For the Night: Complete Box Set (16 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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The Hardest Goodbye


I cursed in the morning
when I woke up, with Summer draped across my body. I never slept while I was
working, I’d just felt so relaxed and content as she lay in my arms I must have
drifted off. It really was good that we weren’t going to see each other again,
she was going to completely ruin my professionalism with too many more nights.
I checked my watch, it was already quarter to nine and nine-thirty was the
latest I stayed with them. I sighed, if I didn’t get her up and out now, I’d
end up fucking her raw for the rest of the day. I took one last look at her
sleeping on me, kissed her forehead and carefully climbed out from under her,
giving her a pillow to hold instead. I had a quick shower and shave, then
dressed in fresh underwear, jeans and a shirt I’d left hanging in the wardrobe
and lay out another set of new white lace underwear I’d kept for her here,
packing her green used ones in the empty box for her to take home, and went to
wake her up.

‘Morning,’ I smiled as she lazily opened her eyes.

‘I don’t do mornings,’ she sighed. ‘Can we sleep a
bit longer?’

‘I need to get you home.’

‘We can’t do some more lessons first?’ she asked,
looking at me as she bit her thumb nail.

‘No, because you’ll be hurting this morning. Would
you like some breakfast?’

‘What do you have?’

‘Coco Pops, a milky coffee with one sugar and a

‘How do you
these things?’ she gasped
looking at me wide eyed. I smoothed her hair away from her face, kissed her
forehead and headed out before I was tempted to take her up on her lessons
How the fuck was I going to watch her walk away from me, when
something inside me was screaming at me to never let her go or I’d regret it



I winced as I cleaned myself in the shower, Logan
was right, I
sore. I couldn’t comprehend how he could fuck any
harder, or for longer, than he had last night. I washed and dried my hair and
found a note next to the toiletries in the bathroom, saying that they were for
me to take home in the designer metal train case with folding out compartments.
He really was something else. When I found the new white La Perla underwear
he’d left out on the bed, next to the box containing my used green set, I felt
tears welling up. How would any man ever compare after a woman had been with
Logan? I felt my stomach twist at the thought that not only would I never see
him again, but that he’d be repeating the entire evening with another woman
very soon, maybe even tonight. ‘
It was always about losing your virginity
and giving you some confidence, Summer Beresford,
’ I told myself as I
shrugged on my dress, which he’d thoughtfully hung in the wardrobe for me
sometime last night. I pulled on my heels and headed out, without makeup, to
see him sitting at the dining table, drinking coffee. I shook off my melancholy
and went to join him.


I was surprised when he’d settled me into a
gunmetal BMW i8, I’d thought he was bringing me down for his driver to take me
home. I ran my hand over the interior of the car, it was gorgeous and super
sexy, Logan to a T. I just prayed that Mum and Dad wouldn’t be sitting in the
lounge looking out of the window waiting for me, how the hell would I explain
this? I could feel some tension emanating off Logan as he drove, he didn’t even
ask where I lived, not that it surprised me, he seemed to know pretty much
everything about me. I wondered if I’d done or said something wrong, if
anything it should be me that was tense, I didn’t exactly live in the nicest
part of London and he was all rich and flash. I don’t know why it bothered me,
but I didn’t want him to look down on me. I tried not to look at him as he was
driving, he had on a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses and with his hands on
the wheel of a seriously sexy car, he just exuded masculinity and raw sexual
charisma. How had I never felt this way about a guy before?

The journey went faster than I’d have liked and he
expertly pulled into a space at the end of my road, thankfully a few doors away
from my house. I was sure the throttled roar of his engine, along with me,
dressed up like this at this time in the morning, would be enough to have all
the neighbours twitching their net curtains and gossiping. He took off his
sunglasses and tucked them into the top pocket of his jacket, then came and
helped me out of the car. He surprised me by holding my hand, lacing our
fingers together, and walking me to my front door. I suddenly felt tearful, I’d
just had the most incredible and intimate night of my life and I was never
going to see him again, I was surprised at how hurt I felt about it. He let go
of my hand as I placed my bags on the floor, then clasped my face, forcing me
to look up at him, but all I could see in the reflection of his grey eyes was
my blue ones.

‘I know you probably won’t believe me, but I
really had the most amazing night with you, Summer Beresford.’

‘I had an amazing time too, thank you so much for

’ I nodded as I bit the inside of my mouth trying to stem
the tears.

‘You’re welcome. Thank you for trusting me to take
care of you. Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself, don’t let
anyone take advantage of you and work your arse off, you can do this role, you
were born to do this role.’

‘You were born to do yours, Logan,’ I replied with
a sad smile and reached up, palming the side of his face. ‘I’ll never forget
how special you made me feel.’ I tiptoed up to kiss his cheek and heard him
inhale sharply.

‘I’ll never forget you,’ he replied quietly,
seeming so sincere it made my stomach do that funny flip flop. He kissed me on
the forehead, put his sunglasses back on then spun on his heels and walked
away. I stood on the doorstep and watched him as some tears rolled down my
face, part of me willing him to turn around and look at me, to let me know that
I hadn’t just been another client to him, that he’d felt a connection to me,
like I’d felt to him. I was still waiting for the sign as his expensive car
roared past, his determined face fixed firmly on the road ahead. I leaned back
against the brick porch wall and covered my face with my hands, wondering if
all his women felt like this the morning after. I shook myself off, I couldn’t
have any regrets, I’d got to meet the infamous Logan Steele, to lose my
virginity to him, to experience at least some of his charms and skills, even if
it was just for the night. He was just doing his job, making me feel everything
I’d asked him to, I was nothing to him, but he was the man who’d put me in
touch with my sexuality, who’d made me trust again. Escort or not, Logan Steele
was going to be a tough act to top for any man.


