Flowers and Fangs (Stake and Dust series, Book II) (26 page)

Read Flowers and Fangs (Stake and Dust series, Book II) Online

Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #supernatural, #hunters, #karen michelle nutt, #new adult, #paranormal action thriller

BOOK: Flowers and Fangs (Stake and Dust series, Book II)
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Chapter Thirty-Two

Derek debated a million times why he
shouldn't go to the hotel, but on the millionth and one time, he
decided what the hell. He would be careful not to let anyone follow
him, and if Tremayne caught him in Sloane's room… Well he'd deal
with the matter then.

He slipped the card into the key slot and
pushed the handle. The door opened with a resound click. He stood
in the threshold and just stared and tried very hard not to let his
mouth hit the floor.

Sloane was waiting for him, dressed in
something a little more casual than her dark leather gear and a lot
more revealing with lots of pink lace.

"I'd hoped you wouldn't disappoint me."
Sloane's sultry voice drew his attention to her eyes and he
concentrated on her beautiful face though her lips were becoming a
distraction, too.

He cleared his throat and forced himself to
remember why he decided this was a wise choice. "I would never want
to disappoint you. You know…being your boyfriend and all." He
grinned back. "I brought you a gift."

Before she could ask what, he dragged his
surprise to the forefront.

Her seductive stance shifted to one of
girlish delight. "Lad!" She clapped her hands together.

He let go of the leash and the dog flew
forward to greet her. She crouched down and Lad immediately
lathered her face with doggie kisses. She laughed, a pure laugh of
joy. She glanced at him through teary eyes. "You're the best
boyfriend a girl could ever have."

He quietly closed the door behind him.
"That's the plan."

She stood slowly and met his gaze with a tilt
of her head. "What exactly does this plan entail? Are there other
details I should be aware of?"

He hoped there would be hot sex, but he would
settle for just being with her. "How about we start with a kiss and
go from there."

She sauntered over to him, her hips sashaying
in a seductive manner that made his mouth suddenly go dry. He liked
where this plan was going. "I didn't wear my new getup just to hold
your hand," she said and her lips slid into a grin. She leaned
against him and ran a hand through his hair.

That was his undoing. His mouth found hers
and his hands gripped her hips, lifting her so she could wrap her
legs around his waist. "I'm taking you to bed," he told her, giving
her one last chance to stop him.

"It's over there." She pointed to the room to
the right of them. Her hotel room was an elegant suite with a
living room, kitchenette and a bedroom.

Lad whined and wagged his tail.

"Sorry big guy," he said. "You get the couch
tonight." He headed to the bedroom and closed the door with his
foot. He then tumbled them onto the bed, making her giggle.

"I've dreamt about this?" she said, holding
his face in her hands and kissing him soundly on the lips.

He glanced at her before he removed a lacy
strap from her shoulder and showered her flesh with tender kisses.
"Which part?"

"Hmm… this and…oh, yes…that, too." She sighed
in pleasure.

Her outfit looked lovely on her, but he
wanted it gone. His hands slipped beneath the silk and she sat up
so he could remove the camisole. He made short work of his
clothing, too and threw them next to hers on the floor. When she
was in his arms once more, he was the one to sigh. "Now this is
what I've dreamt about—holding you in my arms again."

She kissed the side of his neck. "This is
wonderful, but I hope your dreams involved a little more than

He rolled her onto her back and she squealed
in delight. "Let me show you," he told her.

* * * * *

Much later, after hours of lovemaking, Derek
stretched out on the bed with his hands behind his head and the
sheet haphazardly covering his hips. Sloane leaned up on one elbow
as she ran her fingers over his chest, outlining old scars then
kissing each one. "You've been fighting a long time." She pressed
another kiss to the scar near his collarbone.

"As soon as I could hold a dagger."

Her administrations stopped and her eyes
found his. "That's terrible."

He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "It
wasn't so bad." He didn't want her to feel sorry for him. He hadn't
felt deprived as a child. He had his siblings and they worked
together as a family. Hunted…
They had hunted as a
, he corrected. "I never said my family life wasn't a
bit screwy, but it was all I knew. We had each other's backs. You

"How did high school fit around this family
time, where daggers were a part of your Sunday best?"

