Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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“You want me to court your granddaughter?” Beckett asked.

“Isn’t that what you have been doing?” She smiled.

“Have you forgotten I am involved with someone else
?” He said reminding her of Macy.

“No you’re not.” She said confidently. “You’re passing time with her. I’ve seen you with Bailey and you are more than interested in her. The way you reacted when Jasper attacked her and tonight. You are protective of her.”

“That’s how my parents raised us.”

, which is obvious since your brothers took care of Rhett for you. I watched you tonight and you were jealous when other men danced with her.” She grinned. “You may have a great face for poker but you have telltale signs where my granddaughter is concerned.”

“Just what are you hoping
for?” He asked once again feeling he was a pawn in her game.

“I’m hoping you don’t break my granddaughter’s heart.” She said honestly.

“I don’t plan to.” He said studying her now.

Despite the front she was putting on she was an old lonely woman who had lived a life of regrets. In Bailey, Alexis and Tristan she saw her chance of redemption. A way to make up for all the mistakes she had made to preserve the family name. He looked to his parents and knew they saw it too.

“Regina.” He said looking back at her. “I won’t deny that I’m attracted to Bailey. I want it understood though….if I pursue her it’s not because of the pretense of our marriage or for the business arrangement we’ve made. I also insist on no interference or meddling on your end.”

“You have my word.”

“And you have my word I will live up to the terms of our contract. However, at the end of the year it will be Bailey’s choice to decide the resolution of our marriage.”

“Very well.” She agreed.

“I need to get back to her so if you will excuse me.” He said as he turned to leave just as his brothers returned.

“How’s Bailey?” Trent asked as they entered the room.

“Shaken….I was just on my way up to see her….what happened after I left?”

Remington gave Rhett an ultimatum, leave town and never come back or he would call the authorities….we kind of helped him helped him make his decision.” Trent grinned as Ethan handed him a drink.

“Thank you….I wanted to kill him.” Beckett said looking at Trent.

“So did we.” Ethan added. “But that wouldn’t have helped Bailey.”

“No…I need to get up to her….we’ll talk in the morning.”

“Sure.” Trent nodded. “Maybe she should stay home tomorrow.”

“I agree….I’ll let you know.”

Beckett headed up the stairs as his brothers filled his parents and Regina in on what had taken place after they left. When he reached her room he hesitated contemplating what had transpired that night. They had definitely changed the direction of their relationship and he had been honest with Regina when he spoke to her. He was planning on pursuing a relationship with Bailey. He didn’t know where it would lead but at the end of the year where they went would be her decision. He didn’t want her out of some sort of obligation.


When Beckett left Bailey had felt the fear once again take hold. Despite the warmth of the water her body trembled. Trixie remained with her helping her bath and wash her hair. After drying off she slid into the nightgown and climbed beneath the covers
as Trixie sat watch. Every sound drew her eyes to the door wishing Beckett would return. She had been a fool tonight not seeing through Rhett’s deception. Looking back there had been so many signs from the moment they met to the concerned looks of the men she was with when he approached her. Beckett was still deeply entrenched with Trent and the ladies and he hadn’t noticed her leave. From the members of the Remington family she had learned of the lady in white that haunted the blue room so when Rhett offered to show her the room she couldn’t resist. When he gripped her elbow as he led her towards the room she hadn’t given it a second thought. Her sense of danger didn’t kick in till he closed the door behind them. Still she remained assuming she was reading the situation wrong. He was charming as he spun the tale of the young lovers torn apart by their family’s differences. Suddenly the air chilled and Bailey felt a sense of foreboding. When she looked at Rhett he no longer seemed like the charming scoundrel he wanted others to see. She saw the malicious glint in his eye and realized she was in trouble. When she tried to reach the door he had blocked her path. As he moved towards her she backed up till she had nowhere to go.

“Jasper said you were stunning.”
His ragged voice said as he reached up and touched her cheek. She felt the blood drain from her face at the mention of Jaspers name. “He was an idiot for making his move so soon.”

Rhett…I would like to leave now.”

“Yes well I would like you to stay…you have played the tease with me all night…” He said placing his hands on both sides pinning her against the armoire. His breath was hot as he
inhaled her scent. Bailey tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrists pinning her hands behind her and when she attempted to scream his mouth sought hers. Rhett’s mouth was brutal as he attacked hers biting her bottom lip till she cried out in pain. The moment her mouth opened his tongue dove in. When she lifted her knee he moved pressing his body against hers leaving her no leverage. She felt his desire press against her and the fear overtook her. Unable to push him off she tried to scream again but his mouth sealed her voice. He pulled back now grinning at her.

“You can try screaming but no one will hear you. They are too far away”

He released her hands as one hand grabbed her hair forcing her head back so he could now taste her neck while the other moved to her breast painfully squeezing it. She tried to push him off but he was too strong. Bailey tried to think of a way to escape but her fear overrode her brain. He pulled back again placing both hands on each side of her as he smiled seeing the fear in her face. It was at that moment Beckett had charged into the room and flew at Rhett knocking him to the floor. She felt her legs weaken and would have collapsed if Mr. Remington had not pulled her to his chest offering her comfort form her ordeal. When Beckett’s brothers pulled them apart she saw the blow Rhett landed and she was suddenly overwhelmed as the chill overtook her. Only when Beckett pulled her into his arms did she feel safe. She was in a state of shock as he carried her down the back stairs and into the limo, the brandy had warmed the chill but only his arms drove her fear away. When he had left she had been consumed again with fear and as she waited her body began to tremble.

