Fool Me Once (13 page)

Read Fool Me Once Online

Authors: Mona Ingram

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Fool Me Once
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Carlos. Come back for us around midnight. We’ll call if we want to stay later.”
Josh clapped the young man on the shoulder, and Olivia marveled at the way he’d
gained the crew’s respect so quickly. She’d overheard him asking them about
their families. By now he probably knew the names of their wives, and how many
children each one had.

sauntered along the esplanade, part of the evening parade. He kept his arm
firmly around her waist, and his lips brushed her hair as he leaned over to
whisper in her ear. “I didn’t tell you how beautiful you look tonight.”

thank you sir.” Self-conscious about her appearance, her hand went to her
throat. She’d forgotten to bring any necklaces, and had settled for simple gold
knot earrings. Her neck felt bare.

wishing you’d worn a necklace aren’t you?” His eyes smiled at her reaction.
“And no, I’m not part gypsy. Like you, I’m trained to observe people.”

you’re good at it. I was thinking something along those lines.”

tugged at her hand. “Let’s go and check out those street vendors over there.”

no, Josh. I’m okay. Really.”

on, it will be fun.”

guided her across the street, and they approached a jewelery stand attended by
a haughty Spanish woman. It was soon evident that the pieces on display were of
doubtful quality, and far too flamboyant for Olivia’s taste.

we tried,” she said as they continued their stroll. For the first time since
they’d met she was completely relaxed in his company. The night air engulfed
them in velvety softness, and Olivia dreaded spoiling the evening by entering
the casino.


A young girl tugged at Olivia’s dress. She held up several necklaces, obviously
handmade. A beautiful child, she wore a clean but threadbare dress and worn
leather sandals. Her brown eyes were hopeful as she proffered her necklaces.

Spanish woman from the jewelry stand waved her arms at the young girl, eyes
blazing with indignation.

a frown of annoyance, Olivia turned her back on the woman, guiding the young
girl farther down the promenade. She selected a necklace of coarse green
stones, strung on a thin piece of leather. “
,” she said,
communicating her delight with the necklace.

watched the interaction silently, smiling his approval. Olivia dug in her bag
and pulled out twenty Euros. The girl’s eyes widened, and she shook her head,
holding up 4 fingers.

placed the notes in the child’s free hand, wrapping the small fingers around
them. “For you,” she said gently, and was rewarded with a look that changed
from incredulity to delight. She tapped herself on the chest. “Olivia,” she
said with an encouraging nod. Turning to Josh, she slipped her hand into his.
“Josh,” she said, her meaning clear.

child stared at the bills and then raised her eyes to Olivia.
“Me llamo
she said with a wide smile. Her eyes darted from Olivia to Josh
before returning to the money clutched in her hand. “
Muchas gracias
she whispered, and then disappeared into the crowd.

took the necklace and fastened it around her neck. “You might just start a
whole new fashion trend,” he said, stepping back to admire her. His voice
lowered. “You’re a good woman, Olivia MacMillan. What you just did…that was
very nice.”

they entered the casino, she slipped her arm through his. She was suddenly

tune with her emotions, he clasped her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Okay
Darlin’. Let’s see how they do things in Marbella.”

casino was bustling with the usual eclectic mixture of patrons. Josh guided her
through the gaming area, pausing only momentarily to watch the action at the

you see anyone you know?” he asked quietly.

looking for Bernardo. You’ll know him when you see him. He looks the way I
imagine Antonio Banderas will look when he’s older. Very handsome.”

don’t see anyone fitting that description. Come on, let’s go into the bar and
have a drink. This crowd is mostly tourists.”

seem to be spending a lot of time in bars recently, but okay.” They settled at
a table and ordered drinks. “It doesn’t seem possible that twenty four hours
ago I was sitting with Francine in Monaco.”

up,” he said lightly, leaning over the table and taking her hand. “I think I
see Antonio approaching at two o’clock.”

The Casino Manager greeted her warmly. “How nice to see you again.” He turned
to Josh. “I am Bernardo. Welcome to the casino.”

stood up and the men shook hands.

remained seated. “Bernardo this is Josh Morgan, my fiancé.”

are a lucky man, Mr. Morgan. If there’s anything I can do for you, please let
me know.” The Spaniard executed a small bow.

there is. I enjoy a game of high stakes poker. I’d be grateful if you would
keep me in mind.”

of course.” He glanced at his watch. “We have a game starting in half an hour.
I think you will find it to your liking.”

sure I will. Thank you.” The men shook hands and the casino manager moved away.

fingered her necklace. “Do you think your blonde friend will show up here
tonight?” She darted a glance toward the door.

sat back as the waiter placed their drinks in front of them. “He may wander
through the casino, but if he doesn’t talk to you, don’t be offended. It’s best
if we aren’t seen together.” He sipped his drink, taking note of each new

think I’ll go back to the yacht while you’re playing poker. You don’t mind, do
you? I’m starting to make notes on my laptop.”

course not. I’ll call for the launch.” He sipped his Perrier. “This isn’t much
fun for you.”

looked at him oddly. “Not much fun? Bite your tongue. It’s been one thrill
after another. That’s what’s got me worn out.” Her voice trailed off. “I don’t
believe it,” she said woodenly, clutching at his arm. “That man who just walked
in with the tall blonde is my friend’s father. The one from school I told you
about? That’s her father, I’m sure of it.” Her eyes narrowed. “And that’s not
Eliska’s mother.”

turned casually toward the entrance. “The balding man, with the woman in the
white dress?” He smiled wryly. “For a married man, he’s not exactly
inconspicuous, is he?”

that Josh’s eyes were riveted on Eliska’s father, Olivia watched the couple
being greeted by Bernardo. “I know it’s none of my business, but I hate
infidelity. And right here where he lives…it’s so blatant!”

he and his wife are separated. Didn’t you say it’s been a few years since you
saw your friend?”

but I’m quite sure he wouldn’t divorce her, even if it was her idea.” Her eyes
followed the couple as they greeted the casino staff with the ease of regular
patrons. “It’s odd that I should remember this, but from a few comments Eliska
made, I got the impression that her Mother came from an aristocratic old
family. She’s the one with the real money. At least in the beginning. There was
a legal contract drawn up regarding property.” She lifted her glass. “A type of
pre-nup, I guess. It was the first time I’d ever heard of such a thing, so
that’s probably why I remember it.”

studied Blazek. “He’s a handsome man.”

