Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) (88 page)

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Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novel

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Five Months Later



lean back in my chair as I sip at my scotch, my eyes taking in all the faces that fill either side of the long, rectangular dinner table. We finished with rehearsal a couple hours ago, which ended up being far less obnoxious than I anticipated. I suppose with a wedding party consisting of
, it all ends up being pretty damn simple.

In spite of the fact that I told Teddy that money was no object, and she could have whatever she wanted to make today everything she dreamed, she’s managed to keep the whole affair fairly small. Aside from the venue and all of our accommodations, she spent hardly anything. I’ve easily spent three times as much on our honeymoon. Then again, two weeks in Italy is an extravagant gift for my bride.

While I assured Teddy that I had no preference for any of the details of this weekend, that didn’t stop her from running everything by me first. I agreed to almost everything. Tomorrow we will be married at two o’clock in the afternoon. The ceremony will take place outside, on the grounds of The Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch resort here in Beaver Creek. Our wedding party consists of Harper and Benjamin, and we arranged for Teddy’s pastor to officiate the whole thing.

Since our wedding party is so small, Teddy wanted to invite all of her closest friends to join us, along with our families, to the rehearsal dinner. Then tomorrow, while she does what women do for occasions such as these with Harper and Carrie—Benjamin, Andrew, Geoffrey and I will be off playing a round of golf. If I’m forced to play host, I couldn’t imagine a better activity to indulge in on my wedding day.

The remainder of our guests, of which there are only forty, will arrive tomorrow afternoon, just in time for the main event. Our reception will be an intimate affair, with dinner and just enough dancing to make Teddy happy. That’s all I want, is for Teddy to be happy. She’s only doing this shit once—and she deserves for it to be perfect.

I’m pulled from my thoughts at the feel of her soft lips pressed against my cheek, just above my beard. “I love you,” she murmurs before kissing me once more.

I shift my gaze on her, my exceptional, young bride, and admire her poise. It hasn’t escaped my notice that she’s been remarkably calm throughout the entire planning process, and I must admit that I’m quite proud. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. I’ve waited as long as my patience will allow—it’s time for her to become Mrs. St. Michaels.

“Tell me again tomorrow,” I finally reply, the corner of my mouth curling in a knowing smile.

“Oh, I most certainly will. Over and over. You’ll tire of hearing me say it.”

“Never,” I insist, bringing my lips to hers before I mumble, “I love you.”

She leans into me as I kiss her tenderly, her hand finding it’s way to my thigh. For a moment, I forget that we’re not alone, but seated side by side at the head of our table. I’m reminded only at the sound of someone tapping at the side of their glass.

“Enough, you two. There will be plenty of time for all of that later,” says Geoff. “Right now, I’d like to make a toast.”

Teddy and I pull away from each other, both of us looking in his direction as he stands. He picks up his bottle of beer in one hand, tucking his other into his pocket as he clears his throat.

“I’ll keep it short,” he begins, smirking at Teddy. “Freckles, you’re one of the best people I know. It’s an honor to be called your friend, but even more so—I’m thrilled to be here with you this weekend. You, baby girl, deserve all the happiness in the world. And I know that sounds cliché, but I mean it, so I don’t give a shit how it sounds.”

“Here, here!” chimes in Harper, eliciting a bit of laughter around the table.

“I know you’re going to be an amazing wife,” Geoff continues, “because you’re an incredible friend. I wouldn’t let you go into the arms of just anyone—but I know how much you are treasured by the man at your side, so for what it’s worth, you have my blessing.

“Jude,” he says, shifting his focus onto me. “I remember the day she met you. She thought you were an asshole—and yet, I’d never seen her so effected by a man. You two have come a long way, but this is still just your beginning. She’s my best friend. Always will be. Never stop chasing after her—not ever. Promise me that, and I promise to stop kissing her,” he says with a wink.

Teddy laughs, her fingers squeezing my thigh. I arch an eyebrow at him, a warning in my glance. He chuckles in response, lifting his beer. Everyone reaches for their glass of choice, raising it in a toast before he continues.

“To the bride and groom—congratulations.”

After he sits, Harper decides she has a little something to say; then, for the next thirty minutes, we just sit and listen as our friends and family shower us in well-wishes. Teddy eats it all up, grinning and laughing or tearing up with each speech. I find myself more and more distracted by her as the time passes, and when I see her yawn, I take that as my cue to adjourn our gathering.

“Come, sweetheart,” I insist, reaching for her hand. “Let’s get you upstairs. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” She nods in response and we both stand, doling out thanks as the party disbands.

