For Cam (Chicago Syndicate Book 4) (40 page)

Read For Cam (Chicago Syndicate Book 4) Online

Authors: Soraya Naomi

Tags: #angst and deceit, #possessive alpha male, #romantic suspense, #epic love, #intense love, #love story, #alpha hero, #strong heroine, #bad boys, #dark romance, #mafia romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: For Cam (Chicago Syndicate Book 4)
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“I’m happy. I feel this peacefulness in you, which, in turn, calms me. This is so nice, to be in our bed without any uncertainties.”

My sentiments exactly. “I’m happy too, Cam. You’re back where you belong. With me. Do you like what I’ve done with the place?”

“It’s so beautiful.” She doesn’t elaborate but does acknowledge me by grazing her nails up my neck, a gratifying shudder raking through me while comfortable silence cloaks us. Secretly, I’m excited about presenting her with my other gift in a couple of days.

When she was in a coma, I couldn’t stand the stillness because I couldn’t sense her in any way, which resulted in pure sorrow. But now, I’m able to enjoy these quiet moments between us, our lingering touch speaking for us. The simplicity of lying here with Cam while she’s healthy and safe with me settles the man inside who was afraid of losing his wife, who lived in the fear of hell.

The problem with fear is the paralyzing power it can hold over the human mind. And fear is inherent to love because when you love intensely, you fear deeply. But fear is a bad advisor; I’ve learned that the hard way. The fear of losing the person you love can be destructive if you allow it. And it did almost destroy us during the first months after I became boss. But you can’t try to fight it by controlling everything, because that doesn’t work. Cam and I made her a
as a result of my anxiety about her safety, so I sought to empower her while keeping a tight leash on her every move when I should’ve managed the big picture.

How you deal with the fear is still your choice. And with everything that’s happened, I now realize that I need to accept that emotion as another aspect of our tumultuous relationship. I’ve pulled my head out of the clouds and decided to live more in the moment. No more fearing what’s to come. I’ve overcome the paralyzing fear and transformed it into a forte. A strength that reshapes my tenacity to always keep her safe, and now, with our new alliance, it’ll go much more smoothly.

We’ve come through this ordeal with as much of our sanity intact as possible. We’ll never have a life free of problems, but in this vicious world where there’s always an enemy lurking around every corner who wants to take over my territory, Cam is my only safe haven. Without her, I truly don’t exist. But with her and our baby, I’m in a place where a sinner doesn’t deserve to be. A place where the devil doesn’t belong. Nonetheless, I’m there. In Heaven.

I’m a selfish man at heart. And she’ll always own mine, like I own hers. When you finally have that, you hold on to it with everything you’ve got. You lie, steal, cheat, and kill unrestrainedly, without regret.

Because no amount of money or supremacy can equal or rival the strength of soulmates coming together. And with strength comes power, which for me, resides in Cam, because there’s only one true source of power in this life, and that’s the love of a good woman.




he first Saturday after I’m released from the hospital, I return to our loft from my afternoon appointment with the hairdresser who’s cut and styled my hair, which is a little longer than my usual bob nowadays. I find a black velvet box – similar to the one Adriano gifted me on my first birthday we spent together – waiting for me on the kitchen bar. I open the lid to find a handwritten card inside:
Sweetheart, wear the dress that’s on the bed, and then go downstairs where a chauffeur is waiting for you

Giddy like a schoolgirl, I bound up the stairs and spot an exquisite floor-length ivory satin gown draped on the bed. I get out of my jeans and into the dress. It’s figure-hugging, but after some struggle, I get it zipped in the back. The gown shows off my hourglass figure, which is a bit skewed at the moment with my huge behind and my six-month baby bump, but when I stand in front of the mirror, I note that it’s gorgeous. My arms are bare, but the neckline is high and straight and my breasts are still as flat as ever, so there’s no need for a bra. Fortunately, the fabric around my waist doesn’t feel tight, and at my knees, the skirt widens in a mermaid cut. Then I discover a pair of bohemian ivory-crystal sandals on the floor next to the bed. Luckily, Adriano remembered that I hate wearing any kind of heels since I’ve been pregnant.

After stepping into the flats, I go back downstairs, grab my phone from the kitchen counter, and take the elevator down. And when I get to the lobby, there’s a white stretch limousine waiting at the front entrance.

“Have a great night. Cam,” the receptionist greets and gives me a thumbs-up.

