For Her Pleasure (The Pleasure Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: For Her Pleasure (The Pleasure Series Book 2)
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Mackenzie whimpered and bit his shoulder, sending a surge of heat straight to his dick. “More,” she demanded and he finally just lost it. Every last bit of his self-control spun away and he took her, hard and fast, focused on pounding as deep inside her as he could, taking everything she offered and then demanding more. He was rough, frustrated, angry, and he knew he was taking it out on Mackenzie. God, he just hoped she’d forgive him later.

Her fingernails raked his back in protest and her hips rocked, working with him. The cries from her throat were the assurance he needed that she loved everything he was sending her way. And then she was whispering in his ear, demanding he make her come with
explicit language that drove him to ride her until they were both sweating and swearing, fighting to get as close as possible. And he loved every second of it. Loved the way Mackenzie made him feel, nothing short of bringing the beast out of him. Mackenzie met each thrust, then he rose up bringing her hips with him and stroked deeper until an orgasm ripped through her that rocked her body with extreme force.

Her pussy clenched tight and as his thrusts continued she milked his cock with long hard pulls that made him hiss. With a few final thrusts, Ryan buried himself deep, then held her in place as he exploded his semen inside of her with such intensity it stunned him. There was no doubt. He had met his match with Mackenzie.

You have less than a week left, then what

Reality coursed through his mind as he rolled onto the floor beside her and dragged her into his arms.

He was in a world of trouble.








Hours later, Ryan was curled close to Mackenzie when his phone started to vibrate. She shifted slightly and he drew her back close to him. He wasn’t ready to lose her warmth beside him.

Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he snuggled her and started to drift back to sleep when his phone started humming on the floor again.

“Don’t you think you should get that?”

A groan escaped his lips as she rolled away. Turning onto his side, he reached down for his pants and retrieved his phone. “Ryan
and it better be good.”

“We have a two-alarm fire at the recreation center.”

He was immediately wide awake and by the time he was finished with the call, he was already slipping into his slacks.

up onto her elbows and stared up at him. Hair
lips full, eyes wide as she said, “Is everything okay?”

“There’s a fire at the recreation center,” Ryan explained as he put on his clothes.

“Can I do anything?”

“Oh I can think of several things, but unfortunately there isn’t time for that,” he said with a laugh. “Yes, if you can give me a rain check on our evening. I was just getting started.”

He noticed the way her lips parted slightly. “There’s a key under the mat.”

His eyes raked over her body. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”



By the time Mackenzie woke up, she was lying in bed alone. Her naked body instantly reacted to the physical encounter of the night before. Ryan had been rough and aggressive and she had enjoyed every second. She had spent the night waiting, forcing herself to get some rest even though her body was aroused and eager for him to return.

Mackenzie released a heavy breath and couldn’t resist the big goofy grin she was certain was plastered on her face. The last week had been like nothing she had ever experienced before.

Rolling over, she stared out the open window. The warm sun was sliding into the bedroom, matching the emotions she’d been experiencing the last few days.

She sighed. Was it possible?

She had fallen recklessly in love with Ryan Young.

Mackenzie released another heavy sigh. The last thing she wanted to do was complicate his life. Ryan had been through a lot, more than she had even known until last night and her heart ached for the little boy who wanted to protect his mom and little sister. Then he grew up and married the love of his life and hadn’t had been able to protect her. While he had spoken, despite his best intentions, his mouth betrayed his emotions. His pain chilled her to the bones and she was starting to think that maybe that was the reason Ryan had become a firefighter, so that he could save lives and make a difference. He was a lieutenant, but almost every call, he was right there side-by-side with the other men doing his job.

And that’s why you love him so much.

But there was nothing she could do about it. And she definitely couldn’t tell him. It would only complicate his life.

Mackenzie roughly brushed away a tear.
Suck it up Mack!
She scolded. It wasn’t as if he had promised her a future. Nope. They had a fling. Nothing more, and in a few more days it would be over. After that she would always have the sweetest memories of what it was to be held in his arms.

Mackenzie swung her legs over the side of the bed, then rose and padded into the master bathroom. She stepped over to the double sink and turned on the water,
splashed cold water onto her face, hoping the water would shock some sense into her.

While she patted her face dry with a washcloth, she gazed at her reflection and noticed her swollen lips, and the dark shadows underneath her eyes, a result of a long and fulfilling night.

“Damn,” she muttered under her breath. She couldn’t imagine ever being with another man, and sharing the level of intimacy she had shared with Ryan. Hell, it had taken her this long to have him and now that she had, she was certain it wouldn’t be an easy task to stumble along with another man who couldn’t measure up, even the slightest. Mackenzie groaned.
Why me? This
was supposed to have been a fling, nothing more. Men did it all the time. Hell, she’d been doing it for years since her fiasco with Blake.
One night stands, weekend flings, all sexual satisfying with no emotional involvement.
So why did Ryan have to be different?

She couldn’t wait to talk with Kaelyn and pour her heart out before she lost her mind. That’s if she could get Kaelyn to listen and look past her opinion of Ryan; that would require some serious girl time.

