Forbidden Worlds - Box Set (24 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Gardner

BOOK: Forbidden Worlds - Box Set
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Chapter 2


He hadn’t expected to see her again so soon. Striding across the resort’s cavernous lobby, wearing a black dress that barely reached her thighs and left one long, graceful arm deliciously bare, she looked regal and determined.

Kane swiveled away from the concierge with whom he’d been discussing a tour to Sensuron’s lava pools, and followed her progress without the slightest concern for subtlety.

She didn’t see him, or if she did, she paid his blatant stare no heed. In one hand she clutched a small, silver purse, decorative and useful for carrying nothing larger than a lipstick. Her other hand, she pressed to the flat of her abdomen, splaying fingers tipped in opalescent polish. She bit her lower lip with even, white teeth, and glanced over her shoulder twice. Her nervous gaze skipped over him as if he were nothing more than a part of the opulent décor.

“Thank you, I’ll book a tour later in the week,” Kane said to the still-babbling concierge. He dismissed the man with a wave of his hand and started across the lobby, his senses buzzing. Every suspicious nerve in his body came to attention when a tall, gray-haired man appeared at Ms. Rule’s elbow. She started at this touch. A tremor coursed through the hand she raised to brush her hair in a fluttering cascade over her bare shoulder.

The man whispered to her, his features set in what looked like annoyance. She responded with a tight, artificial smile and jerked her elbow from his grasp. Next, the man put his hand against the small of her back. The gesture might have seemed affectionate from a distance, but Kane had seen enough political assassinations to recognize the underlying menace. The man’s position could now effectively hide a weapon. Ms. Rule’s tawny complexion paled when the man urged her forward toward the bank of transport tubes that led to Sensuron’s SpacePlex and Starport. From there, guests could leave the partially terraformed asteroid in almost any manner that suited them, from luxury space yachts to cargo ships. Ms. Rule’s stiff posture made it clear she didn’t want to go into the tubes.

Tarrant hurried across the lobby, drawing close enough to hear a disturbing snippet of conversation.

“If you want to play the game, Nola, you have to be willing to follow the rules.”

“I told you, I did everything Renault wanted. He said he’d leave me alone if I cooperated, and I have.”

The gray-haired man seemed uninterested in her response. He moved deliberately toward the tubes, exerting enough pressure on Nola’s back to make her stumble in her narrow heels.

Tarrant made his move just as they reached the first platform. He stepped up behind the man and looped an arm around his neck. With a bank of large, flowering plants behind them, no one near the check-in counter or the concierge desk would see Kane pull the man into a curtained communications booth next to the tubes.

Nola gasped when her captor lurched away from her. She turned, her eyes wide, her lips forming a startled “O” as Kane dragged the man into the adjoining booth.

Once inside the small alcove, Kane positioned the man so his face was pressed against the cool back wall. The slightest pressure of Kane’s body would snap the man’s spine, and fortunately, they both knew it.

“You seem to be bothering the lady. Is there something I can help you with?” Kane surprised himself by slipping into the clipped tones of a general. His words were quiet, but the force behind them was deadly.

“I believe…there’s been a misunderstanding…” The man forced his response out in puffs of labored breath. “I was…merely escorting the lady…to her transport.”

“There’s been a change of plans, and she won’t be taking a transport this evening. I suggest you
, however, and get as far away from me as possible. Do I make myself clear?”

“I’m a guest at this…establishment…you can’t just—”

Kane applied just enough pressure to cut off the man’s response. He gasped but wisely didn’t struggle.

“I believe you will be checking out. Won’t you?”

The man nodded. Kane lifted him away from the wall and turned him to face the billowing privacy curtain. Using only a fraction of the force he wanted to, he shoved the man out of the booth and followed, straightening his formal jacket as he did so.

