Flying Burger (5 page)

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Authors: Jared Martin

BOOK: Flying Burger
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“DATA, let’s take off,” Captain Baldwin ordered.

“Affirmative. Please fasten your safety seat belts. Initialising navigation system, computing travel co-ordinates, logging the co-ordinates into permanent memory. Navigation system activated. Engine ignition in five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one.” The spaceship propulsion engine slowly came to life. It began to generate a tremendous amount of power. The space-station dome quickly opened up above and the vast expanse of space was laid bare. BURGER123 took off gracefully into space with amazing stability. For this group of students, travelling in a star-ship with their language professor was like a dream came true. Everybody was looking forward to a world of strange encounters and adventures.

Once Captain Baldwin assigned the kids to their quarters, all the guys in one cabin and the girls in another, he showed Mrs. Andersen to her cabin.

“I have an important mission to accomplish. Top secret. Do not call me unless the spaceship is on fire,” Captain Baldwin winked at her and walked off with his wife.

“Of course, Captain,” Mrs. Andersen chuckled.

Chapter 4 

Procyon A is a medium-size star in our Milky Way Galaxy. This star is similar to our sun, with a slightly higher surface temperature of 6000 degree Celsius. Procyon A has several planets orbiting around it. The second innermost planet to orbit around it is planet M221.

On planet M221, there existed a computer complex dominated by all kinds of computers. Computers of all sizes, different capabilities, different shapes and colours could be found in this place. There were supercomputers, mainframes, mini-computers, microcomputers, laptops, palmtops and even smaller computers. All these slave-computers were linked together by wireless communication protocol. Slave-computers were controlled by Braini, a master-computer with astonishing computing power.

Five hundred years ago, the Psychon, a nomadic race characterised by extensive brain development, brought their computer technology to planet M221. They started manufacturing computers for the early inhabitants of this planet. They wanted to help the early inhabitants in their daily lives by getting the computers to solve mathematical problems.

With the arrival of the Psychons, planet M221 was immediately transformed into a high-technology park. The early inhabitants did not know how to operate a computer. They had never seen a computer before. However, they were willing to learn. Everybody took to the computer with a frenzy. In a very short time, computer proliferation occurred.

In every home, office, school, factory, hospital and even the prison, computers could be found. Computers helped in communication, weather monitoring, computation, education, military and medicines. At the later stage, computers were used for entertainment, even the television and radio became obsolete. Computers became indispensable in the lives of the early inhabitants.

Many years later, when the last of the Psychon left planet M221, Braini, the master-computer took over control of the computer factory. It started to manufacture computers loyal to itself. It even manufactured an army of mechanical soldiers, numbering close to two thousand. These mechanical soldiers were equipped with deadly weapons. A war broke out between this army of robots and the early inhabitants. These robot soldiers forced the early inhabitants to retreat to the Great Plateau. Henceforth, these two sides became enemies.

The Great Plateau was a wide, flat plain high up on the Green Mountain Range. It stretched for long distances, over many kilometres. The early inhabitants adapted their lives on high ground and lived until the present day. They gave up the use of computers totally and relied on their mental faculties. They were able to get on with their lives comfortably without computers.

Present day.

Psychon Computer Complex looked like a king's crown on the outside. Inside the Psychon Computer Complex, a tiny robot was busy with its daily routines. It had a long list of jobs to be done. It had been performing these tasks continuously for many years. Without it, this computer complex would not be able to function. This tiny robot was called B1287-AT. It was made of synthetic rubber and looked like a kingpin with two mechanical arms, the ends of which were circular and retractable. These robot hands gave B1287-AT the ability to hold objects. A tiny sensor antenna stood out from the robot's right ear. At the base of this robot, there was a mini anti-gravity generator, allowing B1287-AT to float at various heights depending on the strength of the anti-gravity field generated.

Braini the master-computer was made up of hexagonal prisms stacked one on top of each other. A total of ten layers existed, each layer having six by six prisms spaced out evenly. These prisms were made up of several chemical alloys and appeared translucent. Inside each prism, tiny flickering lights could be seen joined together, very much like a network.

“B1287-AT, turn on the dance music. This data backup routine is so boring. Are you trying to bore me to death?” Braini complained.


“Which is positive? Turn on the dance music or trying to bore me to death?” Braini was confused.

“Turn on dance music.”

