First a Dream (Dreams Come True #1) (23 page)

BOOK: First a Dream (Dreams Come True #1)
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Isabella reached up and wiped at his eyes. “This is your idea of speaking off the cuff?” She sighed. “You’re killing me, Charmant.” He chuckled.

“Okay. Here goes nothing.” Isabella closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep calming breath. “Gabriel, you claim I rescued you, but you rescued me too.” Her head tilted as she continued. “A long time ago, I decided I wanted a loving husband, and a happy family. No matter how hard I tried, my dream seemed so far away. Then I met you, my dream come true. You are my prince charming, a second father to my children, a best friend to me, and a true soul mate. I believe your mother would call it beshert. She’s right.” Isabella glanced at their guests, made eye contact with Ava and blew her a kiss before continuing. “All I want is to live each day making you as happy as you’ve made me. You’re what my heart has been missing my whole life. At last I am complete. You’re my always and forever.” She squeezed his hands, and looked at him with such love and admiration he blinked back tears.

The rest of the ceremony passed in a blur. At some point she vaguely remembered kissing, and the warmth that immersed her from head to toe the instant their lips touched. Then they walked back down the aisle, arm in arm. As they sauntered through the crowd of friends and family eager to talk to them during the reception, one face in particular stood out.

“Dr. Pam,” Isabella called out warmly, pulling away from Gabriel to speak with her.

“Hello, dear,” she said lovingly when Isabella reached her side. “I think you may have found your inspiration, your passion, huh?” She winked at Isabella conspiratorially. Then she added, “I’m sorry I didn’t bring a gift. I wasn’t sure why I was coming here until I arrived. Gabriel sent for me, you know?”

“Dr. Pam,” Isabella responded, “don’t you think Gabriel is gift enough?  I think you knew exactly what you were doing all along.” She gave her professor a knowing look.

“Well, I admit, sometimes I see things in need of fixing so I feel compelled to correct them. In those situations I simply give a little nudge. There’s no harm in that now, right?” Dr. Pam tilted her head, watching Isabella for a reaction, then she grasped Isabella’s hand in hers, “Well, maybe just one more thing?” She looked intensely into Isabella eyes. “Don’t ever stop dreaming. Just dream bigger now.”

A familiar electric current coursed through Isabella’s entire being. Moments later, when Dr. Pam finally released her, she walked dreamily toward her new husband. Though she had hoped to hold onto the euphoric feeling a moment longer, Isabella snapped back to reality when she laid her eyes on Gabriel. He was talking to Angelica, who couldn’t stop touching his arm. He looked uncomfortable.

“Angelica,” she feigned friendliness, “so good of you to join us. Please don’t confuse your invitation to attend our nuptials as an invitation to steal another husband.” She paused as her eyes darted conspicuously to Angelica’s hand on Gabriel’s arm. Quickly, Angelica’s arm dropped. She looked nervous in a way Isabella had never been able to affect her before, yet still tried desperately to keep her cool.

“I’m glad I finally have an opportunity to thank you, sister,” Isabella added. “If it weren’t for you...well, I’d still be miserable. As you can see,” she gestured around her, “I’ve never been happier. I can’t help but think I owe some of my good fortune to you. So
thank you
.” She pulled Gabriel towards her and he wrapped her in a warm embrace and a tender kiss. Then they moved on to visit more guests when Isabella spotted Jessie walking purposefully towards them with Kristofer at her side. Even though their package came with a photographer, he had been snapping pictures left and right and probably had a full SD card to prove it.

“I know you prefer to be on the other side of the lens, Isabella, but how about just one?” She beamed.

In the past, Isabella would have rejected her suggestion. Because of Gabriel, she felt confident and beautiful, so she happily agreed. “I think it’s a wonderful idea. And there’s no one I’d rather capture this moment than Kristofer.”

“Well, in that case, we must do this right,” Gabriel exclaimed. “Rebecca!  Konnor!  Come here, please!”

Isabella’s eyes watered as they sat for their first family portrait. Jessie smiled as Kristofer snapped a few shots. After the kids scattered, Isabella simply looked up at her husband and whispered, “Thank you.”

He hugged her closer and kissed her forehead lovingly. “I don’t suppose you’re up for more?” Gabriel wore a pleading look then glanced around the beach.

Ava stood near Mr. Charmant. All of his friends had congregated near the open bar. Isabella’s mother had been standing apart from her all day with only Angelica to keep her company. Jessie stood with Jeff only a few feet away. Maybe they could even convince Dr. Pam to pose for a picture or two.

