Authors: Frankie Robertson

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A number of young women had sighed forlornly as the Elven warriors departed. Apparently the stigma of being Fey-marked was no longer a problem, at least for some people.

Ragni pulled her closer, stroking his hand over her belly, sending shivers of desire through her body yet again. Saeun wondered if she was with child yet. If not, it wasn’t for lack of effort. Contentment and joy filled her to overflowing and she savored the emotions, knowing that Ragni would feel her happiness along with his own.

Utta hopes we’ll both conceive soon, so our children will be of an age with Celia and Dahleven’s son.

Ragni laughed and hugged her.

I’ll happily do my part, love. Just give me a chance to catch my breath.

And Aenid and Sorn’s daughter will be only a year older,

she added.

Freyr and Freya!

Ragni chuckled.

I can just imagine the gaggle of them running wild through the halls like Dahl, and Sorn, and I did. We’ll have our hands full in a few years,

he said, caressing her breast.

Her arousal was instantaneous and she pressed into his palm, wanting more.

You mean like yours are?

she teased.

He rolled her under him, and his smile was full of love and the promise of more.

Gods, I hope so.






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This book is better due to the generous advice of the Working Title critique group: Brian Gross,
Larry Hammer, Jill Knowles, Roxy Rogers, and Janni Lee Simner, and has benefitted from the attention of the Tanque Wordies critique group: Dennis L. McKiernan, Diane Turner, and John Vornholt. A special thank you to Martha Lee McKiernan for plying us with delicious desserts.


My editor Rochelle French at Edits That Rock helped put the final polish on
, and Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs designed the cover. Natasha Fondren of E-book Artisan Design formatted the POD interior, and Lucinda Campbell formatted the digital version.


The Saguaro Romance Writers chapter of the Romance Writers of America is an amazing group of people. They've been extraordinarily supportive, and have given me a safe environment to learn and grow as a writer.


Most especially I want to thank my husband Brian for his unending encouragement and support.


Frankie R
writes fantasy and romantic fiction with an otherworldly twist. She has lived all over the United States, but now lives with her husband in southern Arizona. Her backyard is often visited by hawks, coyotes, javalinas, and bobcats, who don't get along well with the bunnies, quail, and lizards. She brings a varied background to her writing, including experience as an investigator with the Western Society for Paranormal Research.

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