First Sinners (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Regency

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“You know he disappeared a week or so ago?”
“Yes. Violet and I were worried he’d taken our chance to clear our name with him. At one point, we even suspected
of being Mr. Brown.”
“Mr. Brown, or should I say Lord Denley, is dead now. Keyes wasn’t involved with him in the slightest. We suspect foul play from other quarters.”
“From what I’ve heard, Keyes did have a habit of sticking his nose in where it wasn’t wanted. I’m fairly sure there are several people who might want to take revenge on him. Do you have any idea where he’s gone?”
Adam sighed. “That’s the problem. We’ve tried all the usual channels, and no one has seen or heard from him. There’s been no ransom demands, or offers to exchange prisoners from any of our current enemies either.” He hesitated. “Would you mind if I asked the Earl of Westbrook to join us and offer his opinion on the matter?”
“I have no objection. But I can’t say I know the man.”
Adam turned to ring the bell. “You probably don’t, but he has an office here, as does his wife.”

“Didn’t you know? He and the countess founded the Sinners in 1812. Lord Westbrook was alarmed at the number of his colleagues who received no official recognition from the government for the dangerous acts they committed to safeguard their nation’s future. He wanted to offer them and their dependents a safe place, support in legal matters, money when needed, and a place to stay and enjoy their own kind.”
“I thought that was your and Keyes’s doing.”
“No, we are mere inheritors of the day-to-day running of the place.”
Jack rose as an older gentleman came through the door. He was still a handsome devil, his skin darker than normal with eyes the color of excellent whisky.
“Mr. Lennox?”
He sounded more English than he looked. Jack bowed. “My lord.”
The man glanced at Adam and they all sat down again. “You are aware that Lord Keyes is still missing?”
“So Adam has just told me. How can I help you, sir, and, may I ask, what is your interest in this matter?”
“Ah, Mr. Lennox, you are as sharp as I was led to believe. You are an excellent choice for this adventure.”
Jack couldn’t help but notice the earl hadn’t answered his question. “How do you think I can help?”
“Keyes has family in Lincolnshire. He usually avoids them like the plague.”
“Ah, which is why you’re both hoping I’d be going to visit Pinchbeck Hall.”
Adam sat back and stretched his booted feet toward the fire. “I suspect that whatever happened, Keyes won’t thank us for blundering in there and making an official fuss. His disappearance might not be connected to his work for his country at all. I trust your discretion in this matter.”
“My discretion?” Jack fought a grin. “I’m a born hell raiser, ask my sister.”
“It is of no matter, if you aren’t going to Lincolnshire anyway.” Adam directed his next remark at the earl. “He intends to wait to visit Pinchbeck Hall until his title is confirmed.”
“I understand. That is certainly the most prudent thing to do.” The earl sighed. “It’s a pity, but it can’t be helped.”
Prudent? Him?
Jack finished off his brandy and contemplated his empty glass as a flicker of excitement warmed his gut. Perhaps it was time to allow himself a last escapade before he settled down to the life of a landed peer. Didn’t he
an adventure, and wouldn’t it be amusing to descend on his inheritance without announcing his true purpose? He could see what was wrong at his ancestral home
help find Lord Keyes all in the same trip. He held out his glass.
“I think I might be going into Lincolnshire in the next few days after all. What exactly do I need to know about your missing colleague?”
eKENSINGTON BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2013 by Kate Pearce
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
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First Electronic Edition: December 2013
ISBN: 978-1-6177-3320-8

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