Flying Backwards (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer W Smith

Tags: #training, #dating, #love, #career as flight attendant, #multi-cultural travel, #aircraft, #travel, #flying, #second chance, #St. Petersburg Russia, #Rome, #career change, #London, #adventure, #female protagonist, #new adult, #Contemporary Romance, #debut author

BOOK: Flying Backwards
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Nora was impressed at the size of the home. The country villa had a sweeping row of arched doorways that opened into a large central courtyard. The balcony above was framed with wide marble balustrades. The russet clay tiles on the rooftops baked in the sunshine.

Paolo placed his case down and yelled, “Antonio, Christina! How are you?”

As they approached his cousin, Antonio said, “Paolo, this is Nora. Nora, Paolo.”

“Nora, it is nice to meet you. I thought you’d brought Christina. They look alike from far away.”

Antonio inspected Nora and nodded. “Yeah, I can see it.” That was all he said on the subject of Christina, and Nora wondered why. The two men embraced, and then Antonio ushered Nora toward the house. The villa was surprisingly cool inside, despite the warm afternoon sun. Aunt Maria, who appeared in the kitchen doorframe, wiped her hands on her apron and smiled and opened her arms to him when she saw Antonio. She was a petite woman, her dark hair shot through with gray. She placed a slim hand on Antonio’s cheek before they exchanged a double kiss.

Aunt Maria looked down at the box Antonio was carrying. “Are those lemon cookies?” At his sheepish smile, she replied, “Such a sweet boy. And who might we have here?” She looked around Antonio’s back toward Nora, who now stepped forward.

“This is Nora. She’s from America,” Antonio announced. Soft-spoken Aunt Maria welcomed Nora in English. Nora could not believe this tiny woman had given birth to seven sons, as Antonio had told her. His was a very extensive family.

“It’s nice to meet you. These are for you.” Nora handed Maria the bouquet.

Maria thanked her and then led them into the kitchen, where all manner of food was being prepared. Lovely dark-eyed women of various ages were introduced as cousins and nieces. Antonio was relaxed and socialized with the additional family members who crowded in to join them. There were fourteen in all, including two children belonging to one of his many cousins. They enjoyed a delicious meal with several wine pairings out in the courtyard. Everyone was polite to Nora.

The sun was just starting to set when they said their good-byes.

When they approached the city Antonio asked if she would like to go to his place for a nightcap. It was early still and she agreed. Nora did not ask who Christina was, and Antonio never said. It did plague her mind though. If Christina was a girlfriend, surely there would be some clue at his place. Maybe she was an associate? Or a friend?

His apartment was a walk-up with a pleasant view of an historic piazza. It was neat and orderly. The sofa faced the double doors that opened to a modest balcony. While Antonio opened the doors to let in a cooling night breeze, Nora sat on the sofa, sipping her wine. The din of the distant city wafted in. He turned on some mood music and joined her.

“Thank you, Antonio, for today. I had a nice time. Your family is so sweet. It makes me miss mine.” She feasted on his brandy-colored eyes framed by dark, lavish lashes, finally alone with him. She had imagined many times throughout the day what would happen when they were alone.
You are so out of my league, yet here you are, with me…
She reached out to run her thumb over his lush lips.

He caught her hand and kissed her palm. He turned her hand to kiss each fingertip. Then he slid her middle finger all the way into his mouth, sending a fire bolt to her belly. Her finger was hot and wet in his mouth, and he slowly drew it in and out. She did not realize that she moaned out loud. He stopped and took the wine glass from her hand, stretching past her to place it on the end table. He was very close, but he did not touch her body before he slipped back into his seat and dragged her on top of him.

“Antonio…” She paused and searched his eyes. “Do you have a girlfriend?” She didn’t want to ruin the mood, but she didn’t want to be involved in someone’s cheating relationship. She had to know.

“I have a lot of girlfriends,” he purred. His hands caressed her, making her bite her lip. And despite the baseball-sized bruise on her hip from her fall, she felt no discomfort, only building pleasure.

“I mean…‌Christina. Is she your…‌girlfriend?”
Maybe I really don’t want to know. Oh, why did I pick this moment to ask?