He’s left that woman at the roulette table, and he’s coming this way.” Olivia’s
eyes snapped. “I’m going to say hello to him; let him know I spotted him.”

you think that’s wise?” Josh watched the man approaching.

stood up, bristling with anger. “Maybe not, but here goes.”

Chapter Seven

Blazek.” Her voice was deceptively sweet. “How nice to see you again.”

man stopped en route to the bar. Dark eyes quickly studied Olivia before
assessing Josh. He smiled politely. “Do I know you?” he said, smoothing his

extended her hand. “It’s been several years since we met, Mr. Blazek. I’m
Olivia MacMillan. Eliska and I attended school together in Switzerland.”

relaxed visibly, taking her proffered hand. “Of course. I apologize for not
recognizing you.” He guided her back to the table, and held her chair while she
seated herself. “Eliska will be so sorry to miss you.”

is she here? I’d love to see her again.”

leaving tomorrow.” He turned to Josh. “Her mother is accompanying her to Paris
for a few weeks and then Eliska will be staying on to take an architectural
design course when the summer is over.”

sounds like her.” She turned to Josh, who had been sitting quietly during the
conversation. “I’m sorry, I’d like to introduce my fiancé, Josh Morgan.”

moved beneath the dark surface of Blazek’s eyes. He tapped his lips with a
finger. “I have an idea. Eliska isn’t leaving until late in the day. Why don’t
you and Mr. Morgan come to our home for coffee in the morning? I’ll send my car
for you.” He spread his hands expansively. “Are you staying here at the hotel?”

we’re on a yacht in the harbor. The
.” Olivia paused. “I’d love to
see Eliska again, but if she’s leaving in the afternoon…”

chuckled. “Don’t worry about that. She’s been ready for weeks. I’m sure a visit
will help to make her day pass more quickly.”

turned to Josh, her eyes questioning. “Would that be okay with you, Darling?”

course.” He nodded to Blazek. “Thanks for offering your car, but we’ll have our
own driver bring us along. Do you think he’ll have any trouble finding your

faint smile touched the Czech’s lips. “I don’t think there will be a problem.
Tell him to come to the estate at the end of via del Rosa. I’m sure he’ll know
where that is. And now, if you’ll excuse me.” With one last look at Josh he
turned and went to the bar.

tore his gaze away from Blazek’s retreating back and turned to Olivia. “Well,
you sure told him off.”

knew you’d say something like that.” Olivia sipped her drink, eyes thoughtful.
“But I’m glad I behaved myself. I’m probably over-reacting, but he gave me the
creeps. He must have known we saw him with that woman.”

men don’t care what others think.” He lifted her hand and brushed it against
his lips. It was a gesture that was becoming familiar, like so many things
about him. “But I like the fact that you felt compelled to stand up for your
friend’s mother.”

looked at him doubtfully. “I still don’t get you, Josh Morgan. I’m beginning to
think I’ll never figure you out.”

lifted his glass in a toast. “Here’s hoping you never stop trying.” His eyes
met hers over the glass and she was glad they weren’t alone or she might have
made a spectacle of herself.

now, I’d better go to work.” He unconsciously flexed his fingers. “Shall I call
for the motor launch?” He held her chair while she rose and walked her toward
the exit.

I’ll get the doorman to do it for me. Anyway, I see Bernardo heading over in
this direction.” She squeezed his hand. “I’ll be thinking of you tonight.” The
doors opened, and she stepped outside.

I’ll be thinking of you,” he murmured. Then he turned to face the casino

this way, Mr. Morgan. The other players are assembling now in one of our
private rooms.” He gestured to a door inset into a rounded arch. Jiri Blazek
preceded him through the doors. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into

* * *

streamed through the porthole, waking Olivia with a jolt. She sat up groggily,
still in her T-shirt and shorts. Puzzled, she looked around. Her laptop was
sitting on the desk across the room. She was sure she’d fallen asleep with it
on the bed. Closing her eyes, she grasped at a fleeting image of someone
standing over her bed, covering her with a light blanket. All she could
remember was a sensation of being safe, and falling into a deep sleep.

emerged onto the aft deck a few minutes later to find Josh sitting with a cup of
coffee, freshly showered and mouthwateringly handsome in a crisp white shirt.

sleepyhead,” he drawled. “I trust you slept well.”

slept very well, thanks.” She shot him a curious look. “Were you in my room
last night? I could swear I fell asleep with my laptop on my bed.”

light was on when I got back and I wrongly assumed you were awake. I wanted to
fill you in on my progress.” His body tensed. “I made contact.”

heart started to pound. She wasn’t sure if it was from excitement, or fear.

think he wants to do business. I’ll find out later on today.” He reached for
the coffeepot and poured her a cup, then refilled his own. “By the way, I moved
your laptop and plugged it in. Your batteries were about to die.”

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