To his credit, the man didn’t turn around. He strode toward the tubes and entered one without a backward glance. Kane noted his destination was the Star Port. With the man’s physical characteristics, and even his scent, branded into his mind, Kane had no doubt if Nola’s attacker showed up at the resort again, he would know about it.

He turned to look for her, but not surprisingly, she’d disappeared. With a sigh, he moved a step toward the tubes before he heard the small sound coming from the communications booth next to the one he’d just vacated.

He listened outside the curtain, and the unique scent of her perfume reached him. More than a minute passed before she flung the curtain aside and barreled out of the booth, practically running him down in her haste to escape.

“There you are!” he said as though her appearance surprised him. “I was looking for you.”

She looked up sharply, her beguiling eyes glittering. “You needn’t concern yourself. It was nothing.”

“I believe you’re wrong. That man seemed a bit unfriendly. Perhaps you should report his behavior to resort security.”

“No. That won’t be necessary.” She held a moment, the defiant tilt of her chin threatening to collapse. Then she let out a breath of defeat, her shoulders sagging. “I’m sorry. I should thank you for your…assistance.”

“Would you care to tell me what’s going on?”

She shook her head, her curls dancing behind her back. “No. I’d rather not. Suffice it to say, I’m grateful you happened along.”

“I didn’t happen along. I saw you across the lobby, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I’ll admit, when I saw that man take your arm, I was motivated to intervene more by jealousy than chivalry.”

Her lower lip dropped a fraction, and then to Kane’s delight, she broke into a smile. “Even after I was so rude to you at the bar this afternoon?”

“I’m flattered you remember. I would expect I was merely one in a long line of men vying for your attention.”

“Yes, but you’re the only one who cared enough to save my l—” She caught herself inexpertly and groped for a better word. “To intervene. I appreciate it.”

Kane held her gaze for a moment, surprised by his own inability to walk away. “You looked as though you were on your way somewhere. May I escort you?”

She glanced around the quiet lobby, indecision clouding her eyes. “I was planning to go to dinner, but I’ve lost my appetite for crowds. Perhaps you could walk me back to my bungalow?”

Kane sensed her reticence. He couldn’t have refused even if he’d wanted to. She was frightened, and he wanted to find out why. He offered his arm. “Of course. Lead the way.”


* * * *


The U-4EA had done more than rattle Nola’s tenuous nerves during the exchange in the lobby. Watching Kane dispatch Hathan had sent a frisson of sexual excitement through her. Now, walking beside him, her fingers curled around the impressive width of his bicep, she could barely control her desires. Beneath her scant dress, moisture soaked the black thong she wore. Her nipples had grown diamond hard, aching for a man’s demanding touch. She’d learned her lesson, though. Next time she needed to seduce a man as gorgeous as Tarrant Kane, she’d forgo the stimulants. They tended to cloud her objective and make her think with her clit instead of her brain.

That thought amused her. Now she knew how men felt, led by their hormones to do things their brains might later regret. What would Kane think of her if she dragged him off the pathway and into the bushes for a quickie?

“Is something funny?” he asked, closing his warm fingers over hers.

“No, I was just…I guess I’m nervous.”

“Do you think the man in the lobby has friends?”

“I’m sure he does, but that’s not—”

“My background is in security. If you tell me what’s going on, I’m certain I can help.”

Good. She had him hooked. “Here we are.” She made sure her voice was a little too high and fluttery. “This is my…bungalow.”

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m certain I left a light on inside. I hate to come home in the dark.”

The small building looked like all the other luxury accommodations that bordered Sensuron’s man-made beach. Two long, narrow windows framed an arched glass door that led directly into the bungalow’s master bedroom. The flimsy curtains across the doorway looked askew. Nola surveyed her work with satisfaction.

Beside her Tarrant tensed, and the image of a jungle cat ready to pounce formed in Nola’s mind. All that power coiled beneath the austere suit he wore made her hot. Could she keep herself from climbing all over him until she got him inside?

“Allow me to go in first. I’ll look around.”

“Thank you.”