“Christina was my girlfriend at one time. Now we are just friends who see each other from time to time,” he replied nonchalantly. Nora translated that to casual sex. Friends with benefits. That was fine–she could do that. Bree had said, “Go for it,” that Nora “deserved it.” She may not have indulged in casual sex in the past, but she knew it would be a step toward moving on after Phillip. And there was no finer man than the one who lay underneath her now.

He watched the play of emotions across her face. He recognized his cue when her eyes darkened with desire and her breath quickened. He shifted his hips, emphasizing his craving, and she lowered her mouth to his. He was an amazing kisser. She could have simply kissed him the entire night.

His hand moved lower to her thigh and slid under her shorts. He poked and stroked her until she sat up panting. That muscle she hadn’t used in a while was throbbing now. Her body needed more. “Let’s go into my bedroom.” He shifted her so he could stand, and he and pulled her up from the sofa, leading her to the door adjacent from the balcony.

He unbuttoned the top buttons on his shirt and pulled it over his head. Where her hands had been touching a few minutes before, her eyes were now feasting. He had a washboard stomach, and wisps of dark hair sprouted from his chest. Nora had thought him out of her league, but he clearly wanted her! Of course she wanted him–her body screamed for him–but the question that stalled her movement was…‌should she? He was a stranger–yes, a magnificently gorgeous stranger! She wanted new and exciting experiences. He would be a new and exciting experience–yes, she wanted to
what he offered. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He backed toward the bed, never taking his eyes off her. He switched on the lamp.

She shrugged out of her blouse and let it slip to the floor. Her shorts came off next. She could feel a blush rush up her neck at his approving wolfish smile. He stood at the edge of the bed and opened the nightstand drawer, pulling out a square packet. Nora licked her lips in anticipation.

He reached for her, running his palms up her arms to her shoulders. His dark head nestled her neck as he ran his tongue along her collarbone. With a ragged breath she gave into him.
No more doubt from this moment on – just pleasure.
Nora slid her fingers into his thick, wavy hair and pulled his head back while she seared him with kisses along his jaw and down his neck. She meant to give as much pleasure as she received.

* * *

After Antonio rolled off of her, Nora stretched like a satisfied cat. She had never experienced lovemaking like
before! She had needed this, even if it tipped her moral compass and made her feel naughty. Yes, she would come back and visit Antonio as often as she could. She could have a friend with benefits like him.
So many benefits
. She stayed the night, though she did not get much sleep. They enjoyed each other again before falling asleep, and he woke her early for another round.

Antonio went out for an early morning run and was showering when she rolled out of bed.

“I’m going back to the hotel. I need to shower,” she said from the bathroom doorway.

Antonio stepped out of the shower stall, toweling his chest. “I can turn the water back on and wash your back if you’d like to shower here.”

He’s so sexy!
her mind screamed.

Nora would’ve considered it if she wasn’t so sore down there. She hadn’t been with anyone since Phillip. She needed a reprieve. Suddenly she felt self-conscious and sticky.

“I think some clean clothes and a toothbrush would be good.”

“I have extra toothbrushes. You could wear my T-shirt–or nothing at all.” He secured the towel around his waist.

Extra toothbrushes! Condoms in his nightstand! Lots of girlfriends! Suddenly Nora felt buyer’s remorse.

“I want to see you tonight. It’s your last night here. I’ll take you to dinner if you’d like.” He reached out for her.

Forget buyer’s remorse. He is worth it.
Not only was his body god-like, he was a nice guy, although his one fault was the “lots of girlfriends” thing.
she reminded herself,
I’m in Italy just enjoying my vacation. It’s not like I’m looking for a relationship. Antonio is the right guy at the right time, and I’m going to enjoy every minute with him

“I can’t wait.” She allowed him to kiss her until she reluctantly pulled away.

Antonio had some work to attend to, and Nora wanted to see more of the city, so they agreed to meet at seven o’clock. This time he drove them to a very romantic restaurant on a hilltop overlooking the city. As they finished the last of their wine, Antonio held her hand. He leaned in, his eyes roaming over her. “Will you come back to visit me again, Nora?”

“I can try to get an overnight in Rome next month. I’d have between thirty-six and forty-eight hours of free time before the return flight. We could meet up.”
I will come back to him if he wishes it

“I’ll pick you up at the airport, and you can stay with me.” His hand disappeared under the table; he ran it up her thigh. “Would you like that?”

She caught her lower lip between her teeth. Their eyes locked, and at her tiny nod he leaned closer and kissed her.

