Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3 (18 page)

BOOK: Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3
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Chapter Twenty-One

Coco threaded her fingers through the short hair on the back of Felix’s head as their lips touched, and then ran her hand down the side of his neck, across his shoulders to his chest. The feel of his bare skin sent a thrill shooting through her, and his answering deep sigh that was almost a groan only intensified that thrill.

They were really going to do this. They were going to kiss and touch each other, and then he would move inside her. What position would they do it in? At that moment she didn’t care if it was missionary, because she knew instinctively it wasn’t going to be anything like missionary with Michael. Things were already a thousand times hotter than they had been with her ex—like comparing a comet that had been hurtling through the atmosphere with a plain rock, and just the thought of taking this magnificent kiss any further got her heart racing.

He moved his mouth over hers with agonising slowness, as if he was determined to make it last and savour every single piece of her, as if he was at a restaurant with a mouth-watering meal he didn’t want to end. He kissed across her lips, touching his tongue there occasionally, and Coco gave in and let him proceed at his own pace, happily opening her mouth and welcoming his tongue inside.

He tasted divine, of coconut and whisky and the taste that was just Felix, and she immersed herself in him, letting him overwhelm her senses until it seemed as if her whole world consisted of this room, this man, and the touch, taste and smell of him. She ran her hand up his arm, admiring the contours of his muscles, so hard and defined compared to hers. His skin was warm and very slightly damp from the heat of the room, and she trailed her fingers down his chest, loving the curls of hair, his tight pecs, his flat nipples. She brushed them, and he raised his head to smile wryly at her, bringing his hand up to circle the tiny triangles of material on her breasts.

“Just so you know,” he said, “the rule is that if you tease me, it gets returned threefold.”

Excitement surged through her. “Ooh. Promises, promises.”

He laughed and rolled away from her, stood and went over to the light switch. He dimmed the lights and said with a grin, “The sun’s setting,” then pulled a chair from the dining table in the corner toward her. Leaving it a few feet away, he knelt and pulled her up, so they were kneeling and facing each other.

She held her breath, awestruck by his wide shoulders, the expanse of bare skin and the way he just seemed to be so much bigger than her. She wanted to cover every inch of him with kisses, to taste him and feel the pulse of his heart beneath her lips, but she held back for the moment, too shy to take the initiative.

Instead, she enjoyed the sensations he was arousing in her as he skated his hands down her back and over her hips, then brought them back up to cup her breasts, brushing his thumbs across her nipples. He began to kiss her again, and she subsided into a spiral of hazy desire, raising her arms around his neck and pressing herself against him as the kiss gradually deepened and her pulse started to pound.

He slid his hands up her back and tugged at the ties at her neck. They unravelled and tumbled down her front, although the material clung to her breasts, refusing to reveal what lay beneath. Felix lifted his head, fixed his eyes on hers and slowly pulled the ties down before dropping his gaze to caress her.

“Christ, you’re beautiful.” He cupped her breasts again, brushing her nipples with his thumbs, and the sensitive skin tightened and puckered. She inhaled and tipped back her head, closing her eyes, and that seemed to do something to him.

He pulled her toward him, falling backward onto the floor so she fell on top of him, and he slipped a hand behind her head and held her tightly while he captured her lips with his, delving his tongue into her mouth in a passionate kiss that left her breathless and aching.

“Felix,” she gasped, not really sure why she exclaimed, but he didn’t stop to let her speak. He pushed her upright so she sat astride him and then, capturing her hands in his, he pulled them above his head until her breasts were on a level with his lips. His hot mouth fastened on a nipple, and she swore out loud as he brushed it with his tongue before sucking hard enough to make everything inside her tighten.

He murmured his approval, switching to her other nipple, and she could only sit there in blissful ecstasy as he did the same to that one, teasing the softening skin to a tight peak again before grazing it with his teeth and flicking the end with his tongue.

Coco began to think she could come just by him doing that, tantalising and taunting her, swapping from one nipple to the other until they were both firm, wet buttons. She rocked her hips, not surprised to find him hard underneath her, and she felt a thrill deep inside when he grunted at the feel of her stroking up and down his length to arouse herself.

Then he lifted her and turned her onto her back, and she squealed in surprise, looking up at him with wide eyes. With deft hands he peeled away her bikini bottoms, and then he stroked up her thighs to between her legs and brushed her pubic hair.

“Can I touch you?” he murmured, and she nodded hesitantly, suddenly shy, and opened her legs. Keeping his hot brown gaze on hers, he brushed up her thigh again, then touched his fingers between her legs and sank them into her. They slipped so easily through her flesh that she knew she must be swollen and moist, and she bit her lip as he slid his fingers deep inside her, eyes glowing with desire. She closed her eyes, her face burning at the obvious pleasure he was experiencing at exploring her. He kissed her eyelids, then her mouth again, and when he brought his fingers up to caress her and she gasped, he wasted no time in deepening the kiss again.

He stroked her for a while and then finally raised his head to look at her. Still stroking her lightly, he said, his voice husky, “It’s no good, I’ve got to taste you. Will you let me?”

She caught her breath. “You mean…”

“Yes, Coco, I want to go down on you and give you oral pleasure.” He chuckled as her face burned again.
Damn it.
Must she blush all the time? “You’re so adorable,” he said and kissed her cheek.

He rolled onto his back, his head a foot in front of the chair he’d moved forward, and beckoned her. “Come here.”

She pushed herself up and then hesitated. What did he want her to do?
Oh my God
. “I can’t.”

“Of course you can. Come here.” He caught her hand and pulled her toward him. Hazy with drink and desire, she did as he bid, stopping as her knees reached his head.

“Put one knee here.” He tapped the floor above his other shoulder.

She shook her head.

