Flail of the Pharoah (4 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Challis

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #obedience, #sexual, #fantasy, #Pharaoh

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The sight of such splendour dazzled Charmian. Surely this royal couple lived like gods on earth! Their power was tangible in that chamber, where the courtiers stood to attention and the scent of incense filled the place as if it were a temple. She bent over double in her attempt to show her abject obedience and homage.

Ephiras had obviously been in the Pharaoh’s presence before, and his attitude was respectful rather than overawed. He bowed low, but his voice was clear and calm as he announced the gift he had brought to please his majesty. Then he asked Charmian to repeat the phrases of greeting he had taught her. Haltingly she began, but seeing the king’s face light up gave her more confidence and she finished her little speech well. A burst of applause filled the room, the queen and courtiers following Seti’s lead, and Charmian felt her pale cheeks flush with pleasure.

However, they soon became hot with shame when she heard Ephiras invite the Pharaoh to examine her. She well knew what such an ‘examination’ might entail, so it was with great relief that she saw his majesty decline, saying he had faith in Ephiras’ judgement. Then Charmian saw him turn to Queen Mira. Throughout the audience she had been sitting there quiet and impassive, but as Charmian tried to read her expression she thought she saw a cold light in her brown eyes, and a slight sneer on her face. Was this hint of hostility just her imagination, or had she already made an enemy of this majestic woman?

The Pharaoh made an announcement, which Charmian struggled to follow, but then the queen rose and came down the steps towards her, stretching out her hand. This should have been a gesture of friendship, but still there was that hint of enmity in her expression that made Charmian distrust her on sight, and her words of welcome were like a curse to her ears.

They passed out of the audience chamber and into the corridor, where Queen Mira gave her hand a brisk squeeze. It hurt. Charmian stifled a cry, but as they proceeded to another part of the vast palace she suddenly felt overwhelmed. Her future was a blank wall, and everything she held dear had been lost forever. It was unbearable, unbearable!

She gave a sobbing cry and broke down, babbling incoherently, begging the queen to tell her what her fate would be in this strange land. The woman only smiled her dark, imperious smile and said, ‘You shall see, my dear. We are going to the female chambers where you shall be well looked after.’

Despite the kindness of her words, the queen’s expression was smug, almost triumphant, and Charmian feared that she had made a mistake in showing her weakness. She should have remained impassive, like Queen Mira, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself. When Charmian had arrived at the royal court of Egypt she was prepared to fear the Pharaoh. Now she found herself more afraid of this enigmatic queen. She knew her life might depend on the way she behaved in this strange court, so it was vital to be wary at all times.

On entering the women’s quarters, however, Charmian felt reassured. There was such a bustle and chatter going on, with women lounging around or dancing in a corner to the music of a small band of female musicians. Children of both sexes ran amongst them, to be petted and cuddled by the women in turns, and there were bowls of luscious fruit everywhere.

As soon as Queen Mira appeared they all rose and made a respectful bow before returning to their pursuits. She walked amongst them proudly, taking her charge through their midst and ignoring the curious glances.

‘Through here are the sleeping quarters,’ she told her, matter-of-factly, ‘and beyond is the bathroom. A ritual bath is compulsory for any woman chosen to share the Pharaoh’s bed.’ Mira gave her a look of slight disdain, adding, ‘As I am sure you will be doing shortly.’

‘T-tonight?’ Charmian asked timidly. The thought of losing her virginity so soon, even to the mighty King of Egypt, was daunting indeed.

But the queen only laughed. ‘Not tonight. You must be prepared for such an honour, and I am the one who shall prepare you. But not immediately. You need to rest after your long journey.’

Charmian thanked her, and then followed her back out into the main hall. A young man came running up and knelt down before the queen. ‘Your blessing, mother!’

A soft look came over Mira’s face as she glanced down and placed her hands upon the adolescent boy’s head. It was shaven except for a thick lock of hair, braided with gold, covering his right ear.

‘My son, crown prince Neshi,’ Mira said proudly, as if to no one in particular.