Data backup routine was a critical task and had to be done first thing in the morning. Usually it would take a few hours. Without music, Braini felt very bored. B1287-AT turned on the Psychon dance music for the past century. The computer complex was quickly turned into a music park. Vibrant futuristic space music filled the air. Braini was pleased.

Suddenly, many of the slave-computers sent messages to B1287-AT. They wanted to be cleaned with anti-virus programmes. This was like bathing time for the computers. Anti-virus programme would scan a computer thoroughly for virus. Once found, the virus would be quarantined and deleted. The computer became clean again. Virus could harm a computer seriously which was why it had to be eradicated.

With the loud space music playing in the background, B1287-AT hit one button after another in tandem to the beat of the music. Braini was happy to watch this performance.

“Von Crammer Anti-virus version 2.4. Delete Trojan Horse, activate,” B1287-AT informed.

“Super Virus Buster version 1.1. Delete Worm, activate,” B1287-AT said again, swaying its synthetic rubber body to the rhythm of the space music.

“Pest Buster version 3.1. Delete Malware, activate,” B1287-AT rocked its body up and down.

“Shoot The Bug version 2.5. Delete Adware, activate,” B1287-AT turned its body round and round.

“Computer Shampoo version 1.2. Delete Zombie virus, activate,” B1287-AT tilted its body back and forth. Out of a sudden, B1287-AT puffed up its head like a balloon.

"Ha..ha..ha," Braini laughed without emotion.

B1287-AT did a series of upward body flips before finally landing squarely on the floor. Watching B1287-AT danced to the rhythm of hot music, Braini enjoyed itself thoroughly.

After executing a host of anti-virus programmes for the slave-computers, B1287-AT went to take a look at the life-support system. It had to make sure that the environmental temperature was just right. The computers would complain if the temperature was either too hot or too cold. Electricity production capacity was normal. Lighting was sufficient. Humidity was bearable. Gravity was in equilibrium. Pressure was just right.

“Life support system. Stable.” B1287-AT was doing its job well.

Next, B1287-AT floated silently and entered the room in the next compartment. This was the room that housed the remote console for the computer factory production line.

“All variables constant.” B1287-AT was satisfied that the computer factory was running well.

“Wait. Problem at the repair shop.” B1287-AT detected a flickering red emergency light on one of the monitoring panels. B1287-AT flew to the repair shop to fix this problem.

When B1287-AT floated into the repair shop, it saw the repair robot trying to put a motherboard into one of the computers which had malfunctioned. The memory chip had been damaged on the old motherboard, hence, this computer refused to boot up when the power was turned on. After a new motherboard was put in place and the power turned on, this computer struggled for a while and then went dead. The repair robot was confused and did not know what to do. It ran around the room several times. B1287-AT went near the faulty computer, extended its robot arms and made connections with the internal circuitry through one of the plug-in sockets on the faulty computer. After running some diagnostic tests on the motherboard, it found that this was an incompatible board and told the repair robot to get the correct one. When a new motherboard was fixed inside, the faulty computer slowly came back to life when power was turned on.

B1287-AT returned to Psychon Computer Complex. It entered the room that housed the weapon system.

“All weapon systems on standby,” B1287-AT reported. The most powerful weapon that could be launched was the Big Laser Gun, having a fire-power equivalent to one thousand nuclear bombs exploding simultaneously.

The last room to be checked housed the Surveillance system. There were four computers dedicated to the monitoring of external environmental conditions, including those from outer space.

“All external conditions normal,” B1287-AT said happily.

This day proved rather uneventful, just like any other day. B1287-AT went on to clean all the computers in the complex using a vacuum cleaner. It danced and rocked to the beat of the space music. When the daily cleaning was done, it went to empty the rubbish bin situated near the main door of the complex. Just when it was about to grab hold of the rubbish bin, an alarm sounded.

“Mayday. Mayday. Asteroid detected. On collision course with M221.”

The alarm came from the audio speakers located all over the computer complex. One of the surveillance computers picked up the signal of the approaching asteroid and activated the alarm system.

Braini stopped the space music immediately. It quickly switched to ‘disaster recovery’ mode. It wanted B1287-AT to gather all the information about this asteroid on collision course with M221.

“Medium-size asteroid. Average diameter measuring three thousand kilometres. Approaching at an angle of sixty degrees. A direct collision with ocean waters could result in massive tidal waves three hundred metres high. A collision with hard ground could create a crater five hundred metres deep. If it hits the Barock Tectonic Fault, the Barock Continent will sink into the western ocean, including Psychon Computer Complex. Tidal waves more than five hundred metres will be formed. Diameter of the planet’s orbit will be enlarged by another four hundred kilometres. The weather conditions will undergo drastic change. Time to impact. One hour. Status. Red Alert!” B1287-AT reported.

