First Command (50 page)

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Authors: Rodney Smith

BOOK: First Command
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Kelly piddled for a bit longer then called over to Alistair’s ship and asked if he could have his XO back.
Alistair responded that he would send her over presently and asked to meet Kelly at the airlock.

Kelly walked to the airlock and called for Alistair.
Alistair and Connie approached.
Connie excused herself and went on into the Vigilant.

Alistair said, “I want to thank you, Kelly, for helping me to accomplish my mission.
I wouldn’t have been able to without your help.
I also want to thank you also for the chance to be shot at and missed.
It was most exhilarating, but I think I’ll give it a miss in the future.”

Kelly thanked him for his valuable insight and hoped they could work together again some time.
Kelly and Alistair shook hands and both captains cycled their airlocks closed.

Kelly returned to the bridge, confirmed readiness to undock, and separated the two ships.
As Alistair’s ship pulled away, Kelly gave orders to set course for home at FTL power 4.
Kelly took it easy on the crew on the return voyage.
He only ordered three drills.


* * * * *


Alistair received a message containing his new orders.
He and his cat were ordered to take a month off.
He was pulled off mission status until the month was over.
He was authorized to take his ship with him and use it during his leave.
Working during these four weeks would be grounds for dismissal.

Alistair talked to Rojo, “I assume from the tone of the order that they are serious this time.
Now all we have to do is figure where we can go for the next four weeks and not work.
Rojo, I hear Armstrong is supposed to be nice this time of year.
I hear Armstrong is supposed to be nice anytime of year.
Now who do I know on Armstrong?
You know, if I’m not mistaken, Connie Cortez is on Armstrong.”

Rojo wasn’t listening; he was too busy batting a fuzzy ball about the command console.

He continued, “Rojo, I vote for Armstrong.
What do you say?”

Rojo let out a Merow!

“I take this as an affirmative response, boy.
Did I tell you they have wing fish on Antares?
I hear they taste very much like sailor fish fillets.”

Rojo jumped down off the command console and started doing figure eights around Alistair’s legs.

“Oh, so that sounds good to you, does it, boy?
Armstrong it is, then.
I wonder if Connie can get some time off?”


* * * * *


The Vigilant was cleared for a standard approach into Antares Base.
Kelly had expected to be directed into Antares Station first.
He guessed the Admiral must be planet-side today.
The Vigilant was directed to a parking space and the helm sat her down smoothly, without a bump.

As the Vigilant was hooked up to water, power, and sewage, Kelly received a message to report to Admiral Craddock’s office.
Kelly grabbed his logs and found the nearest shuttle to take him to Scout Force HQ.
He was shown immediately into Admiral Craddock’s office.
CDR Timmons was there.

Admiral Craddock came around his desk and shook Kelly’s hand.

“I just got a long message from Admiral Minacci about you.
He was very impressed with your performance in support of his operations.
He’s recommended the Vigilant for another campaign star and an Engagement Star for your combat with the two K’Rang scout ships.
He assured me you’d get them both.
Edgar, if this is going to become a regular occurrence I’ll have to see about putting out a policy on it.”

“Minacci’s recommending that all task forces, fleets, and groups deploy with a Scout Ship in support.
I think we can support this with our current strength and I am going to agree with his recommendation.
We might need to add some ships to be able to accompany all groups, fleets, and task forces, but we can definitely support those heading into combat situations.”

“Good work on this mission.
I saw your report on the K’Rang scout encounter.
We had your back if Paulo hadn’t been as appreciative as he turned out to be.
That was a gutsy move.
If the K’Rang had been smart enough to see what you were doing, you‘d have been in a tight spot.
How did you know the pirates would surrender so quickly?”

“Sir, I didn’t, but thought the presence of the K’Rang might have a positive effect on the Baratarians’ attitude once the 3rd ALG showed up.”

“Well, good work, Kelly.
Fleet Intel wants to conduct a series of debriefings with you and your crew on the K’Rang, the pirates and these Hooligans you mentioned, but you’ll have a few days to give your crew some time off.
I’m taking the Vigilant off patrol status for the next 30 days.
I need to give the other captains a chance at glory.
The yard will want a few days to check out your ship.
Plan on being here for a month, then we’ll talk about your next mission.
Give your people some leave.
Take some yourself.”

The Admiral went back and sat behind his desk.
CDR Timmons got up from the admiral’s couch and led Kelly out of the office.

CDR Timmons grinned and said, “Kelly, it’s good to see you’re keeping up the tradition of the Vigilant being a one ship fleet.”

