First Thing I See (4 page)

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Authors: Vi Keeland

BOOK: First Thing I See
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                Then I remembered there was another card on
the outside.  I searched through the wrapping and found it. 
Hang this
original so that you can see it from your bed.  I’ve purchased the print to
hang in my bedroom.  KJ.

Oh. My
Lord.  Who is this
man?  I really didn’t know him, but yet it felt like I had been waiting forever
for him to arrive.  My heart raced and my smile spread so wide that it hurt.   I
had to call and say thank you, I couldn’t wait to hear his voice.   I dialed
the cell phone number that he wrote on his business card.

                “Kennedy.”  The response from the other end
of the phone on the first ring.

                “Oh, hello Kennedy, this is Hope York.” 
God, why am I such a dork?  I had to recite my first and last name to identify
myself to a man that I kissed last night and sent me an amazing gift today.  I
inwardly cringed at my uncoolness.

                “Hope, did you get home safely?”  I could
hear the smile in his voice.

                “Yes, I did.   It was very sweet of you to
send Charles and the artwork is, well…it’s just amazing.  I mean it’s beautiful.”

                “I’m glad you like it.  I thought it was
beautiful too.  Although it doesn’t come close to watching the real thing in
person last night."  I was about to say,
Thank you,
when his deep
voice interrupted my thought.  “Charles tells me that your friend asked him to
drop you off at a club to meet her this evening.”

                “Ummm….yes, I didn’t mean to ask for a ride,
it just sort of happened.” 

                The velvet sound of Kennedy’s deep voice and
a deep laugh gave me relief that he was not annoyed that I was taking advantage
of his generosity.  “Hope, I don’t want you to go the club tonight.  I want you
to stay home and masturbate and think about me.”  

                Jesus.  Even through the phone this man
could make my nipples harden with excitement.   I let him wait in silence for a
minute.  If anyone else had spoken those same words to me I would be outraged. 
Yet Kennedy’s words spoken as a command, and not a request, created a desire to
obey him that filled me.  “Okay.”  The word came out of my own mouth and yet I
was shocked that I had just agreed to do what he commanded. 

                “Good, thank you.”  

                “And what will
be doing tonight
while I am home in my bed alone?”  I smiled, not quite sure what I wanted his
response to be.

                “Not what I usually do on a Friday night.” 
Silence for a moment, and then “I’ll call you tomorrow, I need to make a few calls
to change some previous commitments. “ 

                A few minutes later, I hung up the phone. 
At the window, I saw Charles on his cell phone and then he smiled and pulled
away.  I felt as though we had just agreed to a lot of things in our short
conversation, yet I wasn’t quite positive what those things were.  My cell
phone buzzed and I realized that I needed to let Shauna know that I wasn’t
going to meet her at the club.  It was easier to feign a sudden illness then to
tell Shauna the truth.  That I had committed to a man that I barely knew that I
would stay in my apartment and masturbate just didn’t come through well in a

Chapter 6


                Kennedy Jenner had a standing date with
Mikayla Santorina every Friday night for the last three months.   It wasn’t a
complicated relationship.   Mikayla liked to go out to expensive dinners and
socialize at parties and be seen on the arm of a tall dark, handsome and
wealthy man.  Kennedy frequently needed a date to social events that he was
required to attend in his business.  And, at the end of the night, he liked to
get fucked or sucked and then go home alone without the pressure of sleepovers
and mornings after with a woman.   Mikayla had tried on more than one occasion
to make the arrangement into something more, but Kennedy made it clear he was
not interested in more.

                Tonight he cancelled their plans to attend
the Mayor’s charity dinner together, by telling Mikayla that he had a business
emergency that he needed to attend to.  It was easier than telling her the
truth, and if things didn’t work out with little Miss York, he might see fit to
maintain their arrangement. 

                Mikayla was not happy when Kennedy called to
cancel, but offered to meet him after the dinner for the customary second half
of their date night anyway.  Not even tempted, he declined her offer. 


