Flowers for My Love (9 page)

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Authors: Katrina Britt

BOOK: Flowers for My Love
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‘Who are they?’ Davina asked.

Nick’s mouth tilted humorously. ‘Two outsize wrestlers.’

That night was the beginning of their friendship. She agreed to meet with him once a week, at lunch time, when he was in town.


had been away on business for three weeks. Davina knew that she would miss him, but had never guessed just how much. Work at the shop became a daily routine. Cheryl was going out with Rex still minus a ring and Davina pored over the accounts.

Everyone except herself was involved in some highly personal activity. She ached to see Nick again, longed for his touch.

Weekend came and after lunch on Sunday she went up to sunbathe on the roof of the flat. She had spread the towel out under her and had closed her eyes.

Someone coming on to the roof awakened her. Cheryl had gone out for the day with Rex. Davina sat up half asleep as someone sat down beside her.

‘Nick!’ she cried in delighted surprise, then lowered her eyelids in case her eyes gave her away.

‘Please to see me?’ he asked. ‘I’ve missed you like hell.’

Putting his arms around her, he set his mouth to hers in no uncertain manner, kissing her so thoroughly that they both fell flat on the towel.

Davina was suddenly alive from top to toe as she clung, unable to let go. She thrust her fingers through the tight curls clustering around his well shaped head as he drew her fiercely against him.

Her love for him, battened down for so long, rose into a flaring need.

‘You’ve got to marry me, Davina, or I can’t answer for the consequences,’ he muttered against her lips.

She closed her eyes. The world was receding. There was no further resistance in her as she succumbed to the wild beating of her heart. His lips moved down to the low neck of her swimsuit. Her swimsuit! Her receding senses were abruptly reminded of her state of undress, and they brought her back to reality like the shock of cold water.

She began to struggle wildly, wrenching herself free. She must have been mad! It was a madness that would return as soon as his arms were around her again. She knew that.

Her only instinct was to escape from what was an impossible situation. She loved him and knew that he loved her. They had proved to be two passionate people whose love would, if encouraged, defy all the conventions. A platonic friendship was impossible between them, and marriage was out.


He made to take her again in his arms, but the next instant she had rolled away from him and was on her feet. Nick rose as quickly and was gripping her shoulders.

‘For heaven’s sake, what’s the matter?’ he demanded.

She saw his face through a blur of tears and blinked them away hastily.

‘Please let me go, Nick,’ she pleaded huskily.

Already the touch of his hands on her bare shoulders was undermining her defences, and she shivered as he obeyed.

Bending to pick up the towel, she placed it around her swim suit.

Raising her eyes no higher than his firm jaw, she said, ‘It’s no use. I told you I’m not free.’

He placed a firm finger beneath her chin and raised her face.

‘Don’t you love me?’ he demanded.

‘That’s nothing to do with it. I know what I have to do and marriage is out, so is any demanding friendship, and I know the latter is impossible between you and me.’

‘You’re darned right it is. I’m mad about you. Do you know that? Every mannerism, the way you turn your head, the graceful way you walk, the expressive movements of your lovely hands closing around my heart drive me mad with longing for you.’ His eyes burned down at her. ‘I waken in the night wishing like hell that you’re there beside me. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?’

Her green eyes were blank with despair and she looked at him wordlessly. He was gripping her shoulders again and for a moment she was sure that he was going to shake her. His teeth were clamped together, and his breathing was deep, and dangerous.

She swallowed on an obstruction in her throat. She loved him so much. It would have been heaven to hand over the reins to him, to let him take her worries on his broad shoulders. But there was her family.

‘Please don’t let’s talk about it,’ she begged, then frowned as something occurred to her. ‘How did you get into the flat?’ she asked.

‘I met Cheryl and Rex,’ laconically.

She focussed wide green eyes on his set dark face.

‘And Cheryl gave you her key just like that?’ she gasped.