At last, when Isabella thought her face would ache from all the smiling, the impromptu photo shoot was done. “Whew.” She looked over at her children who seemed to be fading fast. She tugged on Gabriel’s sleeve. “I hate to break up the party, but I need to get them to bed.”

She started to walk back up the beach toward the hotel when he stopped her. “Darling, we’re not staying in the hotel.”

Pausing, she turned around slowly with a smile on her face. “No?”

“Nope. Let’s gather the kids, say our goodbyes and start our honeymoon.” He bent down and picked up Rebecca, leaving her to carry a much smaller and lighter Konnor. Placing a hand on her back, he directed her to the dance floor. Once everyone had paused, he spoke. “It’s time for me to whisk my princess away on our surprise honeymoon.”

“Is there a horse drawn carriage?” Isabella joked.

“Close. A horse powered yacht.” Her mouth dropped open slightly. “We’re taking the limo to the dock, then we’re spending a few days in the Caribbean.”

The kids perked up some. “A boat, mommy?” Rebecca yawned as she spoke.

“A boat, baby.”





Ben volunteered to help them load the kids and the luggage in the limo. After Isabella disappeared inside, he stopped Gabriel. “What’s wrong?  You seem off.”

Leaning down, he murmured, “I’ll only be a minute.” Then he closed the door so they could speak privately. “You’re going to think I’m stupid.”

“I’ve seen you puking drunk. I’ve seen you broken hearted. Hell, I’ve seen you a million ways, but never have I thought you’re stupid.” Ben frowned. “Talk to me.”

“This will be our first time.” He watched and waited for Ben’s eyes to bulge out of his head.

“Go on.” Ben stared at him evenly.

“That’s it. I have performance anxiety. First she made me wait. Then the time was never right. Then we were so close to getting married.” He threw his hands in the air.

“I think it’s beautiful that you waited.” Ben smiled. “I guess with Isabella, I kinda expected it.” He shrugged. “It’s going to be beautiful. And if it isn’t, you have a lifetime to perfect it.”

Gabriel stared at him a moment. “That’s it. That’s your advice?”

“It’s good advice. You’re psyching yourself out. It’s not about being all wild and crazy. This is about showing Isabella how much you love her with your hands, your mouth, and your cock.” He patted him on the shoulder. “You got this.”

“I do love her. I’ve never been with anyone I love before. Or had sex sober…since I could legally drink.” He shook his head. “My misspent youth is fucking with my head.”

“Go have fun. She loves you. She’s not going to judge you, man.” Ben pushed him toward the limo. “Call me when you get back to the apartment.”

A smile broke across Gabriel’s face. “I’m never going back to the apartment. We’ll talk after the honeymoon.”


Chapter Nineteen




The limo drove them to a marina. From there, they located day dock where the yacht was docked and waiting for them. The kids rallied enough to take a tour before being tucked into their shared berth.

“This is way bigger than the last boat.” Rebecca smiled as she laid down. “I love this one.”

“Well, a honeymoon is a big deal. Only the best for my family.” Gabriel pulled the blanket up to her chin. “Sweet dreams, my sweet.”

“Are you my daddy now?” Konnor’s brow furrowed.

“He’s your stepdad. You still have your daddy. You just have a new person to love you. That’s all.” Isabella struggled to explain life to a three year old. “Love you. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Slowly they backed out into the hall and went next door to their room. Isabella froze in place when she saw rose petals scattered about, lit candles, a bottle of champagne chilling, and chocolate covered strawberries on the nightstand. “Perfect.”

“It really is.” He sighed as he walked past her to the champagne. “Want a drink?”

Smiling, Isabella shook her head.

“A strawberry then?” Gabriel held out the plate for her.

Biting her lip, she shook her head again.

He swallowed hard. “I thought you might be more nervous, like me.” He unbuttoned his shirt and then poured himself a flute.

“What is there to be nervous about?  We’ve seen each other naked. Hell, we’ve done everything but this.” She shrugged. Then her eyes fixated on the strawberries. “Okay, maybe just one.” Isabella selected one from the plate and sat curled up in the middle of the bed while she savored it.

In the meantime, he had downed his first glass of champagne. “Good stuff.” He refilled his glass. “You sure you don’t want any?”

With a mouth full of strawberry, Isabella gestured for her glass. As he passed it to her, she took a sip. “Yum. Goes great together. Try.” Holding up a strawberry, she smiled as Gabriel leaned in and took a bite, then another, finally stopping at the hull.

Removing it from her hands, he kissed and licked the chocolate from her fingertips. “You’re right. Really good.” He planted a few kisses in her palm. “I didn’t eat much at our reception.”

“Me neither. Now I’m starving.” She looked at him a moment. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Wanna raid the fridge?”

