Flyy Girl (19 page)

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Authors: Omar Tyree

BOOK: Flyy Girl
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Tracy stretched out in her bed that night, feeling herself and wishing that it was Victor. She wanted to know what it would
like to make love. She imagined how it would happen, envisioning Victor on top of her, kissing down her neck and to her breasts, and then sucking and caressing them with his dark fingers running down to her stomach. She imagined herself, cupping his pretty face inside of her hands and begging for more as he moved with her, like two human snakes as they passionately kissed again and again, like they did in the movies.

Tracy wanted to know what it would
like to have someone
do it
to her. She took her morning shower and felt all over her body, making herself excited as the warm water tingled her. She kissed the shower walls and ran her hands between her legs, thinking that she had gone absolutely crazy. And then she knew that it was time to lose her virginity.

Tracy could not wait for Victor to take her. Her newly developed body was ready for exploration, and she was tired of waiting. She couldn't concentrate on anything, while continuously day-dreaming about Victor
doing it
to her.

At lunchtime in school, Tracy inadvertently listened to more girl talk going on at the far end of her table:

“Yup, and she said he got her like ten times,” a short and chubby girl was saying. She reminded Tracy of her elementary school girlfriend Judy.

“Well, I told him I wasn't into that, 'cause he a nut anyway,” a taller girl responded.

“For real, Paula? You said that?”

“Yeah, 'cause you just don't
give it
to boys if they don't know how to
get it,”
Paula said. She was as light as Raheema, but her hair was snap short.

“He must be stupid then, 'cause you nasty as hell,” her short-and-chubby friend responded.

Tracy giggled to herself.

Paula laughed. “I know, some boys believe anything you tell 'em. Like this guy named Bruce, I told him that I was pregnant, so I couldn't do nothin' with him.”

The girls howled with laughter.

Short-and-chubby said, “You crazy, girl. Well, who did you give some to?”

Paula told her, “Light-skinned Jeff, and umm, curly-headed Aaron. That's all.”

Tracy snickered at her end of the table. She got up to leave for class,
feeling that she was above
level. They were only talking about small-time guys. Tracy considered herself in the major leagues.

She rushed home, hoping to catch Victor in his house when she called. At first she was reluctant to dial his number, quick to change her mind about her decision to lose her virginity to him. But after beating out her fear, she forced herself.

“Hello. Can I speak to Victor?” she asked, recognizing an older voice.

“Victor's not home.” He rudely hung up the line before Tracy was able to leave a message.

Tracy felt deprived.
Rude bastard!
she snapped.

Patti told her that she would be going out Friday night, and that Tracy would have to watch Jason. “I'm not gonna let my life rot away while your father acts like an asshole,” she grumbled.

Tracy immediately started to plot. Later on that night, she called Victor again, but no one answered his line. It tortured her that she couldn't get in contact with him. For the first time, Tracy felt satisfied with a guy without losing her interest.

The next day, Tracy called Victor once again to no avail. After Patti had arrived at home that evening, Tracy ran out to the store on Chelten Avenue, seven blocks away from her house, supposedly because she needed some school supplies. While out on the street, Tracy made sure to walk down Wayne Avenue, where Victor was known to hang out. The avenue seemed packed with everyone but him. She spotted Peppy and wanted to leave Victor a message, but never through
She then bumped into Mark Bates before heading back to Chelten.

“Hey, Mark, I heard you talkin' to my girl Carmen,” she said to him, grinning away.

Mark nodded lightheartedly. “Yeah, she told me that you dimed on me,” he responded.

Tracy smiled, filled with guilt.

“Unh hunh, keep on smiling,” Mark joked with her.

Tracy wasted no time. “Have you seen Victor?” she asked.


“Because I had something to tell him.”

Without explanation, Mark abruptly pulled Tracy's arm and led her around the corner.

“Where are you takin' me?” Tracy asked him, puzzled by his sudden actions.

“Don't you live up this way?”

“Yeah, but I didn't want you to walk me.”

