Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) (32 page)

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Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novel

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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friends tell each other when they fall for someone new.”

I take my eyes off the road just long enough to look at her like the crazy woman that she is. I’m then quick to inform her, “I’m not falling for anyone.”

“Tell that to your face,” she says with another laugh.

“I’m not arguing with you about this. Not only is it none of your business, but it’s not true.”

“Fine,” she says with a sigh. “Well, if you’re not going to talk to me about Teddy, I guess we might as well discuss the color scheme I have in mind for that office.”

I offer her a curt nod, relieved for the subject change. However, as she continues to speak, I hardly hear her. My mind is otherwise occupied—making plans to stop by the bookstore before I head home. I have a novel to read, and a woman to touch.




“I want to meet him,” Geoffrey demands, plucking the book out of my hands.

“Geoff! Don’t make me lose my page,” I cry, extending my arms in a half-hearted attempt to retrieve my stolen possession.

He rolls his eyes before glancing at the book and then back at me. “One-eighty-four,” he mutters. “Now, back to me. I want to meet him.”

“Okay,” I reply with a shrug. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”


My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I sit taller in my chair. “That’s kind of short notice, babe.”

“It’s Thursday. It might as well be the weekend. He’s not taking anyone else out. What is he going to be doing? Reading?”

I roll my lips into my mouth in an attempt to fight a smile as I think back on the picture message he sent me Tuesday night. Unlike my snapshot, his wasn’t of his face. Instead, he took a picture of
Pride and Prejudice
resting against his bare chest as he lay in bed.

“Maybe,” I finally murmur once I’ve gotten my urge to grin under control.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to ask.” He reaches around me for my phone and then holds it out expectantly. “Call him.”

“What? Now?”

“Freckles—I want to meet him. You’ve been doing this dance for six weeks.”

“We’ve only been dating for three,” I correct him with an eye roll, snatching my phone from his grasp.

“Don’t give me that shit. Besides, when’s the last time you dated
for three weeks? I—”

“Want to meet him. Yeah. I got it,” I interrupt. When I don’t make a move to call Jude right away, he tucks my book underneath his arm and begins to walk away. “Wait! Stop. Okay. I’m calling.”

“Who are you calling?” asks Andrew as he appears out of nowhere, holding a small stack of papers.

“Her boyfriend,” says Geoff before I can even open my mouth to respond. “I told her I want to meet him. Officially.”

“He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just dating…exclusively.” As soon as the words come out of my mouth, they both look at me knowingly. What it is they think they know, I’m not sure—but they seem to be in agreement.

“If Geoff gets to meet him, I want in.”

“Free tonight?” Geoff asks, elbowing his cousin. “I was thinking The Tap Room.”

“Oh, my god, The Tap Room? Don’t you remember the last time all three of us were there? I do! Also—Andy, you can’t come unless you’re planning on bringing Carrie. I will not be the only girl in attendance, especially if you two are planning on being all—macho or whatever.”

” Andrew asks with an amused smirk.

“You know what I mean.”

“Right. Well, I’ll call Carrie, see if she can set up a babysitter for tonight.”

He hands me the stack of papers in his hands before he turns to head toward his office, I assume to place a call to his wife. I start to stop him, but one look at Geoff lets me know that I’m not going to win this battle. I sigh and then dial Judah.

“Hello?” he answers after the third ring.

“Hi, Judah, it’s Teddy.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Oh,” I say with an embarrassed laugh. “Right. How are you?”

“I’m doing well, and you?”

“I’m good. I was actually calling to ask you a question.”


“I’m going out for some drinks tonight with a couple friends,” I begin to say, my eyes locking with Geoff’s blue ones. “We’re going to The Tap Room. I was wondering if you might like to come?”

like me to come?”

“Yes,” I reply without a moment’s hesitation. The truth is, I haven’t seen him since Sunday, and hearing his voice only reminds me of how much I miss him.

“What time should I meet you?”

I smile and then lift my shoulders in a shrug as I try and think of a time that would work for all of us. “Eight?” I ask, the question directed to both the man in my ear and the man beside me. Geoff nods and winks at me just as Judah agrees as well. “So, I’ll see you tonight?”

“You’ll see me tonight.”

“Okay. See you later, then.”

“Goodbye, Teddy.”

“That’s my girl,” says Geoffrey, handing me my book as I set aside my phone. “And I promise—I’ll be on my best behavior.”

I’m not even really sure what that means, and before I can ask, a customer walks into the gallery, stealing his attention away from me. Since I’ve known Geoff and Andy, I haven’t had anyone to introduce them to. Until a few weeks ago, all I’d ever heard from them were reasons why I should be dating. Now that I am, I’m not sure what to expect tonight. As backwards as it may seem, I’m not at all worried about Judah being able to hold his own. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Me, on the other hand—Jude has a way of turning me into a hot mess. I just hope I don’t make a fool of myself in front of my friends.




