Flidoring The Early Wars (13 page)

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Authors: Roger W. Hayes

BOOK: Flidoring The Early Wars
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Quickly, Lyemad reprogrammed the firing computer to shoot a rapid progression pattern that sent out a spread of laser blasts that ripped the tail section right off the snake-like fighter. Instantly the fighter spiraled out of control as it headed for the ground. Tessslan was in the tail section as it fell like a stone and exploded into the rocky ground at the Sea of Enlightenment—right where he had first heard the song of the Flidoring. Just at that very moment, Lyemad’s fighter took a hit in the wing from ground fire and he lost control. As he fought to keep the nose up and head for the water, he saw the rest of the Drewlayian fighter crash into a tall building in the city of Eatnosss.

As Lyemad was fighting to control a crash landing, he felt a sense of justice as he said to his navigator, “At least we stopped Tessslan from destroying Electerus. I hope Darkel and the rest of the fleet completed the mission against the factories. Hang on. We are going into the water.”

The fighter skipped across the surface of the sea until it slowed down enough that the nose dug in and flipped the fighter onto its back—just feet from the shore. Overcoming his shock, Lyemad looked behind him at his navigator and saw that the crash had broken his neck. A crack in the cockpit glass was letting water in and filling up the fighter. Lyemad struggled to get out of his harness and open the cockpit, but the badly-damaged controls would not allow him to get it open. Finally, he took a deep breath; kicked the broken window out; and swam to the surface. As soon as had he made it to the shore, he turned and watched the fighter sink out of sight.

Standing in a rock crevice on the shore, Lyemad looked up and saw a squad of six Graznosian fighters fly over his head and out of the atmosphere. Stunned that the Graznosians were not giving up on fighting, Lyemad stood waving his fists at the fighters, vowing to find away to get them. Then, hearing something in the water behind him, he spun around and in the brightness of the Styner light, a beautiful Flidoring leaped high out of the water, spread its silvery white wings and soared for dozens of yards above the imperial-blue sea. Its form and poise were majestic and the sight of it demanded Lyemad’s respect.

All of a sudden, as if coming from inside his head, Lyemad heard a most beautiful, yet haunting song. It cut right to his soul—bringing out feelings and thoughts that drove him straight to his knees while he held his head in pain. His emotions were overwhelming him as the song continued to sweep through every part of his being—cleansing
his inner-person of all selfish thoughts and desires. A new type of peace, which he had not known before, was taking their place.

When the Flidoring slipped back into the water, Lyemad slowly made it back to his feet. Standing there on the shore of the sea and looking up at the diverse colors of the Nebula, with true regret he said, “What have I done? All this devastation is a result of my pride and selfishness. I have to find away to stop the bloodshed. I have to restore peace to our worlds and repair the relationships—even if it is the last thing I ever do.”

To be continued…


Amesssa – Tessslan’s grandmother from Graznos.

Angelian – A being from the world of Angelus.

Angelus – Third planet in the Styner star system.

Antamus – Ambassador from Wicterus.

Archemalites – Yellow organisms the Angelians eat.

Bancy – A bright white star.

Barklee – A root from Platon that calms nerves.

Baskwit – Ruler on Lipkus Prime.

Bellmus – Supreme ruler on Electerus.

Bichael – Angelian Communications Officer / General.

Chetney – Bird of prey on Graznos.

Clickclasper – Electerian child’s hand game.

Courtlard – A Lipkian city.

Darkel – Electerian pilot.

Dar – A tree on Platon with high-protein nuts.

Darment – Protein nut from the Dar tree on Platon.

Demsey – Yellow star of Lipkus Prime and Minor.

DeRench – A ruling family on Electerus.

Dob-Dob – A drum instrument on Electerus.

Dob-Dobber – One who plays the Dob-Dob.

Docuville – A City on Noteorius Prime.

Dopplergangler – A flute instrument on Electerus.

Drewlay – Only planet around the Sinkar star.

Drewlayian – A being from Drewlay.

Eatnosss – A Graznosian city.

Electerian – A being from Electerus.

Electerus – First planet in the Styner star system.

Epausssosss – Keeper of Sacred Ways on Graznos.

Fassslan – Tessslan’s little brother on Graznos.

Fessslander – Tessslan’s last name on Graznos.

Flidoring – A flying Dolphin creature on Graznos.

Flowgan – Horn instrument on Electerus.

Furzon – Third planet in Tamsek system.

Furzonian – A being from Furzon.

Graznos – Second planet in Styner system.

Graznosian – A being from Graznos.

Huglam – Ambassador / General from Furzon.

Irpis – Keeper of truth on Noteorius Minor.

Kabla – A thick meaty leaf from Electerus.

Lasssafay – Tessslan’s mother on Graznos.

Lipkian – A being from Lipkus.

Lipkus Minor – Icy second planet in Demsey system.

Lipkus Prime – First planet in Demsey system.

Lyemad – An Electerian Ambassador / General.

Maceon – First planet in Bancy system.

Maceonian – A being from Maceon.

Mapta – Flying insect on Wicterus.

Martent – Gold pyramid sour fruit on Electerus.

Matia – Orange citrus fruit on Electerus.

Mech – Second planet in Bancy system.

Mechs – Beings from Mech.

Mudeline – Largest city on Wicterus.

Muge – A dragon from Noteorius Prime.

Mussslant – Tessslan’s grandfather on Graznos.

Noteorian – A being from Noteorius.

Noteorius Minor – Second planet in Paylee system.

Noteorius Prime – First planet in Paylee system.

Paylee – Red-giant star of Noteorius Minor & Prime.

Peckenson – Leader of the Platonians.

Peldo – A large predator bird on Electerus.

Platon – First planet in the Tamsek system.

Platonian – A being from Platon.

Playzorus Prime – Water world from Simnius system.

Podicle – A rodent on Drewlay.

Polt – Large green fruit on Graznos.

Ritnum – Yellow flower root from Electerus.

Simnius – Binary star system of Playzorus Prime.

Sinkar – Red-giant star of Drewlay.

Slabriel – Ambassador from Angelus.

Stalagamite – A city on Furzon.

Steelopolis – Lyemad’s city on Electerus.

Styner – White-dwarf star Electerus/Graznos/Angelus.

Tamlick – A purple ball shaped fruit on Electerus.

Tamsek – Yellow star of Platon/Wicterus/Furzon.

Tarfer – A woodland animal on Electerus.

Tasley – A Tea plant on Graznos.

Teblar – A large wooly creature on Electerus.

Teritium – A steel alloy for instruments on Electerus.

Tessslan – A Graznosian Ambassador & General.

Tibit – Flying mammal on Noteorius Prime.

Tilkner – Dark-green round leaf from Electerus.

Timsssack – Tessslan’s father on Graznos.

Tobius – A Ruler on Electerus.

Tomolack – Lyemad’s last name on Electerus.

Uriel – Most famous ruler on Angelus.

Vinderblick – Noteorian name for Styner.

Volkran – Electerian Warp ship.

Wicterian – A being from Wicterus.

Wicterus – Second planet in Tamsek system.

Zailfar – Lyemad’s mother on Electerus.

Zanar – Third planet in Bancy system.

Zanars – Beings from Zanar.

Zelmut – A Wicterian guide.

Zimteal – A Furzonian fellowship hall.

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