about ready to explode back here.” Mace’s voice rumbled from behind her, making her giggle at the frustration they shared.

Drake sighed dramatically and began to thrust. “As you both wish, then. But don’t blame me if this is over too soon.”

“Can’t be soon enough for me!” She gasped as the men started a rhythm that soon caught her up in its swell.

Krysta actually screamed when Mace pulsed inside her bottom, coming hard against her, triggering her own magnificent release. Drake was only a step behind, drawing out her climax with his own pulsating need as he bathed her womb in his rich heat.

She’d never felt anything like it. Without the heat of the dragons to make her senses swim in a wash of pleasure that was theirs and the dragons’ together, she felt the true depth of the experience. It was more than she’d ever dreamed she’d have in her life. She felt cherished, replete and so totally loved, she could never doubt their feelings for her ever again. The men pulled away and rested at her side, each breathing hard.

When she could move, she leaned over to kiss them both, one at a time, thanking them silently for the love they all shared.

The next morning, Drake was gone when Mace and Krysta woke sometime just after dawn. They went in search of breakfast and found a crowd gathered around the windows that looked out onto the courtyard. A quick query to Nellin confirmed the dragons were outside with Drake.

Mace and Krysta walked out onto the steps, watching the wizard and Drake, standing in the center of the large courtyard. The two dragons stood opposite the wizard, encasing Drake in a triangle. Mace listened in through his connection with Nellin, intrigued at the instruction Gryffid was providing.

“How is he doing?” Krysta came up beside him. Mace put his arm around her shoulders and drew her close to his side. 181

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“Nellin says well. He says there’s great magic in Drake, but it’s so close to the dragon’s own fire, he never realized it before. Plus, those years away, surrounded by Jinn magic must’ve brought it closer to the surface.”

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