They both laughed as they walked to the 21st Scout Squadron HQ offices.
Timmons escorted Kelly into his office and offered him some coffee.
Kelly fixed a cup and sat down in one of the chairs in front of CDR Timmons’ desk.

CDR Timmons sat down and said, ”Damn good job, Kelly.
I can’t believe how effusive Minacci was in his praise for you.
Even discounting that he’s politicking for Scout Force to send a scout ship with him next time he goes out, he put in some pretty strong words.
You’ll get a fairly high award out of him, I imagine.”

“I was just doing my job, sir.
Just like you taught me.”

Timmons smiled at that.
Kelly did, too.

“I never taught you to take on a whole planet and win.
You did that on your own.”

“R&R directorate wants to interview you about the increased speed algorithm.
It seems the Valiant had some problems with theirs.
It sent them corkscrewing through space.
It was a hairy ride for a few seconds until they emergency braked.
They almost lost their stabilization.”

“I only used the extra speed a few times on this patrol.
FTL power five was as fast as we normally got.”

“Well, they want to talk to you and Chief Miller, anyway.
I’ll set it up.”

CDR Timmons looked at Kelly with a smile on his face and said, “I have some news of a personal nature to share.
Janey is getting out.
It seems General Bugarov left a time bomb in her records and she won’t be promoted to Major.
So, in the spring after she’s released, we’re going to get married.
I’d appreciate it if you’d stand up with me as my best man.”

Kelly beamed, “Congratulations, sir, and I’d be honored to be your best man.”

“Keep this to yourself for now.
She hasn’t told her family yet.
I just proposed to her this week.”

“I’m happy for you both.”

Kelly turned somber.
“Bugarov, it’s a shame she was so vindictive and destructive.
She cost Fighter Force a lot of good officers.
You’d think, now that she’s gone, personnel would consider some of the records for review and correction.
I mean, there’s what, ten officers here alone that she discarded and I’m just one of them?”

“Yeah, she was a real piece of work.”


* * * * *


The yard crew came on board the Vigilant and ran a series of diagnostics on the engines, sensors, shields, and weapons.
They pronounced her in fine shape.
The only damage they found was some minor stealth coating damage to the nose.
They scheduled the Vigilant for two days hence to be put into drydock 7 for the paintwork.
Kelly’s debriefing took place while the yard crew was doing its diagnostics.

Kelly’s debrief went quickly due to his detailed logs and reports.
They had only minor questions about Captain Alden and his fleet’s consist.
A few questions about Steven Maynard were short circuited when Kelly pointed out the detailed biographical report in the file that they had missed.
In less than two hours, he had answered all their questions and was released to go.

CDR Johnson called Kelly into his office after the debriefers were finished.

“Come in, Kelly.
Sit down.
I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”

Kelly was offered coffee, which he accepted, and he sat down.

“I’d like to talk to you about your next assignment after you give up command.
The normal career progression for a Scout Force officer is an assignment with Fleet Intelligence between ships.
You’ve really impressed us.
We’d like you to start thinking about what you’d like to do next.
With your record, you can pick your next assignment.
We think we can offer you a more rewarding job than shuffling paper in some headquarters.
You have a long time to make up your mind, but think about what you want to do next and include us in your deliberations.”

Kelly, sensing the office call was over, put his coffee down and stood up to leave.
CDR Johnson personally escorted him out of the building, making small talk on the way out.
All the way back to the Vigilant, he thought to himself that that was the worst sales pitch he’d ever heard.


* * * * *


When Kelly returned to the Vigilant, there were two messages from Candy in his queue.
The first was a voice message, “Hey, Kelly, Dad tells me you’re back in town for a while.
Do you have time to come over to my place?
You know you can stay as long as you like.
Tammy has a few days off and she is staying with me.
We’d love to have you over even, if it’s just for dinner.
Say you will.
It’ll be fun.”

The second was a video message obviously from her house.
Candy and Tammy were lounging in Candy’s living room, wearing their lounging pajamas – at least the tops.

“Hey, give us a call back.
I have a case of the latest vintage of the vidal blanc you like so much.
It’s even better than the last year’s vintage, if that’s possible.
We’ll cook some steaks and throw in some vegetables and have a feast.
Come on.”

Candy and Tammy stood up and twirled all the way around before sitting back down and closing the video.
They were testing his resolve.
That’s for sure.

Kelly checked his schedule.
He actually could squeeze in a week when the Vigilant went into the yard.
It would take a few days to paint her and a day or two to dry.
He could manage a week then.
He filled out a leave form and emailed it to CDR Timmons.
He reviewed other messages, and marveled as his approved leave came back almost instantaneously.

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