Follow You Down (5 page)

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Authors: K. B. Webb,Hot Tree Editing

BOOK: Follow You Down
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“Go fuck yourself, Tiffany. Just because Lucas has been rejecting you for years doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch to Dani.” Wynee pops off at Tiffany before I even have a chance to respond.

“I’m not being a bitch, Wynee. I’m just speaking the truth. And you and I both know that if I really want someone, they won’t reject me. Maybe I should test that theory out on Justin.”

I’m waiting for Wynee to flip the fuck out on Tiffany for even mentioning her boyfriend, jump from her stool, and punch Tiffany square in her slut mouth, but she doesn’t. She just laughs. “Sweetie, go right ahead and test it out. Justin wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole, and you know it. But if you want to add some more rejection to your growing pile, go right ahead, give it a shot.”

Tiffany opens her mouth, but quickly shuts it; then storms off through the double doors toward the kitchen.

“So,” Molly claps her hands together, drawing Wynee and my attention away from the doors Tiffany just walked through, “why was Lucas behind the bar last night anyway?”

“Well, he saw me struggling and offered to help me. He’s giving me bartending lessons.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to play off the interaction between Lucas and me.

“Oh, please!” Molly laughs and shakes her head. “Dani, I may not know Lucas that well, but I know he wouldn’t just offer to help you without getting something in return. So, what does he get out of this whole deal?”

“I might have agreed to go on one date with him. Just one!”

“Sure, Dani. Just one.”

Wynee cuts in, “Tiffany may be a jealous bitch, but she is kind of right about Lucas. He is known for sleeping with random girls and never settling down. He doesn’t do relationships; he just fucks. Just don’t get your hopes up.” She smiles at me and walks away with Molly on her heels.

I think Wynee was worried her remarks about Lucas would hurt me, disappoint me in some way, but it actually had the opposite effect. I am in no need of a relationship, but I am in serious need of a good fuck, and I think Lucas Wade is just the man to give it to me.




I feel like shit today. And I look like shit. I know this because that is the first thing my boss says to me when I walk into work.

“Damn, Wade, you look like shit. Did you even sleep last night?” Chris, my boss, is also my friend. Sometimes. If I fuckup at work, he will rip me in two, but as long as I’m good at my job, which I am, he’s cool and cuts me slack when I need it.

“Thanks, Chris. How about you keep the smartassness to a bare minimum until I get a few cups of coffee in me.” He laughs and walks out on the loading dock, slamming the door to the office loudly and laughing when he sees me close my eyes and hold my head in pain. Fucker. I fix my first of many cups of coffee and head out to the dock, ready to start my day.

I work as a dockhand for a trucking company and have since right after college. Most people would ask why the hell I was working manual labor when I had a business degree, but I have never really had a good answer for that. I loved college, loved my business classes, but once I graduated, I quickly realized the business world wasn’t for me. I am not, and never will be, a suit and tie kind of person. I like manual labor, shirts with cut off sleeves, and my work boots. I like being outside in the Louisiana summer heat and sweating my ass off daily. I fucking love my job.

The day goes by in a blur. I spend most of it on a forklift, dripping in sweat, loading and unloading freight off the dock onto incoming trucks, and making friendly conversation with the truck drivers.

Chris has been trying to get me to get a CDL certification to move up to a driver for a few years now, but I keep putting it off. My mother says it’s because I refuse to fully grow up. She’s right, and I know it. I have partially grown up. I have a good job that pays the bills, my own apartment, my own truck, and I go see my mother at least once a week. I’ve settled down in those ways. But in my mother’s mind, settling down means having a real relationship. I don’t fuck with relationships. I still party into the early morning and like to get my dick wet as much as possible. See, partially grown up.

“Day’s done, Lucas. Go home and shower off the booze you sweated out today.”

“Ha ha, Chris, very funny.”

“You gonna stay in tonight, or can I expect a repeat of today tomorrow?”

I laugh at Chris while clocking out for the day. “Stay in! What the hell does that mean? Its thirsty Thursday, Chris. I plan to do what I do best tonight, drink and make the ladies swoon.” I flash one of my cocky smiles at Chris and am met with an eye roll and a shake of the head.

“Well, little buddy, just make sure you wrap it up and you’re on time in the morning.” Chris says to me as we walk out the office door, heading toward our trucks.

“Aren’t I always, boss man?” He nods at me, jumps in his truck, driving home to his wife and son. He will go home to a hot meal, a woman who loves him, and a son who looks up to him, and I’ll go home to a frozen chicken potpie and a brother who is likely still pissed off at me. I’m okay with that though. After I eat my potpie and deal with my baby brother, I get to go see the redhead who has been on my mind all day.

I drive home thinking of Dani, like I have for most of the day. Trying to concentrate on driving a forklift on and off an eighteen-wheeler is a little difficult when you’re hard as a rock and daydreaming of red cowboy boots.

I’ve been wondering why this girl is still in my head. I fucked Candice last night, and while, yes, she was a good lay as always, I still had Dani on my mind. For every sweet moan that came out of Candice’s mouth, I wondered what Dani’s moans sounded like. When Candice dug her fake nails into my back while I pounded into her, I wondered if Dani was a scratcher. I may have come while I was fucking Candice, but I was thinking of Dani while I did it. Fucked up on every level, yes. But the dick wants what it wants, and mine wants Dani.

