Firstborn (The Legacy Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Firstborn (The Legacy Series)
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There it was – the question that confirmed the person’s sanity. There’s a very simple way of knowing if a person if normal or not. Put them through a series of inexplicable events, most of which have a supernatural nature, and watch their response. If they smile and accept it, they’re cracked. Swearing, screaming, and abject panic – those are the good signs.

We made it out of the car and I helped her up. I figured the least I could do after what she’
d been through was offer her a hand and a cup of java. Amaymon wasn’t so helpful. He stumbled on something, cursed, and transformed into a cat.

I felt Abigale’s hand tense up.

“Ignore him,” I repeated. “He’s just trying to impress you. As you can imagine, we hardly have any guests.”

“What happened here?” she asked.

“My sister threw a monkey wrench at me to get to you first.” She frowned. “My sister is the blonde midget with the green suit,” I clarified.

“What are you people?”

I sat her down on the chair and told Amaymon to make us some coffee. Then, I pulled the couch back in place and winced. The whole thing was ruined.

“I’m a wizard,” I said plainly. “Name’s Erik. Erik Ashendale.”

“Did you just say


“Like Houdini?”

I smiled and glanced at the walls. I could feel that two of the crystals were damaged but I could still use magic freely in the office. I conjured a small fireball in my palm.

“More like Harry Potter,” I said as she gasped.

I put the fire out with a poof. “My sister is a type of wizard, called a Warlock. They’re a creepy bunch.”

“Are you one, too?”

“Nah. I’m more of a general people
-helping wizard,” I said. Amaymon appeared with our coffee.

“And him?” she asked as she eye
d Amaymon. She waited until I took a sip of coffee before sipping hers. Smart girl.

“Amaymon is a demon.”

He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Why can he transform into a cat?” she asked.

“Because he’s my familiar. Speaking of which,” I turned at him “give it up.”

He hissed and took off the pendant. “Dickhead.”

A cat took his place and he settled next to me. “Start patting,” he said. “I don’t work for free.”

He purred loudly as I rubbed his tummy.

“That is so weird,” said Abigale.

“Welcome to my world,” I replied. “But this is reality and the sooner you accept it, the better.”

She sipped her coffee.

There was a moment of silence until she asked the question.

“So, what am I?”

Whatever I said
next could send her over the edge. How do you tell someone they’re part demon? That their power in meant to seduce people?

Maybe I could ease her into it.

“What can you do?” I asked.

“I’m a psychology major.”

“Not that.” I sighed. “You were attacked for a reason. What makes you strange and weird?”

“I’m not weird,” she shot back, offended. Oh great – the popular girl attitude.

“Tell me,” I said patiently, “do guys come onto you all the time?”

“It’s not my fault,” she said frowning. “It’s not like I ask for it. I don’t even like the attention.”

“Do you find that when you ask for things, people just comply with what you want?”

“I’m a nice girl,” she insisted.

Amaymon rolled on all fours and let out a screech. “Oh, for chrissakes, get on with it, man. This is like watching soft-core porn.” He turned his little feline head toward her.

“You’re a succubus.”

Amaymon − master of subtlety.

“I’m a what?” she asked.

“I was easing into it,” I told him.

“Easing into it?” he echoed exasperatedly. “No wonder you never get laid.”

“I’m a what?” she repeated.

“I was trying to use tact,” I insisted.

“Dude, grow a pair.”


That got our attention.

“You’re a sex demon,” said Amaymon.

“Half demon,” I added.

“You mess with people’s heads to get laid.”

“It’s more like procreation.”

“You’ll fully manifest when you’re twenty,” Amaymon said.

“Which is plenty of time to learn how to control yourself.”

The cat snickered. “Better grow some good knockers by then.”

“Your knockers are – Dude!”


I looked at Abigale, who crossed her arms self-consciously. Truth be told
, she didn’t look like the supermodel you imagine when you think succubus. She was petite and slim and she was sexy – in a girl-next-door sort of way. A good mix between hot and nerdy if you ask me. But no, she wasn’t getting any double takes on the street.

Maybe in a classroom.

“You don’t say that to a girl,” I berated the cat. “She’s very pretty and you should apologize.”

When the heck did I become the gentleman?

Amaymon snickered. “Erik, are you into the shy-but-cute type? Or do you just like lolitas?”

I grabbed the cat by the collar. “That’s it. Time out for you.” I flung the cat over my shoulder and sent him sailing over the couch.

I turned back at Abigale, who sat there with a very confused look on her face.

“Ignore everything he said.” I placed my hands together. “Yes, you’re a succubus.”

“Is it true what he said about the sex?”

“Yes. Your power stimulates the part of the brain that’s responsible for raw emotion, particularly lust. Fully mature succubii use this power to mate, and procreate. It’s also their source of feeding.”

“I’m a sex vampire?” Her despair was clear in her voice.

“In a way. Except you guys leech off energy rather than blood.”

She set the coffee cup down. “Why?”

“It’s usually a hereditary thing,” I replied.

“I was raised in a foster home.”

That explains it. Succubii and Incubii weren’t exactly model parents. They nursed children and then left them with the authorities for adoption or under state control.

Abigale began crying. Hell, I would have cried, too. A poor, innocent girl was going to become a monster and there wasn’t jack anyone could do.