Isabella hopped off the bed. “Yes!  So much yes.”

They snuck out of the room and traced their steps back to the galley. When they arrived, they were disappointed to find the chef standing there, creating a huge platter of finger food for them. “We’re the worst marauders ever.” Isabella laughed.

“I’ve worked honeymoons before.” The chef gave them a knowing look. “I thought you might need this.” The platter had meats and cheeses, fruits and veggies, olives and pickles, and finally, a bowl of cream puffs.

“Oh wow.” She danced about happily. “Thank you!”

Gabriel carried the food back to their suite. As soon as they were along inside, they set the platter on the bed and started feeding each other. “Try this.”

Isabella opened her mouth as he held out a grape. After crunching down on it, she nodded. “So good.”

They continued nibbling, happy and relaxed for several minutes. At last, Gabriel lifted a cream puff to her lips. “Oh no. We’ve done this before.” She shook her head and turned her back to him. “Unlace me, please. I’m not risking this dress.”

Inhaling deeply, he set the cream puff back in the bowl, then reached for the bow. Slowly, he untied and unlaced bit by bit. “It’s like opening the best present ever.” His voice hitched as he spoke. “The anticipation has my heart racing.” As he removed the last bit of ribbon, her top slowly fell open and slipped down her shoulders, exposing her bare back. “No bra?”

Turning around to face him, completely topless, Isabella giggled. “A bra didn’t really go with this dress.”





He couldn’t even think. Gabriel stared at her breasts. It felt as if this were the first time he’d ever seen them. Under his lustful gaze, the nipples hardened, forming delicious little peach peaks. Slowly, he laid her back against the pillows. “I have to taste them. Right now.” He didn’t ask permission, but leaned in and started licking and sucking first on one side then the other. “Hm. Missing something.” A half smile played on his lips as he reached for the cream puffs. Then he picked up one in each hand.

Pausing for a second, he realized Isabella was biting her lip, waiting to see what he’d do next. While watching her for a reaction, he squeezed a cream puff over each nipple. To his satisfaction, she closed her eyes and her head jerked back.

“So cold.” Already she sounded breathless, which only served to excite him more.

“I can fix that.” Gabriel set the empty cream puffs back on the plate, but held his fingers out for her inspection.

“Messy.” Her eyes sparkled as she licked his fingers from base to tip on first one hand, then the other. “Better?”

Taking her hand, he placed it on his bulging pants. “You tell me.” To his delight, she started working on removing his pants while he leaned over and lapped up the fast melting cream. “God, I want you,” he growled.

A slow seductive smile spread across her face. “Then take me. I’m yours.”

Her words merely served to further excite him. Isabella really was his. Now he could act on his passion. His hands found her waist and then the knot and brooch holding her sarong on. They wouldn’t need that for the rest of the night. He removed it, and knowing how much it meant to her, took a moment to carry it and her top over to the chair where they would be safe.

Turning, Gabriel caught Isabella admiring him. “What would you like, my love?”

“Off. Take it all off.”

He liked how aggressive she had become. Instead of some meek girl, he’d married a woman. It took everything in him to slow down. He’d waited so long, he wanted to be in her, sharing her body, slamming into her so she knew the force of his need. Still, this was his wife, the love of his life. She deserved his most tender loving care.

Although she’d managed to unbuckle his belt, the button had given her some trouble. Taking his time, Gabriel never lost eye contact as he let his pants drop to the ground. His boxers could barely contain him.

“Those too,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Anything for you, Bella.” Hooking his thumbs on either side, he yanked them to his knees then let them land on his pants.

“What?  No socks?” She grinned.

With a chuckle, he responded. “They didn’t really go with this outfit.”

“Now you’re in your birthday suit. Know what goes with that?” She kneeled seductively on the bed, wearing only white thong panties.

“What?” His cock jerked in anticipation.

“Me.” Isabella opened her arms to him.

It was all the invitation he needed. Immediately, he strode back to the bed and their lips collided. He nipped her lower lip and slipped his tongue inside her mouth, initiating a familiar dance. At first he held her body against his as he stood beside the bed where she kneeled. Suddenly, his hands had a mind of their own. He scratched lightly down her back, then as she moaned in delight, he added more pressure. One hand found its way down her body, sneaking through the slightest space between them, slipping past her panties, until he had a finger diving inside her. This time, Isabella stopped kissing him and leaned her forehead against his lips. “You can buy more,” he mumbled.

“What?” She leaned back enough to look in his eyes a split second before both hands tore her panties off her. Isabella threw her head back and laughed. “I love you.”

