Forbidden Days (The Firsts) (24 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Days (The Firsts)
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“You smell like sex.  I can smell your scent.  I know it like I know my own.  I need to taste you.  Have for a week now.  Let me stay, Bern.  I have so much more I want to teach you about your vampire body.”

Before he knew it he was flat on his back on her bed.  She’d super-speeded him there, trapped under her, smiling down at him from her position sitting on top of him.  He looked up at her wild hair and beautiful face above him and thought he might lose it right there.  She turned him on so much he was hard just thinking about her…he was already hard when he arrived at her door.   But with her straddling him…he was afraid he might shoot before he got inside her.   But he wasn’t letting her take the lead.  Not the first time.  He vampire-flipped her, trapping her under his body.  She already knew she couldn’t take back control.  He was too powerful for a newbie.   Sitting on top of her, he started untying her robe, then watched as it fell away.

“I want you.  Now.  I just need one word from you.  I stay or go depending on what it is.  I don’t want there to be any doubt as to who made the final choice if we do this tonight.  Yes or no.”

Bernie stared at the spectacular hard body trapping her against her bed.  His hair was pulled back, as usual, and he was still dressed, but the buttons on his shirt were half undone.  She could feel his penis pushing against her belly.  She wanted it inside her worse than anything in her life.   He dropped forward and gently kissed her cheek, then dropped lower and licked her neck.  Then he nipped it, drawing blood.  She bucked with the sensation, the sexiest thing she’d ever felt.  She wanted him but she wanted
to beg
this time.  Their eyes connected and he smiled. 

“I know we had some rough days.  Let me make it better.”  He put his hand beneath him and touched her, drew his finger through her slit and up to her belly button.

“Yes.  Or no.”

“I’ve asked before.  I’ve begged.”

“No, you haven’t.  You’re not that woman now.  I wanted you before…I think I
you now.  I can’t stop thinking about how much I need to fuck you.  Is that what you want?  For me to beg?  I think I am.”

No, she didn’t want this magnificent beast to beg.  But she did want every inch of him buried in her as deep as he could.

“Yes,” Bernie said softly.  Vaz got off her and walked away as she got up on her elbows to watch.  If he left after this, she’d shred him, old vampire or not.  He went to the door and bolted it, and as he walked back, he dropped every article of clothing until he stood naked before her.  She couldn’t help herself…she wanted him inside her.  Now.  She bolted off the bed, her legs around his waist and he fell back against the wall.  Breathing hard, she repositioned herself, took his penis and put it at her opening.  He lifted her and moved her down over him…she moved to accept him, then rode him until they both climaxed so intensely his legs buckled and they both went down on the floor, still tangled together, still buried.  He rolled her over and wrapped his arms around her. Her hair covered them both.  She snaked a hand out and pulled his hair free from its bonds.

“Your hair is so beautiful.  I’ve wanted to see it spread over my thighs,” she admitted.  He pulled her up and laid her back on the bed.

“I am your slave, madam.  If that is your wish, it will be so.”

And there in her bed, Vaz moved down her body and buried his tongue in her, and she lost all ability to think as he took her to a second mind blowing orgasm within minutes of each other.  She just laid her head back and let herself float into ecstasy.  She glanced down once to see the very thing she had just fantasized about an hour ago… his shining blonde hair spread over her legs.  She was so glad she hadn’t died that day in Pine Run.  And she felt that if she died tomorrow, it would be okay, because nothing in this world could top this night.


Vaz never did this.  But after he took her to another climax, he climbed up into the bed and asked if he could stay out the day in her bed.  He always, always slept alone.  Bernie smiled and nodded.  He pulled her close, they didn’t bother with sheets, but wrapped up in a tangle of legs, arms, and long blonde hair, they slept.







Chapter Sixteen



Bas texted his crew and told them they had an urgent meeting first thing after rising that night.   Everyone dressed quickly and headed to the breakfast room.  He didn’t even have to let them know it was there, they just knew it would be.  After rest, vampires needed a lot of food.   So if he called a meeting right after rising, then it would be a meeting slash buffet.  Eugene was in the kitchen already and stacking trays with large quantities of items.

