Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer) (28 page)

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the doctor has an opening in sixteen minutes for Sara." Sprite reported.
"Sara, you've got an appointment in less than fifteen minutes. Better get
moving." He waved to the door. She looked startled then gave Matt an appealing

I've arranged a pass to medical," he waved.

security pass, I'm handling it. Got it. They are cleared," Sprite said,
taking the cue.

nodded. "You're good to go. Unless you want an escort?" He gave them
a look. Matt seemed reluctant. "Tell you what, I am going in that
direction anyway. Let’s go." He led them out to the lift.

they entered the luxury deck he waved to the guards. One scowled. "What's
with the riff raff?" he growled. The couple stiffened. Sara sucked in her
breath, hiding behind Matt.

are with me. Got a problem with that?" the Admiral turned in full command
mode. The guard shook his head backpedaling. "Right. I didn't think
so." He waved to Matt and Sara. "This way folks." He led them to
the sickbay.

the dragon at the front desk asked. He waved to Sara. "Sara. She has a
checkup appointment. Prenatal. I suspect malnutrition and toxic exposure are
problems. She has medical training. Charge it to the engineering account."
The desk nurse looked startled then typed at her desk computer.

Oh, okay." She looked up. "Have a seat over there, an orderly will
come in a moment to take your vitals." She nodded to a pair of empty
chairs near a group of well dressed people.

worry, you'll be fine. Have the computer call me if you need a hand." The
Admiral patted Sara's arm. She gripped it fiercely then let go. "Take care
of them, they are just the beginning. Besides, I understand Thorby wants her
back, Sara was one of her better students," he told the nurse in a stage

lips puckered into a frown then smoothed. "Well, she needs attention more
than some. If I get another rich woman in here for another body sculpt..."
She shook her head. He chuckled.

He nodded and waved to the couple taking a seat as he left.

keep an eye on them. Keep a channel open for them to use and set up a tutorial
for them in their quarters. Make sure they have what they need and set up the
ordering queue I mentioned. I want them to be the core of our newest recruiting
drive." He waved to a guard as he passed him and entered the Ops lift.
“Make sure Logan and Shelby know and ask them for a trainer. It's time we moved
his impromptu engineering school to better quarters anyway.”

Admiral, I see you've come down in the world." He turned to see a
bejeweled woman in a glittering gold gown standing near the entrance to Ops.

so?" he asked curious.

all over the deck that you came in with riff raff." She gave an audible
sniff of distaste as she elevated her nose. "Ready Jeremy?" she
asked. He turned to allow a tuxedoed male pass. The man held out his arm. She
snaked her arm into the crock of his and then turned with a disdainful
expression. A few steps then she paused. "You'd be well to remember not to
associate with the lower caste Admiral." He cocked an eyebrow as she
turned and swanned out. He shook his head.

I'm a bit late," Enrique rushed up adjusting his tie.

I missing something?" the Admiral asked amused.

Oh, the Port Admiral is having a dinner and ball. Did you get invited?"
The exec looked alarmed.

Admiral chuckled. "No I am pretty infamous for avoiding parties like the
plague. I'm a... hands on person any day." He smiled as the exec looked
embarrassed. "Go, have a good time, I've got some folks to settle in and a
new crew to build. Angie is working on the first platform, we should have it up
in thirty hours or so." He waved. The exec turned to see an aide pointedly
tapping a foot and making throat clearing noises. "Right gotta run
Admiral." He rushed off.

Admiral chuckled. "Since the command staff is occupied, let's go take a
look at OPS." He went to the lift and entered. The lift jerked but didn't

Sprite reported. "Military override engaged. He better not try a stunt
like that again if he knows what's good for him. I'll have him cleaning data
files..." the AI growled. Irons chuckled. The doors opened and he entered
the ops.

on deck!" someone called. He looked over to him as the crew jumped to

it off folks, I think my ego can stand a little less bowing and scraping. You
all have duties to perform, you don't need to jump to every time I come
in." He shook his head. "Thanks anyway. Report," he turned to
the watch commander. He looked nervous.

um ah, should you be here?" Irons gave him his most patient "That's a
stupid question," look until the man dropped his gaze with a mumbled

Irons said again.

support and power looks stable. We're still tracking down problem areas in the
lower decks and industrial areas that were abandoned but it looks good. We've
even started repairing the gravity plates in some of  the more commonly used
areas," a tech reported. He nodded. He turned to the tech manning the

ah, nothing on sensors Admiral. The tugs are both in for the night. They worked
together to bring in a one kiloton rock." The bald man shook his head.
"Monster, don't know why we need that much." He looked up blushed
then went back to his console.

are clear, there is some system chatter and that news guy Knox, but nothing
new," another voice behind him reported. He nodded.

fine, if anyone cares," Smithy's avatar turned in place. "I'm feeling
a lot better since your AI and Io's AI made some repairs to my kernel."

tech looked up startled then went back to her work. The Admiral nodded.
"Security has no problems. We have a scheduled sweep of the lower decks
later tonight," a burly guard said. He turned to him.

He asked.

well, we still have issues and we don't really need all these people so we're
getting rid of the dregs." He gave the Admiral a look.

