Forbidden Love With a Thug III (14 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Forbidden Love With a Thug III
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“Thirsty?” She reached out a beer to me, and a sandwich on a plate was in the other hand. Ever since I voiced my opinion about her not being as invested as I was in the relationship, she'd been doing way better. I liked her just fine before, but she didn't believe me.

“Thank you, shorty, why all this?”

“I can't feed you?” she grinned and sat down.

I pushed her hair behind her ears, and then brought her closer to peck her lips. I then paused the game so I could tear into my sandwich. As I was eating, I felt her staring at me, so I turned to look at her. I smacked my lips and then reached my sandwich out to her mouth, in which she took a bite before smiling with her adorable ass.

“I'm sorry, you just make it look so good. I actually ate the first one I made you.”

“It's cool,” I chuckled and sighed.

“What's wrong?” She scooted closer to me.

Cheyla was like my best friend, and she had my back more than anybody I felt. I didn't hide shit from her, as far as work goes. The only thing I kept from her were things that would involve her some kind of way if she knew about it. Other than that, my girl knew everything.

“You know that nigga who threw us that party when we first got started a while back?”


“Well, I think his sons are trying to take us out, but discreetly. We don't quite have any proof, just a gut feeling, but I know them niggas are behind who shot Kill.” I was gonna mention her brother, but decided to omit that.

“I wouldn't be surprised.”

“What do you mean?” I finished my sandwich.

“When we were at the party that night, they gave you guys these little looks before whispering amongst themselves. It was a look of jealousy, and like they were being fraud with you.”

I pulled my phone out and text Ali, because I needed him to track down Dante or Ahmad Johnson. I could've easily hit Sass, since Kill already had him tailing them, but I wanted to do this shit on my own. I felt like I needed to prove something. I wasn't gonna do anything, I was just gonna talk to the nigga and see if I saw what Cheyla saw. I would then go back to my family, and let them know my thoughts. Nothing too detrimental.

“Thanks, baby, aye, I'm gonna head out in a little bit.”

“Why? Kantwan where are you going?”

“I'm going to meet someone.” I stood to my feet.

“Kantwan, do not go meet with Axel's sons alone. Call Kill—”

“I ain't calling no fucking Kill! Why you always bringing that nigga up and taking his side? Whose girl are you huh?” Maybe she didn’t have my back like I thought.

“I'm yours’ Kantwan, but—”

“Aight then, act like it! Quit always cheering for this nigga when you're supposed to be my bitch, aight?”

She opened her mouth to speak, but decided against it. I was annoyed now, so I just rushed out and up the stairs to go hop in the shower. When I got out, I saw her bathroom door was closed, so she must've been doing the same. I slipped into some black joggers, black New Balances, a black t-shirt, and a black hoodie. I opted out of wearing jewelry. I snatched my phone, keys, and some cash before leaving out.

Ali texted me while I was in the shower, and let me know that Ahmad was doing something at his father's cleaners, the one that we used to clean our money in. I pulled up to it, and parked across the street. I chose to drive this 2001 Toyota Camry that I'd purchased for five thousand, because I didn't want to use my precious Mustang or any of the luxury cars I'd purchased recently. After discreetly making sure my Rhode Island plates were on correctly, I headed over to the cleaners.

When I walked in no one was in front, so I just slipped past the counter and headed to the back, securing my gun on the way. I was just here to talk, but in case someone tried to run up on me, I wanted to be prepared. I went into the back office, and when I opened the door, Ahmad shot up out of his seat frightened.

“Oh shit, it's just you,” he chuckled and then sat back down.

“Yeah, just me. So how you been, man? I ain't seen you around.”

“I been good, just working on making this Johnson’s Cleaners better than it was the day before, ya know?”

“Cool, you know, I came to talk to you and see if you knew anything. My brother got shot, and someone came by our traps trying to make a deal with one of our workers for a couple keys. Have you heard anything? Like have you witnessed someone talking slick about one of us?”