Mark pushed Tracy toward her house anyway. “So what you want me to tell Victor?” he finally asked her.

“Just tell him that my mom is goin' out Friday night.”

Mark smiled, proud of his boy's successful job of turning Tracy out.
I wish I had it like Vic,
he thought to himself. “Aw'ight then,” he told Tracy. “I'll tell him.”

Tracy, still wondering why he had run her around the corner, dismissed it and walked home. She was pleased that she had dropped her message off.

Mark headed back toward Wayne Avenue and approached his buddy. “Ay Vic, come here for a minute.” Victor was with yet another attractive teenaged girl, waiting for the bus to take her home. “Tracy was just down here,” Mark told his admirable friend. “I saw you coming and I ran her around the corner.”

Victor looked back at the slender, tanned-skinned beauty and smiled, making sure she would not get suspicious of their conversation.

“Yo, she's flyy as shit, cuz',” Mark commented about the girl, who was wearing a shiny red Adidas sweat suit with large gold earrings.

Victor said, “Yeah, I met her up at Cheltenham Mall. And yo, she got a good
downstairs. You know what I mean?”

Mark nodded. “It was good, hunh?”

“Man, was it ever,” Victor emphasized.

“Well, Tracy told me to tell you that her mother is going out Friday night,” Mark told him with a grin.

Victor cracked a wide, confident smile. “See that, Mark? I told you I would pop that young-girl. It ain't even been a week yet.”

Friday came quickly. Tracy cleaned up her room and got everything set for what she thought would be one of the most memorable nights of her life. She packed all of her clothing away in her dressers, and all her shoes inside the closet, and she then straightened up her bed. She changed the sheets and displayed her best-looking pictures and stuffed animals on her dressers to make everything neat and pretty for her most important visitor.

Tracy walked out on the avenue to buy some ice cream before her mother was ready to leave. Patti told her to come right back, limiting the amount of time her daughter had to search the streets for Victor. In desperation, Tracy went as far as to ask a few girls if they had seen him, only to receive their jealous snarls in response. By the time she had gotten back to her house, Tracy had given up on her chase. She sat in her neat room and stared up at the ceiling in despair.
All he has to
do is call,
she told herself.

Patti spotted her long face. “What's wrong with you, girl? You go out every Friday, so don't even try pouting in here tonight. I have a life, too, Tracy.”

“I'm not thinking about that, mom,” her daughter told her.

“Well, what are you thinking about?” Patti asked. She was decked out in a beige skirt suit with a white blouse and black stockings and shoes, set on reclaiming her life from Dave.

Tracy knew she had to throw her mother off track so she wouldn't get suspicious. “Well, my stomach was hurting today, and I had the runs,” she lied. Tracy smiled, knowing it was a good one.

Patti laughed. “Well, you'll be all right; just stay close to the bathroom. You didn't embarrass yourself at school today, did you?”

“No,” Tracy answered her.

Patti wrote down a phone number where she could be reached and placed it on Tracy's dresser. “Look, now, I gotta go, so here's the number to the place, if you need to call me.”


Patti left out, and Tracy took Jason downstairs with her to watch television. She made a relaxing spot on the couch to get her brother to fall asleep, and after an hour Jason was out like a light. Tracy then carried him up to his bed and headed back downstairs, praying for her late-night romance to come true. She sat and ate her ice cream, and before she knew it, it was ten-forty-five and she had dozed off herself. Victor should have been there by ten.

Tracy struggled to her feet and headed toward the stairs. She was disappointed and ready for bed, but right as she reached the first step, she could see, through the front window, a figure approaching her door. She ran to the door excitedly. Victor stood on her top step, waiting for her to let him in.

Tracy said happily, “Hi. I thought you wasn't comin'.”

Victor looked around as he walked in. “You gotta nice crib,” he said, half ignoring her excitement. He knew she would be pleased to see him.

“Thank you.”

Tracy followed Victor into the living room as he wandered around. He wore a red Polo jacket, a plain white T-shirt and black jeans. A gold rope chain shone around his neck.