“I still can’t believe you let him convince you to spend the night with him,” Harper calls out as she and Benjamin follow us out of the restaurant. Teddy slows her pace, looking back over her shoulder as she lets our siblings catch up with us. “You’re breaking all the rules. You’re not supposed to see each other until tomorrow, when you’re all dressed up and ready to get married. It’s tradition.”

“It’s the one thing he asked for,” Teddy replies with a shrug. “How could I say no?”

“Whatever,” Harper grumbles.

“Harper, you’re not seriously giving us a lecture on tradition, are you?” I ask

She tries to fight a smile; but when she reaches up to rest a hand over the slight swell of her middle, her smile breaks through.

“We’ll be married before the baby arrives, and I guarantee you it’ll be Teddy sharing a bed with my fat ass the night before—

“And what makes you so sure I’ll be willing to give her up then if I’m not willing to give her up now?”

She scoffs, rolling her eyes at me. “Because you can’t deny the bride. Right, babe?” she asks, looking to my brother.

“She’s got a point, Jude.”

“Okay, first of all,” Teddy pipes in, pointing at Harper. “You won’t be
. You’ll be thirty weeks pregnant and beautiful. And secondly,” she pauses and points up at me. “You can give me up for

“We’ll see,” I grunt.

The Delaney wedding will be in September on the shores of Maui. According to Teddy, a ceremony on the beach was the only way Harper would agree to marry my brother before the baby was born. Something about the type of dress she’d be able to fit in. Whatever her logic, Benjamin agreed—in spite of his oceanic fear—and they’ll be wed two months before her due date.

News of the baby had come as a surprise to
. It’s been a few weeks, and it still feels like we’re just now getting used to the idea. Teddy was the most shocked of us all, but I think the timing of it worked out perfectly. She’s been too focused on our wedding to worry about her inability to bear children; and the excitement of becoming an aunt has also helped keep her sadness at bay. She has her moments—nights when she’ll lay in bed, snuggled up against me, whispering of her envy—but we’re happy, a truth she tells me often.

“Teddy Bear,” Harper begins to say as we approach the elevators. “Last chance, babe. You can change your mind. He’ll have to forgive you. He’s marrying you tomorrow.”

Teddy laughs, wrapping both of her arms around mine as she smiles up at me.

“I think it’s romantic,” she replies sweetly. “It’s his last night as a bachelor and he wants to spend it with me. I can’t say no.” She props her head against my arm as she looks at her sister. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Fine,” Harper concedes with another eye roll. “Get out of here.”

Teddy lets me go, closing the distance between herself and her sister, wrapping her in a tight embrace. “I love you,” she says softly.

“I love you, too, Theodora. Enjoy your last night as a Fitzpatrick.”

“I will.”

They pull away from each other just as one of the elevators chimes, announcing its arrival. I rest my hand on the small of Teddy’s back, guiding her inside. She leans against me as I push the button for the top floor, and a moment later we begin our accent. We’re in the same suite we occupied last fall, which has brought back more than a few memories.

“Jude?” she asks, drawing my attention.


“Will you take a bath with me?”


She beams up at me and suddenly I’m struck with an idea. I decide here and now that it’s time I remodeled our bathroom. My shy girl needs a tub.




I wake to the feel of Judah’s lips peppering kisses along the length of my neck. When he grazes his teeth over my earlobe, biting down gently, I melt back against him. Now certain that I’m awake, he circles his arms around me and holds me tight.

“Promise me something,” he speaks softly in my ear, his morning voice rough and dangerously sexy.

“Anything,” I reply with a sigh.

“Don’t. Panic.”

I open my eyes, my heartbeat speeding up a notch as I try and think of
he would say such a thing.

“Promise me, sweetheart.”


He tightens his hold around me, hooking one of his legs over my thighs as he presses his cheek against mine. “Theodora,

“Okay, I won’t freak out,” I promise, hoping that I didn’t just lie to my groom.

“It’s snowing.”

My eyes grow wide in panic as I try and wiggle out of his grasp. “What?! Are you joking right now?”

” he mutters, his tone halting my effort to escape.

“Jude, we’re supposed to get married outside,” I whimper, willing myself not to cry. “It’s

“I’ve already made the necessary calls. The staff is on standby in the event that the weather does not cooperate—but the final decision will not be made until noon, at which point, if we need to move it inside, they are equipped to make it happen. Aunt Eddalyn has been informed, and she promises that she will oversee everything. You have been given strict instructions to not worry about it.”

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