First Lady (59 page)

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Authors: Blayne Cooper,T Novan

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: First Lady
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“Whoa.” Dev reached out and stroked Lauren’s arm. “Slow down and tell me what he said.” She smiled encouragingly, and Lauren let out a relieved breath.

“Have you heard of Doctor Graham Lock?”

Dev’s eyebrows knitted. “He’s a scientist researching…” she searched her mind, “cell structure or cell replication… or… um… cancer, right?”

“Yes, to all those things.” Lauren licked her lips. “His latest results from his first round of human trials came back a few days ago. The results haven’t been released to the public or even to the scientific community, but
was literally talking to the man when the results came back.” She held her breath as Devlyn put the pieces together.

“He did it?” The President sucked in a breath. “Holy Christ, he found a cure for cancer?”

Lauren nodded, well aware of how amazing this was to say. “He thinks so.”

Devlyn was about to jump off the bed and head to a phone when Lauren held her down by her shoulders. “Hang on there.”

“I need to call Dav—”

“No, you don’t,” Lauren said firmly, her eyes flashing with determination. “This is ‘off the record.’”

Dev’s mouth clicked closed.
This was the first time in all these years that their positions had been reversed. And she wasn’t sure she liked it.

Lauren eased off of Dev’s shoulders and tenderly massaged the places where her hands had been. “The results of the trials will be made public in the morning. Today is Christmas. Isn’t that soon enough, Devlyn? Please.”

Dev sighed, but nodded. “I’m sorry. I just—”

Lauren’s eyes softened. “It’s okay. It’s amazing news. Wayne’s been after this scientist for months. The fact that he found out just a tiny bit sooner than the rest of the world was nothing but dumb luck. According to Wayne, the initial trial results are very promising. Even if Dr. Lock isn’t one hundred percent successful right now, Devlyn, he’s close. He really believes he’s going to find the cure for cancer and so do a lot of other people.”

“And Wayne wants you to write his story,” Dev breathed, seeing the lives they’d laid out for the indefinite future disintegrate before her eyes.

Lauren gazed at her warily, knowing this was a lot to think about. She hadn’t even had the opportunity to think about it. “Yes. Wayne is after an exclusive contract for an authorized biography with Dr. Lock. Something he could sell to Starlight after the preliminaries are in place.”

“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime,” Dev said quietly, looking into Lauren’s eyes.

Lauren kissed her softly. “You were my opportunity of a lifetime. Nothing can change that. But this would be… I don’t know. It could be….”

Dev nodded, her mind racing. “Where?”

“Sydney, Australia.” At the sight of Dev’s widening eyes, she quickly added, “Or Ohio. I wouldn’t start until late next summer at the soonest. I need to finish your book, and I need a vacation. A long vacation. But, I don’t know, maybe… maybe I could travel back and forth to Sydney and do most research by computer.”

Dev frowned. “But it would be better to be there in person, wouldn’t it? That’s how you work, right?”

Lauren swallowed. “In the past, yes. But your lecturing and the kids’ school and—”

Dev pressed her fingers against Lauren’s lips to stop her. “How long?” Carefully, she pulled back her fingers.

“I’m not sure.” Lauren’s brain shifted into biographer mode. “Nothing too long. His next set of trials is slated for the fall. And then six months to a year is about normal for research and observation, maybe a bit longer,” she allowed, “because I’d have to learn a lot just to understand what the man is saying when he speaks. Then another six months or so to tie things together. But that could be done anywhere.”

“Mmm…” Dev nodded again, her face serious as she looked away from Lauren and gathered her thoughts, which were racing along at a mile a minute. It would be hard, yes. But plans could be changed. Things could be worked out. And in the end, there was really only one question that mattered. “Do you want it?” She glanced back at Lauren and met her gaze squarely. Her voice dropped to its deepest register. “Because I would want it.”

Lauren sucked in a breath and told the truth, “I don’t want it more than I want to be with you and the kids.”

Dev’s heart lurched, and she cupped Lauren’s cheek. “Honey, you’re stuck with us. That’s not even a consideration. The question is whether you want the job?”

Did she? She thought of what Wayne had said and let the tingle of anticipation burn all the way to her toes. Her gaze sharpened. “Yes.”

Dev smiled and crossed her legs at the ankles. “Then I guess we’re going to Australia.”

Lauren was at a loss, and her mouth worked for several seconds before she could speak. “Can- can we do that?” she stammered. “Just like that?”

Dev’s smile turned into an outright grin. “You’ve lived in my world for eight years.” Her voice held a strong note of devotion as the words flowed easily from her heart. “I know it hasn’t been easy. I think it’s my turn to follow you this time, Lauren.”

Tears welled in soft gray eyes, and Lauren’s chin began to tremble.

“You came to the White House with an ugly dog and a dozen boxes. When I tag along after you I’m going to bring our kids, security, a nanny, assuming Emma ever decides to come home from her yearly cruise, and most probably my parents, who have always wanted to see the Outback. Can you live with that mess?”

Lauren let out a ragged breath and felt herself fall in love all over again. And it was so sweet. “Hey,” she whispered. “That ‘mess’ is my family.” A tear escaped from one eye. Devlyn gently removed her glasses, then carefully kissed the tear away.

Lauren squeezed Dev to her with all her might. “I love you, Devlyn,” she whispered brokenly. “Thank you.”

It felt better than anything she’d done as president, and the thought almost surprised her.


“I love you, too.”

When Dev pulled away, Lauren could see the glint of excitement in her eyes, and she knew it was mirrored in her own.

The President grinned impishly. “I wonder what sort of trouble I can get into in
In two terms of office I never made it out there.
Though I’ve always wanted to go.”
She jumped off the bed, dragging the smaller woman along with her and positioning Lauren squarely in front of her computer. She pushed the chair out of their way so they could both stand in front of the machine. “Fire this thing up and let’s look for beach bungalow rentals that will hold big families.
And something with another building on the same property or next door for security.”

Dev rested her chin on Lauren’s head and handed the blonde back her glasses.

Lauren enabled the voice commands, and soon the sound of the women’s excited chatter about schools for the children, new options for Devlyn, their schedules, and the house they still intended to buy in Ohio filled the room. After a few heady moments, Lauren spun in Devlyn’s arms, and wrapped her own arms around Dev’s waist. She gazed up at her. “Are we really going to do this?”

The younger woman was radiating excitement and, to Devlyn, she’d never looked more beautiful. A dazzling smile lit Dev’s face, making it all the way to her eyes. “Can you think of anything better than starting a new adventure together?”

Lauren shook her head and rose onto her tiptoes to kiss the love of her life. “Not a single thing.”





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