Flag On The Play

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Authors: Lolah Lace

BOOK: Flag On The Play
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Published by Lolah Lace

Copyright ©
2014 by Lolah Lace

Cover Images by Piotr Marcinski & Dashek



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.






This novel
is considered romantic fiction with erotic elements or erotica. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, mild violence and strong sexual content.




This book is dedicated to fans of my work. You guys are very loyal and true, thank you for your constant unwavering support. 2013 was a very hard year for me and your support helped me through, thanks for that.




I would like to send a special shout out to the Goodreads, Amazon and Kindle readers that gave me reviews for Bases Loaded book four of the Balls To the Walls Erotica Series Books. Thank you so very very much for your honest reviews. Good reviewers make writers better.




Ruse – An action or device intended to mislead or confuse.


Webster’s Dictionary


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.


Maya Angelou


I came back to let you know. Got a thing for you and I can’t let go.


Bobby Caldwell







When you fall into darkness
, can you make it to the light? I have earned my injurious title. I am a certified crazy man, mentally unstable. Mafia Mason has returned for the sequel. I drugged and abducted my Kari, sort of. I’m holding her against her will. I worship her. Yeah sure, I ruined her wedding day. I don’t really give a damn. She completely ruined my life. No that’s a lie. The day she smiled at me was the day my life made a turn for the better. April 20
will forever be etched in my brain. That’s the day that she reached into my chest and grabbed my heart, clogged my aorta. She owns it, my heart. It’s hers rather so wants it or not. Only an idiot would let his one and only true love marry another man. I may be crazy but I’m not a fucking idiot. I threw a flag down to stop the play. I adore this woman. I love my Kari. That is my rationale. That is my reasoning. That is my explanation. That is my justification. I did all this because I really truly love her. Being without her is not an option. It’s not in my DNA. That is all I have to say about it. Fuck it! It’s done.








Mason was standing over me with a gravest solemn haze in his eyes. He was looking down on me, my fear and my burgeoning realization. My mouth fell open but I didn’t have any words. All I had is confusion, anxiety, rage and a panic that would soon put me in cardiac arrest. In his eyes I saw the truth, this is real. I am awake. I am here. I have missed my own wedding. I have been kidnapped.

“Please Kari, sweetheart, don’t be mad at me. I just couldn’t let you get married.”

Here I am, but where the hell am I?

“Get the fuck away from me!”
My voice was so clear and powerful, it frightened me. Mason slowly backed away. He had the audacity to look like I hurt his feelings. He shuffled to the far end of the room and stopped when his back hit the bare wall. He crossed his arms over his chest and regarded me in his masonic way.

I sat up in bed
to take in my eerie surroundings. Where am I? Suddenly I felt the steel hardware. I was handcuffed. What the fuck? I looked down at my wrist. One of my wrists, my right wrist was handcuffed to the headboard of the bed.

I was no longer scared. I was pissed
beyond what the ultimate level of pissed should ever be. It was a good thing I was handcuffed to this goddamn bed because I would die trying to beat this muscle bound muthafucka’s ass if I were free.

I was shaki
ng my head and staring down at my cuffed waist. I truly couldn’t believe this. I was straight up dumbfounded. I’m too old for this monkey ball ass shit. Crazy exes don’t exist when you get to be over thirty years old. That’s the rules, right?

Mr. Mason took it up a notch, shit
, three-four notches. This was just to Joe Carroll cult crazy. I’m not a fucking follower. Where the fuck is Kevin Bacon to save my ass?

“Kari.” Mason barely spoke my name.
His voice was a faint whisper, a careless whisper. He was bold enough to take me but now he’s rocking this timid little boy persona.

I glared across the room at this
sick crazy man. I gave him my straight Medusa eyes. Turn to stone! Turn to stone! Turn to fuckin’ stone! I couldn’t even cuss his ass out. I was too thrown off. Damn, I mean really. We are both too old for this extra bullshit.

“Please say something.” His eyes were begging
for a response from me. I ain’t got shit to say. Helloooooooo! This muthafuckin’ handcuff says it all.

I cut my eyes at him.

“Kari please talk to me.” And say what? Thanks for luring me away from my friends and family.

“Mason, what’s this?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Clearly.” A sorry
ass muthafucka.

“I want to explain.”

“There’s a sensible explanation for this?” I raised my handcuffed wrist. “Seriously.”

“Yes, no, it makes sense in my head.”

Which head are we talking about?  “So what’s your plan, to kill me?”