“Nope, but you know I don't do too much hanging out in the streets. I'm more of a business man than a street thug.”

“Fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means just what I said. I don't dibble and dabble in the streets like you and your brothers, so it would be hard for me to hear something about you, ya know?”

“Yet, you were begging my brother for a fucking job though, right?”

“I didn't beg. I simply offered my assistance to someone that I felt needed it. I was trying to assist him and clearly he needed me if he's out here getting shot at in broad daylight.”

“How did you know he got shot in broad daylight?”

“Huh? I mean you sai—”

“No, I said my brother was shot, I didn't say when he was shot, you bitch ass nigga.” I rose to my feet as I felt a sudden rush of anger flow through me.


As soon as he reached for something, I pulled out my silenced gun and popped his ass four times. I gave him two to the head, and two to the chest. He fell backwards, and his blood splattered all on the blinds behind him.

“Fuck!” I shouted.

Rushing to the camera room, I retrieved my pocketknife and slit every got damn wire in that bitch. I busted out the screens of the televisions with the butt of my gun, and then completely ransacked the room, damaging any recording devices they had. I then rushed to the very back where we used to band the money, and grabbed a lighter with gasoline. I poured and poured until there was no more left, and then went back into Ahmad's office to get some matches. I lit one when I got a little closer to the back room, and dropped it before running out. I hit the block and came back around to my car as if I wasn't just inside Johnson Cleaners, then slipped into my whip. The flames were already in the front of the place, and once I saw the windows break, I sped out of there.

I didn't feel like going home because this night had turned out to be a fucking disaster. I went there to talk, and ended up killing this nigga and burning the damn cleaners down. I knew Cheyla would try to reprimand me for not waiting for Kill, and I didn't want to deal with that shit. I drove to a nearby hotel, and quickly checked in before going up to shower. When I got out, my phone was ringing off the hook, and I saw it was Rachel.

Kill had moved me from meeting up with her and Tanya to get the product, to a new position. Now, I was to wait at the warehouse for one of our workers named Doley to drop the product off. I would then supervise a team of four in dividing and delivering. Ever since that change, it was like Rachel had been having withdrawals. We'd become cool… homies, and I guess she missed it. Or maybe she missed sucking me off.

“What's good?” I answered.

“Hey, I miss you.”

“Oh, word?”

“Yes, can you come over? Since I can never come to your house.”

“Yeah, because my girl lives there. But uh, I'm in a hotel tonight, so you can come through here. I will text you the address and shit.”

“Okay,” she responded excitedly.

Twenty minutes later, Rachel was knocking at my door. Since I didn't have a change of clothes, I just put on the same thing I was wearing, minus the shirt. I let her in, and that's when my phone began ringing again. I saw it was Cheyla, so I hit ignore and then silenced my phone.

“Had a nasty fight with your baby mama?” Rachel walked into the room looking sexy as fuck and carrying a bottle of patron in her hand. She was wearing a short ass dress with no straps that accentuated her perfect D cups and nice fat ass. Shit.

“Don't worry about that. Sometimes a nigga needs to just get away.” I plopped down on the bed and closed my eyes for a couple moments.

“Why did you have to bring ya girl to Starzz that night?” she quizzed in her thick Caribbean accent.

“Because I wanted to hang with her. Why else?” I lied. Cheyla's ass forced herself onto my night out, but I wasn't gonna say that. I already felt a little bad about letting Rachel give me some top.

“You know how I feel about you, and you knew that would hurt my feelings, Kantwan.”

“Shorty, she's my girl, fuck do you want me to do, huh? Be with the both of y'all or some shit? I ain't that type of nigga.”

“Or.” she walked over and straddled me on the bed. My hands immediately began rubbing her smooth golden thighs as if they had a mind of their own. Fucking her had crossed my mind, but I’d always only settled for head. “You can give me more attention.” I had never cheated on Cheyla, but damn was I craving shorty right now.

