Forbidden Embrace (23 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell

BOOK: Forbidden Embrace
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It has been over three weeks and we still have not heard from him; we are not only concerned for him but for Danika too. The Cerberus leaders wanted to make her their queen, and I don’t believe that they would just give up that easily and forget about her. We just want to alert you that there may be some more action and check to see if you’ve noticed anything out of the ordinary.”

Elijah, we’re so sorry your family has been through so much. I’ll make sure our group keeps our eyes out for unusual behavior. I can’t say that we have noticed anything, but we also believe the Cerberus was destroyed that night.”

We believed that we destroyed the ones in the New England area, but it appears they’re a much larger group than we expected. I am grateful for your continuing support; please know we’re always here if you need anything.”

Us teens realize we are not needed in the formal conversation and take Dakota out into the yard to toss the ball around. Alexander, Matilda. Danika, Dakota and I are able to goof around. He can handle our strength and speed and hold his own against us. This makes a game of football a little more fun. Once the older members of our group finish discussing the matters at hand, Tamo calls for Dakota to go. “Son, we must get back and inform the tribe. You and the other boys can come hang out later.”

Florence opens the door for our guests as they prepare to leave. “Thank you for coming, and please don’t stay away for so long next time.”

Once again everyone disburses and I sneak off to the art room to put the finishing touches on my drawing of Danika. I think it’s turning out great and will look wonderful on the walls with the rest of the family’s portraits. I’ll present it to the family later; for now I think I’m going to go see what Nathanial is up too. Things have been a little crazy and I just miss relaxing with him. I gather my things and start to head to my car, thinking I’ll surprise him and just show up at his house.

Pulling out of the garage I see Nathanial’s silver car pulling up the long drive, and can’t help but giggle that he has the same idea as me. I re-park my car and run out to the front veranda to meet him.

Hope I didn’t interrupt any plans,” he says as he gets out of his car.

Only a surprise visit to my favorite guy.”

Really, do I have to go kick some poor guys butt for moving in on my gal?” He gives me his half smile and I run into his arms.

You know that you are the only one for me, so how about you stop teasing me.”

Only if you ditch this guy and hang with me for the rest of the day.”

I scowl at him and give him a light punch to the arm. “Fine, be that way. Why don’t we go for a swim and then maybe we can go for a hike.”

That sounds great, but let’s do the hike first. I am always lazy after swimming.”

We start through the thick woods behind the house; the trees and wild flowers are all in full bloom now, and animals are scurrying on the ground as they search for food after the spring melt. Nathanial and I walk hand in hand down the small worn dirt path. We make our way up the mountain to the meadow, where families are enjoying the nice spring weather and a picnic. I show Nathanial how to track various animals and what the various foot prints belong too.

This is really interesting; thanks for sharing so much with me.”

Well I figure since you’re a part of my life you should know about what I do.”

I just love being up here with you. It’s hard to believe I’ve never been to this meadow and seen the beauty up here before you came. I’ve grown up here my entire life, but whenever my family and I go camping or do outdoors stuff, we drive a little further into the mountains. We should bring my parents up here some time; I think they would really enjoy it.”

Of course; speaking of your parents, how is your mom doing?”

She’s good; she still has no clue that whenever you are around her she gets the tired funny feeling. I even heard her tell dad it might be early menopause,” he shivers his body at the thought of his mother’s personal issues.

I’m wondering if I can convince her that I’m learning Reiki and let me practice on her.”

What the heck is Reiki?” Nathanial asks with a goofy look on his face.

With a good laugh, I explain, “Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique used for relaxation and stress relief. It also helps promote healing. It’s believed that by touching one can move his or her life force energies into the other to help heal them. This is very true, although not everyone can perform it. When I heal someone this is basically what I do, just on a much larger scale.”

You know that might just work. We can tell mom you have been studying this and would like to see if it can help her to relax after work.”

Maybe we should skip the swim and go to your house. Did your mom pick up another overtime shift this weekend?”

No, but I know she’s been stressed about this whole menopause thing, and bills are getting tight now that dad’s slowed down at work. Not much construction work right now… everyone is taking it easy. I think they’re still concerned about another recession hitting as hard as the one a few years back”

We start back down towards the house. “Why didn’t you mention that your dad needed some work? I know my family would hire him and pay him very generously too.”

I guess just a family pride thing. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”

We continue going over the options for his dad. I can discuss it later with Florence, Elijah, Constance and Isaac. I know my family will hire him to work around the house and the offices; that’s what friends and family do for each other.


Chapter 27

Caspian’s Torture


Drake and Cyrus have been torturing me since my return; I’m not even sure how long it’s been, only that I’m so thirsty. I’ve heard that when a
starves they shrivel up and appear to die, but if they are given blood again they are resurrected. I believe this is what they are doing to me, and this is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. It feels as if every nerve ending in my body is on constant fire, like a firework spectacular going off within me. The shackles and even my clothes touching me are like razor blades, or a million paper cuts. Feeling weaker by the moment and finding it difficult to keep my thoughts straight, I hear the door to the chamber open, and although I can no longer sense other supernaturals I know they are here to beat me again. I believe my power of sensing others is depleted due to the starvation. As the footsteps draw closer they hammer into my head from the enhanced super hearing, probably magnified by the starvation as well. I try to block the sound, but am too weak to control any of my original five senses. One of the bad traits of being a
we must be healthy and well fed for the added benefits to work, yet normal human senses that are enhanced due to vampirism are harder to control when weak. The starvation has caused my rapid healing to cease, and due to the beatings I have been receiving my eyes are almost completely swollen shut. I try to peer through the small opening left in my right eye and get a clue of who has come into the room, but no luck; everything is just a blur.

