First Down (First and Ten #1) (16 page)

BOOK: First Down (First and Ten #1)
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They walked out of the building holding hands, and Jack kissed her head. “Thanks for the save, sweetie. I think we’re going to make an amazing team. I couldn’t have done it with you.”

Leaning over, she kissed his arm and smiled. “I like being the voice in your head. I felt pretty powerful, and I have to admit that I enjoyed it. Maybe I have a latent desire to rule the world.”

Laughing, he stopped and pulled her into his arms. “Why don’t you start with me and see how that goes? If it works out, then you can move on to world domination.”

She leaned up and captured his mouth.

She gave him a kiss like she meant it. Lifting her up, he walked quickly to her car. “Time to go home.”

She opened the door and got in. “Whoever gets home first better be naked when the other one gets there.” She closed her door, started her car, and watched him jog to his truck. Either way, she won. 





Ana opened the door and was greeted by two of her best friends. “Welcome, ladies. Thank you for coming to my first football party.”

Ronnie and Ella walked in and gave her a once-over.

She glanced down at her outfit and then back at them. “Too much? I didn’t put the hat on, so I thought it was okay.”

“You could have painted your face, and then the look would be complete.” Ronnie laughed. “I’ve never seen you wear the gear of any one you’re dating.” She watched Ana twirl around and was greeted with Jack’s name emblazoned across the back. “I guess it’s official.”

“Come in, and let me get you guys something to drink.” She led her friends into the kitchen and poured them margaritas. Holding up her glass, she proposed a toast. “To being a football girlfriend. May I survive it?” They all clinked glasses and stared at one another. “How in heck did this happen? My boyfriend is a professional football player, and he posed for ads yesterday in his underwear, so that he could give me a foundation with a million dollars. I’m not sure what part of that is the most disturbing: The fact that people are willing to pay him to take off his clothes or that he gave me a million dollars.”

Ronnie sipped her drink and thought about it. “I need chips and guacamole if I’m going to give your question the proper consideration that it deserves.”

“Should we eat in here or do you want to go in and start watching the games that I recorded?”

Ella and Ronnie answered in unison, “Eat first.”

Ana started loading up the table with the food that she prepared.

Ella studied the table and took inventory of what Ana had prepared. “This isn’t bad for a first effort with football food. I’ll have Mama send some of her recipes that she uses every Sunday. You definitely need a cheese ball and crackers. It’s hardly appropriate to watch a football game without a cheese ball.”

“As much as I respect your genetic superiority when it comes to anything football, I’m going to have to say no to the cheese ball. I am, however, totally open to the idea of a good pimiento cheese sandwich.”

“Oooh, I love pimiento cheese sandwiches. Nobody makes a better one than Mama. I’ll have Gerald make us some for our next football get together,” Ronnie said.

“Fine, no cheese ball. How about chili? You have to have some chili.”

“I think chili is a great idea. I’ll try that next time. By the way, Ella…where is your jersey with Clark’s name across the back?”

“In a box in my dining room. He sent me a lot of stuff, and I haven’t worn anything yet. I understand the meaning of wearing someone’s jersey, and it’s not something to take lightly. I haven’t done it since my junior year in high school.”

They all sat and started filling their plates.

Ana refilled their glasses. “So what is it with you and Clark?”

Letting out a big sigh, Ella placed her head on the table and looked at her friends. “I have no idea. I tell you that man is so frustrating. He’s not acting at all like he should, and it’s really starting to bug me.”

Ronnie patted Ella’s back and spoke. “He’s acting exactly like who he is. He’s a middle linebacker, and he’s been known to eat small animals and children to accomplish his goal. He runs the defensive line and makes sure everyone knows where to be. He’s also mean as hell and not afraid to go after anyone who gets in his way.”

“I know all of that, Ronnie. I’m talking about his desire to have a relationship. He makes me go on dates and hang out in order to have relations. Why does he have to be this way?”

Ana and Ronnie stared at their friend in confusion. Ella had always wanted a commitment before. Why had things changed so drastically? “What’s with the new attitude about men and specifically Clark?” Ronnie asked.