“What kind of attention do you want?” I bit my lip and let my hands go up her dress. She had on no panties, and it caused my breathing to become heavier as I squeezed on her ass. Moving her dress to her waist, I looked down to see her pussy, which was neatly trimmed, not bald.

“I want the attention you're giving me right now.” She gulped some of the Patron.

I sat up with her still in my lap, and then took the bottle from her. I took a couple sips, and then passed it back to her before pulling her dress over her head.
No bra, fuck

“Let me get a cap.” I moved her off of me after sucking the life out of her nipples.

“I'm clean, Kantwan, and I haven't fucked anyone since my last boyfriend three years ago.”

“I know, but I have enough kids.”

“You only have an unborn.”

“And that's all I want right now.”

I stepped out of my joggers, and my dick was standing at attention already. I waved her over, and she took my dick into her mouth to begin working. I threw my head back as she pleasured me with her warm wet mouth. Gripping her hair, I began humping her face, hitting her tonsils every now and then. She was moaning as she gave me the sloppiest fucking head in the world. I felt my nut rising, so I pulled her off, and then got on my back to roll the condom down.

She straddled me, and then slowly moved down my pole, whimpering the whole way. Once she made it to the base, she cried out and her body shivered. I could tell by how tight her walls were that she hadn't been fucked in a cool minute. I began guiding her up and down my rod slowly, and that shit felt so damn good. I knew she had that bomb between her thighs.

“Baby, uuuh shit,” she moaned and knotted her face up.

She finally got used to my length and girth, so she started to rock her hips back and forth, and up and down. She was so damn wet, and I was about to lose my mind. Her pussy was fire, and definitely second runner up to Cheyla's. Cheyla's pussy was molded just for my dick it seemed, so she was slightly better feeling.

I flipped her onto all fours, and when I got inside I began beating it up. She clenched her teeth together as I pounded her feverishly, and I could feel her nectar dripping down her thighs. I delivered her some more long hard thrusts, and then finally I filled the condom up. She just collapsed onto her stomach as I climbed off the bed and went to flush the condom.

I wiped my dick down with a warm, soapy towel, and then went back to the bed where she was. She was breathing hard still, but able to turn onto her back. Her legs were trembling, so I scooped them up and put them under the covers for her. She snuggled up to me, and kissed my jawline before exhaling.

“You got me sprung that quickly,” she whispered and chuckled. “It could always be like this, Kantwan, she would never know.”


Chapter Eight: Ivy

That same night…

Tonight my baby and I were gonna go hang out with each other, since Donovan was spending the night with Jersey. Most of the time, we usually went to dinner, the movies, or little places for Donovan, but tonight we were gonna party together. Elijah had become my best friend, and who better to party with than a sexy ass best friend that can dick you down?

I finished fastening my necklace, and then ran my hands down my camel colored dress as I observed my appearance. I wore matching camel stilettos, and since my golden blond hair was freshly pressed, I let it hang down. I spritzed some of my Chloe perfume on, and then turned around to see my love smiling as he watched me near him.

“What you looking at?” I asked as I approached him. He was sporting a navy blue button up, dark jeans, navy blue Adidas, and just the right amount of jewelry.

“The prettiest girl in Delaware?” he grinned and rose to his feet. I pushed his dreads from his face, and then stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. Yes, even with heels on, I had to get on my tiptoes to kiss his ass.

“You ready?”

He nodded and then we left.

On the way there we listened to Pandora, letting it get us in the party mood. It did us right, because the whole way there we were grooving to all kinds of club jams. By the time Elijah pulled up, we were both ready to go inside and have a good ass time. After giving his keys to valet, we held hands and then walked straight to the front. The bouncer let us by, and then Elijah led me right to the dance floor. Tonight, we had a table, but we really wanted to just dance.

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