Cas, you have now endured your 30 days of punishment, and I will now release you and allow you to feed.” The voice I recognize as Drake announces as he approaches me to unlock the shackles.

The pain from his touch is nearly unbearable, but it only takes moments. Still difficult to see, I smell a mortal; my animalistic nature takes over and, like a police dog I sniff out the mortal in the room, pouncing and feeding. As the warm thick blood races down my throat I feel my body beginning to heal and repair itself from her crimson life curing me almost as fast as I drink. Continuing until there is nothing left, I prowl for more and just outside the door I smell another. Barging through the door I attack, tearing at his throat like a wild lion, feeling the man die at my hands as a sense of fullness overtakes me. I realize what I’ve done, what I am becoming; my thoughts become clearer and I slump next to the poor soul, torn to shreds by me and me alone.

Drake walks over, giving me a kick to the side. “Done already Cas, after 30 days of not feeding and the beating you took? I expected a few more mortals to die at your hand.”

Knowing that I must still play the role of repentance I respond with respect, “Yes master. If you may be so kind, though, I would like to clean up; a shower and clean clothing would be appreciated.”

I have a shower in my office, and Marci has already laid out clothing for you. Of course there will be guards, as I still don’t trust you to not attempt an escape.”

Of course, I understand. When will I be allowed to return home to my apartment?”

I may allow you later today, but I will send someone to take you, as I expect to know where you are residing. I have also got you a cell phone so that I may contact you at all times; you also can assume there is a tracking device in it. I insist on knowing where you are and what you are doing at all times. You are now mine.”

Yes, of course.” I begin thinking of ways to evade him; he mustn’t know when I go to see my family…he can never find out they are my family. “May I clean up now?”

Yes, follow me. When you are done you may join us in the main area of the club.”

Drake shows me to his office and I recognize the woman, Marci, as the same one that helped to control Danika the night she was to initiate. I nod and excuse myself to the washroom. The walls are made from a frosted glass and, like the office area, the entire washroom is white. Various hygiene products from cologne, deodorant and mouthwash are all meticulously placed upon a round mirror on the counter. There are various scents all in mini travel size containers. I assume these are for the various guests Drake may have that use the area. A large white towel is hanging next to the glass encased shower, and I notice a dressing table has a pair of jeans and a V-neck shirt, shorts, and socks all placed perfectly in the center. Under the stool of the table rests a pair of sketchers, and a black leather jacket hangs to the side.

Marci follows me. “These are for your use; please feel free to use the products and clothing available to make yourself presentable for the master.”

Thank you.” She returns to the main office and shuts the door behind her. Through the frosted glass I notice her sitting on the sofa across from the washroom and watching my every move. I hear Drake excuse himself and leave the room.

Looking in the mirror I see only slight bruising remaining on my face and the swelling nearly gone. The large amount of blood I had is returning my rapid healing and it is almost complete. I feel myself returning to my normal state of mind, and the realization of what I just did sinks in. I just killed two innocent people; memories of Ashley come rushing through my head and my heart. I turn the shower on and hop in, hoping to push my thoughts and feelings aside. I must get focused again; I need to learn what the Cerberus have planned for Danika and the rest of my family.


The club is jammed packed tonight…lots of mortals here too. I am still finding it difficult to resist them, so I go up to the bar and order a shot, knowing that I can’t handle a tap. If I start drinking from someone again I won’t stop. It’s taking every ounce of will power I have to resist them tonight. I notice Cyrus walking towards me.

Cyrus, it’s good to be back in the land of the living and ever after.”

Well, I must say Cas, I hope you have learned your lesson and you won’t defy us again.”

Of course, I will be honorable and follow you. Please accept my apologies.”

You have paid your dues; but if it ever happens again, you will not be given a second chance. I will destroy you myself.”

Of course, I would expect nothing less from you.”

Now enjoy yourself tonight; we will be watching you.” He turns on his heel and walks away.

I mingle with the other members of the club, doing my best to avoid excessive contact with the mortals. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Isaac. He looks different; a disguise, but still him.

In a near whisper I greet him. “Isaac, how are you brother?”

Good, now that I know you’re okay.”

What are you doing here? It’s not safe for you. No one else is with you are they?”

No, just me and Eliza here. We thought it would be more believable if I brought a minion.”

I look over his shoulder and notice the young, tall woman I met only a few times while back with my family last month. “You have to be careful here.”

It’s okay, Isaac claimed me as his alone at the door, and Ebony and I did a protection spell before I left. Even if they wanted to get me, they wouldn’t be able to.”

I nod with understanding. “Well, I may be allowed to go to my apartment tonight. They are watching me, so you best be on your way. I’m okay now. I’ll contact the family soon.”

We just had to know you’re okay. It’s been a month.”

I was under the club until only today, and I will explain everything soon. Thank you for your concern, but please, I don’t want anything to happen to you. You must leave now. I promise I’ll be in contact soon.” I walk past the two as I don’t want to raise suspicions if I am caught talking to a new club goer for too long.

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