Charmian judged the boy to be around sixteen, the same age as herself. He had a sturdy, well developed body as if he were training as an athlete, and she guessed that he would not be permitted to stay in the women’s quarters for much longer. He seemed out of place amongst the women and younger children, with an unmistakable aura of burgeoning sexuality that made Charmian feel uneasy in his presence. He had awakened some unfamiliar desire in her that she sensed could lead to trouble.

The queen introduced Charmian to a couple of other concubines, and then swept out in her regal way. The two women patted a seat between them and eagerly made way for the newcomer, stroking her golden hair with little cries of wonder. They babbled at her in Egyptian, but with strange accents she could scarcely understand, and they soon wearied of her monosyllabic replies to their questions.

Eventually they abandoned her to a crowd of children who were also fascinated by the fair-skinned girl who had suddenly appeared in their midst. It didn’t take Charmian long to realise that she was far happier in the company of these children, since she could join in their games of dice and marbles with little need for verbal communication. Soon she was feeling more like a child herself.

Yet, as she played, she was acutely aware of the sidelong glances she was getting from the women in the harem. They were mostly dark-skinned beauties, some voluptuous and others slim, some with hennaed hair and others with black oiled tresses. A couple were black Nubian women with large breasts and buttocks whose heads were shaven. There were some lighter-skinned Libyans, too. Charmian knew, from the basic lessons in Egyptian history and politics Ephiras’ boy had given her, that Nubian was mostly friendly to Egypt while Libya had been a troublesome enemy for many years. But here in the Pharaoh’s harem she sensed that all such considerations seemed irrelevant. Each was there for his majesty’s pleasure, and that was all that mattered.

The rest of that first day passed slowly for Charmian. Although she was often stared at, and no doubt gossiped about by the other women, she was not let into their conversation and had to be content with whatever scraps of language she could overhear. The children were more helpful. As soon as they realised her vocabulary was limited, they began to point to things and say the name.

It wasn’t long before Prince Neshi joined them. He sprawled on a couch and looked down at the other children with a superior air, but he seemed to take a particular interest in the fair newcomer.

‘You don’t speak much Egyptian, then?’ he enquired casually.

She shook her head, averting her gaze from the dark, searching eyes that glittered with faintly mocking amusement.

‘No, sir, I come from… far off.’

He reached over and casually stroked her hair. ‘Pure gold. No doubt you are worth your weight in gold, too!’ He laughed. ‘I envy my father. He has the pick of all the world in his harem while I have… nothing and no one.’

Charmian caught his drift, but his words disturbed her. The prince was clearly an adolescent, with the strong sexual desire of all young males, and as he moved she was sure she could see his penis stirring beneath his short tunic. Her feeling that he had no place here with the women and children was confirmed, but it was none of her business so she vowed to remain silent on the subject. When he apparently grew bored with her company and moved away to join in the dancing with awkward, gangly movements, she felt both relieved and disappointed.

At last night fell and torches were lit. Food was brought in for the women and Charmian feasted hungrily on the tasty dishes: most of the flavours she had never tasted before, but they were all delicious. Once the meal was cleared away there was a great deal of activity amongst the women, who seemed to be queuing up to bathe in the great marble baths. Once they were clean and scented they put on their fine linen and ornaments, then dressed each other’s hair. Charmian looked on, wondering if she should be joining in as well, until one of the women said to her in passing, ‘You don’t need to do this yet. You must be trained first.’

Once they were all looking their best the women took pains to display themselves to advantage, posing on the low couches that were placed around the harem. Some showed off a shapely ankle or a lean thigh; others made the most of their cleavage, or even bared one of their round breasts, while a few lay on their stomachs and saucily displayed their naked buttocks. Charmian had never seen so much female flesh so wantonly exposed before, since the women of her country had been brought up to be modest and wear concealing clothes.

