Forbidden (14 page)

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Authors: Rachel van Dyken,Kelly Martin,Nadine Millard,Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Romance, #Regency, #Regency Romance, #london romance, #fairtale romance, #fairytale london romance, #fairytale romance regency, #london fair tale romance, #london fairtale, #regency fairytale romance

BOOK: Forbidden
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"And to think, he asked
to cry
off!" Anna was speaking.

Cross turned his attention back to the
chattering women. They hadn't even noticed his presence. Rather,
his sister had forgotten about him and Essie hadn't noticed, but
wasn't that
the case? Anna was much like Essie, a
splash of color that called attention.

While he was more like… Actually he wasn't
quite sure. But he didn't possess the charismatic qualities that
drew the eye. Oh, he was charming and well liked; however, he
wasn't vibrant.

But he wanted to be.

It wasn't as if he were an utter fop. Rather
was aware of his desired position as bachelor on the
Marriage Mart. Yet Essie didn't seem to notice him like all the
other ladies her age seemed to. He attributed that to his sister's
earlier observation. Essie had simply grown up with him and never
shifted her perspective of him from boy to man.

It was bloody devastating. Especially when he
readily had made the shift from noticing her as his little sister's
playmate to a potential companion of his own.

Though for entirely different reasons.

He turned his attention back to their

"I was shocked myself, but as I've had a day
or two to cool off, I understand that it really was for the best."
She shrugged her delicate shoulders. "Better to find out now what a
nodcock he is, than to deal with him for the rest of my life!"

Cross chuckled, entirely enchanted and
utterly agreeing with her assessment.

Essie and Anna both turned slightly startled
gazes towards him. "Oh, Cross! I had quite forgotten you were
there!" Anna replied, shaking her head and then dismissing him,
turning once again to Essie.

"Cross! You should have let me know you were
standing there!" Essie scolded in a teasing manner. "No doubt your
sister has told you the whole sordid tale."

"Indeed, though to hear it from your lips is
far more entertaining," Cross replied, striding towards them and
taking a seat across from the settee.

"Indeed…" She rolled her bright blue

"But I must say I'm pleased that you appear
no worse for the wear. My sister here was sure your heart would be
shattered into a thousand fragmented pieces." He winked at Anna.
After all, just because his heart was all tied up in knots didn't
mean he had to act that way.

Rather, it demanded that he act utterly
natural. Which, upon further reflection, was probably exactly why
Essie had never noticed him.

He had never changed.

He had treated both Essie and his sister the
same since he could remember.

Essie sighed. "I was quite hurt at first, but
upon further reflection, I discovered something." She leaned
forward slightly, a wide grin bending her lips, drawing his
attention. Unable to help himself he allowed himself the freedom to
gaze upon her freely, soaking up the beautiful expression and
committing it to memory.

"I'm on pins and needles," he replied
teasingly, hoping his light tone counteracted his expression.

"Who wouldn't be?" She teased back. "I
discovered that my pride was hurt more than my heart. And that was
a wonderful breakthrough. Because I'd much rather have my pride
wounded. Don't you agree?"

"Utterly. And if I might be frank?" He asked,
raising his eyebrows as he posed the question.

"Always." She shrugged.

"He wasn't worth even one tear. If he cannot
see your merit he doesn't deserve it." He nodded once and stood,
needing to distance himself before he gave away too much.

"Cross, what a kind thing to say," Essie
replied, her tone soft and thoughtful.

He turned to face her.

"Simply the truth."

"And to think, you were about to leave before
Essie even arrived! See! I told you that your presence was needed!"
Anna cut in, a grin splitting her face.

"You were heading out? But Cross, I need you
here! I have a plan and it absolutely will not work if you leave!"
Essie stood and walked towards him.

"There are two phrases that women used which
tended to provoke absolute trepidation and suspicion in the male
heart." He narrowed his eyes as Essie made her way towards him.

"Dramatic," Anna called out.

"Honest!" He replied, glancing around Essie
and narrowing his eyes at his sister.