He let out a long sigh. "I was a teen and
wanted to rebel against my parents' wishes. Forcing them to send me
to a traditional high school was my way of acting out."

She shook her head. "Just to let you know
most teens want to skip high school, not run toward it."

He chuckled. "I never said I was a normal
teen. Just a rebel in my screwed-up family."

She rested her chin on his chest, her blue
eyes darkening with passion. "I'm glad your rebellion took you to
Remington High."

He kissed her forehead. "Me, too."

She rolled away from him suddenly, grabbing
for her robe.

"Where are you going?" He lifted his head to
stare at her, already missing her.

"To start the shower. Do you want to join
me?" Sloane asked, while tying the belt around her waist. "You can
stay a while longer, can't you?"

He had a feeling he'd need a shower after the
shower, but why not? He had nothing pressing to do for the next few
days. "I'll be right there. I need to hydrate first. Do you want…"
He stopped himself from finishing that sentence. She wouldn't get
thirsty now, not for water anyway.

Her lips curved. "I'm good." She leaned down
and kissed him before heading for the bathroom. "Can you give Lad
some water, too?"

"Already on it." Later, he'd have to pick up
some dog food and take him out for a walk, but he was confident
he'd be all right for the next few hours.

As he padded barefoot into the living room
quarters, he heard the pipes from the bathroom protest and then the
sound of running water.

Earlier he'd spotted the refrigerator in the
kitchenette and would bet it was full of drinks. He couldn't
remember the last time he stayed at a hotel in style. Usually going
hunting meant sleeping in the car or paying to stay in a hovel. Lad
joined him, wagging his tail. "Hey, boy. You thirsty?"

He opened the refrigerator and light flooded
the dark room. His thoughts had been preoccupied with Sloane and
what he wanted to do with her once they were in the shower. So it
took him a second to realize someone else was in the room. He
figured he wasn't dead yet, which meant whoever lurked in the
shadows wished to at least chat before taking him down, and besides
Lad didn't seem concerned.

He reached for the water bottle on the top
shelf next to the sodas, and noticed the bottles containing blood
and wine were on the bottom shelf. Did the hotel supply those too?
He turned and leaned against the counter. "Are you going to say
something?" he asked the intruder as he twisted the cap of the
water bottle and took a swig before pouring some into a throwaway
cup. He offered it to Lad, who gladly lapped up the liquid.

A second later the light beside the sofa
flipped on, revealing Tremayne lounging comfortably upon the

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked
with annoyance, wondering how long the vamp had been waiting for
Sloane or him to emerge from the bedroom.

"I believe that's my line," Tremayne said
narrowing his eyes as he sat forward and rested his elbows on his

In the next beat of his heart, Sloane
appeared in the archway with her fangs showing, and battle ready.
She gripped a blade in each hand. She looked damn sexy in her robe
and armed to the teeth. Once she realized who was paying them a
social call, she lowered her hands, but she didn't put the weapons

"You didn't have to check up on me," she said
to Tremayne, and lifted her chin in defiance.

Tremayne eyed her closely, his features

Derek strode over to Sloane and drew her
close, hopefully making the statement clear:
He wasn't letting
her go

"You're not ready to be on your own, Sloane,"
Tremayne reminded her.

"She won't be," Derek shot back.

Tremayne lifted a brow. "Do you plan on
relocating? Because she's my responsibility until I say she's

He felt her stiffen and she wouldn't look at
him. Relocate? His life was here in Los Angeles. He had a home,
family…work, but he wanted more. "I can hunt anywhere," he didn't
hesitate to say. He no way would let Sloane go now that he had her
back in his life.

Tremayne's lips curved. "We just so happen to
have an opening for a hunter… and a historian. Sloane's informed me
about your interest in updating the hunters' manuals, and
documenting preternatural attributes—the good and the bad
qualities. A much needed overhaul in my opinion. Legends can really
muck up what's true and what's not."