“I’m not interested in having a football player as my life partner. Nothing about what we want in our lives is similar. Neither of us is going to end up very happy. And, yes, he’s heading in that direction. I should just stop seeing him now and be done with it.”

“If you really are not interested, then you need to let him go. You wouldn’t want someone to do that if the situation was reversed.” Ronnie stated.

“I know. I’m just not ready yet.” She watched both her friends give her big smiles. “Shut up.”

They all started laughing at once. Sometimes, it was difficult to have someone show up in your life who was utterly perfect and yet not part of your plan.



They were halfway through the second game, and Ana knew she was starting to get a feel for the game. She must have absorbed some knowledge over the years, because she picked it up quickly. What surprised her was how ferocious and aggressive Jack was on the field. She’d never seen that part of him, and she couldn’t decide if it was wrong by how turned on she was. He was a beast of a man, and yet with her, he was completely gentle. “I had no idea that Jack was so forceful.” They were showing a close-up of his face on the field, and he was scary as hell.

Ronnie sat with her computer on her lap and glanced up at the screen. “That’s not even his worst look. You should see him when he’s really pissed. They won this one, and no one got past him during the whole game.” She returned her attention to what she was working on.

“Is that why you didn’t want him to go after me?” Ana asked.

“No. I just wanted his intentions to be serious. I didn’t want him to hurt your feelings or break anything.”

“Because of who he is or because of what Brian did to you?”

“It was a little bit about what happened to me, but it was also the women that he used to date. I wanted him to completely understand that you were not to be taken lightly.” Ronnie added.

Ana pulled the bowl of popcorn into her lap and started eating. “So are you going to tell me what kind of women he usually dates?”

Ronnie closed her computer and regarded her friend. “He dated a lot of women who were not your intellectual or emotional equal. They were interested in a good time, and that was about it. And I suppose that he was as well.”

Ella took the bowl of popcorn out of Ana’s lap and started eating. “I tell you, we are not the type of women who should be swimming in this pool. This is not our natural habitat, and when that’s the case, things don’t turn out well.”

“Ok, Susie sunshine. You can stop now.” Ronnie smirked. “Jack seems to be behaving well and has serious intentions toward Ana. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Ana grabbed the bowl of M&Ms and started shoving them into her mouth. “When we were out the other night at Joes, some women in the bathroom were talking trash about me. They didn’t know I was in the stall, so I had the pleasure of hearing everything they thought. Let me tell you it wasn’t pretty, and it’s not something that I ever want to hear again.”

“Did you tell Jack about it?” Ella asked as she took a handful of M&Ms and put them in the popcorn bowl.

“No. I didn’t want to let him know that it bothered me. Anyway, I was soon trampled by his fans and being taken to the ER in an ambulance.”

“That really was the date from hell.” Ronnie laughed.

“We haven’t attempted another one yet. Which is fine with me.”

They all watched the game for a while without comment. It had been a great game for Jack, Clark, and Justin. It was fun to see them do so well. “Do you mind watching Brian in the game?” Ella asked.

“Not really. I think that I’ve let it all go. I need to move forward in my life. Maybe I was more embarrassed than hurt when it happened. All my feelings were so mixed up that I couldn’t tell one from the other.”

“I thought you were falling for him,” Ana said.

“I think I was. But, it was probably infatuation, and nothing more. He did me a favor by screwing up so badly. There was no coming back from what he did, and I had no choice. As mad as I was, it was a blessing. He did it sooner as opposed to later and saved me from a real heartbreak. I think it was his nature to be distracted. His head was probably always going to spin toward the next shiny thing. So in retrospect, I’m glad he did it before I had a chance to fall completely.”

“I’m so happy, Ronnie. I know this has eaten at you for the last year, and I think letting it go is a sign that something fabulous is coming your way,” Ana said as she patted Ronnie’s leg.

“Like I said, it was probably my ego in pain more than my heart. He humiliated me in front of a lot of people. But in the end, it says more about him than it does about me. I don’t think any of my clients care that I made an unfortunate dating decision.”