Park came in to see if she could help.  He turned from the huge oven, where he was removing a large tray of biscuits.

“No, you cannot.  You must keep rested.  Cherise tell me…congratulations, Ms. Park to you and Mr. Bas.”

“I know, right?  It’s crazy, isn’t it?  A vampire’s child with a vampire’s child.  My life is so nuts right now.”

“I think it is wonderful.  You will both be superb parents.”

“If we can survive my wicked father.  Did she make it clear to you how dangerous this might get?  I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I would defend you with my life.”

“Ah, now don’t say that.  I couldn’t handle it if anything bad happened to you.”

“I may not be immortal, but I am loyal.”

“Well, so am I, and I want you there to help me take care of this child.  So I can’t let anything happen to you.”

“It will be okay, Ms. Park.  Now you go get some of this before those pigs eat it all. 
.  Your body has two to feed now.  I believe the vampire baby will want very much.”

When she got back out, Bas smiled at her.  They’d been doing a lot of that this morning.  They had shared the shower and Bas had dropped on his knees with the waterfall jets pounding his head as he hugged her belly.  She knew he was still shocked, because she was too.  And yet she seemed to want to leave her hands on her belly, gently caressing the precious life so unexpectedly within.  Was mothering such an anthropological imperative that even someone so ill equipped to be one took to it naturally?  And if that were the case, what the hell happened to her own mother? 
stop it,
she told herself. 
There is no time for bitterness now.  That time in your life is
.  Bas and this little life growing inside her body…they were the future.  A future they would have to fight for…but what in her life hadn’t been?

Park had a plate half full of healthy food and half full of sweets.  She planned to eat the sweets first.  Today was not a day for diets.  Bernie shoved in next to her with a vampire platter-plate.  It was already heaping.  She felt a twinge of envy because she would be facing a body that she’d need to get back after the baby.  While Bernie ate more food in one meal than she could in three days.

“Hey, sister,” Bernie said, far too jovial for Bernie.

“Hey,” Park said suspiciously.  “You okay?”

Bernie grinned and pulled her up away from the others back to the now abandoned buffet table.   She grabbed half a pound of bacon with the tongs.

“I’m exceptional.”  She snagged Parks sleeve and pulled her close to her lips.  “Vaz and I fucked like wild rabbits the entire night.  I can’t get enough of him. God, Park, this vampire thing, sex, it is indescribable.  You should do it.  You should let them change you.  I wish you would, so we can be together for a very long time.”  Bernie shoved three pieces of bacon in her mouth at the same time.

“I got some news for you, too.  Why don’t we sit down and listen to Bas.”

“Okay, honey.  Just need to get a vat of that brown gravy and biscuits.  They smell outstanding.”

Bas called everyone to places, and while they were eating, he let them in on the situation.  Cherise rarely came to breakfast meetings, but she was here for this one.  Everyone knew now something was up.

“Alright.  I’m keeping this simple, because we have a lot to deal with.  And we don’t know when or how it’s going to be.  So, let me give you a little background on Park.   We call her our little human.  It turns out, it isn’t so.  I knew right away when I tried to compel her, something was wrong.  She can’t be compelled.  A blood bond doesn’t work on her either.  I also discovered she has a certain ability to read people, and that includes vampires.  Since then, I found out she also has some ability to move things, objects, by telekinesis.”   He decided not to tell them about her blood.  That detail could ultimately be the most dangerous thing to her.  “I knew I needed to find out what made her different.   Cherise, here, provided that answer.  It turns out Park is the daughter of one of the first vampires.  Yep.  You heard me.  They
exist and they are capable of breeding.  Park never knew any of this.”

“Her mother never told her?”  Iain asked.

“No.  Parks mother is…not part of her life.  However, our Cherise is a pretty special girl herself.  She isn’t exactly human either.  She says her people are seers, they know what a person is…what kind of a being.  Apparently there are quite a few different types of humans we don’t know about.”

Cherise stood up and smoothed down her dress.  She was used to being invisible in the background now.   She didn’t like this.

