Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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She felt Beckett
’s hand placed over hers in support and she looked at him then back at her grandmother.

“I’m sorry
.” Bailey said. “That was uncalled for.” She apologized.

.” Regina said. “You are right…I should have been there…..I made a mistake leaving you alone all these years…..but I’m trying to correct that…you are not alone any longer Bailey.”

The tears now fell and Beckett gripped her hand tighter as he looked at Regina. He knew the effort it had taken for her to admit that and also how graceful Bailey had been in her apology. Both women were trying to bridge the gap but it wouldn’t happen overnight. At that moment the doctor on call came into the room. He frowned seeing the amount of visitors but the nurse who followed quickly informed him.

“Dr. Greene admitted him and gave permission for his parents and grandmother to be here.”

. Greene doesn’t run the emergency room.” He said frowning.

“No but I still hold seniority
.” Dr. Greene said now entering the room. “I’ll take over.” He said taking the chart from the junior doctor. They all watched as the red faced doctor left the room and Dr. Greene turned now to the nurse.

“I’m sorry sir but I didn’t have the heart to turn a family member out

“You did the right thing Nurse Stewart
.” He smiled then turned to look at Regina. “I’m Dr. Greene….I admitted your grandson.”

“I’m Regina Montgomery
.” She replied. “Can you tell me Dr. Greene what caused this?”

He looked at the charts then over at Bailey who seemed to be the only one who understood what was going on.

“No ma’am, we can run tests on him but I’m sure based on his history these have already been run on him.” He said looking at Bailey.

They have…he hasn’t tested positive to anything and we never found out what triggers it except for exhaustion or if he’s physically run down.”

“So your excursion today to Chucky Cheese set this off
?” Regina said now looking at Beckett.

Bailey felt Beckett tense and jumped to his defense. “N
o, it wasn’t Beckett’s fault…Tristan was fine….this attack just came on suddenly.”

Regina looked at Bailey and the way she defended Beckett. She now turned to Dr. Greene who had also watched the exchange. He too came to Beckett
’s defense.

“In cases like this there usually isn’t a specific trigger
.” He said walking over to Tristan’s side. He removed the mouthpiece from his face and watched Tristan’s breathing as he slept. Satisfied he looked at Bailey. “I would like to keep him overnight just to make sure he doesn’t relapse….I’m going to schedule a specialist to check in on him in the morning and we can determine the best course to proceed.”

“Alright….I’d like to stay with him
.” Bailey said. “In case he wakes up.”

“The rooms come with a place for you to sleep….ther
e’s also a recliner if you want to stay with her.” Dr. Greene said addressing Beckett.

“That won
’t be necessary…I’ll be staying with her….Beckett you can go ahead and head home.” She said once again dismissing him.

He ignored Regina and looked at Bailey
. “I’ll stay with you if you want?”

Bailey was touched by his offer but knew it would only confuse their relationship more if she let him. She also knew her grandmother wanted him to leave for some reason and didn’t want any more confrontations between them.

“Thank you but that won’t be necessary.” She said and saw the disappointment in his face.

“Alright…but if you need me….I want you to call me
.” He said grabbing her cell phone. He programmed his phone number into it then handed it back to her.

“I will
.” She said as he stood.

Despite Regina
’s watchful eye he leaned over and kissed Baileys cheek.  Beckett then stood looked at Regina and with a nod he turned and left. Regina raised one eyebrow as she looked at Bailey and Dr. Greene watching this scene also raised his eyebrow.


he walked out of the room Beckett suddenly felt as if he was abandoning Bailey. Once out of the room he stopped and looked at Bailey who seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. She looked up at him and for a moment he felt the connection then it slammed shut as Dr. Green drew the shades to the room. Sighing he headed out of the emergency room towards the lobby. Before reaching the exit he got a text on his phone and reading the message he smiled.

“Thank you, it meant so much to me having you here….Bailey

He quickly texted back to her.

“I meant what I said; if you need me I’ll be there for you.”

He waited outside in the cool air for her response. When it didn’t come he frowned thinking he may have given too much away and cursing to himself he started for his car. As he slid inside behind the steering wheel he heard the chirp of his phone and seeing the source he smiled.

“Tristan woke up; he’s asking for you, can you come back?”

Climbing out of the car he locked it then raced back inside. The nurses looked up surprised and buzzed him through the door to the back rooms. He reached Tristan
’s room as they were wheeling him out. He saw the relief on Baileys face and the annoyance on Regina’s. Bailey motioned him over to Tristan’s bedside.

“Hey kiddo
.” He smiled as he took Tristan’s hand. “How are you doing?”

Ok…..they won’t let me go home.”

“I know buddy….they just want to watch you for the night to make sure you’re ok

“Will you stay with me?”

Beckett didn’t even look at Bailey or Regina. “Sure kiddo.” He grinned and Tristan seemed to relax.