“Thanks!” I say as a swoosh of fresh April air hits my cheeks. It’s so odd that I missed the entire winter season and it’s already spring.

But in that moment, the weather is the last thing on my mind as it focuses only on Adriano when he strolls up to the limo, awaiting me in a tailored black tuxedo that’s complemented with a bow-tie, his beard neatly trimmed and his hair in a perfect mess. Every inch of Adriano’s tall frame unquestionably radiates raw power and leashed sensuality. And even though I’m not short, without my heels, he towers over me, and I love that.

Chivalrously, he presses a kiss to my cheek. “You look absolutely beautiful,
angelo mio

“So do you. Were you waiting for me down here?”

His lips curl up, and then he opens the door of the limo. “Yes.”

I slide inside, and he follows suit.

The driver starts the engine without any instructions.

“Where are we going?” I throw my phone onto the back seat and dramatically lie back in the large space, perking my brows suggestively.

Adriano grins as his eyes roam up my body, and he shifts on top of me, bracing himself against the seat and door handle. “If I tell you, then it’s not a surprise anymore.”

Twining my arms around his neck, I pull his face close to mine. “Fine.” And I brush my lips against his as he starts to move his hips against me. A fierce longing fissures through me with an almost painful prickling, but I can’t spread my legs in this dress, so we both groan and laugh.

“I didn’t think this through,” he says around a boyish smile. “I can’t get to your pussy for a quickie in this dress.”

“That thought actually crossed my mind,” I admit. “How perverse are we?”

“I love us,” he comments in a tender tone. Yet his voice is rough as it titillates my senses.

“Me too.”

The limo pulls to a stop, and Adriano jumps out, bowing gracefully and holding out his hand to assist me.

“Why, thank you, sir,” I mock, and place my hand in his. But when I look up, I frown. “The hospital?” I peer over at him in questionable disappointment.

In turn, he simply chuckles and entwines our hands, leading the way inside. “Just wait and see.”

“This started out really good, but...” I tease, too curious as to what exactly we’re doing here.

We take the elevator to the tenth floor.

Smiling, he stops in front of my obstetrician’s office door. “Cam, we’re catching up on lost time. It’s after Halloween, and we’re going to the doctor’s office.”

Inside, my OB/GYN, Dr. Harper, is expecting me.

“Hey, Cam,” she greets, looking up from the papers she was reading on her desk. “So, congratulations. You’re pregnant!”

At first, I’m a bit dazed, but then I realize what’s happening. Adriano’s recreating the moment I missed.

My heart skips a beat, and I mouth, “Thank you,” to him before I play along, and he throws me a wink.

“What? I’m pregnant!” I rest my palms on my cheeks and look at Adriano in feigned shock.

He barks out a laugh. “Good thing you’re not an actress.”

“Shut it,” I counter, and my attention shifts to the doctor when she hands me a hospital gown.

“Are you ready for the ultrasound? You can change in the next room, and I’ll be with you in five minutes.”

I take the gown, and with Adriano’s help, I change in the other room and lie down on the exam table next to the ultrasound machine.

Adriano twines my fingers with his.

“This is going to feel a bit cold,” Dr. Harper says as she preps, since I don’t know the drill.

Apparently, I had an ultrasound during my comatose period, and I’ve only seen one blurry picture.

I gasp just as she swipes the gel over my stomach and presses the device against my skin.

“This is a 3D ultrasound, so you’ll see a pretty good picture of your baby.” She pushes some buttons.

The screen starts to flicker, and then the baby’s steady heartbeat is heard. Adriano and I lock eyes at the exact same second, and he lifts our entwined hands to peck my knuckles, wearing a huge grin that’s similar to mine. But when she zooms in on the baby’s head, we’re both transfixed by the clear image of our child with some hair on his head, including eyebrows and eyelashes.

“Is...she sucking her thumb?” Adriano asks in the sweetest tone I’ve ever heard from him; he’s completely awed.

“Yes, the baby is,” the doctor answers. “This is a period of tremendous growth for the baby. It’s been growing muscle and is getting stronger every day.”

“I feel that she’s moving around more energetically, particularly when I try to sleep,” I comment.

“Yes, the baby is much more active during this time. He or she turns from side to side and head over heels. You’ll be getting bigger much more quickly now.” She pauses and asks us, “Do you want to know the sex?”