“So, what time is your mom coming home?” he asked her.

“I don't know,” Tracy answered.

Victor turned to look at her. “You got carpeting in your basement?”

“Yeah,” Tracy answered. She led him to the basement door as if she was giving him a tour of the house.

Victor said, “Let's go down here, just in case your mom comes home, 'cause I wouldn't want to be caught inside your room.” He walked down inside of the basement as Tracy followed him. “Go open the back door so we won't have to do it if she comes,” Victor instructed her while he took off his jacket.

Tracy did as she was told. Victor then gestured with his right hand for her to have a seat on his lap.

“What 'chew want?” Tracy asked him, playfully.

Victor pulled her onto his lap. “So what we gon' do, Tracy?”

Tracy looked at his hair, noticing how thick and dark it was, with little shiny waves and curls all tangled inside of the perfectly blocked shape.
Damn he looks good,
she thought to herself.

“I'on know,” she moaned. Tracy was feeling nervous and unsure of herself.

Victor pulled her down to his lips and gently kissed her neck. He then licked around to her ear, like he had done at the party.

“Do you want me to make love to you?” he asked her.

“I'on care,” Tracy moaned as he kissed her lips. Victor stood her up to take off her clothes. Tracy then felt an impulse to stop him. “I don't know about this, Victor,” she said, gripping her pants, as he tugged at them.

Victor pushed her away and said, “Look, I told you to call me when you're

Tracy whined, “Well, I thought I was. But why I gotta give you some just to be with you?” She wanted Victor to stay and argue with her like most boys would, but Victor had had too many girls for that.

“Call me when you're
ready! Okay
?” He snatched up his red Polo jacket and headed toward the basement door.

Tracy's heart pounded. She watched him walking away and couldn't help herself. “Okay, Victor! Don't go!”

Victor stopped at the door. “Well, what 'chew gon' do then? Because I got places to go and people to see if you're planning on wasting my time down here.” He held his jacket across his left arm, holding the doorknob with his right hand. Tracy knew that he meant another girl. She decided that she would rather give him
than to be left alone, thinking about him.

“Well, what do you wanna do?”

Tracy nodded like a child with her hazels twinkling inside of the dark. She started to slowly take off her clothes. Victor came back in, and he watched her. Tracy undressed, piece by piece, as her heart raced, feeling trapped by young lust, confused for love. Soon she sat naked on her basement couch, not yet fourteen, and about to lose her virginity.

Victor yanked out a quilt from her mother's laundry basket and
spread it out on the floor. Tracy looked up at him in submission as he began to take off his clothes.

“Is it gonna hurt?” she asked him, innocently.

Victor held in his laugh as he spread her thighs. “Only a little bit,” he said, again kissing her neck. He played with her to arouse her young body for easy access. Tracy could feel him, bumping up against her leg as they passionately wrestled with tongues, fingers, arms, legs, elbows and knees. Victor was erect and throbbing against her, and Tracy quickly exhausted herself from the foreplay.

“Victor, put it in,” she said, afraid to touch him.

“Are you sure you want me to?” he whispered.

Tracy pleaded, whispering back to him, “Yeah. Do it.”

Victor tried, and Tracy resisted with a squeal. Her legs began to shake with anxiety as he barely entered her. She then tried to pull back from his grasp to avoid the pain, like she had done with Bob. Victor clutched her by her shoulders, pushing himself through.

“UNNNHH, VICTOR!” Tracy howled desperately.

Victor began pushing her legs back with his arms. Tracy attempted to grab the rug. Failing at that, she began to claw away at his back as she moaned, “UNNNHH! VICTOR, I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!”

Oh my God! I can't believe I'm actually doing this,
she thought to herself.

When he had finally finished, they lay there intertwined until Victor had regained his energy. Tracy watched him as if she was a wide-eyed toddler at an amusement park while he redressed, astonished by his dark and beautiful muscular physique. Victor had a perfect black body. And after being with him intimately, Tracy understood firsthand why all the girls loved him.

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