Three slaves entered with long-handled censers to fill the bowls of incense. The scented smoke had a dizzying effect on Charmian, making her feel languid and strangely restless. An air of subtle excitement filled the place, and she saw the other women stretch voluptuously. The musicians began to play a soft, haunting melody and the air of expectation in the harem grew to almost tangible heights.

Suddenly the distant sound of trumpets could be heard and footsteps approached. A herald stood in the doorway, announcing the imminent arrival of, ‘His Most Sublime Majesty, Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Great King Seti, of World Renown and Everlasting Glory in this World and the Next.’

The women’s excited anticipation was infectious and Charmian felt her heart beat wildly as the God-King appeared in all his splendour. Although she knew, from what both Queen Mira and the anonymous woman had told her, that it was too soon for her to be chosen for the royal bed, a strange longing possessed her nevertheless.

The keen brown eyes of King Seti surveyed his women with a proprietorial air. He strolled amongst them amiably enough, stroking this one’s hair and murmuring a greeting to another, yet it was obvious that he was in total command of his harem and his authority was absolute. He was like magnificent lion, lording it over his pride.

At last the Pharaoh made his choice of a plump, coquettish maiden of dark complexion, whose chief assets seemed to be a meaty pair of breasts and buttocks offered up with a dazzling white-toothed smile. When she was led from the chamber, Charmian saw the faces of the other women fall into pouts and frowns. Once the king’s choice had been made and his back was turned on them, their attitudes changed; they drew in their limbs, covered up their breasts, concealed their behinds and took up less studied poses upon the couches.

As she lay on her soft bed behind an ornate screen that night, Charmian reflected on all that had happened. She knew she had entered a strange world without a clear map or trusty guide, and she would need to keep her wits about her to survive. For beneath the painted splendour and luxurious ease of life in the palace harem she sensed there were dangers lurking. Isolated and friendless, with a poor command of the language, Charmian felt like a young gazelle surrounded by beasts of prey.

Chapter 3

‘How is the new girl coming along?’ Seti asked next day, at ease with his wife in the palace gardens.

Mira stiffened slightly as she lifted a lotus blossom to her nostrils. The exquisite odour of the lily had a calming effect upon her. ‘I am sure she will be ready for your majesty in a week or so. Her Egyptian is still very poor, although that should be of no account in the royal bedroom.’

She forced a smile and the Pharaoh returned it, suspecting nothing. He put his warm hand around hers and drew the blossom to his own nose, breathing deeply of its scent. ‘Ah, you know, Mira, I am thinking of giving her some special honour if she performs well in my bed. Her beauty is of a rare kind, and should be so honoured. Don’t you agree?’

Again Mira struggled to control the surge of jealousy within. ‘If you say so, sire.’

‘Then her fate is in your hands, my dear. Train her well and she shall receive honour, but the credit shall partly be yours. But if she performs like that stupid Greek virgin I entrusted to your care, screaming and struggling when I tried to take her, then I shall be most displeased.’

The reminder was painful. ‘I shall try my best,’ Mira said, but then she realised what a dilemma she was in. If she trained the foreign girl poorly it would reflect badly upon her, yet if she trained her well Charmian would be honoured, and perhaps raised to a position almost as elevated as her own. It was a clever move on the part of the Pharaoh. Had he discerned the turmoil that raged within his wife’s breast whenever she thought about this new concubine?

‘Of course, no one can take away your position as my queen and equal,’ Seti continued, as if reading her thoughts. ‘Or your title as Mother of the Pharaoh. Only the most gross act of betrayal on your part could provoke my wrath, and cause your name to be erased from the book of eternal life. But you know I trust you, my queen, in all things.’

He kissed the fingers of her right hand, one by one. It was a rare act of homage in a semi-public place and Mira felt mollified – for a moment. Was this his way of letting her know that she must do her best with this new girl, or suffer the consequences?

Mira decided it was time for a private audience with the young upstart. She ordered the girl to be brought to her own quarters, and spent some time contemplating how best to deal with her. As the creature was obviously a complete innocent she would have a free rein. Despite the need for caution, this could turn out to be very good sport!

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