When the door opened and he stood there she threw the covers away and ran to his arms. He was warm and safe, his muscles flexing as he wrapped his arms around her. She clung to him
feeling his strength as he lifted her carrying her back to her bed. With one look Trixie discreetly left pulling the door behind her. She heard him talk, felt the vibration of his voice against her hair but she could not comprehend what he was saying. Kicking off his shoes and removing his jacket he sat back in her bed pulling her with him. The blanket was pulled over them and he stroked her hair, speaking to her in a soothing tone till her body stopped shaking. Slowly the fear left her and she could comprehend his words.

“Your safe Bailey….
I’m here and no one will hurt you ever again.” He said kissing the top of her head.

She grabbed onto his shirt knotting it in her hand as she clung to him fearing he would leave her again. The heat from his body warmed her and she settled in needed the connection to him. For almost an hour they sat there as his hand moved down her back gently rubbing until the tension subsided. When Beckett lifted her chin till her eyes met his Bailey saw the concern on his face.
She also saw the guilt he felt assuming responsibility for leaving her alone.

“Bailey…can you tell me what happened?”
Instantly the fear returned and she saw the frown on his face as he regretted bring up the subject. “I’m sorry, we don’t need to talk about it right this moment.”

She hesitated knowing he needed the information but she needed to forget. Taking a deep breath she bit her lip to prevent the trembling than began.

“Rhett overheard Jefferson tell me about the ghost that haunted the blue room. He offered to show me the room. You and Trent were busy with the ladies. I planned on going with him and once he showed me the room I would come get you.”

“I never saw you leave.” He apologized.

“You were talking to the redhead.”

“Annabella.” He groaned remembering her persistence.
During their conversation she insisted on touching him as she recalled her summer in France. “She thought to impress me with her worldly travels. Hoping to entice me away to a secluded room despite the fact I was engaged to you.”

Annabella was strikingly beautiful. She was nearly as tall as Beckett with a body that rivaled a Victoria Secret model. Her dress was cut low in the front revealing an ample display of her bosom and the back dipped indecently low. She was impossible to ignore with her flaming red hair
and emerald green eyes and never in the evening had she lacked a suitor. Bailey had noticed her attempts to catch Beckett’s eye hoping he would ask her to dance but other than the elderly matrons present he had reserved his dances for her. Not daring to ask if he had been tempted she continued.

“I was stupid….I should have known better…the way the other men seemed upset when I agreed should have warned me.”

Beckett tensed. “No they should have stopped you or at least come and got me knowing Rhett’s past.”

“Past?” She asked noticing his frown as he revealed too much.
She waited and by the look on her face he relented.

“Seems he and Jasper have something in common, he attacked a young girl and was arrested but his family paid off the girl
’s family so the charges were dropped.”

Bailey felt the blood drain from her face and Beckett pulled his arms tighter to comfort her. She knew he hadn’t planned on telling her that information hoping to shield her.
She waited till her heart stopped pounding before she continued.

“When we entered the room and he closed the door I should have seen
something was wrong but then he started talking about the couple that fell in love. The tragedy of forbidden romance and I got caught up in their story. But then the room got cold and that’s when I noticed the way he was looking at me.” She shivered as she looked at him. “It was like the ghost was trying to warn me.”

“Maybe she was.” He said.

“I tried to leave….he blocked my way.” She said as she looked away concentrating on the button on his shirt. “Then he pinned me and I couldn’t get away….I tried to scream but…..” She stopped swallowing the bile that now rose to her throat. “His mouth…..his hands….” She cried.

“It’s ok.” Beckett said as his body tensed in anger. “We don’t have to talk about it right now.”

“If you hadn’t come in...” She said looking up at him. She needed to forget, needed him to wipe away the memory. She sat up and searching his face she saw his hesitancy. After Jaspers attack she had needed him then too but things progressed and in the end he left her. She couldn’t face that rejection again. When she bit her lower lip his eyes darkened as his gaze fell to her mouth. When she leaned towards him his reserve fell and he pulled her too him caressing her lips slowly. Bailey entwined her fingers in his hair pulling him deeper into the kiss. She needed him to erase Rhett’s memory and sensing this he deepened the kiss. Bailey moved now to straddle his lap as her hands moved to his shirt. Her fingers began undoing his buttons as his hands pushed her nightgown up giving him access to her legs. When the last button was undone he sat forward allowing her to remove his shirt. Bailey marveled at his body enjoying the feel of his muscles as the flexed beneath her hands. Digging his hands into her ass he pulled her closer till she felt his desire press against her. His lips moved to her neck and as he kissed the sensitive spot beneath her ear she moaned. Suddenly he stopped and pulling back fought to regain his control.

“Bailey….we can’t.” He said gently holding her at arms distance. Again she felt his rejection and tried to move away but he held her in place. “God Bailey you don’t understand how much I want you. But your emotional
state is driving this and I would be taking advantage of you if we proceeded.”

“I don’t care.” She cried.

“I do and later you would too. There’s no rush…we have time.” Bailey felt embarrassed by her wanton display and sensing this he reached up forcing her to look at him. “When it happens…..I don’t want any regrets.”

“Ok.” She said then fearing he would leave she asked. “Will you stay though….I don’t want to be

“Of course.” He smiled. “Lie down.”

Bailey slid off his lap and lay down. Grabbing the blanket he laid down next to her pulling her into the security of his arms as he covered them. He kissed the top of her head then stroked her hair as he whispered. “Go to sleep Bailey.”

She closed her eyes listening to the sound of his heart beneath her ear. The rhythm of his breathing and the warmth of his body soon lulled her to sleep. When the nightmares came he was there to hold her, soothing her back to sleep.
When she awoke in the morning he was still with her but had moved to the chair next to her bed.

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