“Yes!” Adriano and I both answer at the same time.

I watch him while she speaks, because I know he’s hoping very badly for a certain outcome.

“You’re having a girl,” she cheers, and Adriano’s eyes light up.

His dark gaze is obliterated by this wonderful news. “I knew it! Our baby girl.” Then his voice drops to a whisper, “I’ve hoped and prayed that I’d get to share this moment with you.”

The doctor interrupts us as she wipes my stomach clean. “I’ll give you some privacy. Cam, I have an appointment with you next week, so I’ll see you then.”

“Thank you, Dr. Harper,” I reply without even looking at her.

When we’re alone, Adriano nuzzles me.

“You got your wish,” I say.

“I can’t wait to see my miniature Cam,” he utters.

“She could still resemble you.”

“No, I want a girl that looks exactly like you,” he insists, nipping my jaw before he leans back and takes out a rectangular black velvet jewelry box. “For you.”

I click it open, finding a soft pink-ivory pearl bracelet with a diamond-crested clasp. “Oh, it’s so pretty. Thank you.”

I hold it up, and Adriano fastens it around my wrist.

“What if it was a boy?” I ask.

A sardonic twitch appears at the corner of his mouth. “I have a baby blue bracelet in my other pocket.”

I shake my head, laughing, but the mood changes when the gown slips off my shoulder.

“Now,” Adriano says, “I want to celebrate with a quickie since you’re out of that dress. Come here.” He hastens me to sit up, his hands maneuvering my motion.

“Oh no, she’s going to hear us!”

But he disregards my protest and forces my legs apart, stripping my gown and leaving me in my lace panties. “Then you’ll just have to be

“As if
can be quiet.”

“Wanna bet...” His mouth finds mine, and he sucks at my tongue greedily, causing me to moan.

In a flash, he tears off my panties.

“Now I’ll be naked underneath my dress.”

“Good.” He unbuttons his pants and is already fully erect.

Roughly, he pulls me close and guides my legs around his hips as his pants fall open and I shove down his boxers. Adriano’s hand slips between my ass cheeks and down to my center from behind, rubbing me fiercely as he coaxes my mouth open with his. My body is on fire with sensations.

“I fucking love how wet you always are for me,” he groans against my lips.

Then he hooks my knees over his arms while he positions the head of his arousal between my legs, rubbing me violently, and I lean back on my elbows as he drives inside completely. We both moan, but mine is loud, and a smirk flashes across his lust filled face. He bends forward, spreading me wide, and pumps into me.

“Cam...” He speaks my name in a breathless whisper.

And I relax as he compels me to take him deeper, pushing inside while he sucks my nipple, and I groan loudly.

“Shhh,” he implores, glancing toward the door.

“Oh god, that’s good,” I whimper as he circles his hips, straining to stay in control.

I throw my head back, keeping his cock deep inside, but he orders in a dominant tone, “Look at me.” And he possessively mashes his mouth against mine as our breaths mingle.

It’s so illicit for him to be fucking me in this exam room while he’s wearing his tux and I’m entirely naked.

“Ah, hmmm,” I can’t get out much more because his hand is behind my neck, sealing his mouth to mine as he kisses me aggressively, thank god, because I swear, I scream wildly.

Whimpering and mewing, I come, shuddering uncontrollably, my thighs gripping his hips as he releases my knee and clutches the curve of my waist, pulling me forward onto his cock as he drives into me feverishly.

“Fuck, Cam,” he growls low, riding me hard as he comes and kissing my jaw and throat before he collapses on top of me as my elbows give out.

And I stroke the back of his head while our breathing settles.

“I’ll clean you before the doctor catches us.” He bites my nipple, making me squeal.

Adriano gets a towel from the dispenser above the sink in the corner of the room and gently cleans me. As I get off the table, he smacks my ass.

“God, I love how your ass is growing.”

I take my ivory dress that’s draped over a chair and step into it. “I don’t.”

He just laughs at me and dismisses my insecurity. “You look absolutely beautiful and radiant, Cam. And you’re going to ride me later...”

That’s true because I’m horny all the time with this pregnancy. Then I turn and motion to Adriano to zip me up. He rakes his knuckles up my bare back and slowly closes the zipper. Pressing his lips against my neck, he inhales deeply, and my eyes fall closed as his arms come around my shoulders. Such a cherished moment of tranquility.

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