“Yeah, that’s my plan, to kill the woma
n I love.” He sarcastically replied like I was the deranged psycho in this room. Like I was the cuckoo nutcase that had my ex handcuffed to a bed.

“Excuse me, if I don’t know what kidnappers do with their hostages.”

“I didn’t kidnap you.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I tricked you. There’s a big difference.”

“Huh, s
o what now? Are you going to ask for a ransom?” I rolled my eyes because I didn’t have anything else I could do. I couldn’t slap the taste out his mouth. I couldn’t scratch his eyeballs out. He was too far away.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I didn’t think this all the way through. I only thought about my love for you.”


“Yes love.”

“When did love amount to obsession, possession and detainment?”

Mason shook his head like he couldn’t believe what I was saying. “Love.”

“Boo hoo. Seriously you don’t lock up the people that you love.”

“Kari plea
se, I didn’t have any other options.”

Please my ass, options my ass. So what, I’m a prisoner?”

“Yes, you’re my prisoner.”
He smirked and rested his hands on his waist.

, honey listen, I have a family. I have a son.”

I know that Kari, you don’t have to tell me that.”

“Apparently I do.” I glance
d down at the handcuff. “My people are going to miss me. My son is going to miss me. I vanished into thin air.”

“You haven’t even been gone for twenty-four hours and you’re going to guilt me into what
, letting you go?”

“Whatever it takes.”

It’s not going to work. You should get comfortable here.”

e you on crack? Get comfortable?”

sweetheart I’m not on any drugs, street or pharmaceutical. I’m the warden and you’re my inmate.”

Is he serious? I think he is.
“Well then why?”

“Why do you think?”

“I don’t know why. If I knew why I wouldn’t be asking, answer the fuckin’ question.”


I didn’t give him a chance to answer. “You have been lying to me all these months, pretending to be my friend.”

“I was deceiving you yes
, but I value our friendship.”

“No you don’t.
There’s no way possible. You have taken away my free will.”

“Free will is overrated.” He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck with his palm.

“This is not a joke. What do you want? What do you think you’re going to accomplish here?”

“I hope
, I believe I can convince you that I am the better man.”

“That’s impossible. You have convinced me that you are the crazy
psychotic man.”

“Okay fine. You left me
and I cannot tolerate rejection. I told you that you could never leave me and you did it anyway.”

“I can do that.
That is my right.”

“No you can’t. You are mine.
I made that clear to you on more than one occasion.”

“Do you hear yourself? I don’t belong to you. I belong to me. You can’t own people it’s against the law. We’ve had this
tedious conversation so many times before. I’m not a car. You can’t own me. I’m not your slave.”

“Why not?” 

Was he really serious? I sound like a broken record. He sure looks serious. “Mason, you sound crazy. I’m not sure you’re not going to kill me.”

He pressed his lips.
“I’m not going to kill you.”

“I can’t trust your words.”

“That you can trust, I would never kill you. I may hurt you, but kill…never.”

My body trembled a little
under the weight of his watchful eye. What does he mean by hurt?

“What do
you want from me?”

, your heart, your love, your body.”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling.
“You can’t have me.”

“You are mine.
Look around sweetheart. I have you.”

I belong to someone else.”

ass Unger, what a joke. Jack is not me. I am the only man you will ever love. Jack is a distraction from me.”

Cocky bastard.
Two can play this game. “Do you want pussy?”

It worked. I caught him off guard. He didn’t expect that. Mason paused for a long second.

“Do you want to have sex with me?”
I asked again. He heard me the first time. Don’t play.

“Kari, I haven’
t had sex in six or seven months. You are the last person I slept with.”

“Wonderful.” That single word of sarcasm slipped out my mouth.

“While you were bouncing up and down on Malibu Ken’s cock I was celibate. So sex is not relevant to me right now. If you are thinking about seducing me to get free or gain sympathy, forget it. It won’t work.”

Well damn.
“I don’t want to seduce you.” I didn’t. I wanted to get out of the handcuff. “I want you to realize what you’ve done and be man enough to let me go.”

“I’m not letting you go.”

“Well we have nothing else to discuss.” I stared into his cold eyes and he glided over to me. He was stepping with confidence and that shook my heart into beating faster. Mason climbed onto the bed and he straddled me with his body. He was hovering over me and I was terrified. Did I say something that would send him into a rage? I was trying to hide my fear but I wasn’t sure if he could see through my pitiful act.

This little staring contest was piercing my core.
His clear blue eyes had me shook. I decided to say something to camouflage the loud drum of my heart thumping.



f you love me you would let me go.”

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