                Being wealthy and handsome had made him a
target for women.  He only dated the ones that knew the rules and could provide
only what he needed and be happy with what little he could offer.  Kennedy’s
time and energy were devoted to building his company over the past eight
years.  There was no time left for distractions.  He wouldn’t allow it.  Either
he controlled the relationship or he ended the relationship.  The same rules
applied in his business.  Control was not something he could give up, he needed
it to survive. 

                Kennedy’s assistant Marcy was not surprised
that he called so late in the day.  But she was surprised that he called to
make arrangements for two additional deliveries to a woman in New York.  And
the fact that he called at a time when he was supposed to be out with Mikayla
put a smile on Marcy’s face.  Marcy didn’t trust Mikayla and hoped that the
relationship would soon end.


Chapter 7


                The buzzer sounded as I was getting dressed
to go to the gym and I peeked out the window to see who could be at the door so
early on a Saturday morning.  Charles stood in full uniform and removed his cap
with a smile, greeting me with a slight bow.   In his left arm was a large
flower box.  “Good morning Ms. York”.

                I opened the door.  “Good Morning Charles,
this is an unexpected visit.”  

                Charles extended his arms to pass me the box
he was carrying.  “Mr. Jenner asked that I deliver these to you and see that
you are driven on any errands you need to run today.”

                 I smiled and offered him to come in, but he
politely declined.   “I was just getting ready to go to the gym, if you don’t
mind waiting; I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

                “Take all the time you need Miss York, I’m
yours for the day.” 


                Charles dropped me off back at my apartment
after a morning at the gym, followed by running half a dozen errands that would
have taken me twice as long on the subway.  Opening the door to my apartment,
the smell of two dozen lilac and yellow roses filled the air.  I closed my eyes
and smiled, opening to gaze at the beautiful, erotic picture now hanging just
four feet from the foot of my bed. 

                Later that evening Kennedy called and we
spoke longer this time.  I told him about my new job, my move from Oregon, and a
little about Shauna.   The conversation seemed oddly normal and familiar. 
I didn’t ask him what he did the night before and he didn’t ask me. 

                The next week flew by and, although I spoke
to Kennedy every day, I didn’t ask when he was coming back to the city.  I
wanted to know but was afraid to ask, although I was not quite sure why.


                Friday afternoon as I was getting ready to
leave work, my cell phone rang and I smiled seeing his number.  “Hi.”  

                “Are you on birth control?”  His voice was
deep and tone even.  I could tell it was asked a serious question and not a
flirty game.  He wanted a serious answer. Flush seeped up my face.  The man
could make me blush with only a word on the phone. 

                Through the corner of my eye, I saw the
hotel manager, George, heading my way.  “Umm…yes I am, but could we possibly
talk about this later, I’d rather not have my boss know about my sex life, or
lack thereof, and he is walking right toward me.”

                “We can continue this conversation later,
but I am happy to know about your ‘lack thereof’ of a sex life.”  I could hear
him smiling smugly through the phone.  I bet that response earned a visit from
both dimples. 

                George arrived and we hung up.  “Hope, I’m
sorry to ask so late on a Friday, but there is a VIP in the Penthouse suite
that wants to discuss holding a large event here.” 

                “No problem George, I’m happy to do it.”

                 I sent a quick text to Shauna to tell her
about the change in plans and to go on to happy hour without me.


                I’d toured the penthouse suite on my first
day when it was vacant and knew that it was luxe.  It occupied almost half of
an entire floor and there was a parlor and dining room where we could sit and
discuss planning an event.  I buzzed the suite and looked over the folder
George had given me containing some basics on the event.  No name in the file.  I’d
have to introduce myself and hope the guest offered their name in return.