Relaxed as she was, it was easy to flip her back onto the bed. Gabriel’s face found its target. His spread her labia while his tongue licked her up and down. Isabella’s hips bucked in response.

“Come here.” Her voice dripped with need, so he kept lavishing attention on her. “Dammit come here.”

“But I’ve barely started…” He tried to explain.

Her eyes flashed at him. “We have a lifetime for foreplay. I want you in me

Gabriel climbed onto the bed. “You want me in you?”

“That’s what I said.” She crossed her arms over her chest, chin jutted out.

Carefully, he climbed up her until his body was over hers, his elbows propped him on either side of her. “Now?”

“Immediately.” She hissed.

“So you want me to do this…” Before Gabriel could torture her any further, Isabella sighed and performed some kind of voodoo ninja move that had him on his back. “What the…”

Before he could complete his thought, she was straddling him, smiling sweetly, happily victorious, while the head of his cock was poised to enter her. With a wicked smile on her face, Isabella lowered herself inch by glorious inch while he threw his head back and moaned in pleasure. “Better?” She teased him, the little minx.

“You tell me.” Gabriel grabbed her waist with both hands as his hips bucked upward, driving his cock in and out of her wet welcoming body. Her head back and eyes closed, he knew precisely what to do. He had voodoo ninja moves of his own. Grinning wickedly, he flipped her over and buried his face in her neck, grazing her skin with his teeth.

The pressure inside increased intensely. Gabriel could let go any moment, but he wanted to hold out as long as possible, at least until she’d had an orgasm or two. With one arm around her waist, and the other wrapped up around her shoulder, he pressed deeper and deeper. Part of him worried about hurting her. He’d never experienced this passion previously. Instead of cowering when he pounded into her, his little minx kept spreading her legs wider. Finally, her hand snuck between them. She had found her clitoris. Soon her head rocked back and forth as she whimpered. “Gabriel.” He barely heard it, but she’d said it and made his heart swell.

Gabriel had every intention of letting her come again, but the moment he felt her contracting around his cock in rolling waves, he couldn’t hold back. Clinging to her, he dove as deeply as he could. Their bodies were in the way. He felt it, the dam broke, the explosion of semen shot inside her. The idea that they could at this very moment be creating new life only made him come harder. His hips slowed until he came to rest inside her.

With his face buried in her neck, he kissed her gently, completely spent. Who knew it could be like this?  Surely others understood this magic, but never him. This, with his Bella, was special.





It couldn’t have been more perfect
, she thought as Gabriel spooned her and they drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, they discovered they had not only arrived in Nassau, but had docked in Atlantis. Minutes after opening her eyes, there was a light knock on the door as Konnor and Rebecca clamored for their attention. She rushed to grab her robe from her bag. Gabriel beat her to it. “Here, darling.” He smiled sleepily and gave her a kiss on the temple as he threw on his robe and opened the cabin door.

“We were lost and alone!” Rebecca threw herself into his arms.

“Not lost and alone. Tell me all about it.” He gathered the kids and set them on the bed.

“We’re hungry.” Konnor pouted.

“And thirsty.” Rebecca frowned. “And we couldn’t find the kitchen.”

“Let’s get dressed and go eat.” Gabriel stood and found shorts and a shirt before disappearing into the bathroom.

Soon enough they were sitting on the deck, watching the goings on in the marina while eating omelets and fresh fruit. “Let’s live here.” Isabella sighed happily.

“Do you mean it?” Gabriel tilted his head as though considering the possibility. “I could call a realtor, find us a house or an island…maybe both.”

Her jaw dropped. “I’m joking, mostly.” She took a sip of her hot chocolate. “Although I just realized we’ve never discussed where we’re going to live.”

“All taken care of.” He smiled proudly.

“What’s that mean?  I can’t live in Montreal during the week. You can’t live in Plattsburgh.” She frowned. “Wow. I really didn’t think this through.”

“I did. Be patient, love. You’ll see soon enough.”

Over the next two days, they explored the island. Atlantis was their favorite part with the water slides, pools, aquarium, shopping and shows. The kids swam with dolphins. In fact, there was so much to do they wore themselves out every day.

Gabriel wore out his credit card. At least that was what Isabella feared. Every time she comment on something or stare at it too long, he purchased it for her. By the end of their honeymoon weekend, she had acquired many more pieces of jewelry and an insane amount of artwork for their place.

“I don’t know where we’ll put this. Seriously. It’s too much. And it’s too pretty to sit in storage.” Isabella frowned as she studied the local art they’d purchased from a gallery. Pots, baskets, paintings, and sculptures filled one of the unused berths. “And how will we get it home?”

“It’ll fly on our jet with us.” He shrugged. “Please don’t worry.”

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