He smiled grimly. ‘I asked her for it because she told me you were spending the weekend at home.’

Davina swung herself out of his grasp and made for the exit to the flat below.

Nick followed hot on her heels and confronted her in the pleasant lounge.

‘What do you intend to do about us?’ he demanded grimly.

‘Please, Nick, don’t touch me. I can’t think clearly when you do.’

Davina stepped back as he would have taken her into his arms. Her brain was reeling as Cheryl’s words came back to her in full force.

What she had said about the right man coming along had been true, and that she could so easily miss out on him.

Nick smiled, a smile that did not reach his eyes. ‘That’s something. It means you care for me as I care for you. Oh, my darling, stop dithering and leave everything to me.’

He took her into his arms and claimed her quivering lips. Poor Davina needed all her strength to resist him.

‘Nick, let me go!’ she cried as he pulled the towel from her shoulders. ‘And stop playing games.’

The next moment they were both staring towards the lounge door as someone entered.

‘Darren!’ Davina gasped. ‘What are you doing here? Have you come for the day?’

He came in looking slightly dishevelled, flinging an antagonistic glance at Nick.

‘I expected you and Cheryl to be out,’ he said ungraciously. ‘I didn’t expect to find you with a visitor.’

Davina smiled warmly. ‘Why not, it’s the weekend. Go and clean up I’ll get you something to eat when I’ve changed. I know you’re always hungry after a journey.’

He slouched away to his room and she looked helplessly at Nick.

‘I must go and change and get a meal for Darren.’

‘In other words, would I mind leaving? I’ll go, but only on condition that you have lunch with me at least once a week. That isn’t asking too much, is it?’

She nodded. ‘Wednesday.’

‘Thursday, your half day,’ he told her inexorably. ‘I’ll pick you up.’

He had gone before she could make a protest. She stood there for some seconds staring into space, then with a deep sigh she made her way sadly to her room.

Darren had eaten up everything Davina had prepared for him and was now stretching his long legs out contentedly before him as he lighted a cigarette.

‘How long have you been smoking?’ she asked, gathering up the used dishes and taking them to the sink to be washed later.

He sent out a line of smoke to the kitchen ceiling and his very youth made her feel a hundred years old. He was in the stages of growing up and she had to let him do some things his own way.

Smoking was one of them.

‘Not long. I don’t smoke a lot—can’t afford to. Are you going to marry him?’

Davina put the last of the dishes in the sink and swung round.

‘Marry who? You mean Nick?’

He shrugged. ‘Who else? Cheryl told me that he’s nuts about you.’

‘Cheryl is too romantic for words. Come on into the lounge where you can be more comfortable.’

She led the way out of the kitchen and Darren threw himself into a comfortable chair, tossing one long leg over the arm.

‘Well, are you going to marry him?’ he insisted. Davina ruffled his dark hair and went to sit facing him on the settee.

‘Would it matter very much to you if I did?’ she queried.

He frowned. ‘Of course it would. It wouldn’t be home any more, would it, with a stranger in it?’

She said gently, ‘Nick wouldn’t be a stranger. He’d be my husband and your brother-in-law.’

Obstinately, he insisted, ‘He would still be de trop. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not against you having boy-friends. In fact I’m surprised you haven’t had more than you have. A girl as pretty as you must have some wolves prowling around.’

‘Nick isn’t a wolf. He’s very nice when you know him. I’m not going to marry him, if that’s what’s worrying you. But it isn’t, is it?

Why exactly did you come today, Darren? If you’d been coming for the weekend you would have been here yesterday. Have you been roughing it?’

He studied the glowing end of the cigarette he was smoking.

‘I’ve been wondering whether it’s worth while going on with medicine. I’m going to be studying for years. I just had to get away for a while.’ He laughed. ‘I slept under the stars last night.’

Davina looked at him in horror. ‘But why? Don’t tell me you’re going to be another of those idiot students who end up bashing the world about and find that the only thing they’ve been bashing is themselves.’