She waved her hand over the lock and the door sprung open. He left her on the narrow patio and shouldered inside, silent and taut.

When he returned a moment later, his sensuous lips were compressed in a thin line. “It looks like someone has gone through your things.”

She feigned shock and hurried past him into the bedroom. Scraps of cloth littered the bed and the floor. Shoes lay everywhere. She laughed. “No. This is exactly how I left it.”

“Oh.” He peered over her shoulder, his warm breath causing a tingle that ran down her spine to the hot spot between her legs. “You must have left in a hurry.”

“You’re too kind, Mr…”

“Kane. Tarrant Kane. Forgive me for not introducing myself, Ms. Rule.”

“Nola, please. I’m embarrassed to confess that I’m not much of a housekeeper while I’m on holiday. My work environment is spotless, but I’m somewhat careless with my clothes.”

“On the bright side, this would deter any thief.” He laughed, and she liked the sound. It rumbled in his big chest, bringing to mind that feline image again. Would he purr if she stroked him?

“Thank you for walking me here. I hope I haven’t cut into your plans for the evening.” She made sure to lean a little closer, pressing her ass against his thigh.

“I have to confess,
were my plans for the evening. I was hoping to find you and… convince you to have dinner with me.”

She turned, careful to make her lower lip quiver just a bit. “Were you?”

“I find I’m not in the mood for crowds myself, though. Perhaps you would allow me to order room service?”

One deep breath expanded her chest against his. She dropped her eyes, focusing her gaze on his lips. “I’m afraid I’ll need to work up an appetite first. How about you?”


* * * *


Kane harbored no doubt that Nola Rule was playing him. She wanted something. No, she
something. Her veneer of sophistication covered up a soft, chewy center of desperation. She was in trouble and looking for a defender. He’d stumbled right into her web.

Any other man, upon realizing he was a mark of some sort, would have politely backed away and run for his life. A former Earth-Sec General couldn’t pass up that kind of a challenge. He hadn’t run a mission in over a year, and he ached to test his skills and make sure his instincts hadn’t begun to rust.

How long could he fool her into thinking she had him? Long enough, perhaps to play out a few of the carnal fantasies he’d entertained that afternoon while lounging by the pool.

He let his lips curve in a faint smile and placed his hand over the little blue symbol etched onto the golden skin of her naked shoulder. The U-4EA stamp gave her away completely. A woman who looked like her certainly didn’t need to advertise her desire for sex. Everything about her said, “take me,” especially those sinfully red lips.

“How about a moonlit wind sail?” he asked, blowing a hot breath over the shell of her ear. She shivered, and his cock responded instantly, straining against the tight briefs he wore beneath his suit.

“I was thinking of something a little more private.” She snapped her fingers, and the lights dimmed. “It’s been a while since a man…since I’ve wanted to…be with someone. Would you indulge me, Mr. Kane?” She pressed against him, and his hands fell involuntarily to cup her ass.

“Are you asking me to fuck you, Nola?”

“Yes…” She tilted her head up, those lips beckoning. “I don’t normally do this. I want you to know that.”

“Hmm.” He leaned in, brushed his mouth against her jaw and tasted the edge of her tenuous smile. A hot, sweet flavor spread over the tip of his tongue. Flavored lipstick…to go with the U-4EA patch. “Is this a special occasion?”

Her breathing grew ragged as he drew her tightly against his straining erection. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“What a coincidence. Neither do I.” Kane dove in, cupping the back of her head. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pressed his lips against hers until she opened to him. He dove in deep, drinking in the sugary taste of her lips. Her body seemed to mold perfectly to his, and she spread her legs just enough to convey an invitation. The hem of her too short dress stretched tight across her thighs, and Kane thrust his other hand underneath, searching. The thin strap of a thong met his exploration, and he dragged it away from the nest of curls between her legs. She moaned and swept her hair aside, baring her shoulder to him. “Do it.”

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