Client Evaluation


I couldn’t speak to her in
the car, for once I was lost for words, I had absolutely no idea what to say to
her. Last night had been the most incredible night of my life, I’d felt more
connected to a virtual stranger than any of my previous girlfriends. Besides,
it wasn’t like she’d believe me if I told her that I was falling for her, that
I’d love to see her on a personal level. She’d never believe me, let alone
trust me. Hell, why was I even thinking about it? She wouldn’t even want me,
what woman would when she knew what my career had been for so long? What woman
would trust a guy with my damn history and reputation? I was the master of
fucking deception with some clients, like Camilla Domville. I could win a damn
Oscar for some of the sexual roles I’d played over the years, yet in this
moment, as I looked over at her as I drove, my glasses masking the sly glances
at her perfect face, I realised the only person I was deceiving was myself. I’d
always imagined finding a nice girl, instead of years of playing the field,
that we’d get married, settle down and have kids, then I’d gone and lost my job
as manager of a new build firm that went under and thought I’d try this escort
lark as a bit of fun to earn some money while I looked for another job.

I’d never expected to do so well at it, or what
money could be made from it, let alone that I’d still be doing it four years
later. It had set me up with a very secure financial future already. I liked my
designer clothes and flash car, eating in exclusive restaurants and having an
expensive wharf house apartment in Limehouse docks, an up and coming trendy
area of London. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t the settling down kind of guy, I
wasn’t the kind of guy that a sweet woman like Summer should be with. The
closer we got to her house, the heavier my heart felt, I knew if I dropped her
at that door and walked away I was fully committing to my life as I knew it for
good. If I couldn’t take a risk on her, on someone who’d made me
for the first time in years, who I’d relaxed with and let see a glimpse of the
real me, then who could I settle down with? While I did what I did, I was never
going to meet anyone other than clients. And no client in their right mind
would think of settling down with a supposedly reformed male prostitute.

I parked the car and got out, removing my glasses
and tucking them in the top pocket of my jacket as I held out my hand to help
her up, trying desperately not to look at her sexy legs as she climbed out,
then her backside as she wriggled her hips and tugged down her dress with her
free hand, before grabbing her clutch bag, underwear bag and new cosmetics
case. We walked silently to her front door and I watched a neighbour peeking
out from behind her nets at us. It wasn’t a particularly affluent area, which
only made me feel even more protective over her.
Damn it
, I felt so
conflicted. I took a deep breath as we stood in her porch and she put her
things down on the front door mat. I clasped her face as she straightened up.

‘I know you probably won’t believe me, but I
really had the most amazing night with you, Summer Beresford,’ I sighed,
speaking completely from the heart for once.

‘I had an amazing time too, thank you so much for

’ she nodded. I saw her bite the inside of her mouth, she
looked tearful, she was probably exhausted, I’d worked her fairly hard for her
first time.

‘You’re welcome. Thank you for trusting me to take
care of you. Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself, don’t let
anyone take advantage of you and work your arse off, you can do this role, you
to do this role.’

‘You were born to do yours, Logan,’ she replied as
she reached up touched my face. ‘I’ll never forget how you made me feel.’ She
tiptoed up to kiss my cheek and I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply. I wanted
to drag her tightly against me and kiss her properly, tell her that I genuinely
liked her, but the words “You were born to do yours, Logan” told me exactly what
she thought of me. I was just the guy she hired to fuck her, pure and simple.

‘I’ll never forget you,’ I sighed and tenderly
kissed her forehead, quickly put my sunglasses back on and walked away before I
made a fool of myself. I strode back to my car, I couldn’t look back, I’d be
crushed to see she’d already gone in and shut the door, I don’t think even my
ego would have handled that today.

I climbed in my car and sat there for a minute. I
could still smell her in here, surrounding me. I closed my eyes as flashes of
the evening came back to me. Flashes that had my cock unfurl again. I quickly
picked up my iPhone and before I had a chance to change my mind deleted her
client file and blocked her email, making sure if she requested another
appointment, I’d never know about it. Seeing her again would be just too hard.
I knew it from the moment I saw her photograph that I wouldn’t be able to stay
objective, I should never have taken the damn appointment in the first place.
The minute I knew it wasn’t just my cock reacting like normal, I should have
declined. She was right, other than losing some of my carefully perfected
façade around her, I
good at my job and my job was what I was going
to focus on. Soon Summer Beresford would be a distant memory, I’d fuck her well
and truly out of my system, she was just a ridiculous crush that I’d soon
forget about.

I started my engine, flicking on the radio as I
sped off, One Direction,
Story of my Life,
was playing, and my shoulders
raised in a silent laugh as the irony of some of the lyrics hit me, summing up
everything I was feeling in that moment.


Story of My Life
~ One Direction


‘Yep, today just sums up
the story of your life, well you made your damn bed, you’d better keep fucking
in it, Logan Steele,’ I muttered to myself with a frown as I thought about next
weeks’ client Yasmin, and her request that we get seriously down and dirty. I
had just the idea in mind.



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