“A killer asteroid,” Braini concluded.

A short while elapsed.

“Asteroid approaching. Time to impact. Thirty minutes.” B1287-AT reported.

“B1287-AT. Activate weapon system. Fire Big Laser Gun. Maximum power.” Braini ordered.


“Weapon system activated. Locating target. Charging power. Fire!” B1287-AT shot the first laser beam at the killer asteroid. It was a direct hit. Huge cracks began to form on the surface of the asteroid. The laser beam lasted for a full twenty minutes after which massive cracks appeared on many parts of the asteroid. However, this big chunk of cosmic rock was still headed towards planet M221.

“Asteroid on collision course. Time to impact. Twenty minutes.” B1287-AT reported.

“Fire Big Laser Gun. Maximum power.” Braini ordered.


“Locking target. Charging power. Fire!” B1287-AT aimed the laser gun at the approaching asteroid. It pushed a button on the control panel and a deadly beam shot into space. The asteroid was hit directly. However, this time round, it remained unaffected.

“Insufficient power. Asteroid on collision course. Time to impact. Ten minutes.” B1287-AT reported.

“B1287-AT. Attack asteroid in space. Use your reserve laser power.” Braini ordered.


B1287-AT obeyed and flew out of the computer complex. It began to levitate and flew up towards the sky. It was on its way upwards when events began to unfold at incredible speed. Braini calculated that a direct collision with the killer asteroid was inevitable. There was simply not enough time for B1287-AT to intercept this asteroid and blew it out of existence. Furthermore, B1287-AT might not have enough laser power to carry out its order. Braini closed all doors to Psychon Computer Complex and raised the Dome. The Dome was a protective shield that could prevent Psychon Computer Complex from being damaged.

The killer asteroids finally hit planet M221 at the Barock Tectonic Fault. Earthquakes lasting for hours shook the Barock Continent which were unseen in the history of M221. The ground broke and gave way for kilometres on end. The entire continent sank some distance into the ocean. This resulted in the formation of massive tidal waves more than five hundred metres high. Before long, these gigantic waves broke the coastal line and flooded the lowland. Destruction was everywhere. Nothing was spared. Psychon Computer Complex was submerged in water. Fortunately, it was protected by the Dome. On the Great Plateau, the early inhabitants heard of the killer asteroid disaster on radio and television. They were glad that they could escape the massive tidal waves. Water could not reach this piece of highland.

B1287-AT was flying higher and higher up into the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic wave came crashing down on the tiny slave-robot. It was swept away by the water. It quickly got out of the water and tried to fly upwards. At this time of emergency, it sent out a distress signal with all its remaining power. Another big wave caught it again and dragged it into the water. It tried to get out of the water, but was unable to do so as it had insufficient power left.

Sinking deeper and deeper into the waters, B1287-AT was dying slowly. The ocean water was slightly corrosive and reacted with the metallic alloy on parts of B1287-AT’s body. Water gushed into the tiny robot. Many of its internal circuits were damaged. It shut down all its vital functions. Just before it went out of order, many images flashed through its memory bank. The first time it opened its robot eyes and saw the computer factory, where it was assembled. The images of Braini and all the other slave-computers. The images of Psychon Computer Complex. The images of the repair robot at the repair shop. The images of the killer asteroids. These images flashed inside B1287-AT’s memory until corrosive water came into contact with its memory chips. The entire motherboard was corroded. Electrical power was no longer able to flow through it anymore and the robot ceased to function. B1287-AT sank until it reached the bottom of the water. It was cold and dark all around. The corrosive water ate into its metallic body parts. B1287-AT remained a lonely robot, all alone in the world.

Procyon A is a medium-size star, similar to our sun, with a slightly higher surface temperature of 6000 degree Celsius. BURGER123 approached the second inner-most planet of this star-system.

“My, my, such a beauty. DATA, which planet are we approaching?” Mrs. Andersen asked.

”Planet M221 from star system, Procyon A. M221 has Earth-like atmospheric conditions. In the course of its evolution, machine has triumphed over living thing. My sensor detects a massive tidal wave has just occurred on this planet. The diameter of its orbit has enlarged by four hundred kilometres. Average surface temperature is 35 degree Celsius,” DATA reported.

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