Derek glanced at Sloane, hoping he hadn't
overstepped his claim to her, but he relaxed when she smiled and
gave him an encouraging nod. She wanted him at her side, too. "I'm
in," he said to Tremayne, but he didn't take his eyes off her.

"I will draw up the paperwork then for the
WFTL," Tremayne said. "They're home office is actually here in
California. Nephilim started the organization, but it seems the
Fallen are open to include hunters, and the vampire septs that want
to keep the peace. I'm sure Cassandra will be thrilled to have you
onboard, also. She's anxious—" His words halted abruptly and his
gaze riveted to Sloane. His eyebrows arched high on his forehead,
but then his lips twitched.

"Dammit, Tremayne," she swore. "Stay out of
my head."

"Then don't broadcast so loudly," Tremayne
said and stood to his full height. "It appears you two need to work
out a few more details and your shower grows cold."

Before Derek could comment, Tremayne was
gone. He flitted away without so much as a goodbye, which was fine
by him.

Sloane handed him her weapons and he placed
them on the end table. "I'll be right back," she said and flitted
to the bathroom to turn off the water.

Upon her return, he pulled her into his arms.
"So Tremayne was privy to your thoughts. Want to share? I would
love to know what made you blush."

She rolled her eyes. "You'd think being a
vampire would have eliminated that annoying attribute."

He chuckled. "I think it's cute." He kissed
her pursed lips, teasing her into a grin. "How about you read my

Her arms went around his neck. "Hmm… Good
Lord, Derek, you have a dirty mind."

His brows shot up. "You can really read my

She threw her head back and laughed. "No, but
now I have a good idea of what you were thinking."

His fingers undid the tie of her robe and he
slipped his arms around her waist, but before he could become too
friendly, her eyes clouded with concern. "What about your family?"
she asked. "They won't be happy that you're with me. I know for
sure Wade won't be."

He sighed, knowing she was probably right.
"Let me worry about them. You're my family now." His declaration
surprised him, but it was true. He loved her and he wanted her in
his life. "For Always…"

"Derek?" Her voice was tinged with

He gripped her arms and placed a quick kiss
on her nose. "Marry me."

"What?" She pushed away from him, clutching
her robe closed.

His heart faltered. Maybe she didn't care for
him in the same way. He should have thought this through, given her
some time to get used to him being around. He should have— "What
did you say?"

"Yes," she was good enough to repeat her
glorious answer. She launched herself into his arms, knocking him
back where they both landed on the floor with her on top. She
looked horrified. "Sorry. Gotta work on that," she murmured. "I
forget how strong I am."

He chuckled. "I don't mind. You can jump me
any time." She playfully smacked him. Lad decided he'd join in on
the fun and padded over to them. He gave Sloane a big slobbery kiss
before he gave Derek one, making them both laugh all over

"Looks like Lad approves of our engagement,"
Sloane said between giggles. "But wait until Tremayne finds

He groaned and rolled, bringing Sloane
beneath him. "Let's not tell the big guy with the pointy teeth
right away. Let him get used to the idea I'm in your life. He's
like an overprotective father."

"I have confidence in you. You can win him
over." Her arms went around his neck. "You charmed me when I was
all but sixteen, Derek Hayes."

"And now?" He stared down at her with
smoldering intensity.

"You've captured my heart, you dear sweet
man." Her beautiful eyes clouded for a fraction of a second and her
easy smile slipped.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to be with you, Derek. I do. But what
about tomorrow when reality sets in? I'm a vampire and you're a

He lowered his head, kissing her, not caring
her fangs nipped his lip, not caring she was a vampire. "I love
you." He smoothed her hair away from her face. "I love who you are,
all of you. Fangs and all." She was Sloane and she was his. "Can
you deal with me being human?"

She rolled her eyes, but then she must have
realized he wasn't joking. "I love all of you, too. Your humanity
and all," she added. Her lips twitched and a mischievous glint
entered her eyes right before she used her vampire skills and
flipped him onto his back once more. "How about I show you how

"I'm yours."

"Yes, you are," she growled and kissed him,
pouring all her emotions into the caress. His heart picked up a
beat and so did hers, though slower, but he knew her heart beat
only for him.

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