Mackenzie padded toward the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She was heading back to her bedroom when she heard her cell phone ringing. She smiled.
Speak of the devil
“Hey girl!”

“Where are you?” Kaelyn greeted.

She took a seat on the bed and said, “I’m at home.”

“Home … is Ryan there?”

“No, he left,” she managed between sips.

“Thank God! Then you’ve heard the news and he’s okay?”

Her heart thumped. “What news?”

“Ashton said there was a fire last night and a firefighter died in a fire.”

Mackenzie’s throat tightened and made it almost impossible to say, “What? Ryan was there!”

“Oh no!
Ashton and I are on our way back from Wilmington. We’ll get there as soon as we can. Please let me know what you find out.”

She was already putting on her clothes and within minutes she was rushing out the door. She tried Ryan’s cell phone and again it went straight to voice mail. Several calls to the nearest hospital proved a waste of time. She was about to call Charlie when she swung a quick left off Chestnut and headed to the fire station. Mackenzie stopped her car in front of the garage and found a young fireman she knew, washing one of the fire trucks.

“Liam!” she cried. “What happened last night?”

He wrung out the sponge and appeared surprised to see her. “Mackenzie, what’s going on?”

“Ryan… where’s Ryan?” She could barely get out the words.

“He’s at North Beach Hospital.”

He was still talking when she put her car into Drive and peeled out the parking lot headed towards the hospital. She’d already called and the lady at the information desk had said no one named Ryan Young had been admitted. Obviously, the information had been incorrect. While she drove, Mackenzie texted Kaelyn what she knew, then put her foot on the gas. As soon as her car was parked in front of the emergency room, she rushed inside to the front desk.

“Can you tell me where to find Ryan Young?” Mackenzie tapped her fingers impatiently while she waited on the desk clerk as she pecked away at the computer.

“I’m sorry but we don’t have a patient by that name.”

“You have to. I was told he was here,” she insisted.


Mackenzie slammed her hands down onto the counter. “Look again!”

The woman flinched and then reached down for the phone. Hopefully, she wasn’t calling security.


Her head whipped around. Ryan! She raced across the floor and flung herself into his arms.

“Whoa!” he said and brought his arms around her. His touch seemed to sizzle through her shirt.

“Ryan, I was so worried!” She hugged him tight, then suddenly drew back and glared at him. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been frantically calling your phone!”

His eyes twinkled. “Sorry babe. My battery died.”

“Then you could have at least called to let me know you were okay. I was worried sick.”

He quirked a grin at her.
“Gee, I didn’t know you cared so much.”

Angrily, she punched him in the arm. “How could you say something like that? Of course I care.”

“I’ll make a note of that.” His teeth flashed bright white against his dark skin.

“Ryan, it’s not funny. You have everyone worried. We thought you had died in a fire!”

The smile slid from his face. “No, that was a young firefighter from Station 2.”

“But Liam said you were here,” she pointed out.

Reaching up, he caressed her face. “I was visiting one of our firefighters who had smoke inhalation.”

Mackenzie stared up into his beautiful eyes. Eyes that she had been afraid she might never see again. Something crazy was chipping away at her heart. She pulled Ryan close, dragging him into a deep kiss. He brought his arms around to cradle her to his body.

What the hell

She drew back to find Charlie standing a few feet away with anger glaring from his eyes. “What does it look?” Mackenzie said with a saucy grin.

He dragged a hand across his hair, stormed over to Ryan and barked, “I thought you were dead!”

He scratched his chin and his eyes shifted from her to him with skepticism. “Why does everyone think I’m dead?”

“The news said… and you weren’t answering…” she muttered under her breath.

Noticing their pained expressions, Ryan’s eyes became serious. “I’m sorry for worrying everyone. As you can see, I’m alive and well.”

“I can see that.” Charlie said and then scowled. “Can I talk to you in private?” Without waiting for an answer, he took his cousin’s arm and led her away.

Ryan called after her. “Mack, I’ll be back in a sec. I’m going to check on Robert.”

She nodded but didn’t take her eyes off Charlie, who didn’t say anything until Ryan had disappeared through the double doors.

“What the hell is going on?” Charlie asked impatiently.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. “Charlie, get a life. I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“Yes, but he’s my best friend,” he said with an impatient scowl.

“And that is all the more reason why you should be okay with it. I could be sleeping with some nutcase and you’d be hearing on the ten o’clock news that I had been found chopped up in his basement,” she added with a laugh.

His hazel eyes narrowed. “That’s not funny.”

Her lips spread in a wicked grin. “I thought it was.”

Growing increasingly frustrated, Charles slapped a hand to his own forehead. “I’m never going to understand you. Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

“Of course I know.
Great sex and no commitments.
We have fun together. Is something wrong with that?”

In response to her question, Charlie made a sound of disgust. “He only dates women two weeks.”

“I know and I have less than a week left, so I better enjoy it while I can. And I would appreciate it if you’d be okay with it.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing?” Charlie shook his head, disapprovingly.

No, not really but I was going to fake it anyway.
Mackenzie put on her best grin. “I’m a big girl and Ryan makes me smile. What more can a girl ask for?”

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