He held her gaze and raised his eyebrows. “Will you do as you’re told?”

Her heart pounded. “Felix, I just can’t.”

He stroked her leg. “Honey, I’m not going to make you do anything you’re uncomfortable doing. But I thought this was what you wanted—to try things you haven’t been able to do before.”

“I do…” And he was right of course. She was just so nervous about doing something wrong—of embarrassing herself, of looking stupid.

“You can lie down and I’ll kiss you there,” he said, “but from what I understand, this position is more pleasurable. You can control the pressure and guide me. I just want to give you pleasure, sweetheart.”

Emotion washed over her at his generosity, and his face creased with sympathy as he obviously saw it gleam in her eyes.

“Aw,” he said. “Come on. Make my day.” He ran his hand up her thigh again. “I’m desperate to taste you, to bury my mouth in you. Please.”

Her resistance melted at his gentle persuasion, and she gave in. “Okay.”

He smiled and helped her position herself over him. “Lean on the chair,” he said. “Get comfortable.”

She did so, resting her arms on the seat as she straddled him, unable to believe she was really doing this.

And then he stroked his tongue through her. Coco nearly shot through the ceiling. The sensation of his warm, soft tongue buried in the heart of her was like nothing she’d ever experienced. The one time Michael had ventured down there he’d given her a cursory lick before heading back up to climb on top of her, and she’d had to fantasise about what it would feel like to have a guy do what Felix was doing to her now.

But the fantasy didn’t come anywhere near the reality. He brushed his tongue through her folds and slid it inside her, then proceeded to try various pressures and strokes before settling on low, slow licks and teasing nibbles that soon had her gasping with pleasure. And as if that wasn’t enough, he raised his hands to stroke her breasts for a while before moving one hand beneath her to join with his tongue in exploring her.

Coco began to spiral out of control. He was just too good at this. He slowed his strokes, and she got the feeling he knew perfectly well how aroused she was and could control that arousal, drawing it out for her until she ached and begged him for release. And then he slid two fingers deep inside while he fastened his hot mouth on her, and everything tightened around him, her muscles pulsing around his fingers as she came in a glorious burst of ecstatic delight.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Felix watched Coco lift herself off him and collapse back onto the sand. She looked exhausted and sated, and he rolled onto his side to study her, smiling at her obvious bewilderment.

“Nice?” he asked.

She turned her wide, green eyes on him. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“And enjoyed it.”


“Really. You smell and taste divine.” He licked his fingers as proof as if he’d eaten Kentucky Fried Chicken.

She swatted his arm. “Stop it—that’s gross.”

“It’s not gross, it’s perfectly normal, and you really need to widen your understanding of what’s acceptable in bed. Or on the beach.”

She shook her head, her expression showing a kind of puzzled wonderment. “I just can’t believe it. You’re so…” Her voice trailed off as she met his eyes.

He smiled. “So…what?”

She shook her head again, suddenly bashful.

He laughed and rolled back onto his back. “And now phase two. You’re incredibly wet and swollen and if I’m not inside you in five seconds I’m going to explode.” He pushed his swim shorts off and bunched up the duvet beneath his head to make himself comfortable. “Come here.”

He’d forgotten she hadn’t seen him naked before. She looked shocked at the ease with which he’d stripped off and now stared at him with mouth open.

“What?” he said. “Did I forget to tell you this was a nudist beach?”

“Oh. My. God.” Her lips curved. “Felix Wilkinson, you are such a sight for sore eyes.”

He lifted his head and glanced at himself, then shrugged. “I guess if you haven’t had any for a while it’s not bad.”

“Not bad? Are you kidding me? Felix, you’re

He started laughing. “Thank you, but I’m really not—your ex must have been a pretty small guy, that’s all I can say. Now will you come here?” He patted his hip.

Her eyes widened even more, if that was possible. “On top?”

“On top. Come and ride me, cowgirl, hard as you like.” He knew he should probably be a little less outspoken with his demands, but he’d had a few too many cocktails to control his mouth. Plus she was such fun to tease. She looked shocked at almost everything said, and he was really enjoying her little gasps at his risqué comments.

She chewed her lip and for a moment he thought she was going to refuse, but then she said, “Haven’t you forgotten something?”

“Fuck. Condom.” He reached for his jeans and fumbled in the pocket. “Sorry—I’m usually very responsible.” He found it, dropped it, tried to tear off the top and dropped it again.

She giggled and picked it up. “I think you’re drunk.”

“How much whisky did you put in that last glass?”

“I finished off the bottle,” she said, tearing off the top of the packet.

“Fucking hell.”

“I know. I’ve decided I like whisky.” She removed the condom and held it out to him.

He put his hands behind his head. “Perhaps you’d be kind enough to do the honours as I appear to be inebriated.” Actually he wasn’t
drunk, but it was fun to pretend.

Again, he waited for her to refuse, but her lips curved and she shuffled forward and straddled his legs. His heart rate increased. She was growing bolder, finding courage as time went by and he tried to prove to her that there was nothing to be ashamed of, and he truly was enjoying playing with her.

She rolled the condom on him slowly, and he closed his eyes and blew out a long breath, swelling beneath her firm touch.

Without another word she moved up to sit astride his hips, shifting so the tip of his erection sank a little into her softness.

He opened his eyes and admired her. She was slender without being skinny, her breasts high and full, her swollen nipples a pinky-brown colour. Her skin gleamed in the dull light from the heat of the room. Lindsey had had a great body, but she’d been fairly short at five four, and he had to admit he liked Coco being tall. He didn’t get neck ache when he kissed her, and he liked to slide his hands up from her knees to her hips, admiring her long slim thighs.

Thinking of Lindsey brought a brief flicker of guilt deep inside him. Would that ever go away, or would he always feel as if he was cheating on her?

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