He now met Baileys gaze and she mouthed the words “thank you” to him and in that moment the connection between them took a new direction. He looked at Regina and expected to see her disapproval but to his surprise she seemed to be satisfied. Frowning now at her he wondered what she had up her sleeve. As they wheeled Tristan to his room Beckett continued to hold his
hand. Bailey followed behind with Dr. Greene and Regina.

“Bailey….since you seem to be in good hands….I will be heading back to the Briar Rose
.” Regina announced as they neared the elevator. “I’ll take charge of Alexis but I want you to keep me informed on Tristan’s progress.”

.” Bailey said surprised. “Thank you for coming.”

’s my grandson….of course I would come…..Tristan.” She said walking up to the opposite side of the bed. “When you come home tomorrow we’re going to do a movie day….you get to choose.”

Tristan smiled then looked up at Beckett
. “Can Beckett come to?”

Regina now looked at him and even though she hesitated he saw the pleased look in her eyes. Again he wondered what new game
she was playing.

“If he would like he can join us

“Will you
?” Tristan asked him his eyes wide with hope.

“Wouldn’t miss it
.” He grinned touched by the fact Tristan wanted him there.

Regina leaned over and kissed Tristan on the forehead then looked up to meet Bailey
’s eyes. She smiled then turned and looked at Dr. Greene.

“Will you escort an old woman to her car
?” She asked.

He looked at her than at his patient who seemed to be in good hands. Nodding to the
orderly’s he extended his arm and Regina took it allowing him to lead her out. As they walked away Beckett met Bailey’s eyes over Tristan.

“Are you ok with me staying?”
He asked.

’s what Tristan wants.” She smiled sidestepping his question.

Once they got to Tristan
’s room he was moved to his bed and hooked up to the monitors while they stood off the side watching. Beckett noticed there were both a bed and a recliner in the room. Standing this close to Bailey he drank in the lemongrass scent of her hair. Unlike most women she declined from dousing herself in perfume and he found it refreshing. Everything about her was natural and he found that unbelievably sexy. Leaning down he casually gripped her wrist as he whispered in her ear.

“You can have the bed, I’ll take the chair

He swore he heard her swift intake of her breath as she real
ized how close he was. Beneath the fingers that gripped her wrist he felt her pulse rate increase. He knew he affected her as much as she affected him. When she turned her head her lips were just inches from his and it took all his resistance to not taste the sweet honey from his memory. When she couldn’t find her voice and only nod he smiled. As his thumb stoked her wrist he heard her breathing shift slightly. The moment was broken when Dr. Greene now joined them. Bailey broke away from Beckett as the blush crept over her face. Beckett noticed it didn’t go unnoticed by Dr. Greene and he looked at them with a quizzical look as if he was trying to figure them out.

. Greene….thank you for escorting my grandmother.” Bailey said as she now put the bed between her and Beckett.

It was my pleasure….she wanted me to make sure Tristan is taken care of.” He said then looked at Beckett. “And to ensure I reminded you about a contract?”

Beckett frowned not looking at Bailey who seemed to have withdrawn from him with that comment. He knew that was the reaction Regina hoped would happen and he now regretted his kiss on Bailey
’s cheek earlier. It was an act of defiance and Regina was reminding him that she held the cards. He looked at Bailey and she refused to meet his gaze. Cursing under his breath he now looked at Dr. Greene who seemed pleased. Beckett narrowed his eyes wondering what role his place was in Regina’s game.

“Is there anything else for us doctor
?” Beckett asked effectively dismissing him.

. Greene met his challenge smiling as he walked over to check on Tristan. He looked up at Bailey and Beckett swore he was now trying to flirt with her.

“If you need me, I’m on call tonight….the nurses can have me here in a matter of minutes

Bailey looked up at him and smiled her gratitude
. “Thank you….I’m sure he should rest through the night.” She said noting Tristan was already asleep.

“Just to be sure I will stop by later


“Get some rest….you
will find blankets in the drawers and you should find toiletries in the bathroom to freshen up.”

“Thanks doctor….I’m sure we’ll be fine
.” Beckett said stepping next to Bailey. To once again let the doctor know where he stood Beckett placed his arm across Baileys shoulder. To his relief she didn’t flinch or push his arm away. Only after the doctor left did Bailey move out from under his arm. She did it in a way to make it seem natural as she stepped up to Tristan’s bedside but he could see the new tension in her body.

.” He said softly.

.” She said her voice strained. “Beckett….we can’t….”

“Can’t what?”
He asked trying to get her to look at him and he got his wish.

This….you….me…..the contract remember.”

“The contract says no sexual contact
.” He reminded her as he stepped closer “It doesn’t say I can’t touch you.” He said placing his hand over hers. “It doesn’t say we can’t explore our options.”

Bailey looked at his hand and he saw her hesitate for a moment before removing her hand.

“I can’t…..I’m not that type of girl….you have girlfriend.”