Ella and Ana smiled at Ronnie and turned back to the game. Ana noticed Jack’s intense expression and realized that she’d seen a similar look when he was kissing her. It seemed that Jack Ellis was as serious about her as he was about his career. She couldn’t square the man on the field and the man in her bedroom. He was a gentle giant with her, and on the field, he was a ferocious warrior.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Ronnie’s announcement. “What did you say?”

“I said that I’m going on a date tonight, and I should get going.” She watched both her friends put down their snacks and sit up at full attention. “I have a date tonight with a gentleman that can’t seem to take no for an answer. I’ve decided to have a meal with him, so he’ll leave me be.”

“Details,” Ana demanded.

“Fine. The head coach for the Jacksonville Gators has been buzzing around for a while. We’ve spoken a couple of times, because several of his players are my clients. He had some questions about the budgets that I set for them. We had some rather loud discussions, and once we came to an agreement, he asked me out. I’ve refused him a hundred times, and he finally wore me down. He’s coming down tonight and taking me to dinner. He’s a northerner, and I don’t have much hope, but it should be entertaining. Gerald is very excited about this, and you know I would do just about anything for him. So I’m going on this date, and I’m going to be charming and not tell him off.”

The girls clapped their hands in excitement. “Praise God. A real date for Ronnie,” Ella sang.

They got up and started clearing the dishes. “We expect all the details tomorrow at Alex’s house. He’s finally back from his vacation, and he’s expecting us,” Ana informed them.

“Where did he go after they lost their spot in the Series?” Ella asked.

“He went to Mexico with a bunch of guys, and they drowned their sorrows in beer and fishing. He wants us to come over around four for a bar-b-que and swimming,” Ronnie said.

“We can all catch up tomorrow. I hope Jordan dropped that snotty tennis player; she was kind-of a pill,” Ana said. She heard her phone buzz and saw Jack’s face. “I have to get this. Leave the dishes, and I’ll take care of everything later.” She heard kissing noises from them as she walked into her office to speak with Jack. “Hi, honey.”





Ana sat in bed, stared at her iPad, and tried to read the Google alert that she received. This was too much for eight in the morning. She decided to get up and make coffee. It was probably better to be fully caffeinated before she attempted to understand what was all over the news. She hoped like hell that what the woman was saying wasn’t true. Pulling on a pair of shorts, she made her way into the kitchen and started the coffee pot. What this morning needed was donuts, preferably chocolate ones. She was about to sit at the kitchen table with her coffee when she heard the doorbell. She wasn’t expecting anyone and didn’t think someone would arrive unannounced on a Sunday morning. Hopefully, it wasn’t reporters coming to ask her if her boyfriend had a child with the woman in the news. She specifically remembered asking him about this, and he flat-out denied it.

She peeked through the glass and couldn’t have been happier with the sight that greeted her. Opening her door, she greeted Jordan with a huge smile. She grabbed the box of donuts out of his hand before giving him a big hug. “This is why we’re best friends.”

Jordan walked in and took a moment to study his friend. “You’ve seen what’s out there…right?”

“Yes. I woke up to the Google alert this morning. I just scanned it and decided that I needed coffee to deal with it.”

“Caffeine and sugar—the answers to most questions in life. Let’s go get ourselves medicated before we deal with this.”

“Agreed.” They walked into the kitchen, and Ana poured Jordan a big cup of coffee and got out plates for donuts. “After we crash from the coffee and sugar, I’ll make us omelets.” They sat, faced one another, drank their coffee, and ate their first donut in silence. They had done this since they were eighteen. They were kindred spirits and understood that talking wasn’t necessary when eating a donut. “Did you get rid of that snotty tennis player?”

“I like how you deflect and ignore the elephant on the internet.”

“I’m warming up to it. I feel like a second donut is going to be necessary before I can deal with what I think is out there.”

“To answer your question…yes. Sasha and I are no longer seeing one another. Unfortunately, her personality was a bit much to overcome.”

“Why do you always go after the snotty girl?”

“That’s not true. And in my defense, I don’t know that they’re snotty when I first start dating them. They usually save that until after we’ve slept together. I swear to you, someday, I’m going to wake up and discover that the woman that I slept with is a nice person.”

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