                The door opened and my jaw dropped. 
Kennedy.  I was stunned and couldn’t move.   Amusement danced in his eyes as he
stared down at me, giving me the smile AND dimples.  My knees went weak and I
stood there like a school girl, nervous and unable to smile back.   Two quick
strides and he was in my personal space.  “I couldn’t wait any longer to see

                He lifted my hand and pulled it to his
mouth.  His amused eyes gone and replaced by intense focus.  His eyes didn’t
leave mine as he brought us two steps forward into the room and I vaguely heard
the door close behind me.  He leaned down, tucking his head into my hair and
gently kissed my neck.  The feel of his lips on the tender skin brought goose
bumps all over my body.  My nipples perked and arousal shot through me. 

                “Hi.”  Was the best I could force out of my

                “Hi beautiful.”  He gently pinned me against
the wall behind me, capturing my mouth.  Softness quickly turning to passion. 
I loved the way he kissed me as if he had to in order to breathe.  He stole the
air from my lungs.   He nibbled on my bottom lip slowly going from one corner
to the other.  I sucked his tongue.  He responded by pressing his body firmly into
mine.  I could feel his erection hard against my belly.  I wrapped my arms
around his broad shoulders and lifted one leg around his hip to feel more of
him.   A low moan escaping as he pressed his body harder into me.

                Kennedy pulled back, and looked down at my
face.  I could see his chest rise and fall quickly as he fought to regain some
control.  “Fuck Hope, I need to have you.” 

                I looked into his eyes for a few seconds and
made a decision.  I nodded, unable to find words. He watched me intently as I
ran my hands along his chest feeling the hard muscle I had only envisioned were
there.  I tugged at the bottom and released the hem of his tucked dress shirt. 
 His eyes never leaving my face, I could see him searching my eyes to confirm
the answer I had already given him. 

                He lifted me up and carried me to the
bedroom, sitting me on the edge of the bed.  He took two steps back and looked
down at me.  “Undress for me.”  I slowly unbuttoned my deep blue silk shirt,
allowing it to fall open revealing my deep blue lace bra.  “Jesus, Hope” he
whispered in a husky low voice, but made no movement toward me. 

                I stood, slowly unzipping my skirt and let
it drop to the floor around me.  Matching lace blue boy short panties
revealed.  I sat and slowly unbuckled the straps from my high heeled sandals,
and then I stood.  His eyes drank me in slowly from head to toe.   When his
eyes reached mine, a slight smile and an arch of one eyebrow. “Your turn.”

                I wasn’t going to get the slow teasing strip
tease I had just given him.  He closed the space between us and smiled down at
me.  A wicked smile that made my knees weak.  I was never so turned on in my
entire life. 

                “I’m going to watch as I make you cum and
then pump my cum so far into you that you can feel it seep through your body
for days.” 

                My clit swelled at his words and their
intensity brought me to the cliff of orgasm.  “I’m going to taste every inch of
you and then you are going to suck my tongue again and taste yourself.”  His
hand cupped my breast and his thumb pushed the lace aside freeing my swollen
nipple.   I watched as his head bent and he took my nipple into his mouth,
sucking hard and swirling his tongue round and round, driving me insane.  He
nipped his way from one breast to the other and increased the suction as my
panting grew.

                I felt his hand caress the curves down the
path to my ass and his hand grabbed my ass pinching  hard, leaving me at the crossroads
of pleasure and pain.   He moved his hand to my front, finding my lace panties
already wet.  He rubbed the palm of his hand over the lace, up and down between
my clit and my entrance.  The friction built with each firm stroke, but not
enough to allow my release.  His fingers slipped under the lace and his thumb
teased my clit in gentle circles.  I needed more pressure.  I arched my back to
lean up to him and a low moan escaped.  I shut my eyes and took a deep breath,
“More” was all I could say, but he understood.

                Kennedy increased the pressure, massaging my
clit with rhythmic circles.  Then he slipped a finger inside me and commanded,
“Open your eyes, Hope, I want to watch you cum.”   I opened my eyes and they
locked on his pale blue eyes and I felt my body begin to climax.  I grabbed his
shoulders and let it take over me.  Pleasure rocketed through me and the
intensity of my orgasm rippled in soft moans escaping my lips.  I had forgotten
that we were still standing and my knees began to buckle.  Kennedy gently
pushed me back and down onto the bed. 

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