Firestarter (8 page)

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Authors: Elle Boon

BOOK: Firestarter
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His hands moved to her hips, down over her ass, and lifted her up. She wrapped her thighs around his waist, anchoring herself to him when he started moving. She trailed her tongue down the column of his throat, biting the tendon between his shoulder and neck, his steps never faltering as Cammie continued to taste him.

Reaching the bedroom, he laid her on the bed while he dealt with his belt. The sound of it hitting the floor was another added stimulant to her, quickly followed by the zipper. Within moments, he was down to his briefs, with a sizeable bulge that had Cammie’s eyes widening as it jutted free of the cloth. She rose up onto her knees, wanting to see all of that hardness.

Trepidation warred with excitement.

He slipped the straps of her dress over her shoulders, exposing her sensitive breasts to his gaze, and his hot mouth. Without preamble, he bent and sucked the puckered flesh of her nipple into the hot cavern of his mouth. Liquid warmth spread through her body like a warm blanket.

He had such a wickedly talented tongue. He blew cool air over the puckered flesh, never ceasing in his teasing of one or the other nipple.

She quaked against him, whimpering incoherently and begging for more. He suckled harder, before switching his attentions to the other breast, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure straight to her core. His hands were beneath her dress, slipping off her panties.

“God, but you’re perfect.” Keanu’s mouth found hers in an all-consuming kiss that led to another. He tugged her dress over her hips, and down until, it too, lay on the floor with her underwear.

“So are you,” she mumbled against his lips.

His mouth, teeth, and tongue traced a path down her chest, swirling around her belly button.

Her muscles bunched and shifted against him. His husky chuckle let her know he noticed.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she encouraged him to go lower. All the things she’d read and fantasized about doing, were becoming a reality, with the one man she’d always dreamt about. No longer was she worried about not measuring up, or whether he would call the next day.

She had no reason to save herself, because the man she’d always wanted was with her now.


With an open-mouthed kiss at the top of her mound, followed quickly with a nip to her

feminine folds, he completely undid her. Keanu separated her folds with his fingers, blowing a warm breath over the exposed area, moments before he sucked her tiny nub into his mouth. He licked and nibbled, rolling his tongue around in circles she thought would drive her insane. She was so primed, so ready, she came in a rush against his tongue.

“Again,” he rumbled against her flesh.

Putting action to words, he pressed one thick finger into her clenching core, swiftly followed by two, and then three, making her feel overly full. She knew he was an extremely well-endowed man, and she couldn’t see how he would fit inside her. Thoughts fled her mind when he latched onto her clit, and sucked in tandem with his pulsating fingers. Tingles started in Cammie’s toes and worked their way up her legs, over her abdomen, sending her shooting to the stars in a kaleidoscope of colors.

* * * *

Keanu moved up the quivering body of the sweetest tasting woman he’d ever had the

pleasure of sampling. She was so incredibly tight, he feared hurting her, but there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell he could stop. The analogy wasn’t lost on him.

He grabbed a foil packet he’d placed on the dresser earlier, and donned the protection in record time. He placed his elbows beside her head, threading their hands together, and pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance. Her eyes widened, and he wanted to ease all her doubts and fears.

In a kiss he hoped conveyed all he felt, he captured her lips between his, brushing his mouth across hers until she opened in welcome. He felt some of the tension leave her body, and he pressed the first inch into her. He teased her lips with his tongue, trailed down her jaw, and nuzzled into her neck.

Pulling out, he pushed back inside another two inches, only to retreat and repeat the process.

Her body was trying to accommodate him, but she seemed to be fighting it. A light went on inside his mind that made him freeze in place. “Cammie, is this your first time?” he asked.

A tear seeped out of the corner of her eye. “Don’t stop. Just do it and get it over with.”


“Look at me, sweetheart.” He lifted up on his hands. “I’m not going to stop unless you ask me to. But, and this is a big but, if this is your first time, I need to know.”

“Why?” she asked with a puzzled look.