‘No. I’m just undecided, that’s all.’

She smiled in relief. ‘Then you’re not a mixed-up kid, thank goodness?’

‘No, definitely not.’

‘Then if you want my advice you’ll continue with your studies until you’ve made up your mind what you want to do. I’ll be willing to help you whatever it is you decide.’

‘That’s fine.’ The worried look vanished from his face. ‘You know, it’s great having a home to come to and someone who cares.

I’m glad you’re not going to marry yet. Want a hand with the dishes?’

Weeks passed, with Davina lunching with Nick often when he was in town. Then came a period of time when he was away; long unsettling weeks when the flower shop lost its appeal and became an all-absorbing trap imprisoning her.

Each day stretched endlessly ahead bringing with it the usual routine jobs, the errands, and problems. One day was more or less like another with twelve or fourteen hours to fill before the day was partly through. Afterwards, the flat was as good as any place to be.

Then one evening he telephoned her from the airport. He was driving from there to the flat to take her out to dinner. Davina was tense. She had longed for this moment, but now it was here it was too immediate, too overwhelming.

Idiot, she called herself in disgust. Do I want to see him or don’t I? She was waiting when he arrived, dressed and ready.

With a look which made her heart turn over, he said,

‘We’ve a lot of time to make up for, my sweet.’

He took her out to dinner to gaze at her across the table with a look in his eyes which made her tremble, and they stayed for the cabaret despite her protests that he must be very tired after his journey from abroad.

He had kissed her fingers across the dining table and his lips had brushed her hair when he had helped her on with her wrap. But later when driving home he made for the open country and stopped in a quiet spot as she had known he would in order to have his own way.

When he released her she was battling for breath. The shocked fear registering on her hot face was on account of the knowledge of her own weakness in her love for him. She had no armour against him. His nearness, his kisses reduced her to a puppet who danced at his will.

His grey eyes were hard as granite. ‘If you feared my kisses so much why did you come out with me?’ he demanded savagely.

‘What did you expect after being away from you for so long? I think this has gone on long enough, don’t you?’

Davina turned her head away from his piercing eyes. A hand half wandered upwards to touch her bruised lips, then landed half way, against his chest.

‘You needn’t hold me off,’ he went on, his voice still on ice. ‘I shan’t be kissing you again. I’d better take you home.’

Outside the flat he prevented her from leaving the car by leaning over her and holding the door catch.

‘When is it going to be, Davina? I know you love me. You wouldn’t pretend about that. We have to marry.’

His face was very near to her own. Davina felt the need in him reaching out to the same need in her.

‘Oh, Nick!’ she breathed, framing his face in her hands. Then her hands were no longer around his face but curling around his neck with all her slender suppleness pressed against him. He was kissing her gently; tasting the salt of her tears and all her sweetness; feeling her tight against his leaping heart as his lips found hers in a long moment of ecstasy.

‘You are going to marry me, aren’t you, my sweet?’ he whispered after long ardent moments had passed. ‘How soon?’

‘Please can we be engaged for a while first? I have a reason for asking. And ... and can we keep it a secret from Darren? For a while, until I can explain to him?’

He frowned down at her pleading eyes. ‘Anything you say as long as you marry me. But why this secrecy from Darren? He doesn’t bully you, does he, my darling?’

‘No. Oh no! But it isn’t long since we lost our parents and Darren feels that little bit unsure. He needs an anchor. He needs to feel wanted. I ... I can’t explain really. Please don’t rush me, Nick.’ His arms slackened enough for him to look down

into her face. As though being tolerant against his will, he said,

‘I’m not waiting long after the engagement party.’

‘Must we have an engagement party?’

‘We could get married right away, if that’s what you want.’

‘You know that isn’t what I want.’ She strained back a little in his hold. ‘I think we ought to know each other a little more before we decide anything as serious as marriage, don’t you?’

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