After work, I head home for a bite to eat and a change of clothes. I think about shaving away my five o’clock shadow, but then decide against it. At a quarter to eight, I’m on my way out. By the time I find parking in Old Town, it’s eight o’clock. The Tap Room is busy with activity when I enter, but it doesn’t take me long to find my redhead.

Her back is to me and, much like the last time I spotted her in here, her long, wavy mane is pulled up into a ponytail. My dick twitches as I imagine wrapping the thick strands around my wrist, pulling her head back to expose the bare flesh of her neck. I think of the sound of her whimper, and suddenly I wish I was at home reading. I need to get my hands on her. Soon. At least one of us needs to be getting off, or I’ll lose my mind.

I clear my throat and stretch my neck from side to side before discreetly adjusting myself. As I make my way toward the table she occupies with her friends, I don’t take my eyes off of her. She’s in a loose fitting, teal, short sleeved top that hangs a little off her right shoulder, and a pair of jeans. The closer I get, the more tempted I become to nibble and lick my way from the tip of her shoulder all the way to her ear. If we weren’t in a bar full of people, nothing would stop me. I haven’t touched her in four days.

Unfortunately for me, we
in a bar full of people. So, instead of devouring her as I approach, I slide my hands around her waist. She jumps, but then leans back ever so slightly when she feels my lips grazing her ear.

“Hello, Teddy.”

“Hi,” she replies shyly.

Fuck—I want this woman.

“You’ll never guess what I heard today,” I say, a sly smile pulling at the corner of my mouth.

“What?” she asks, turning to look up into my eyes.

“I fear Lydia Bennet has run off with that fool, Mr. Wickham. It’s quite the scandal.”

When she grins and giggles at me, I can no longer restrain myself. I press my lips to hers, needing just a taste. She hums against my mouth, and the sound goes straight to my dick. I don’t linger long. When I pull away, the smile she gives me leaves me placated for the moment, assuring me that when the time comes, she’ll have been well worth the wait.




My whole body tingles even after he pulls away from me. I don’t even think about introducing him until Geoff extends a hand from across the round table we’re seated at. My eyes meet Carrie’s, who is sitting opposite me, as Andy introduces himself. Carrie smiles at me, as if she’s in on some secret I don’t know about, and then extends her hand to Jude, as well. Then, before I know it, the feel of his hand on my waist is gone and he’s off to the bar to grab a drink.

is what smitten Teddy looks like,” says Carrie, propping her chin on her folded hands. “I approve.” I look at the woman I’m privileged to call my friend, her chestnut hair falling to her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes alight with mischief as she smiles at me. “Also—he’s

“Hey,” Andy grunts, playfully glaring at his wife.

“You know I love you, my incredibly handsome husband,” she says before kissing his cheek. “But even you can’t deny—that man is hot.”

“Preach,” says Geoff, holding up his hand. Carrie and I both laugh as she reaches over and gives him a high five. Andy rolls his eyes at us and then takes a swig of his beer. Geoffrey leans toward me, wiggling his eyebrows. “What was he whispering that had you giggling like a school girl?”

“Inside joke,” I murmur, my eyes drifting in Jude’s direction as he stands waiting at the bar.

“Oh, baby girl,” Geoffrey sighs, recapturing my attention.


“You’re falling for him.” I start to shake my head, but then he reaches underneath the table and affectionately grabs hold of my knee. “It’s okay. Let it be, baby.”

I open my mouth to protest, and then my mind takes me back to Saturday night. I remember the way it felt when he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close in bed. I remember waking up to the smell of coffee Sunday morning, opening my eyes to see a steaming cup waiting for me on the night stand, Judah sitting up beside me, reading the morning paper on his tablet. I remember Tuesday and how excited I was when we started reading each other’s favorite books. And just now, when he came up behind me and put his hands on my waist, it made me feel like he was staking his claim—like I belong to him—and it felt good.

When I look back over at Judah, he’s making his way through the crowd back to our table. His eyes find mine and I realize that Geoff is right. I like Judah. I’ve known that for a while. But now, I can admit that I don’t want this to end any time soon. Whatever it is that we’re doing—I want to keep doing it.

Geoff keeps his promise, and he’s on his best behavior. Neither him, nor Andy, grill Judah with a bunch of questions. We keep the conversation light and fun, and I’m actually impressed with how well Jude manages to fit in with my friends. Though, I suppose, I have no reason to be surprised. He’s brilliant at what he does, which goes beyond interior design and into the realm of business development and customer service. Of course he can handle drinks with my friends.

“So, Judah, will you be joining us for dinner on Theodora Day?” asks Carrie when there is a lull in conversation.

I shrink in my seat when Judah looks at me, lifting an inquisitive eyebrow. “
Day? I’ve heard nothing of this.”

“Teddy! You didn’t tell him it was your birthday next Thursday?” asks Geoffrey.

I shrug my shoulders, not really sure how to explain. “No. It never came up. I’m sorry—you’re welcome to come if you want.”

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