She was so sweet, and innocent, it took all his control to rein himself back. He closed his eyes and brought his head down to breathe in her scent. “Because, I want this to be good for you.” He nuzzled her neck and then looked back up into her face.

Cammie looked startled. “I don’t think it can get any better.”

“Oh yes, there is so much more I can do, things that will bring more pleasure for the both of us.”

He eased back and retraced his earlier path back down her body, stopping to pay homage to her firm breasts, taking a little bite on each hip bone, before feasting on her most intimate flesh and stabbing his tongue inside her, mimicking the act he wanted to do with his cock. He felt her walls flutter and wanted to shout in triumph.

She thrashed against him, and he placed a hand on her abdomen to hold her in place. He continued to lick her while she squirmed against his face and his fingers, making her roll right into another orgasm in an endless stream of pulses that left him hard and aching. He ground his dick against her sheets, knowing he was on the edge of coming, but staved off the urge, barely.

Climbing back up her body he paused to kiss her, placing the head of his cock at her

entrance, before slowly entering her an inch at a time. Holding himself up on one elbow, he reached between their bodies with his right hand and strummed her clit.

“Oh Keanu, that feels amazing, but seriously I can’t come again. I need you in me.”

Cammie’s voice rose.

His balls tightened painfully at the incredibly small entrance. Her liquid heat surrounded him, and more of her copious fluids coated his dick and ran down his balls. Rocking his hips back and forth, it seemed to take forever, before he was finally seated fully into her flesh.

Caught by the liquid brown of her eyes, he was captured somewhere between pleasure and pain as her nails dug into his shoulders. Pleasure won out as she lifted her knees, gripping his hips and opening herself to him completely. For a moment he held completely still, letting her body adjust to his, Keanu felt a connection snap into place he’d never had with another woman.


The sweet honey of her desire eased his entrance, and her gasps were like music to his ears.

Cammie’s smooth flesh constricted around him, dragging him so deeply inside her, he feared he’d never want to leave.

“Move, damn you,” Cammie breathed.

He pulled out, rubbed his cock up the slit of her sex, once, twice, three times, and then plunged his stiff shaft in to the hilt again, hissing at the immediate suctioning pull, and the hot clasp of her vaginal walls. He lost it.

Withdraw. Slam. Withdraw. Slam. Over and over again, he repeated this process.

She let loose a sexy groan that reverberated throughout her body, setting him on fire.

His inner flame leapt up several measures. Their thighs slapped against each other, and their bodies made wet sucking sounds as he pounded into her. His vision went blurry as he raced toward release, and his balls drew up, preparing to flood her with his essence.

“Come with me, Cammie, I want to feel you squeeze my dick so hard I’ll feel it tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes,” she moaned.

With every slam, his pelvis hit the top of her mound. Twisting his hips, he ground against her hot little button. Her gasps grew louder and she came again, drenching his balls even more, pushing him over the edge.

Holy Mary, Mother of all that is divine, I think I just saw Jesus Christ.

He wanted to come inside Cammie Masters, without protection. Coming bare inside the hot clasp of his woman was now going to be listed as a religious encounter that he must experience, and soon.

They lay entwined, their breathing rapid, hearts beating in staccato bursts as he tried to regain his equilibrium.

Cammie rubbed his back. “Wow. That was, like… Oh, my, is that normal?”

He looked at her with a puzzled frown. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t be obtuse. Does it normally feel so great?”

“Not for me. I mean, sex is great.” He grunted as Cammie pinched him in the side. “Don’t give me that look. Sex has always been satisfactory for me, but what we just shared? It was totally off the Richter scale.”

She looked at him with insecurity shining in her eyes. “Really, you’re not just saying that?”


“Honestly, do you feel that?” He pumped his hips. “I’m ready to go again, and that only happens after I’ve used my powers.”

“Oh…oh!” She relaxed under him.

“Hold that thought.” He brushed her lips with his, before carefully withdrawing. He saw her slight flinch. “I’ll be right back.”