With whom I have an open relationship.” He frowned. “We’re both free to pursue other interests as long as we’re open about it.”

Yeah see….that’s it…I’m not as open.”

“So you never dated two people at the same time?”
He asked amazed.


?” He said surprised.

.” She said moving away from him. She walked over to the closet and grabbed some blankets out of the drawers then went about making up a makeshift bed for herself.

“Ok, well…we are going to kind o
f be dating the next few weeks…we have to make it believable for the wedding.”

“Yes…but we both know it won
’t be real.”

“Why not

Again…..Macy…..I’m sorry Beckett….I’m just can’t be that other girl.” She said walking back to Tristan. She moved the stray hair away from his eyes then leaned down and kissed him.

Beckett watched this act of tenderness then waited for her to remove her shoes and sit on the bed before he asked.

“What if there was no Macy?” He asked.

.” She said looking shocked. “Don’t do that, don’t disrupt your life like that….Beckett…this is a contract agreement….in a year it will be over….”

“What if it wasn’t
?” He asked now trying to gauge her reaction.

“You’re not the marrying kind remember
.” She said throwing his words into his face. “And I’m not one for casual sex…’re best sticking with Macy.”

“You don’t think you and I can have a relationship without sex?”
He asked.

Bailey smiled sadly
. “No....Beckett we were thrown together under the wrong circumstances…in the next few weeks we are going to have to act as if we truly love each other….it would be too easy to take it seriously…..after we’re married you will go back to your life…with Macy.”

“What if I don’t
?” He said trying to hide his irritation. She was simply dismissing him without even giving him a chance.

“You will
.” She said. “If you weren’t satisfied with the way things were you would have ended it with her already…..Beckett I’m sorry……I have Tristan and Alexis to consider….and if you really want honesty.” She said meeting his gaze. “I like you….and I am very attracted to you…this is a dangerous combination ….it would be too easy to fall for you and forget about everything else….I can’t risk that.”

“Can’t….or won’t
?” He said trying to control his anger now.

“Is there a difference?”
She sighed. “I’m sorry.”

Beckett watched her lie down now
placing her back to him. She pulled the blanket over her shoulder and closed her eyes wishing sleep would come. She could feel his eyes on her and held her breath hoping he would let it go. When she heard him sit on the chair she couldn’t help but feel the hurt of rejection. Angry now at herself Bailey couldn’t blame him, she was the one pushing him away. She knew if she allowed herself she would fall hard for him and in the end her heart would be broken when he moved on. She knew he would move on because he was used to exciting beautiful supermodels that fulfilled his every fantasy. She was way out of her league and she knew it. Still as a tear slid down her cheek Bailey dreamed.

Beckett sat in silence as he watched her. He knew she wasn’t sleeping but felt the invisible wall she had erected between them. It took will power on his part not to go over and kiss her into submission.
His mind wandered back to earlier that night when she had fallen into his arms. He knew it was an accident and he should have been a gentleman and stepped away. But when he felt her in his arms and he tilted her face to meet his he couldn’t resist. The look in her eyes and the way her lips were slightly parted in surprise just begged to be kissed. His kiss was soft and hesitant at first, testing the waters before he dove in. She seemed hesitant almost shy at first but when he felt Bailey’s arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer and her lips parting for him in invitation he gladly obliged. His tongue began to explore the sweet recesses of her mouth and she tasted like honey. When his arms encircled her waist pressing her soft curves against his chest she moaned and his reserve was shattered. He deepened his kiss taking full possession of her as he backed her against the wall. As Beckett pressed himself against her there was no way to hide his desire for her. Suddenly she froze and began to push against him. It took a moment for him to comprehend and finally he relented. Pulling back but keeping his arms around hers he stared down into her face.

“Beckett…no….we… can
’t.” She said her voice barely a whisper. “The contract.”

Her words were as effective as if she had
doused him with water. He immediately released her then stepped back leaning against the opposite wall as he tried to regain his emotions. Beckett knew his confusion mirrored hers over what had just transpired.

“Bailey…I’m sorry…that shouldn’t have happened
.” He said and he saw the pain of rejection in her eyes. “I don’t know what I was thinking…it won’t happen again.”

With that he turned and left her standing there feeling confused and rejected.
As he walked away Beckett heard her go into her room slamming the door behind her and he knew he should have gone back and talked to her. But he needed to figure out what was going on before he could address the issue with her. He had gone down stairs intent on heading to the study for a drink when he heard voices. He could make out Regina’s voice and Jaspers. They were having a heated discussion about living accommodations and it was obvious Jasper was not happy about being thrown out. He stood there for a moment eves dropping and was pleased when he heard Regina stand her ground. She had evidently heard about the incident with Bailey and did not bother to hide the distaste she had for Jasper and his sexual preferences. Over the years she had turned a blind eye to her staff and his abuse but when it came to her granddaughter she wasn’t budging.

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