"And just what are those two phrases, pray
tell?" Essie asked, twisting her lips wryly.

He cleared his throat. "'I have plans for
you' and 'can we talk'." He nodded emphatically.

"Very well." Essie grinned mischievously.
"Would you be so inclined to participate in a series of events that
I'm sincerely hoping you'll agree to partake?"

"That was impressive," Anna said.

Essie turned slightly so that she could see
Anna. "I must admit I was quite thrilled with myself."

"If we're all done congratulating Essie on
her fantastic use of the English language to manipulate those
around her…." He glared at her teasingly.

"Admit it, I was brilliant."

brilliant," he replied

"Oh!" Essie appeared surprised.

"I never once said it wasn't brilliant, I
simply said it was manipulative." He rocked on his heels and gave
her a grin.

"I wasn't… Oh, very well… I was… but will you
do it?" Essie asked, almost bouncing on her toes.

"Do what? You haven't exactly told me the
plan, though I truly do hate to ask." He ran his fingers through
his hair.

"It's easy. I need you to court me."

He almost swallowed his tongue. "Pardon?"

Essie rolled her eyes. "It's quite easy and
will be painless, I promise. Once I lay out the particulars, you'll
see that my plan is fool proof."

"Minus the fool." Anna pointed to him.

"Thank you, sister dear," Cross replied,
glaring at his sister while he tried to wrap his mind around what
Essie just proposed.

"If your brother was a fool, I wouldn't have
dreamed of asking him to do this!" Essie turned to Anna, hands on

As if acting of their own accord, his gaze
dropped to her waist. What would it be like to place his hands at
her waist and allow them the pleasure of tracing her perfect

He had to distract himself, now.

Before his train of thought became…

Essie turned. "Please?"

He was too lost in his own thoughts, and his
gaze, which had been resting on her hips, slowly traveled up her
form till it met her eyes. He knew his gaze wasn't shuttered and if
she were to look closely, she'd see desire burning within.

She blinked, as if questioning what she

He quickly glanced away and took a deep
breath. Turning to her once more, she was the one to glance away!
And was that a faint tinge of rose coloring her cheeks?

"What is the plan?" He asked, his tone not
quite as controlled as he'd like.

Her gaze shifted to his and any blush that
may have been present disappeared as her face lit up.

"I have to get myself engaged." She began to
pace, gesturing with her hands in an animated way. "And with only
six weeks till the end of the season, I need to be quick about it.
After all, what do men want?" She spun to face him.

"Is this a rhetorical question?" He asked,

"No. I'm asking you."

"Men want…." He could think of several
things, but most of them couldn't be spoken of in front of a

"What they can't have!" Anna shouted and
stood, startling Cross.

"Good heavens, Anna!" He scolded.

"Yes!" Essie pointed to Anna.

"I'm failing to see the point." Cross lifted
his hands in surrender.

Essie walked back towards him, her hips
slightly swaying as a delighted, victorious grin overtook her
beautiful features. "Men want what they can't have… so I'm going to
be unavailable. Because
She poked him gently in the
arm. "Are going to be courting me."

"I am?" Cross asked, knowing it was a
dangerous game he was considering playing.

"Please?" Essie asked, and gone was the
victorious smile, gone was the bravado. Rather, in its place was a
woman simply needing help. The damsel in distress.

And Cross had always wanted to be her

Here was his golden opportunity.

He'd rescue her by playing the part he all
too well knew how to play… but he was going in and playing for

And he'd win the final hand, or die



Surely it would work,
wouldn't it?

At the time, the idea had seemed so…
instinctive. As if there were no other option available. Yet as
Essie found herself in the crowded Luxberg ballroom, the cold
finger of doubt sent shivers up her spine.