Keanu removed the condom and tossed it in the trash. Turning on the water, he washed his hands and looked at his reflection in the mirror. What he was looking for he didn’t know, he just knew something was different. Rolling his shoulders, he walked back to the bed with a warm damp cloth to the woman waiting for him. They could both really use a shower. He felt her hands running over his damp back, but she’d not complained, not once, when they’d made love. He’d been rough, and she’d urged him on. She was perfect for him.

Her eyes were closed. Long thick lashes like dark crescents lay against high cheekbones, evidence of her American Indian heritage. In a word, she was gorgeous. And he was so fucking screwed, because he wanted to see her like this for the rest of his life. He hated to wake her, but knew she’d sleep much better if he cleaned her up, not to mention the warm cloth would soothe her.

Keanu used a little extra inner heat to warm the cloth as he pressed it between her thighs.

She moaned, and pushed closer to him. Once he had her comfortable, he tossed the cloth back toward the tile floor.

He crawled under the covers and pulled Cammie against his body. Her soft sigh whispering across his chest soothed him like nothing ever had. Before sleep claimed him, he sent up a prayer to the heavens to watch over them.

* * * *

Ted wanted to scream. He couldn’t believe Cammie had betrayed him with the bastard lying in bed with her. That was supposed to be his spot; she should have known it. But now she was dirty. All the years he’d listened to her problems. Had been a shoulder to cry on, and she’d just given herself to a worthless bastard.

Ted pulled a bottle of pills out of his jacket. His hand shook as he tried to pop the lid off.

“Shit.” He fell onto his hands and knees to pick up the contents that had spilled out. After dusting 53

off the medicine, he dropped four on his tongue. The pack at his feet held his water bottle, but the rough texture of the pills going down his throat was a welcome pain. The feeling of nothingness swept over him in waves, giving him peace.

Bob told him to forget about her, but he couldn’t.

Cammie and her lover would pay for betraying him. He heard a laugh, realizing with a start that it had come from him. Ted blinked his eyes, bringing the log house back into focus, and waited for the lights to go out. He wouldn’t cry over her. He wouldn’t be her friend when everything crashed around her, when her lover betrayed her, or was killed.

He closed his eyes and rested against the side of the house, thinking of all the times he’d been there for her. For his Cammie. Never again.


Chapter Five

The unmistakable smell of smoke jerked Keanu from the most peaceful sleep he could ever remember having. A delicious feminine backside was nestled into his groin, but the fear for the woman in his arms had alarm racing through him.

“Cammie baby, wake up.” Rolling from the bed, he pulled Cammie with him, along with the blanket to cover her nakedness. He didn’t want her skin to be marred by flames.

With the shades pulled, the room was shrouded in darkness. His inner fire sat up and took notice that there weren’t any visible flames, but clearly there was a fire somewhere close.

“What’s happening?” She coughed. “Oh shit, my house is on fire! We gotta get out of here.”

Keanu tried to calm Cammie as her voice raised to a shriek. “Ssh, listen and follow my lead.”

“Okay.” Cammie’s voice shook.

He stayed low to the ground. The A-frame structure had a layout like many others, with the master bedroom and bath at the back, and the entire front had an open floor plan. He’d noticed a large loft-like area, but hadn’t had time to explore. He knew without touching the handle that the fire was right outside, which meant they had very little time. He could call the flames into him, but Keanu’s gut was telling him there was more danger than just a simple fire.

Crawling back to the side of the bed, he snagged his jeans and yanked them on, the polo next, followed by his loafers. He was pleased to see Cammie following suit by pulling her dress back on. The wall behind the big Jacuzzi tub was glass, and a quick glance didn’t show any imminent danger waiting for them. But the fact her house was on fire made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

He was a man who learned to rely on his senses, and his were screaming,
Danger, Will
Robinson, Danger

“What did you say?” Cammie asked.

“Nothing. Just muttering to myself.”

Not sparing another minute, he picked up a heavy-looking candle holder, thankful it was as sturdy as it looked. “Stand back.” Keanu brought the object up. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything else.


One well-aimed shot and her window cracked, another one and the damn thing shattered

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