I pull into my driveway, throw my truck in park, and readjust my dick, which has gone hard due to thoughts of Dani. I walk into my apartment and see Logan sitting on our couch pulling on his boots. He’s getting ready to head to Ricky’s to see Molly like he does every day. I need to apologize, but I don’t know where to start. I meant what I said to him last night; I think he’s in way too fucking deep with Molly. But I know Molly is a good girl, and I know she cares for my brother, even if she is in a relationship with Brian. Do I understand how Logan and Molly’s relationship works, no, but it’s not my fucking business.

I sit across from Logan and get ready to apologize, but I don’t get the chance.

“Look, Lucas, I’m sorry for the shit I said last night. You’re not like Jack; I know that. I’m just, well, I’m trying to work through some shit with Molly, and I just wasn’t ready to hear what you said last night.” That’s my little brother for ya, apologizing when he doesn’t need to and thinking with his heart instead of his head. I love him for it, even if I do think he’s a little too soft.

“Naw, Logan, you don’t need to apologize to me. I don’t know you and Molly’s situation, and she isn’t a bitch. She’s a good girl. I just think you need to remember that she’s someone else’s girl. I know that’s hard for you to understand, but it’s the truth, brother. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” I’ve been looking out for Logan all of his life, and even though he’s grown, old habits die hard.

“I know, man. Shit just complicated right now. I got it though. Don’t worry.”

We talk for a few more minutes, and I tell him I’ll be by Ricky’s after I shower.

I have to go there anyway; I have a hot redhead that needs bartering lessons.



I walk into Ricky’s and can instantly see Dani struggling. She’s running from one end of the bar to the other looking like a chicken with her head cut off. When she sees me, instant relief floods her face. I stop by Logan and Justin’s table before heading behind the bar to help her out.

“Molly is a fucking liar.” She looks worried, stressed, and sexy all at the same time. If I didn’t feel sorry for her, I would be totally turned on right now.

“And why is that, Red?”

“She told me tonight would be easier than last night. Does this look easy to you?” She waves her hand across the bar, drawing my attention to the full tables and barstools. I’ve seen Ricky’s busier on the weekends, but I don’t dare tell her that.

“What do you need help with? I’ll get you caught up, and then teach you a few more drinks.”

She points to the drink tickets coming out from the printer at the end of the bar.

“I’m so fucked right now. Just start making those. I don’t know what I’m doing at all.”

She looks so fragile at the moment, like she could break down right here behind this bar. I place my hand on her shoulder and turn her around so she’s facing me. “Red, calm down. You got this. Now, take a breath and let’s get you caught up.” She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. When she opens them, she still looks a little frightened, but stronger than she did thirty seconds ago.

We spend the next thirty minutes working side by side, getting out drink orders like pros. What Dani lacks in bar skills, she makes up for in charisma. She hands out a few wrong drink orders, but the guys forgive her because she seems sweet and she’s fine as hell. The ladies forgive her because she seems so nice and relatable.

I teach her a few more drink combinations, trying to focus on making sure her pours are correct, so each drink gets the right amount of liquor.

After a few hours, the bar has calmed down some, mainly filled with regulars ordering drinks that Dani has down at this point.

“So, Red, how are you gonna handle tomorrow? It may get a little busy.” I’m lying; I know without a doubt it will be busy. Texas Line, a local band full of college guys, plays on the weekends, but most people come because Molly sings a few songs with them, and her voice is fucking amazing.

“Ugh. I don’t even know. You’re gonna be here, right?” Her eyes double in size as she waits for my answer. It makes my dick twitch knowing that she wants me here. Is it mainly to help her handle the rowdy crowd and their drink orders, yes, but still, she wants me here, which has to count for something. Right?

I make her think I’m mulling over my decision just to see her sweat a little.

“I guess so, Red. You may owe me more than just one date though since I’m giving up a Friday night just to help you.” I lean against the counter, cross my arms over my chest, and flash her a smile and a wink.

She smirks at me and raises an eyebrow. I think Red knows how to play this game almost as good as I do. “And what do you expect in return, Mr. Wade?”

The way she says Mr. Wade makes me want to bend her over this counter and hear her say it over and over again as her tight pussy drains my dick. That’s what I expect in return, but, of course, I can’t tell her that, so I settle for the next best thing. “Breakfast. You, me, and a stack of pancakes, your treat, when you get off work tonight. That, along with our date, will make us even. Deal?”

She laughs and nods. “I think I can get you pancakes. Don’t you have to be at work in the morning though? And what do you do anyway?”

I tell her about my job and reassure her she doesn’t need to worry about me; I pull late nights all the time. I’m standing behind the bar, chatting with Dani and helping her make the occasional drink, when my phone rings. I look down and see that it’s Candice. Shit. I told her I would come by tonight.

I hold up my finger to Dani, signaling I need a minute, and step around the bar, walking outside while I answer the phone.

“Hello.” I snap out when I answer the phone, catching Candice off guard.

“Hey, Lucas. Um, I thought you were coming over tonight.”

“Not tonight, Candice, something came up. Sorry.” I’m not sorry at all, and she knows it. I just want to fuck her, not report to her like she owns me.

“Oh, okay. Well, call me if you change your mind.” I sigh; I won’t change my mind and she knows it. But I play along to spare her feelings

“All right, Candice. Well, I gotta go. I’ll call you later on this week.” She sounds a little let down, but says she can’t wait to hear from me, and I quickly end the call.

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