Admiral froze then his face hardened. "No. No you’re not. You’re going to
leave them be. Log their location for me I will handle it. Stick to law
enforcement on the upper decks." He glared.

that's outside your authority..." the watch commander started. Irons
turned to the  commander.

you have a problem with my authority you're more than welcome to talk to the
exec. I think he's a bit busy though, and Smithy here knows I have a blank
check where my authority rests." He turned to the AI. "Of course if
you would prefer I can declare martial law and take personal command of the
station," he said softly, too softly for anyone except the AI to pick up.

Admiral is right, he has a standing agreement with the station to do whatever
he needs to repair and restore the station. We're to aid him in any way
possible," the AI replied after a brief hesitation. "Besides, I think
if the engineering staff found out about these sweeps then there would be hell
to pay." He stared at the security man. He tried to hold the glare, but
after a moment mumbled something and looked away. "Right then. I have a
recruiting drive started.  If you know of anyone with skills, or who wish to
learn, tell them to contact Smithy. The AI will direct them to the staging
areas." He nodded to the AI.

a voice asked.

We're going back to school and reactivating the college campus. Once we have
the critical materials covered we're going back to the beginning, I understand
there are several schools on the station, including an ad hoc affair in one of
the day cares but we're going to set up a trade school and a basic education
training center, along with an elementary for the children. The childrens'
attendance will be mandatory." He looked around.

still getting a feeling for how things used to be run, and I am not at all
happy about a few things. Those things are changing now. It's past time we took
advantage of the population and started repairing and expanding." He
nodded to the watch commander. "Send a memo to the teachers to set up a
conference with me in two days. If anyone wants to teach or work in the schools
let me know. I am setting up a dorm now." He nodded to the life support
tech. The tech looked startled then nodded back.

on people," he finished and left without another word.

put them on notice," Sprite said smugly. "You do realize that this
will get back to the Port Admiral right? If not through the AI then through one
of his lackeys or cronies, whatever you want to call them." Sprite
sniffed. Irons sighed and leaned against the car's railing.

I know, but we don't have a choice. And to be honest, I hope he does make a
move," he replied.

to squash him without him actively opposing you? You always did hate to take
over completely when someone was this messed up. A single character flaw I wish
you had grown out of," Sprite observed. He smiled.

a man enough rope..."

AI interrupted. "He's had enough trust me, if you knew half the things I
did, you'd put a pulser through his skull in a second. Why I've half a mind to
cut the life support to that ballroom and let them all asphyxiate," Sprite
snarled. “You do realize they are taking credit for the work you, me, the crew
of Io not to mention all the engineers did? There is even a jerk in there
claiming HE did the software repairs! He's even charging for them!” Sprite was
incensed. He sighed.

we need them. For now," he said as the door opened. "What the hell is
that ball about anyway?" he asked. Sprite chuckled.

a combination celebration for the engineers' repairs, and a welcoming ball for
you," Sprite informed him. He paused on his way to the hospital.

me?" he asked eyebrows raised.

from past experience I didn't think you would like going so I sent your
regrets," Sprite replied. He chuckled.

I hate suck up parties anyway." He shook his head and entered the

have a list of teachers by the way, there are several here. A basic instructor,
more of a babysitter and nanny who teaches proper comportment and how to suck
up than anything, several dance teachers, one coach, and a trio of art
teachers. There are quite a few art critics to go along with them." Sprite

shook his head. "Give me the list later." He waited as a couple spoke
with the desk ogre. She waved them in then smiled to the Admiral.

doctor will see you in her office." She waved him in and pushed the
button. In a moment a side door opened, he gave her a polite nod and walked
through the door.

your left Admiral, third door down this corridor," Sprite informed him. He
entered the office and paused to see the couple waiting with the Doc.

see you've met. How are you Sara?" he asked looking at the pregnant woman.
"Other than malnutrition and in deep pucky with me for not coming in
sooner, she's okay. The twins are developing slower than they should, but that
should pick up soon." She nodded to the Admiral to have a seat. He sat and

huh? Congratulations!" the Admiral smiled to the couple. The couple looked

boy and a girl actually, if I am reading the scans right. Sara is going to
finish her schooling here. Now that things are improving I need all the skilled
hands I can get. We're going to open another clinic soon, maybe more than
one." The doctor waved. "Also a medical school Doc," the Admiral
replied sitting back.

medical school!" The doctor looked at him amused.

really, combined paramedic, nursing, and doctor program. We can spin off
specialty training as facilities are made available. If you play your cards
right Anvil will be the first college to open since the war," he smiled to
her. She nodded.

that's in the future. I understand you've arranged quarters for them?" She
indicated Matt and Sara. He nodded.

are in the new college dorms. The entire sector needs TLC.. or hazmat."
The doctor chuckled with him. "I've got a pair of cleaning robots working
on their quarters now. Once we get them sorted out we will springboard around
them. So you want Sara up here?" he asked.

doctor nodded handing Sara a tablet. "Three hours of training, five hour
shift in the clinic. Get some better footwear, I guarantee you’re going to
regret it if you don't. I suggest Spurgetties in the mall." She waved.
"Tell him it's on me," she smiled. "Call it an early nursery
gift. Once those two are born they will keep you on your toes more than I ever
could." She smiled at Sara who tentatively smiled back.

Doc," she said softly.

problem," she waved it off. "Go, I'll see you first thing in the
morning Sara." She waved them out. She sat back as they left.

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