“They are called bridge species, because they bridge the space between the human and the supernatural.  They are quite varied, um, they have different abilities.  But they usually don’t let themselves be known.  They like to live normal lives in normal ways.  They are…
qu’est-ce que

“Well, because of Cherise’s skill, we know where Park comes from.  Here’s the bad part.  There are extremely few humans the first ones can breed with, so they really want Park back.  We suspect Park, even as a baby, was able to block her life signal from her father and the other firsts.  But there’s a good chance he may be coming for us soon.  Because, as it turns out, Park is pregnant with my child.”   The room erupted.  Bas calmed them down.  “Yes, I know, vampires are barren.  Turns out that’s not true.  It’s just that we can breed with only a very, very select few.  Cherise tells us though, that Parks first vampire father will be able to track her once she give birth to a child with the blood of the first, as our daughter will be.”

Bernie mouthed to Park, “A daughter…?”

Park nodded, her hands going to her belly again.

“So, here’s the situation we need to disclose.  In addition to the war we’re involved with because of the psycho rogue vampire, we now face a very powerful, rage filled original who may show up to claim his daughter.  And I won’t let him have her.  So, you need to decide if you are willing to stand with me.  If not, you will want to go.  Let me be clear.  We have never faced a threat like this before.  There is definitely a chance it could mean your life.  I need you, but I will understand if you want to go.”

Iain stood up, and Mick just after him.

“Ya know, we been alive a long time.  I’ve been missin’ a good fight.  I know me Mick feels the same way.”

“Aye.  I consider it an honor to protect your bairn.  The first vampire child I have ever heard of.  It’s a miracle, it is.”

Jake, Vaz, and Dez stayed seated.

Jake leaned back in his seat.  “I don’t know.  You guys want to come to Rio with me?”

The others grinned, with murmured “yeahs” going around.  Bas grinned back.

“It’s going to be really dangerous, guys.”

Vaz leaned back too.  “We got that.  We have never left your side these many years.  It won’t happen now that you need us most.  Besides, I’d like to see a first vampire.  I’d like to see if he’s really that big a badass.”   He stood, his eyes floating over everyone and then landed on Bernie.

“I, for one, think that, if we’re facing nearly certain death, have one thing I need to do.  Just one.  Maybe all night.” 

Mick rolled his eyes.  “Like we don’t know what that is.  We heard your lady say ya fucked like rabbits all night.”   He glanced at Bernie, who was trying to decide if she should look embarrassed.  “Just hoped it was gonna be with me.”

Bernie looked down at her biscuits and gravy, took another bite, but she was smiling.   Then Bas addressed her.

“Bernie.  You’re new.  I think you need to sit this out.  I think I need to send you somewhere safer.”

She shook her head.  “No.  No.  I’m not leaving.  I can help.  Somehow.  But I think I can be useful.  While you’re fighting, someone should stay with Park. Whatever I have to, but…I’m staying.  There’s no question.”

He saw her conviction.  Bas nodded.

“Dez, do you want to get your baby vamp out of here?”

“I don’t think there’s a safer place for him.  The other vampire could get him if he leaves here, just as surely as Parks father could if he stays.  No.  I think I’ll keep him here.”

“Your call.  Okay.  We pony up.  I’ve already arranged for some serious weaponry to be delivered by tomorrow night…sent out emails and texts to every vampire in the U.S., Canada, and South America about what is happening with the rogue vampire, and a small selection of long known friends and acquaintances who I’ve advised what is happening with Park, our child, and the first vampires.  Several have already responded that they wish to be here and are enroute.   Otherwise, Jake will work with everyone as far as preparing us as well as possible for this fight.  I’m still trying to decide how to handle Park’s personal protection.”

He looked at her, sitting quietly at their table, her eyes bright with moisture.  He knew it killed her to think she was responsible for all of this.

“But I think everyone here agrees, she and the child are worth it, right?”

The room exploded with confirmation.  Bernie actually slid in beside her and hugged her.  Dez rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.  The remaining vampires just clapped or whistled, or did thumbs up.  But it was clear, she had their entire support.

Park smiled at them all and said a quiet “thank you.”

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