Taking a deep breath, she straightened her
shoulders. After all, what was the worst that could happen? She had
already been jilted—in a way. What could possibly be worse?
Trighton, scoundrel that he was, had given her the perfect escape
that maintained her dignity. Of course that
had cried
off had the
gossips spinning with wild tales, but it was
far better than being jilted. Less scandalous, less of a danger to
her reputation. And with her attending the rout with Cross she'd
simply allow the gossips to draw their own conclusions. Yes, she'd
appear to be a woman unable to make up her mind, but that was
better than being a woman unwanted. And she
have Cross'
agreement to play along. So she wouldn't be alone. They'd pretend
for a week or so, just enough to get talk started, but part ways
before anyone could think of their attachment as serious. By then,
she was
that several gentlemen would be interested in
her, Viola! It would be perfect.

Or so she hoped.

Her brow pinched as she gazed at the swirling
dancers. How she had loved the idea of being engaged—for the short
time it lasted. The knowledge that she was wanted, that she was
'taken'; it was delicious, heady and delightful. She acutely missed
that feeling. But oddly, she was thrilled to know that while she
missed the feeling, she didn't feel the same loss for the person to
whom she had been engaged.

Yet as wonderful as that feeling was, she was
sure it didn't compare with the sensation of being in love. And she
was most
not in love with Trighton. However she
in love with the idea of being someone's wife.

Well, now she got the chance to have

Which came back to the point she was trying
to make with herself; the plan was going to work.

Shaking her head, she walked along the edge
of the dance floor, needing to talk with someone other than

Anna was sure to arrive any moment, along
with Cross. As if her thoughts had conjured them up, she caught a
glance of the dark raven hair for which Anna was renowned. A beauty
and fantastically wealthy, she had the luxury of turning down
suitors, but Essie didn't begrudge her friend; she loved her far
too much for there to be room for such a petty emotion.

Anna glanced in her direction and grinned
widely. Making her way towards her friend, Anna drew the attention
of several young men, all watching her movements with rapt

Essie shook her head but grinned. She shifted
her gaze from Anna to behind her, searching for Cross. But he was
nowhere to be seen.

"We only just arrived! It's quite the crush
already, isn't it?" Anna spoke excitedly as her royal blue eyes
took in the opulent surroundings.

"Yes, the dancing began a bit early I think,
as well," Essie replied, her gaze still searching for Cross.

"Don't worry, my brother didn't forget. He'll
be here shortly." Anna waved dismissively. "If I didn't know
better, I'd say he was nervous."

"Nervous? Why?" Essie asked.

Anna shrugged. "I'm not sure. Oh! There he
is!" Anna pointed to the archway to the left.

Essie followed her gaze and felt a wave of
relief crash over her.

He was here.

Essie studied Cross from across the room. His
ink-black hair was perfectly combed, yet styled slightly different
than she remembered. His evening kit was cut in perfect lines to
emphasize his tall and lean shape, but as he had grown older, the
thin frame of adolescent boy had matured into the strong build of a
man. At only eighteen months older than his sister, Cross had
always been close with Anna. Which meant that Essie had also come
to know him quite well. But as friendly as they had been to one
another, she had always felt that he kept his distance. Sheer
desperation had lent her the courage to ask him to participate in
her ruse, that and she was quite certain he was the only gentleman
of which she could ask such a question and not be laughed at.

Or rejected.

His gaze scanned the crowded ballroom, as if
searching, yet his movements were so confident, comfortable. He
nodded to a passing gentleman and shook his hand. Skirting the
room, his gaze finally landed on Anna but shifted to Essie, and
remained there. With determined strides he made his way towards
her, never once taking his eyes off her. Essie felt the odd desire
to glance away and shift her position. Never before had Cross made
her feel so… uncomfortable. Yet it wasn't an altogether unwelcome
feeling, simply… strange. As he drew closer he lowered his gaze for
a moment before lifting it again, only this time his face
transformed into a charming grin. His cobalt blue eyes crinkled
slightly, framed by lashes dark and thick.

Essie felt her knees weaken.

What was wrong with her? This was Cross! And
the smile, she was quite sure, was all part of the ruse they were
using to lure other men.



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