Unless –

“There’s still hope,” I said. She looked up. “Your powers won’t start affecting you until you’re twenty.”

“I’m nineteen
, now.”

“I know. Which is why it’s not too late.”

“For what?”

I sighed. “To train yourself. To control your mind and your powers. It is theoretically possible to feed without killing or impregnating yourself. It’s a matter of

“How do I do that?” she asked. The perkiness had returned to her voice.

“I can help with some training,” I said. “But this ain’t easy. And even if you manage, you’ll still be a succubus – you’ll still have to feed. It’s your nature.”

“But I won’t kill? I’ll still have a life?”

“Yes. Theoretically,” I insisted.

OK. I’m ready.”

“Hold up.” Amaymon hopped back on the couch. “Aren’t you forgetting something? Like Gil and angels chasing after her? Not to mention whatever sent her to the hospital.”

“OK, then. We find a place to lay low until we can figure out what exactly is after her,” I replied.

“And then what, genius? Let both your sister and the big bad monster duke it out and take out whoever is left?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“One problem. Right now, that chick is hot – and I don’t mean that in the good way. Every monster is gonna be after her.” He rubbed against her legs. “Not to mention the guys who are gonna chase after her. She’s practically jailbait.”

Abi’s face twisted in disgust and she kicked him away.

“How do you live with him?” Abigale asked.

“I’m asking myself that same question,” I replied. “But he does have a point.” She glared at me. “Not about the jailbait thing,” I added. “But your powers may flare up again.”

“And that is why you keep me around. I solve problems,” said the cat.

“You also create them,” I murmured.

aymon ignored me. “Have you thought of where we can go into hiding?” He took one look at my blank expression and shook his head. “Wait here.”

The cat darted up the stairs and disappeared.

“Is that a good thing?” whispered Abigale.

“Hell no.”

Amaymon returned with a pamphlet in his mouth. “We can go here.”

I took the glossy paper and frowned.

“A cruise? You want us to go on a cruise?” As far as dumb ideas from the cat went, this one was slowly creeping into first place.

“Why not?”

“How is that going to help us?”

Amaymon hissed in annoyance. “It’s
a constantly moving location which makes crying a real bitch. The water dissipates the flow of magic so summoning is outta the question. And take one look at yourself.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Lots of things but mainly, you do not belong on a classy ship like that. Which is why it’s the last place anyone would look for you. This is not an idea you would have – which is what will throw Gil off.”

I frowned
. I couldn’t find anything wrong with what he said. It was true that water messed with magic and a moving target was ideal.

“And I haven’t even gotten to the best part,” he continued. “It’s a singles’ cruise.”


, that means there’s gonna be a whole bunch of lonely, horny people trolling the decks for other lonely, horny people. The whole thing is gonna be one giant orgy. And what better place for someone whose constantly leaking sexual energy? It’d be like finding a needle in a haystack.”

“How do we pay for this?” I asked.

“Gil’s payment for the Behemoth job, Gracie’s check and the money for the Lizardmen job. That should cover the week,” replied the cat promptly.

“You seem to have given this a lot of thought,” I commented.

“I’m a pervert, Erik,” he replied simply. “I keep an eye out for potential hunting grounds.”

Ah-huh. So
, that was his motive. Forget the saving of an innocent. The demon just wanted to sink in debauchery.

I turned to Abigale. “What about you? How do you feel about all this?”

“Very confused.”

“I mean, will you be able to control yourself? It’s gonna be an open buffet, especially for someone like you.”

She shook her head. “I have no choice.”

She was right. She had no choice in the matter. It was either the frying pan or the fire for her. At least on the ship I could keep an eye on her. If she just fed off the residual energy, that’s one thing. Worst case s
cenario would be if she started humping people out of their lives − literally.

OK,” I said finally. “Ground rules.”

I turned to Abigale. “You stay with me at all times. If you feel urges of any kind, no matter how wild or embarrassing, you tell me. Don’t
let it build up and do something stupid.”

I turned to the cat. “And you
− I don’t think we can bring cats on board.”

“We can’t.”

“So, here’s how it’s gonna work. You also do not leave my side. You keep an eye out at all times. And most of all, you do not talk to other passengers. At all. Got it?”

He gave me the salute. “Aye,
Cap’n.” I looked the leaflet over again. Might as well make this a working vacation.

“Go to the store and get a change of clothes,” I told Abigale as I handed her some cash. “I’ll pack whatever I need for a hunt and meet you guys back here in half an hour.”

I attached the ruby to Amaymon. “Keep an eye on her. And don’t be late.”

I packed a gym bag with whatever I thought I would need. Ammo, crystals, some potion ingredients in case I needed to play chemist
, and some clothes.

When I got back I had an office to rebuild. Hell, maybe I’ll just bill Gil – it was on her order Jack attacked me.

Abigale soon reappeared with four stuffed bags. Sending her shopping with a roll of cash and a demon was an amateur mistake on my part..

Amaymon winked at me. “Nothing like helping out a girl with her shopping to make her like you.”

His loss – that money was coming out of cat food.





I had a plan.

It was a simple plan but I had a plan
. I would walk up to their office, buy tickets and get on the boat. Simple, right?

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