Back at his place Antonio begged her to spend the night, kissing her senseless until she agreed. In the morning they walked to a café on the way to her hotel for coffee. He left her in the lobby insisting he’d return to drive her to the airport after she’d showered and packed. Antonia kissed her long and hard before she got out of his car. She was going to miss him, his touch.

Nora sighed with contentment as the aircraft made its steady climb to forty thousand feet, leaving Italy–and Antonio–behind.

Chapter Eight

Back in Philadelphia, when Nora was telling Bree all about her torrid time with the sexy Italian stud, she couldn’t stop the red blush that crept up her face. They sat on the sofa with their feet drawn under them.

believe all that happened!” Bree said. They giggled like schoolgirls. Bree held her breath, trying to control her laugher before she took a long swallow of wine. “I need to go to Rome.”

Nora shrugged and shook her head. “Tell me more about the guy you met. Are you still seeing him?”

“Yeah. Tyrone. You’ll meet him soon, I guess,” she replied vaguely. Bree did not seem like she wanted to talk about Tyrone. She waved a dismissive hand and changed the subject. “When are you driving out to see your parents?”

“Well, I leave tomorrow night for Paris. When I get back from that trip I’m driving up to stay with my parents overnight. I feel bad that I haven’t been home to see them as much as I thought I would.” Truthfully, Nora was dying for one of her mom’s home-cooked meals. “You are welcome to join me. You know my mom is an amazing cook, right? And she made me promise to bring you with me at some point. Can you come?”

“If I’m not flying, I’ll definitely join you,” Bree confirmed.

Several days later, Nora and Bree drove together to see Nora’s parents. Her family gave Bree a warm welcome. Beautiful and gracious Bree impressed everyone she met. Nora caught her family exchanging glances that implied, “Wow, isn’t she something?”

“You really have changed! Everything! And look at you. How much weight have you lost?” Heidi fussed over her daughter at first, but as the night went on she was clearly content just to have her daughter under her roof again. “Eleanor, we are so happy to
meet Bree,” Heidi, chided. Bree raised her eyes at the name Eleanor; she’d only known her friend as Nora. Nora’s parents and sisters had been just as surprised when they had heard that their Eleanor had a nickname.

Before settling in for the night, Nora sat on the guest bed while Bree stood and brushed her hair. “Your family is so nice. And so…‌normal. It’s like a Norman Rockwell painting here.”

“What?” Nora laughed at her friend’s assessment. “Your mom and dad are nice too.”

Bree pulled a face. “You don’t have to say that just because you’re my friend. Mr. and Mrs. Royce are ridiculous and overbearing. And you know that’s true.” She pointed her hair brush at Nora, daring her to say otherwise.

are ridiculous.” Nora yawned dragging herself up. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

* * *

Nora and Bree returned to Philly the next day, did laundry, and repacked their flight bags. Bree was off on an Albany/Orlando roundtrip. Nora was off to Helsinki. Bree complained that these East Coast cities were a drag and said she wished she were going with Nora. Bree mentioned that she might look into the international flight program. Nora gave her encouragement to do so.

After Helsinki, Nora’s final trip for May was Rome, the City of Eternal Love. Nora’s heart pounded as she phoned Antonio to tell him that she was returning to his city.

He picked her up at the airport and took her to lunch. They spent the rest of the afternoon in his apartment rediscovering each other. They walked to dinner at a nearby restaurant, where they ate on the patio, enjoying the warm night. When they returned to his bed, they pleased each other throughout the night and in the morning. Nora took a nap in the afternoon before she had to get ready to leave for the airport. He had been just what she needed–again.

Nora strode through the airport in her uniform, wheeling her roller-bag slightly behind her so she could easily move through the crowds. In every airport, she felt many stares and got smiles and nods from gentlemen. It was still hard to believe she attracted such attention. But today, after the time she’d spent with Antonio, she felt sexy wearing her hot pink panties under her conservative skirt. Bree had said something about sexy underwear once, and now Nora knew what she meant.

* * *

On a warm night in early June, Nora answered the door in her stylish dress from Italy, the one she’d purchased to wear on her first date with Antonio. Nora and Bree had arranged a night out on the town with Rebecca, Jackie, and Miguel. “Hey Rebecca.” She hugged her friend.

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