The SAS have recently adopted a new nickname for themselves. It seems many of them prefer to be known as ‘Blades’, obviously derived from their winged dagger. It sounds more like a gang name, which is perhaps poetic irony.
If a pie chart were used to show the contribution of manpower provided to undercover operations such as 14 Int, past and present, by the many individual military units in all three armed services, the Royal Marines would represent the greater slice by far. In a similar pie chart showing the contribution to special forces, the SBS and SAS, again the Marines would be the greater slice. This impressive statistic is a tribute to the organisation, its character, its unparalleled history, and the philosophy with which it imbues its manpower.
By telling these stories, I have tried to show a slice of life in one of the world’s most élite – if not the most élite – military forces. In the highly specialised arena of MAT there is no unit on the planet that can better the SBS, and it makes me feel good knowing I contributed to that.
Many in the SBS will argue they don’t care for anyone to know what they do or how well they do it. I have chosen to ignore them for reasons I feel are more important now. I believe it is time the SBS received their true appreciation, since they are no longer such a mysterious entity and will inevitably garner more media attention in the future. Also, if some of my anecdotes in any way help to humble both us and the SAS, that can only be a good thing.
It’s impossible to describe the exploits of the SBS without sounding vain and egotistical, but I hope the overriding tone has been one of sheer pride in an exceptional team of men of which I had the honour to be a part. Those who don’t agree with me writing about the SBS will get over it. This is already just a history book.
I monitor the future of the SBS with interest. I’m a civvy myself now, and my time is over, but they are part of my everyday existence. They trained my confidence, issued me with a set of principles, taught me the true meaning of loyalty and gave me a bunch of friends I will have until the day I die. It doesn’t come any better than that.
Glossary | |
acquaint | pre-SBS selection course |
ampho | home-made explosive mixture |
ASU | IRA active service unit |
ATO | ammunitions technicians officer |
to back | support |
badged | bona fide member of special forces |
basher | sleeping quarters |
beasting | punishing physical workout |
bivvy | camp |
blown | an undercover operative is uncovered |
bootneck | Royal Marine |
BU | breathing unit |
bug out | withdraw |
click | one kilometre |
CO | commanding officer |
comms | communications |
contact | live fire exchange with the enemy |
CQA | close-quarter assassination |
CTC | Commando Training Centre |
cuds | countryside |
the Det | 14 th Intelligence Detachment (also 14 Int) |
dog's watch | short period of time |
DS | directing staff |
DSF | Directorate of Special Forces |
DUCS | divers' underwater communications system |
E&RE | exit from and re-entry into submarines |
flash-crash | disorientation grenade |
14 Int | see the Det |
DZ | drop zone |
GPMG | general-purpose machine-gun |
gravel-belly | American term for infantry soldier |
green lid | green commando beret |
grots | accommodation |
GSG9 | German special forces unit |
HALO | high-altitude low-opening (parachuting) |
head | Navy toilet |
H&K | weapon made by Heckler & Koch |
INLA | Irish National Liberation Organisation |
Int | intelligence (information) |
IO | intelligence officer |
Kampschwimmer | German Navy frogman |
killing house | indoor shooting range |
LO | liaison officer |
LUP | lying-up position |
LZ | landing zone |
MAT | maritime anti-terrorism |
MCT | maritime counter-terrorism |
ML | mountain leader |
mob | military |
MOE | method of entry |
MPK, MP5 | weapons made by Heckler & Koch |
MRF | Military Reaction Force |
M10 | small rapid-fire sub-machine-gun by Colt |
nobber | ineffective person |
noddy | Royal Marine recruit |
nutty | chocolate or sweets |
OC | officer commanding |
ogin | sea or water |
one up | alone |
OP | observation post |
oppo | friend |
ops | operations |
pinged | seen or discovered |
PIRA | Provisional IRA |
PNGs | passive night goggles |
PSO | personnel selection officer |
PWI | Royal Marines platoon weapons instructor |
QRF | Quick Reaction Force |
RABA | rechargeable air breathing appaatus |
racing snake | fast runner |
R&R | rest and recuperation |
rate | rating |
remount exercise | no-notice exercise |
resup | resupply |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary |
rib | rigid inflatable boat |
RPG | rocket-propelled grenade |
RTU | return to unit |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constablulary |
rupert | officer |
sat-com | satellite communications |
sausage-bag | yard-long, tubular kitbag |
SC | swimmer-canoeist |
SEAL | Sea, Air and Land (US Navy) |
serial | cycle |
shiny-arse | clerk |
sit-reps | situation reports |
skeg | observe |
SMG | sub-machine-gun |
SOP | standing operational procedures |
snake | soldiers moving along the same track |
squadron lines | area of camp for which SBS is responsible |
SSM | squadron sergeant major |
stick | group |
tab | Army/SAS term for yomp , but of a shorter distance carrying lighter weights |
tout | IRA informant |
tout-maker | person who recruits touts |
2IC | second in command |
UDR | Ulster Defence Regiment |
UVF | Ulster Volunteer Force |
VCP | vehicle checkpoint |
webbing | belt and pouches carrying immediate-use equipment |
wrap | quit, as in fail |
yomp | long walk carrying heavy pack |
Chapter 2
The expression comes from mediaeval times when Henry II, frustrated by Thomas à Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, made it clear that his own life would be less complicated if the Bishop were dead. It’s been a popular form of delegation for people in power ever since.
Chapter 5
The UDR were a purely Northern Irish Army regiment formed after the B Specials were disbanded in 1970.
Chapter 12
The US Navy SEAL teams’ current sniper training school was set up by the SBS.
Chapter 14
After the incident, the Argentinians continued to accuse the British of attacking an innocent civilian fishing boat.